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I hate Elon Musk but we shouldn't make fun of people for the way they look. Instead let's make fun of Elon for using child labor.


The sins he has committed are making him melt.


Blasphemous level stuff




That sounds like a joke Glados would make


Well, elon musk really is the irl version of wheatly


*He's not just a regular moron. He's the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron who ever lived. And you just put him in charge of the entire facility.*


[*Fig. A*](https://youtu.be/VbX1r-Vre9o)


That is HILARIOUS lmao


The problem with that is that using child labor isn't funny.


Neither is bodyshaming




Yeah but look at him


Yes it is?


look, I fucking Hate Elom Muskrat But we shouldn't make fun of people's bodies, personally I don't look too far off from what this post is making fun of, and while I have thick skin, this does hurt people here, people who don't like how their bodies look and seeing this post will just hurt them more There's other ways to make insult Musk, like the fact that he has not had any success, wasted 40billion to buy Twitter just to quickly make it into burning trash like most of his products, made a dumbass car that failed to be "indestructible" during a live presentation (and is currently being recalled), has a currently failing business, and the fact thag generally he's a pathetic asshole  I get that I can change how I look but still, please refrain from making fun of someone's appearance


I mean, the dude literally platforms Nazis and leaves tweets like “Interesting!” Under straight up fascist propaganda accounts. I understand where you’re coming from, but I mean I personally won’t lose any sleep if people make fun of his appearance


Well, the issue isn’t that you’re not allowed to make fun of him. The problem is that other people with similar features are basically getting caught in the cross fire…


hes most likely never going to read this thread, but there are good and kind people who may bear even a partial resemblance reading this and the shame that you are justifying will only reach them. besides image is fake


This is the same logic as when people say it's ok to deadname / misgender murderers or other serious criminals.  It's not that that person deserves our kindness, it's that you're revealing to the rest of us that you think using our correct name and gender is a courtesy that you extend out of generosity.  An act of politeness, not sincere belief, that can be revoked for bad behaviour, rather than a human right that extends from actually accepting and believing us about our gender identity.  Just like when you fat shame people, or allow others to do it, you are revealing that you actually think being fat is bad and shameful, no matter what you say to your fat friends, colleagues, etc.


That runs under the premise that the person hurling the insult actually believes any of the things they’re saying—implicitly or explicitly. Whereas most people in 196, (where we’re all ideologically pretty much on the same page), insult Elon purely out of a desire to mock him, and not out of some unconscious hatred of fat people. It’d be different if this was posted in a different sub under different contextual circumstances, but I give it a pass in 196


My point doesn't run on that premise at all


>it’s that you’re revealing to the rest of us that you think using our correct name and gender is a courtesy Yes, it does. It’s an implicit premise. If an insult reveals some truth about the person using the insult, it would be necessary for the insult-er to believe in what they are saying—implicitly or explicitly for that statement to be true. Otherwise, If a person doesn’t actually believe in the insult they’re using, and is using it more or less, just because they know it will be offensive to the person they’re insulting, then they’re not revealing any true sentiment about themselves beyond what they believe would be a rhetorically effective insult.


>it would be necessary for the insult-er to believe in what they are saying No, only for the reader to infer that they believed what they were saying. That may not be literally what I said but I should think it would be obvious. And even if there were ambiguity on the fatphobia of the writer, they're still promoting fatphobia and repeating what I can only imagine (by analogy to the transphobia and ableism I experience) are incredibly triggering, shame-reinforcing comments. I can go from perfectly happy to suicidal when I get comments like that about my disability. The idea that every fat person knows that no one on 196 really means it is absurd. Given the myriad comments on this single post supporting the fatphobia, that's just clearly not true. At the very least there is an abundance of internalised, instinctive fatphobia, whether or not any 196ers would consciously agree with it or identify as fatphobic. And when you have to deal with stigma and bigotry every day, it makes you hypervigilant and hypersensitive to it.


>only for the reader to infer what they believed Whether or not the reader infers some level of belief from the commenter is irrelevant in whether or not the commenter actually believes it. And if the reader and commenter are on the same page, then they are not promoting fat-phobia in that both parties recognize that being the reasoning for the insult is purely because it is something the insulted person, (in this case Musk), would find offensive, and not due to some bias against fat people in general. And I never said that every fat person would have some sixth-sense ability to understand that 196 is not fatphobic, merely that most people in the sub likely aren’t, which I still argue is true—though I see your point. If the contextual circumstances around the post were different in any way, I’d agree with you, but as it is, and after glancing through the comments, I don’t really think a whole lot of bigger folks actually care, and given the fact that the person being insulted is practically an objective evil, I don’t really care much either.


