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Some of you cretins need to learn some fucking empathy. Thread is locked. Bans are being handed out. "But what about the feelings of the men?" is almost as much of a shit take as "not all men". Edit: > user reports: 1: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability eat my shit and hair.


tbh shit like this is a great way to see who i need to avoid


But who would you rather avoid, these people or a bear?




I’m not trapped in the forest with them. They’re trapped in the forest with me. (I’m barely kidding and also this why literally everyone should choose the bear)


these people bears are really fucking docile these guys think my existence is an insult to them


There is a difference between docile and not attacking unprovoked


r/ meme users try to understand the fear of SA challenge, impossible


r/ 196 users try to understand the brutality of nature challenge, impossible (Sorry the set up was too perfect)


R/meme user tries to understand that being in a forest with a bear is safer because i can either scare it off or play dead I cant scare off a rapist and if i play dead hes probably gonna rape me


depends on the bear polar bears you need to hide they actively hunt humans for fun brown bears you need to play dead they are lazy and will probably ignore you if you arent very interesting black bears you need to scare away loud noises


Polar bears hunt for food not fun, they live in the most inhospitable place on earth they'd be stupid not to try and eat anything possible.


yes, but they're relentless. there was a crew at my old company working in northern manitoba for a few months. the sno-cat operator spotted a polar bear on the horizon, said they couldnt stop and set up camp. drove through the night, through the next day. setup camp, slept through the night, and in the morning, a day and a half after seeing it, they saw it on the horizon again. the fuckers do .not. get sidetracked.


Serial killers are even more relentless. You’re more likely to encounter a serial killer than a polar bear unless you live in Satan’s fridge.


Yeah but the scenario is bear or man. If you choose bear your odds of getting a polar bear are much higher than your odds of getting a serial killer if you choose man.


They are also so large that they simply never encountered anything on land that wouldn't clasify as prey to them, so they don't even entertain that concept.


Depends. If they've just come out of hibernation or if they think you're a threat then they will just kill you.


The type of bear is actually very important information that is missing from the question and influences my answer greatly.


Exactly ill never see a polar bear and brown and black bears can be avoided


>black bears you need to scare away loud noises Yeah thankfully black bears are kinda wusses and pretty easy to scare off. That is unless they become used to humans. That's when they become a problem.


I would never be near a polar bears I encounter men everyday


Good thing we’re not talking about fucking polar bears then huh


All 3 can, will, and have killed people.


Yeah, but it's just a random man, not specifically a rapist.


And it's a random bear, not specifically a hungry one


Yeah but you have better chances at fighting off a man than a bear


I don't think I'd have a chance either way tbh...


Correct. How do i know tho im just stuck in the woods with him


People will believe me if I get mauled by a bear.


The point really isn’t surviving, people made that pretty clear. I saw one quote: “I’d fill the bear up and it would leave my body alone after, a man would fill me up and leave me in the mud to rot”. Or “at least I wouldn’t have to see the bear at family reunions” etcetc. People taking it as literally surviving a bear attack are missing the point fren :(


But if a bear really wants to eat you then you are dead, but I feel like the average women could outrun the average man in the woods


Maybe i could outrun the average man but i gsruntee you i and many other women would rsther die than be raped again


Fair enough




Yup. And men can also be rapists


Sorry the "brutality of nature" hasn't raped me yet 👍


Did you know that bears don’t know how to process their gag reflex, causing them to panic and flee? The best way to survive when a bear is currently mauling you is to jam your fucking fist into its mouth and try to punch its throat. It’s not going to be good for your arm or body but you’re more likely to survive than actually fighting back by punching their body or something. And because this sounds like bullshit I had to hunt down the news story that I learned it from: https://kutv.com/news/local/gag-a-grizzly-to-save-your-life-survival-tips-for-wild-animal-encounters Brutality of nature can’t take deep throating, the little pussies.


It really depends on the type of bear. I wouldn't want to get stuck with a grizzly from inland Alaska right after it's woken up from hibernation...


“Surely this bear won’t attack me if I back up and keep my distance before it notices” I say, not noticing the giant hole full of honey located directly behind me


This happened to my buddy Eric




I can confirm, i was the bear




About to fall into a giant hole full of honey guy 🪱


Honey guy 🪱


Damn that was my nickname in high school


I could totally handle a bear :3


W-what about a moonbear ><


aren't you a lesbeen? women are too scary


Boo hehe x3






First person to get that omgor fienuxudns


How did I get here?


