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Eat the actual apple


Yeah, purees go right through you. The fiber's missing in the applesauce.


It’s not. Applesauce has less fiber but is still a good source overall.


I live for dipping. I blend a whole cottage cheese containter with ranch seasonings in my food processor. And eat an ungodly amount with cucumber or peppers. Sub any veggie you like. It's also delicious on a lil bagel or crackers with arugula and tomato. I think the whole tub of cottage cheese is 400cal


Soooo as a fellow sauce woman. You're telling me your essentially making ranch dip with cottage cheese? Do you think this would work with French onion seasoning? Teach me the way!


I'm not the person you asked, but: yes!!! That's exactly how it works and you can use any seasoning you like! Source: I'm a craven Cottage cheese dip addict. Can also do it with strained Greek yoghurt. Or plain Greek yoghurt. Try mixing in a splash of pickle water and mustard too!


I do this with French onion soup packets all the time! Highly recommend!


Cauliflower is also great here and very filling


I’m gonna try this!!!




Powdered PB and a little bit of honey and water is about 80cal for 2 tbsp and helps add some protein to an apple snack.


Melting PB goes a long way for me, too!


pickles for me


Yessss I like them wrapped in deli turkey (usually 50 Cala for a couple slices) and mustard! So good


Over the past two nights I’ve had a low carb tortilla (40 cals) with lettuce and a pack of Bumblebees’ spicy thai chili tuna (90 cals). That’s less than 140 cal total. It’s pretty filling for me


This!! Or with a slice of turkey and light Swiss, LTO and pickle




Lettuce Tomato Onion!


These tortillas are fantastic and they can be made sweet as well w PB powder, flavored Greek yogurt, fruit, etc. just be careful consuming tuna on a regular basis as it contains mercury which builds up in your bloodstream and takes years to rid of.


Which low carb tortillas do you use?


Ole Xtreme Wellness tortillas


Love these!


They’re so good! And so soft!


Celery for sure. Per long stalk it’s like 3-6 calories. Rather than the food itself keeping u full, u can graze all day and constantly have that chewing sensation; which will ward off the hunger.


Miso soup




Veggies and fruit! I love snacking on frozen grapes, carrots and humus, apples etc… they’re low calorie and definitely help with curving the hunger.


Sliced tomato with salt and some drops of balsamic


I chopped a little fresh basil on mine too, delicious.




Yes!! I slice it into long strips (like cuke French fries lol) and shake Tajin w/ lime seasoning over it… yummm


Sweet: Frozen blueberries with whipped cream Savory: Pickles (especially spicy as then you’ll want to drink more water) or roasted chickpeas (can season any way you want) I know it’s not for everyone but I find the fizz in flavored seltzer water helps keep me feeling full longer too.


r/LowCalFoodFinds as well:)


I'm a big fan of snacking on fruits like berries, stonefruit, & apples with a bit of protein, like yogurt, cottage cheese, peanut butter. I like all sorts of veggies and a little schmear of hummus, cream cheese or ranch made out of plain yogurt. Some favs are celery, carrots, broccoli. By themselves I like edamame, homemade sweet potato fries, watermelon, kale chips, roasted chickpeas. I can usually keep it down to around 100 cals with careful measuring and using dips and stuff as a seasoning instead of the reason I'm eating the veggies


I've been microwaving frozen vegetables and then adding extra water and powdered soup. You could probably steam the vegetables with some appropriate seasonings and stuff too. I just use the soup tho because I like plain vegetables too


This is a great idea that I’m now going to have to try myself. What are your favorite soup powders to do this with?


The cheapest ones 💀 Depends on the vegetables. I've been doing carrots with golden vegetable, broccoli and broccoli and stilton, just kind of whatever works


Fibre and protein keep you full. Find something low calorie that has lots of both.


This OP. Maybe you need to add more protein and fiber to your regular meals in addition to eating snacks with protein and fiber.


I don’t know if my experience is normal but for me, this feeling of not being full went away after my body adjusted to 1200 calories as long as I kept my protein high. For me it took about a month of high protein/low carb but now it feels very normal. This may be a temporary feeling!


Sliced cucumber in non-fat greek yogurt with lemon juice (to thin it out and flavor), minced garlic, and black pepper (or Zaatar if you have it).


Good apples work. Greek yogurt. 100 calorie snacks. Keeping these available though for me is key


Very boring but if I’m insanely hungry I’ll make myself eat an apple before any other snack. It really fills me up and helps stop me from going wild with the rest of my snack


Imitation crab sticks are awesome. My grocery store sells snack packs that are 80 cals for 3oz. But you can buy a big pack and portion for a few days.


I read this while finishing a pack of animation crab sticks 😅 Still feeling snacky— I might just need dinner


Animated crab ![gif](giphy|3oKIPayEP4coI9PAJi)




Dry fiber one cereal. I know not everyone loves it but I sure do! 2/3 cup is 90 calories, and contains 65% of your daily fiber intake. Super filling!