Explains a lot about him. (toad from mariokart.)


Yeah he does look stupid in this picture but so can anyone else look stupid under certain conditions. He looks fine normally but the actions he did should be focused on more though like you said.


it looks to be AI to me, anyway. zoom in on his face, it's all kinds of fucked up.


i think its fine to make fun of his look because he got all the time and money in the world yet he still choose to look like that also why not both?


And Kurt Cobains net worth was around $100mil in today's money at the time of his death. He had plenty of money and still chose to kill himself rather than get help. Should his suicide be mocked too? I don't think it's fine to try to reason away and rationalise why it's fine to be (anything)-phobic, because it only betrays that your tolerance is conditional and if someone doesn't fulfill your criteria for acceptance, they're fair game


>Should his suicide be mocked too? If he was a piece of shit in the same ballpark as Musk? Yes. Relentlessly.


Kurt Cobains isnt a piece of garbage(at least that i know of) so i dont see why mocking him is fine seems like you're forgetting about musk being generally not a good human billionaire that's online on twitter almost 24/7 i dont really deal in black and white,i see as much context as i can and decide what's fine and whats not case by case basis so back to original point,since elon musk is just a classic piece of garbage rich guy with almost no redeeming quality with all the time and money in the world as proven by his twitter activity, yet he still choose to look like that, im fine with mocking his look, especially since he also make fun of people look publicly


Let me try with a more extreme, blatant example. Caitlyn Jenner is trans. She's also a piece of shit. Is it, then, fine to be transphobic toward her? I'm not forgetting that Musk is a piece of shit - I'm remembering that there are traits that don't deserve mockery, be it one's body, race, gender, sexuality, etc. That's my point > fine with mocking his look, especially since he also make fun of people look publicly Milo Yiannopoulos is an extremely homophobic "ex" gay man. Is it fine to be homophobic against him? A prominent, trans, alt-right YouTuber Blaire White often spouts anti-trans, or at the very least truscum rhetoric. Is it, then, also fine to be transphobic against her? Ask yourself why you might (hopefully) agree that transphobia is not fine under any circumstances, but body shaming is Not dealing in black and white is fine, but a vibes-based moral compass is something different


is caitlyn jenner transphobic? i just remember her fatally hit someone with her car and i will make fun of her for that, killing someone with her car and getting away with it as for milo and blaire white,i dont have enough info on both of them for making educated decision but regardless probably not gonna make fun of all 3 of them for being a trans/gay,because they dont decide to be those like i said in my original statement,elon must have ALL the time and money in the world, he can change his look,but he didnt,at least not until he's mocked publicly because of the photo by that papparazi on someone's yatch, which i believe what the AI photo on the original post is based on, and he also make fun of people by their look iirc(at least i can find one instance of him making fun of someone by their look) also,elon is a billionaire,while the 3 of the people you mentioned isnt,so that HEAVILY weight on my decision on mocking elon


> he also make fun of people by their look iirc(at least i can find one instance of him making fun of someone by their look) Like I said in response to someone else here, one wrong doesn't excuse another >he can change his look,but he didnt Why should he? People are people regardless of how they look. You mentioned not doing black and white thinking, so keep in mind that he's still human >elon is a billionaire,while the 3 of the people you mentioned isnt,so that HEAVILY weight on my decision on mocking elon Same, except I'd rather mock him for being an exploitative employer, beyond neglectful father, terrible husband, proponent of extremely hateful and dangerous politics, and overall a piece of shit - not because of how he looks. There are so many good reasons to scorn him for, just pick one of those My point is ultimately that if we were friends, your mocking him for being fat, however neatly wrapped with all those conditions that it's because he's rich and affluent and can alter his body shape, would still be disheartening to hear. If you do have friends who are fat or not conventionally attractive, that might be their reaction too


thats fair i just hate billionaire so much to the point of being fine with making them the exception mocking them with anything i can because realistically i cant really do anything about them if there's a sliver of chance of elon seeing me mock him for his look,and he took it personally, ill take it also nah,fortunately im close enough with my best friend that we can joke about look


His suicide is mocked, all of the time.