Don't be silly pillheadfemboy you were always meant to be here


:D the end!


no way in heck were they the first person lmao, saw your username and immediately Desmond the Moon Bear anyways, Olivia the Moon Bear: trans arc does sound like an asdf joke


Omgor it does :3 :3 :3






Any time I see Dennis I feel bad for the real one


Yeah, that dude sucked, but this is Family Circus


Why the fuck they look the same


aw i was hoping for the furry kind of bear


\^bg3 players




nice profile picture


thank you, i love fallout and fallout New Vegas


i think you may need a reminder of the conversation at hand




I don't want to fuck him because he turns into a bear I want to fuck him because he is polite and whimsical




im pretty sure this reaction image is the highest honor of r/196


Fantastic as that was my intention <3


You could not handle my boy Greg, bro is like 6’6 with biceps the size of his head.


Wait, they mean a real bear? Right?


Yao Gaoi


Yaoi....... mmmhfgfg,....


In a fight, right?


What about a Bull?


i think i could handle being bred by a bull as long as he was gentle


But what if the Bear and the Bull and The Bear and The Bull but then The Bear and The Bull along with The Bear and The Bull with The Bear and The Bull and The Bear




I wouldn’t trust anyone still using this dustyass meme format in 2024… at that point letting the bear maul me to death (which they don’t usually do anyway) would be less painful than spending a single second in the presence of someone who’d make and post this online… actually maybe that’s too far :3


>I wouldn’t trust anyone still using this dustyass meme format in 2024 Why?? Do memes have an expiration date or something??


I mean not really but I associate this meme with a specific annoying era of Reddit culture and then I extrapolated that into feelings and wrote text that wasn’t perfect online


The meme paired with the opinion makes me think they downloaded one mode of thinking decades ago and decided they didn’t need to learn anything after that.


Ah. That makes more sense.


Look, say what you will, but I kinda feel like we shouldn't be so eager to dehumanize men by treating them like unpredictable, wild animals. It's not good for society as a whole and only ends up creating the exact sort of misogynistic incel everyone here is complaining about.


I hate how this gets misinterpreted. No one is saying "I can handle/beat a bear", it's a matter of odds of being eaten alive/odds of being raped. I'm a man and overall, for many reasons, rape isn't the first of my concerns for my own safety, but if I were a woman I would personally prefere the bear. Not because "it wouldn't eat me", but because risking* of becoming bear food sounds like the least bad option. *"risking" because not all bears are aggressive. An aggressive one would 100% manage to kill a person, but many bears are relatively shy or even friendly


Also that it is incredibly rare for a bear to attack someone unprovoked, and it is less rare for men to sexually assault women


I feel this is a failure of statistics, though. How many bears have you met in your life compared to men?


The scenario requires that you know for sure that you have a bear nearby though. It's not whether you are more likely to be hurt by a bear or by a man in your everyday life. If you talk about the "it's rare for bears to attack" yeah it's rare even relatively to how often people encounter bears


Maybe that’s true, but it doesn’t really matter because the question is about how the women feel, not about what’s statistically safer


I'm not sure how useful "People are more afraid of being attacked by a man than a bear" is. I mean I'm in the UK. My bear fear is 0.


It’s a dumb twitter trend; idk how useful it’s supposed to be in the first place




Women attack men more than Sharks.


Actually I’m saying I can beat a bear. My grappling is unmatched


Can someone explain this whole man vs bear thing I am low iq


A viral tweet from the month of March where some lady said something along the lines of “a bear on the sidewalk across from you is more safe than a random man at night” A lot of people agreed, but of course, it also got the usual response of people saying “not all men” and calling them dumb, etc. perhaps even proving her point in the tweet. It must have made its way to Reddit now but it’s weeks old on Twitter. Corrections: it blew up on TikTok and *then* got to Reddit. The original question was also taking place in the woods, which makes it a bit more sinister if a random stranger was there as well.


Random guy in the woods makes a hella lot more sense as to why you'd be scared. On the streets there are usually places packed with people, but in the woods there is no promise of safety.


I am a man. I would be safer alone in the woods with a bear than alone in the woods with another man. Like, statistically.


Aren't most cases of SA done by a friend or family member though, and not random men at night?


