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I have a energy drink at 10, lunch at 12:30, snack of either cup of soup or apples or cherry tomatoes at 3, dinner at 5:30, and then sugar free jelly (jello), and possibly a 100 cal bag of chips or low cal lollies. I find that by fasting till 12:30, I don't get as hungry and so I don't need to snack as much ☺️


This may be the reason why when I was younger I was far less snacky. I’d be waking up for school at 7:00 and wouldn’t eat until lunch which was at 12:30. And I’d have dinner at about 5:00pm and then I’d feel snacky just before bed. Interesting. I’ll see if fasting for a while every morning affects how I eat further on in the day. Thanks!


Spring rolls (like the light rice paper kind, not fried). Pickles have a lot of options if you look. Cup of greek yogurt. Lettuce wrap. Miso/broth. Toasted low cal tortilla and salsa.


You can search on “snacks” on the board and find many threads with suggestions, favorites, etc. (If you don’t know how to search just here, let me know.)


Sugar snap peas make me happy. Crunchy, sweet goodness. Love raw jicama


Skippi ice pops 30 cals


Sweet and dill pickles, outshine lime bars, cut up orange peppers, strawberry kefir, annie’s fruit tape, grape tomatoes. I also drink a lot of water with lemon to keep myself feeling full throughout the day. Edit: sorry to read you’re allergic to most fruits. Are you also sensitive to latex and pollens?


Not latex but yes 3 different pollen allergies


Is there a level of processing/cooking to where you’re able to consume fruit? Apologies I am just curious


Depending how it's made, hummus can be pretty high in calories. If you can make a dip with fat free greek yogurt, it's less that half the calories.


I just eat really high volume food. There is a specific quark brand that I eat because of the high protein it contains. But it's SO FILLING because of how thick and dense it is. After eating something like that my snacking hunger stops, maybe you can try something similar.


What is the quark brand called?


I'm Dutch, so I left it out. But it's called "Oing kwark" 61 cals per 100g and comes in a 500g box. And on top of that it's also 10g protein per 100grams.


Ok thank youuu!


Veggies dipped in fat free ranch mixed with hot sauce. I love the particular c r o n c h of cauliflower


make sure your meals are high in protein and fiber you’ll stay full for awhile 🤍


Chinese crushed cucumber salad or those packs of roasted seaweed snacks. Also boiled eggs


I slice up radishes and dip them in cottage cheese


I slice up radishes and dip them in cottage cheese


Popcorn is the easiest mindless snack food imo