The question wasn't if it is, it's whether it should be. One wrong doesn't excuse another


In this case we’re making of fun of him seeming like a sci fi villain who also does slavery so it comes back around


I think specifically pointing out that someone looks like a particular fictional character who shares negative personality traits with them and making those shared personality traits the punchline instead of the similar appearance is a bit different from making fun of them for the way they look. We shouldn't make fun of him for being fat, but using the fact that a picture of him looks like Baron Harkonnen as a segway into a joke comparing his *personality* to that of Baron Harkonnen is a-okay in my book.


people not realising the pic is photoshopped


I mean, the whole joke is dude looks like the duke of harkonnen.... who dabble in classism, sexism, and a bunch of other atrocities so i think it still works


Idk I think it’s morally permissible to make fun of fascist-sympathizers for the way they look—as a treat That being said, I’m like 90% sure this image is AI generated


No. When you do this, you're revealing your internal belief that being fat / looking a certain way is bad and shameful. Musk isn't going to see this, but plenty of innocent fat people will.  It's just an extension of the same mindset that creates schoolyard bullying and bigotry.


Well technically being fat is bad, as in very unhealthy though shaming people is definitely not gonna help anyone


Musk has a good chance of seeing tweets making fun of him though. It's like making fun of Trump on TV. He probably saw it and got mad.


I think it's ok to make fun of a wealthy person who clearly doesn't take care of himself despite having every opportunity and resource to do so.


the dude's the 2nd richest man on earth he has no excuse to look the way he does


shut up, elon's a bitch he deserves to be made fun of for the way he looks


Shut up, baby dick.


RIP Roxy, yours were the best feet in Philly or my name isn't Tiger Woods


It's never good to make fun of someone you hates looks. Because when you do that, you're also making fun of any of your friends who may look similar in some way. All you're doing is firing a Shotgun of bad feels, and hitting a lot of collateral damage on the way.


thankfully i don't make friends with people who look like elon musk


Not exactly like him no, but you probably have a friend who's self conscious about their weight, maybe another is self conscious of their stretch marks. So while you make fun of those on musk, they hear you making fun of their insecurities.


But what about all the people who also happen to look like that who did nothing wrong and don’t deserve to be body shamed? The elongated muksrat won’t see this post, but they will. If you think a lame attempt at burning a stranger through fat shaming is worth the collateral damage, you might be an even bigger jerk than the guy in the photo.


no i think child slavery is still worse than making fun of a guy who uses child slavery


We shouldn’t judge people for their looks But fuck that comment is funny


His strange pale skin is his fault for being a white South African lol


I’m a white South African, he’s Harkonnen South African.


I'm a white South African and I don't know anyone with strange pale skin, and I'm a software developer. The sun here can be pretty harsh so most people are at least slightly tanned. My mom even got skin cancer


We can judge them for Harkonnen-like business practices though


i'm like 70% sure it's ai. zoom in on the face and you can tell


His stretch marks looks like they are bleeding! Lots of moisturiser helps and apparently coconut oil.


Nah, he just finished up his daily adrenochrome bath


Mine looked like that fresh, but after a few years they eventually mostly faded


I honestly dont remember ever having a fresh stretch mark. They were always just there i guess


It may be related to pregnancy.


Oh okay, yeah ive never been boypreggies, just boyfat


No I was just a fat boy that grew up to still be a fat girl


I remember because it immediately spiraled my self image haha


Thx that's really helpful I hate how red mine look


Moisturizer is a scam, it doesn't do shit for stretch marks. It's absolutely fucking useless for old ones and barely helps preventing. It's all genetic and lifestyle https://www.westlakedermatology.com/blog/stretch-mark-removal/ and https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/110856/bjd13426.pdf


No disrepect but https://preview.redd.it/bv4bwd6u9qwc1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=917cce8d41e41f28106f7778b52583f7a60e8f74


Don't bring Mayor Cobblepot down to his level


He loves bangin hoors


"I dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong."


God those stretch marks look like they fuckin hurt


They probably do, I used to have them bad as a teen and I still remember how sensitive they were. Mine never got to that point tho... I can only imagine how bad that must be


"No no guys you don't get it fatphobia's cool bc this guy deserves it so its perfectly fine to talk about how ugly fat people are in this context"


He’s not ugly because he’s fat. He just happens to be both ugly and fat.


Being skinny or fat can make you attractive/unattractive to certain people and that’s ok


Treating people differently just because they look different is wrong. Sure we all do it, but we should repress it.