This is true but that doesn’t negate the idea that a bear may be less dangerous. Even grizzly bears aren’t likely to attack you just because, they often hear people coming at a distance and flee. If you had antagonjsed both options, either take the man for a better chance at survival or take the bear to potentially be killed quicker if the man is unarmed. Polar Bear is a different story but why would they be in a wood?


> often hear people coming at a distance and flee. Hey me too




I've always wondered if this(and the murder stat that is the same thing) is influenced by SA/murder by a rando is WAY harder to for law enforcement to solve than someone close with a motive, history, etc. I've also read its fairly easy to get a way with murder if you arent caught in the act(obviously) and have no connection to the victim.


oh it makes sense now, but giving the level of nuance comprehension of all the apps involved I can see how it became a shitshow


I heard that bears will try to avoid humans if you talk. Still not safe but at least you can reasonably assume a bear will avoid you and go somewhere else. You cannot be that sure with a random man.


This depends on the bear. Black bears are relatively shy, for example, and will go out of their way to avoid you altogether. There's an [average of one fatal black bear encounter per year in the US](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2022/09/20/are-black-bears-dangerous/10288483002/) and most non-fatal encounters are defensive (i.e., the bear felt threatened by a person and acted out of nervousness, not aggression). If you want to get rid of a black bear, fight, yell, and scream. You want to convince it that you're a threat and that it should leave you alone. Brown bears (including grizzlies), on the other hand, can be more territorial, especially in defense of young. For example, despite having a much smaller range than black bears in North America, they're involved in more fatal incidents. If you want to avoid a brown bear, your safest bet is to play dead. You want to convince it that you're not a threat and want to leave it alone. In either case, the worst thing you can do is [surprise a bear](https://nps.gov/articles/bearattacks.htm). Don't do that if you like being alive. On the other hand, you are still *far* safer with a bear than a random man. You can always trust a bear will act like a bear, which means there's a lot you can do to keep yourself safe. And the *worst* thing a bear can do is kill you. A man can do *much* worse.


Most non-fatal black bear encounters are defensive because nearly all the fatal ones are predatory. Very rarely, a Black Bear will just decide to try to eat someone. You need to convince it you're a threat so it doesn't do that.


I don’t get it either. I’ve seen people say it’s an allegory to the legitimate fear that women have about being SA’d by a man. But I still don’t get it because the vast majority of men aren’t pigs, and further the bear will kill you. So I feel like I’m missing something


Basically, just because it's not all men doesn't mean that it's not scary to have the spin to wheel on if the men next to you is a predator, and being next to a bear might honestly be safer (I mean fuck at last the bear isn't gonna sexually assault you)


I wouldn’t stand *next* to a bear, but like, at a comfortable distance yeah. Assuming the bear isn’t nervous, hurting for a meal, or being a territorial douchecanoe. I’d say a bear is on average easier to convince you’re not worth the effort, compared to a rapist. I mean, shit, there’s videos of *cats* running bears up trees.  And of course with a bear you know more or less what you’re getting. They’re pretty consistent. You know not to let them close. 


And this is what makes this exercise useless as anything other than a conversation starter. There are too many factors that greatly change what is being discussed. Proximity and context being the biggest one. There is also a pretty big difference when discussing which is scarier versus which is more dangerous. Unfortunately, nuance doesn't exist when the conversation involves more than a few people. I would rather see a man inside say a grocery store 15 feet from me. But I would rather have a bear mosy along 300 meters behind me on a wooded path.


I would rather see the bear in the grocery store, PROVIDED that it was just doing some shopping, because it would be funny and cute.  I’m glad this is an exchange between two people so I can add nuance like that. 


Have you ever been hiking? Passing someone on the trail is a nothingburger 99% of the time.


This is the fairy walrus debate all over again


Walrus requires more thought to justify 😤


but the bear is also a predator? like in the most literal sense of the word, it is a carnivorous predator and certain breeds (polar bears) will not rest until they’ve eaten you. I would rather be SA’d than dead, as a victim of SA


I'm a woman and confused as well. True crime causes brain rot I think.


i'm not getting it either, like there's no way the probability a random dude ends up being a creep/assaulter is higher the probability of a bear with you mauling you to death?


Not if you listen to true crime podcasts all day


The bear won’t kill you. Bears go out of their way to avoid humans, and only attack when they are incredibly desperate, which is a lot less common than men who would take advantage of women


Completely depends on the situation and the bear. