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skill solution <3


Skill virtue


isn't he literally a father of an infant tho?


Yeah he literally gave birth to a kid


He did in fact carry that child for 9 months


Wont his arms get tired?


maybe but thats just a


Just a-




a-*CHOO!* Sorry, I've got a cold




Matpat Mpreg when


You would love the FNAF comics


šŸ¤“ā˜ļø um actually the fabear frights story into the flesh hasnt been adapted into a graphic novel yet




my ass is NOT clicking that link


do it its funny


it's an Instagram post of his


its green so it must be good


wdym. its blue


Google shinigami eyes extension for google chrome/Firefox


Afton be like "i will put a child in that theorist"


From his Dadussy yes


His hands passed through his newborn child like a ghost when he tried to hold them


Oh shit. I got ectoplasm on them again. HONEY!


But he made some cringe theories, so he is just as bad as the rest of them /s


/srs he's done some like not good stuff but nothing on the level of a pedo


All I've ever seen people accuse him of is 1- being wrong on the internet (lol), 2- blaming a youtuber's suicide on cancel culture (which is fair, since that was genuinely a bad thing to do), 3- donate to autism speaks (though people forget the horror of autism speaks isn't widely known outside of majority-ND communities), 4- "defend" scott cawthon after the republican party donation (which he *didn't*. like, you can go back to watch the video yourself: he's literally just saying "scott did a bad thing, but fnaf isn't just scott, so we're not gonna stop covering fnaf just because scott did that") 5- the pyro video (which is like 10 years old, made way before trans visibility actually became significant, and had, at worst, jokes that people didn't know were offensive back then, and slurs people didn't know were slurs back then). Doesn't really justify all the people treating him like a bad person if you ask me. He's genuinely one of the few good people to have been big content creators.


the only valid criticism of him is Ableism and I've never seen the pyrocynical video so idk what thats about


Its on pyro from team fortress 2




I just realized my explanation dosent help either, i meant matpat did a theory on pyro(tf2)'s gender


I've never played tf2 but I'm pretty sure pyro is a man


Pyro's canon sex and gender have been left ambiguous by Valve on purpose, just to mess with the players. His gender has never been canonically confirmed, though in the fandom he's generally seen as male and he's only been officially referred to using he/him pronouns AFAIK (except for in Meet The Pyro when Heavy says: "I fear no man. But that thing... **it** scares me."). There are also elements in the game and I think also in the comics hinting that he may not really be a man, or at least not masculine presenting, such as him having a lot of feminine cosmetics, and also him having a dress with his emblem on it on the coatrack in 2Fort's spawn room.


fem cosmetics are probably just a gag like giving Roadhog a pachimari emote in OW2 or or the anime mask in PD2, it's probably just "haha male character has super feminine pink thing, big funny"


Meet the Pyro they use he and she interchangeably, Scout says "He's not here, is she?"


Theyā€™re normally referred to with male pronouns and most of the community sees him as a man, but pyros gender is still technically unknown. Matpats theory on it was 90% transvestigation style phrenology and pointing at the size of pyros fingers or their stride even though itā€™s completely pseudoscientific


never even heard him be criticized for ableism, this is the first time i'm seeing anyone say that he's ableist. what's this about


google "autism speaks" he actively supports them


oh, so you're talking about the autism speaks thing. I thought you meant something else.


they're a horrible company, including but not limited to, infantilizing autistic people, None of the board of the directors are neurodivergent, and advocating for "curing autistic people" (basically killing them)


No, I know about them (actually of all the things you could have mentioned about them you went with "infantilizing autistic people" and not, oh I don't know, sedating them into a catatonic state as "treatment"), I mentioned them in my comment. Though I do believe that their horrible treatment of neurodivergent people isn't widely known outside of majority-ND circles.


Considering the fact that I get treated like a 5 year olds everytime someone finds out I'm autistic I think infantailizing is pretty bad, and I didn't even know about the sedation stuff tbf


i dunno, the ableism part always stuck me as just a lack of knowledge, same as his other ā€œbigotryā€. at least nowadays, the moment he becomes aware of something he said being bad, he just doesnt say it anymore.


His worst crime was trying to set up Sans Undertale and Pope Francis (true)


Years later, Francis stated openly to be pro-LGBT rights. Damn, it took him a while to finish it.


I donā€™t get why people are demanding scott to apologize for that donation. Itā€™s kinda insane that people demand an apology just because his views doesnā€™t align with their own


When said views are "this political party that wants queers dead is good", that's *very* much something that warrants more than an apology.


I donā€™t think he's an full-on bigot, since he has worked with studios that supports BLM and Pride month. He also hired a queer artist and he acknowledges the existence of climate change. Many of his employees are openly against Trump and he has even donated over $1M to St. Judes, which is a pro LGBT charity. Of course this doesnā€™t automatically clear him of the valid points against him, but at least he is able to respect views that differ from his own. I seriously doubt he intentionally donated to the politicians with the intention to oppress trans people either. I think it just simply has to do with him not knowing everything about a candidate when voting. He could support several parts of the republican party, but not know one persons specific stance on lgbtq. I find it ignorant to assume that he supports the killing of trans people just because of the places he has donated to, and I think itā€™s ridiculous that people are demanding him to apologize for his own beliefs (even if they are ignorant or dumb).


