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I am gonna be completely honest, I thought it was a good idea for awhile and seemed to work but his love for Marina Oswald was a bit...much.


It's so ridiculous and not believable.


It's not believable that a repressed kid that has never touched a woman, falls in love with his beautiful neighbor that he can't dream of having? Seems pretty believable to me


I mean her reciprocating is not believable. LHO would have killed her for infidelity - maybe him, too.


Oh, you're a "JJ Abrahams" hater. If you want to have voice-over for 8 episodes and entire episodes where Jake sits around and talks to himself, that's fine, but it makes for terrible television. Shows aren't meant to be literal adaptations of books


Fuck off. Love Abrahams. I am an avid film watcher and maker. You can tell a story in infinite ways. Please don't treat VO as the only way to visually or audibly tell a story. There Will Be Blood certainly didn't have this fucking problem now did it?




lmao dude you need to relax


I'm passionate. What can I say.


No, you're an asshole. You crossed the 'passionate' line a long time ago buddy. There's no need to be so cunty to other people no matter how strongly you believe something.


Even freedom?


There Will Be Blood is also a chore to watch. Sure as hell wouldn't watch 8 hours of it.


This show is getting worse and worse. The Bill character is an embarrassment. I predicted this outcome like 4 episodes ago. The first 2 eps of this show were good.. But since then it's been steeply downhill. I'm actually in the camp that's mad at the woman who butchered this story


I would politely confront her over a lot of the decisions. The idea that Abrahams and Hulu gave her "no rules or length constraints" makes me puke in my mouth a little. This should be an Emmy winning series at the level of or better than House of Cards. Jesus Christ we're talking about time traveling to stop the assassination of John F. Kennedy written by Stephen King. HOW DO YOU FUCK THAT UP?


Same way ya screw up two films (totaling over 5 hours) about a killer clown/shapeshifter. Don't respect the source material. Gerald's Game is a brilliant recent King adaptation. Everything else after The Mist has been questionable.


I quite like the change, actually!


Your insane. He's fucking a pregnant Marina Oswald. TOO MUCH.


Yes - somehow they turned a situation where you have LEE HARVEY F-ING OSWALD and THE FORCES OF HISTORY/TIME/THE/PAST as antagonists and ... and they basically made some uninteresting silly redneck NOTHING of a character the main force of conflict of the story. I mean... what?


Thank you so much for understanding the core of my frustration.


I'm not a fan of Hulu, but Hulu isn't at fault here. They gave the show runner complete control and told her to make it as long or as short as she felt it needed to be. Every creative decision came from her. She was even going to cut Harry out completely before her friend talked her out of it. Here's my breakdown on her from another thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/112263Hulu/comments/49zzld/slug/d0wu76p


Everybody forgets Stephen King had complete veto power over anything revolving the script. If he didn't agree with something Carpenter did, he would have axed it.


>HULU blew it... Yup.


Honestly, in the book there's a whole lot of Jake just saying what he's thinking. In film, with one person alone, it's hard to find smooth ways to do that. Having a second character and turning those thoughts into a conversation is what a lot of movies/shows do. I'm not saying I like it, but I understand.


"In film, with one person alone, it's hard to find smooth ways to do that." THAT'S THE FUCKING JOB.


And they decided that making Bill a more important character was the way to do it. No one is asking you to keep watching. Adaptations always end up being completely different things than the original. I'm not even sure they're going to go with Zach Lang explaining residue,etc to him at this point because there doesnt seem to be enough time with two episodes left.


So if voiceover does not work, who was Morgan Freeman talking to in The Shawshank Redemption?




I know, I'm harsh, but they didn't have to use Bill. The story worked fine.


I agree but I get why they had to do it. With a book its so easy to just read the protagonists inner thoughts, plans and emotions. With Bill they give Jake a foil and someone to audibly bounce ideas and plot points off of. It makes sense, they did take it too far.


> I agree but I get why they had to do it. With a book its so easy to just read the protagonists inner thoughts, plans and emotions. True, but there's so much more to the novel that was cut out, that WASN'T just inner thoughts, plans, and emotions...most of which would have made for a better story. Taking Bill and making him a bumbling fuckwit that just keeps ruining everything was a terrible idea. Now, there's two episodes left and MORE shit is going to have to get cut to get to the finish line. tl;dr - the yellow card man would have already killed himself over Bill being promoted to a main character


Bullshit, they made a shit script full of piss poor expositional acting.




Having not read the book, im enjoying it.


Having read the book and with it being my favorite one every written, I am absolutely not enjoying it.


I don't think anybody is going to love their Favorite books TV adaptation.y favorite book "The Magicians" is currently being shat on BY SyFy, but people still enjoy it. And when I watch it I look at it differently, because you have to to enjoy it.


he's not in the book, "like this".


I put as much blame on Stephen King as Hulu. 11/22/63 was a phenomenal book. He could've gotten Netflix to adapt it, or insisted on having more input in the show. He doesn't seem to care that much about faithful adaptions of his work


Well, it's more complex than that. 1) He had a motion picture deal with Jonathan Demme, and they couldn't agree on story changes. 2) As someone pointed out here, Hulu / JJ Abrahams got full control of the project ($$$$$$$$$) and put it all in the hands of Bridget Carpenter, who shit all over the bedroom, bathroom, hallways, living room, guest bedroom, kitchen, master bedroom and in the attic regarding the production of this film. I blame Bridget Carpenter. I'm sure she's talented and a wonderful person, she shit the bed transforming the book into a mini-series. When I hear she had the option to make this as long as she wanted and I'm starting to get the feeling we're only going to try to get to 1963 once. Fuck you. Coward. I don't give a a fuck if Franco didn't want to commit to a longer shoot schedule, he's talented, but not amazing. Read this string in full to understand: https://www.reddit.com/r/112263Hulu/comments/49zzld/slug/d0wu76p


Stephen King stopped giving a shit about film adaptations of his books a long time ago I assume.


As someone who’s never read the book, and only watched the show. I really liked Bill’s character. I was sad to see what happened to him. I went on to search online hoping to find other people who really liked his character, i guess not.


Yeah. Him being released killed me emotionally. Though I do agree the affair plot was kinda dumb. He and Oswald could have just been good friends and not eskimo brothers lol


I agree with you. Pretty much why I already gave up on the show 3 episodes in. I'll probably finish it one of these days but I can go on without it for now. I have the same thoughts about IT being remade into a movie. I'd much rather it be turned into a mini series on HBO.


THANK YOU. I'm watching the show for the first time, and I had to come online to even remember who "Bill Turcotte" was -- I could not remember Jake having a sidekick in the book (admittedly, t's been a while since I read it!). Glad to see my memory was completely correct.