I have been making protein cookie dough. Some of the ingredients are a bit niche but if you can get access to cottage cheese, bran, and sweetener, you can make it. Mine is cottage cheese, protein powder, oat fiber, brown allulose, vanilla, and a couple squares of a chopped up gatsby bar. Blend the cottage cheese first and then combine the ingredients.


I like chopped up bananas with peanut butter and overnight oats lol. Sometimes, maybe with a little drizzle of honey or chocolate sauce.


I've been making small salads for a snack with carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, and some skinny girl dressing. That usually keeps me full for hours.


Wasa crisp bread, 1 teaspoon of 1/3 fat cream cheese, and 2 pieces of oven roasted turkey deli meat!


150 for my whipped cream cheese and raspberry jam sandwich if I’m having a late night and want dessert.


When I used to eat low calorie meals like sandwiches I would split them into two open faced sandwiches to trick my brain into thinking I’d eaten more. Popcorn is also very good!


A plate of veggies like cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, and carrot. Usually comes to around 100-130 calories and keeps me full for a good 3 hours. Sometimes I’ll use 0% fat Greek yoghurt as a dip on the side to add some protein and make it a bit more interesting


two rice cakes, vanilla greek yogurt, banana, cinnamon. i eat this every day. you can swap out banana for lower cal fruit too but the banana and cinnamon is so bomb


Eat solid food. Eat food with lots of fiber in it.


Today I brought grapes, cherry tomatoes, a couple slices of salami, and a couple pieces of cheese to work... about 100 calories, and honestly, it kept me satisfied for 5 hours till dinner. I think the variety is what makes my brain say "ok, that was good." Kind of like a mini snack tray lol.


Seaweed snacks! One pack is 25 calories, feels like chips and they’re nice and salty. Filled with nutrients too. I like the gimme brand because they use avocado oil instead of seed oils Edit: also being able to eat a whole pack of something as a serving tricks my brain into feeling more full


Do you guys have those round rice waffles in the us? If you do, try the lentil version; they're like 26 kcal per waffle and what I like to do, is to top it with a teaspoon of peanut butter and zero cal jam, it's delicious and like 100 kcal. Super crunchy and saltiness pairs so well with pbj. The reason why I mention this is, that I just recently learned that an adequate amount of fat will help you stay full for longer and it took me a while to get this "low fat" mindset out of me. I also like to have parmeggiano with some olives or marinated capsium as a snack, tomatoes with mozzarella or plain joghurt ( I do coconut because I'm lactose intolerant) with berries, blueberry+ raspberry is my favourite combo




Catsup 😂




I thought you were making a Simpson’s joke! ![gif](giphy|12DB9RMTtvGvYY)


Wait this is the first time I’ve ever heard someone call it that


I love baby carrots and sugar snap peas, with lo cal dip like tzatziki.


Focus less about calories and more about nutrient density if you’re concerned with satiety. 1 serving of Nonfat greek yogurt + 1/2c frozen blueberries + 1/4c granola will run you like 200 calories, but it has good macronutrients.


I love Skinny Pop; most flavors are around 40 or 50 calories a cup. I also like to make a huge batch of this tomato/cucumber/red onion salad with a super basic dressing with aquafaba instead of oil, so it's super low cal


Orville Redenbacher smart pop has like 1/3rd the cals of skinny pop and if you just add some white cheddar seasoning it tastes even better imo


Agree - I recently got some of the seasoning shakers and these + the 100 cal microwave popcorn bags are one of my fave snacks


Greek yogurt with 1/2 scoop of Orgain protein powder or PB2


Sliced cucumber is my go to low cal snack. Depending on how many calories I have left I'll add Italian dressing, everything bagel seasoning or some grated Parmesan to dress it up and add some flavor. Some days I'm just eating that cuc like bugs bunny with a carrot though.


Water. Sparkling water is even better. Electrolytes in your water can make it more satisfying. Black coffee. Especially when brewed with a tea strainer of grounds in the cup. Really rich and satisfying mouth feel. Decaf if you’ve had enough caffiene.


I had half a cosmic apple, 39g peanut butter powder, and 142 grams of strawberries for 192 calories today.


String cheese (85kcal) or 2 slices of ham (70kcal), if I need more I'll pair either with any fruit


Carrots with 1oz of really salty almonds. Eat a few carrots then an almond.


I loveeee cottage cheese. I use many vessels to get it into my mouth. Cut veggies, crackers, deli meat. Don’t knock it until you try it.


Same!!! My new obsession is cottage cheese with frozen blueberries, PB2, and a little granola


cucumbers in vinegar, minced red onion, salt and pepper. quaker rice cakes (butter popcorn best flavor) also pop chips are pretty low cal! it's ~120cal for 28g which is a decent size serving


Persian cucumbers!


I’ve always wondered about Beef Jerky. Could it be considered a good low calorie protein snack?


Yes it is, the kind I like, Bridgeford, is 279 for a 3oz package, which is 33 grams of protein. I can't usually finish the package all at once and split it up over a few hours, leaves me very satiated.