Well Scott doesn't need to apologise for his beliefs. It's his actions that have negative consequences. Whatever the reason you do it, donating to these politicians helps them spread messages with a link to violence against the marginalised and promote laws with serious negative consequences. I genuinely doubt Scott Cawthon has a personal dislike/phobia of the queer. But I find it unlikely he doesn't know about the Right's attitude towards th, or he is at least making irresponsible donations without research. Most likely, he does not see their homo- and transphobic attitude as a deal breaker for him. His good deeds are indeed good, but his bad deeds can coexist. And at some point, I think we have to take responsibility for our "beliefs" when said beliefs include influencing entire nations. Beliefs aren't just beliefs for the people affected. (That said I can't remember who Scott actually donated to. Was it Trump? Because that's just beyond stupid as well)


I hate his subnatuica theory its just batshit inacurate


Wrong! He has to have held his son at some point in the last 14 years which would qualify as touching a kid


Well uhm akschtually you never touch anything cause like atoms n stuff and like yeahšŸ¤“


that's why you're a virgin cause you've never touched any girl dick


don't remind me :c


but thats just a theoryyyy


he has telekinetic powers


I have never really forgiven him for how dirty he did knights and vikings in his viking v knight v samurai video when For Honor came out.


That was a huge deal breaker for a ton of people, so poorly researched. Honestly I gave him too much shit for that video, I'm atleast glad he's willing to admit his faults for his theories


I remember like three weapon YouTubers made a response video for their respective faction of expertise


The Knight is the Pale King theory was the drop for me that was the worst theory maybe ever.


That video got at the very least one person to play hollow Knight, so it's a net positive


That one person is me


Imma screenshot this for the next dipshit who complains about the theory


As much as I canā€™t really find out how to watch him (I donā€™t really enjoy his content) I can god damn respect his dedication and his lack of diddling kids


Society when the bare minimum is met.


I find him one of the most annoying youtubers and his content unwatchable. But credit where credit is due, he does not diddle kids. Much respect for that.


You know people said the same Wholesome 100 shit about the content creators who got exposed as predators right? Ā Like thatā€™s not me saying he is one, itā€™s entirely possible his closet is skeleton free. Ā But letā€™s dial back on this whole routine where we find a guy who has a good public image and decide he walks on water because a lot of the time it seems to end in disappointment.


Like remember a month or two back when it turned out that Nintendo YouTuber everyone saw as super squeaky clean was actually a pretty creepy guy whoā€™d spent years sexually harassing girls he knew for feet pics? The catalyst for that was the first of his targets to come forward about his behavior (LadyEmily) seeing a Reddit thread exactly like this about what a wholesome unproblematic guy he was unlike those *other* YouTubers and deciding to speak up. Again, Iā€™m not trying to argue MatPat is a bad guy, I have no reason to assume that and I donā€™t know him. But thatā€™s exactly the point, *I donā€™t know him*, and none of you do either. Behind the scenes he could be the nicest guy in the world or a huge piece of shit or anything in between. Itā€™s not healthy to put content creators on a moral pedestal just because you like the stuff they make, because every one who had some really ugly shit suddenly come to light had fans who did that and were crushed when it turned out their image of the person didnā€™t match reality.


Yeah, this is a really good point. I think we can admire their public image to a certain degree as something to aspire to but still understand the man just isnā€™t perfect. The likelihood that he didnā€™t do or say anything problematic ever within the last 20 years is pretty low. I doubt heā€™d a pred though, but just as you said we would never know just by the looks of things.


> The catalyst for that was the first of his targets ... seeing a Reddit thread exactly like this ... and deciding to speak up I feel like this accidentally suggests we should be making *more* of these threads


To be honest at this point I pretty much expect most popular YouTube creators to be hiding something horrible like racism, abuse, sexual harassment, etc.Ā 


Simply be in a happy loving relationship


Not what POV means


if you think making some 'bad videos' is a controversy you're a fucking idiot. if you think having a bad take is controversy you're a dork.


Letā€™s not forget the time he called lolis hot


he didnt fully know what it meant




no he legit later said he didnt know what it meant if i remember correctly


What's the song?


**Song Found!** [**Science Blaster** by LilMemsaPop](https://lis.tn/ScienceBlaster?t=11) (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2020-06-18. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


My dumb ass thought the song was called Song Found


That makes sense


[Not sure who LilMemsaPop is, but here's the actual song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sz3ptMfZLI)




Just wait until June 2026


RemindMe! 2 years and 3 months


Just wait until June 2026


ZFG could never


That we know of!




Whose POV is this?


What a lovely man I wonder what heā€™d call a black pikachu


He said ā€negaā€, as in ā€negativeā€. Itā€™s common for ā€negativeā€ characters to be black/shadowy colored in video games and he referenced that. However he realized how it sounded and tried to clarify, which only made it worse.


Ik thatā€™s probably what he meant but like the fact that he adds ā€œbecause heā€™s blackā€ after saying it gets me every time like why???????


...that we know of, yet Hold none of them to a pedestal


My phone notification was cropped to touching a kid (it's just that easy)


[https://x.com/ozlako/status/1768036054525768092?s=20](https://x.com/ozlako/status/1768036054525768092?s=20) Ummmmm, you're defending this man? Really want this to be the hill to die on?? okay šŸ™„šŸ™„ /s/j


can believe he emoted after killing him, disrespectful


Johnny Cage is literally me


I was really expecting international love :(


He gave birth didn't he?