You can't choose who you're attracted to though. If im not attracted to someone I'm not gonna act like I am


Right people tend to act differently around people they’re attracted to. I suppose they mean we shouldn’t treat unattractive people like shit. Which i agree but you are going to treat the people you’re attracted too slightly better no matter how hard you try. Its like the socially accepted way to show interest in someone.


Nobody is asking you to, that doesn't make it ok to mock their appearance like this post is clearly doing


When you meet someone you’re attracted to, do you act the same way around them vs everyone else?


I'm not talking about romantic stuff or anything, but with strangers we should try to treat people equally and not based on their appearance. As I said, of course we're all biased, but that's not a good thing for anyone.


The leftism leaving ppls bodies when someone bad isn't conventionally attractive First of all like. Idk what am I a rube? Him being fat is straightforwardly the thing being mocked. Hell he is being compared to Duke Harkonnen who's also mocked for being fat. Like Jesus am I fucking stupid or something? Second of all it doesn't matter either way because it's not some moral wrong to be "ugly" it's wrong to shame people for not living up to societal values of beauty full stop.


You are making it sound like that makes it somehow ok?


i am against bodyshaming and all but god fatphobia sounds stupid


Fatphobia as a term to discuss the various ways fat people are marginalized is very thoroughly established. It existed before I was born


He's not ugly bcuz he's fat, he's ugly bcuz he looks like he's rotting


Is this AI Generated/Photoshopped? It doesn't really match his build and there's a lot of weird shit going on in it


no community notes = its real /j


Is this image real?


It really doesn’t feel real. What’s he got in his right hand? His eyes look off? Idk EDIT the more I look at it the faker it looks. What’s he wearing on his neck? What even is that behind him? What the fuck is he wearing as a bathing suit?


I think it's a towel


Towel shorts!? A soaking wet pair of black towel shorts tied under his belly that seems to be made of thin shirt material with a clearly delineated belt section at the top? Look at the folds at the top and ask yourself what towel has ever looked like that, it looks like a wet black t shirt that’s been tied up at the top.


No, It’s not. It’s AI generated.


I'm sure it isn't, there were images years ago looking like this too


the image from years ago he had a huge ribcage, barrel chest i think it was called. this one is 100% ai, just look at his weird swim trunks, and the chain? in his hand, and the weird boat behind him, it's all too weird to be a photo.


oh yeah you're right


I know what you’re talking about, and yes, it’s from the same time, but this one has been altered to look decidedly more…disturbing. Which is funny, the ones that aren’t AI were already pretty bad lol


This is Harkonnen slander!! He has a *much* stronger moral compass!!


I think this might be AI generated? Or photoshopped? No defense for Elon Shit-Eater McGee over here, of course, but the far hand looks.. off? And the necklace thing looks wrong, too.


I said I will not ban them and I will not. But Twitter is Twitter and the discourse takes the weak. My discourse My Twitter My X




Guys this is AI generated, why would he have a fish hook/steel wire going around his neck? Why is there a boat floating in mid-air in the background? Why is his face so fucked up? What the fuck are those swimshorts? Why would he be wearing ripped up swim shorts tied around his waist?


can we stop reposting this ai stuff. makes all of us look really stupid


He looks like he has a rash damn, (not trying to be ableist)


I hope to god this image isn't AI generated it would be the funniest thing ever


This geezer was gonna fight zuck, his only shot to winning is while on his way tripping towards him he accidentally tackles the lizard and sits on him till submission




What's this in reference to?


At that time this world had a fremen name… twitter


He looks like a pallete swapped donald trump


cant he just fix this with money?


Jesus Christ is this real? Someone needs to run a wellness check on this dude


So, the thing is, Elong Musk with his shirt off always looks as though he has swallowed an entire human rib cage, and this picture clearly just shows a squishy man. There is no evidence of a double ribcaged organism. Thus we see AI is not quite yet up to snuff.


I would look like this too if i had his money


Evil people will always look terrible


No https://preview.redd.it/diqymshdzpwc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0117ac56ad523cb6a82d2521522668939f2a627e


I refuse to believe that evil baddies exist until I see them with my own 2 eyes :3


that's a pretty bad rule of thumb


I agree, it doesn’t matter if they’re conventionally attractive or conventionally unattractive, evil is always ugly Edit: I really don’t get why I’ve gained upvotes and the original comment has gained more downvotes, I’m agreeing with them


Idk how people choose what to upvote, I’m not a sociologist


Wasn’t really asking you specifically


Georg Trump, who lives in gilded penthouse and eats 10,000 cheeseburgers a day ...




so true