Sugar free Greek yogurt with low cal/sugar high protein granola. (I do zero sugar chobani strawberry, & kind pb cluster granola on top) very satisfying


My new favorite snack is a rice cake with cottage cheese on top


I love carrots and cucumbers with hummus.


i know cheese is a high cal food but some grocery stores sell like cheese snack bars that are ~30g in weight so they r <150cal. theyre so creamy and decadent that it’ll keep u full for hours!


Boiled carrots


Carrots with hummus! my favorite (and it’s really filling), also fruit salads, especially with apples, bananas and oranges. Some people may say it’s a lot of sugar but it helps with my sweet tooth (I put a little artificial sweetener on it and lemon, mainly because as a child I used to eat fruit with sugar and it’s a texture I love hahah)


Aldi has a low sugar yogurt right now that’s 80cals and good amount of protein, I eat it after a workout or a quick breakfast. Low fat cottage cheese is also 80 cals and it’s easy to eat and keeps me full. I look for higher protein snacks and very little sugar because sugar will tempt me to keep eating.


Cereal/oatmeal! Plenty of low cal options with almond milk. Gets rid of sugar cravings too.


watermelon but it's not quite the season yet in most countries


I’ve been eating 100gms cottage cheese (blueberry flavour) with 100gms of bluberries. Total 140 calories. Good quantity and keep you full for long time. It has good amount of protein too.


Carrots work for me. If I want to make eating more of an “activity” (so eating lasts longer and is more satisfying) I cut them into sticks, hit them with a little olive oil (maybe a tsp or less) and hit them with some seasoning (maybe garlic powder, onion powder and salt). Another thing do to make a meal or snack last longer is eat with chopsticks even for western food or snacks that work with them.


Popcorn (with no butter on it)


Prioritize anything high in fiber and protein. Both is a gold mine.


A few of my go to’s: roasted broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, bell peppers, mushrooms. Zero sugar vanilla Greek with protein powder and pbfit and zero sugar oat milk. Microwave popped popcorn without oil (using just the kernels). About 7x less kcals than packaged microwave popcorn PBfit reconstituted with water or zero sugar oat milk and the lightly salted rice cakes (35 kcals each). Chobani zero sugar Greek yogurt single servings with zero sugar puffed rice. Mac and cheese made with carbe dieme pasta, non fat Greek and daddy Mac cheese powder (Amazon). I’ve been eating this for dinner almost every day with chicken sausage. Also check out r/volumeeating for great tips.


Thank you all soooo much! I have the ultimate grocery list now and i’m gonna add a ton of your suggestions.


Tea with splenda for me and a little cream if I want my stomach to stop growling


Reggie’s chile veggies I eat a lot of veggies and they keep me full especially if there raw lettuce wraps cucumbers with guacamole and hummus those veggies will fill you up and be creative with them ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Anything on a wasa crisp bread. Pile it on. Hummus and veggies. Nut butter and fruit. Egg or tuna and veg. The fiber keeps you full and the crunch satisfies.


Cucumber with a little pinch of salt and some sesame seeds - I’ll just keep eating until I’m satisfied 🥒


Baby carrots and cottage cheese


Sunflower seeds. With shell. It takes effort to crack the shell, get the seed, and then spit out the shell.


fairlife protein shakes, soft boiled eggs, quest protein cheese itz, quest protein chips


carrots with chili lime seasoning 🤤


Veg!! Broccoli, cucumbers. I dip in greek yougurt tzatziki


Seaweed salad and Asian frosted crackers. 


Cucumbers with hummus and string cheese!


Edamame & peas & turkey breast w SF sauces & a pint of berries topped w cinnamon + stevia 😂


Cucumbers. They're practically zero calories.


I'm probably weird for saying this but I snack on chicken breast. Lol. You can cook a bunch at once and toss them into a stand mixer with the paddle attachment on low speed. It basically creates pulled chicken for you with no effort on your part (aside from needing to clean the bowl and paddle when finished of course.) the smaller shreds make for great snacking though you can't mindlessly snack like with celery because the calories can add up over time but honestly it's hard to binge eat/continuously snack on high protein foods like chicken. Eventually your body will give you a satiety cue. That said, if you're eating a lot of high protein and still feel hungry all the time, you might want to ask a doctor to do some blood work. Have known some folks with messed up leptin levels...


I make stur+monkfruit ice cubes and munch on them all day long. Im addicted to ice. It hydrates and gives me a fullness sensation.


Rice cakes! I try to keep multiple flavors stocked but choc is my fav!


My go-to snacks are edamame with chili oil, imitation crabs sticks, turkey sticks, low cal popcorn, and dried squid.


Grilled chicken breast strips. Protein really slows down digestion. I would swap the applesauce for an apple with the skin. You get the satisfaction of the crunch, less sugar, and the fiber also slows down digestion.


Potatoes. I’ve lost 40 pounds and potatoes are a huge reason for that. They are filling, they take no time to warm up in the microwave, and so versatile. I skip the butter and sour cream, and just season them really well.


Cantaloupe is a recent favorite for me. An entire melon is about 200 calories and extremely filling.


Appppples and cum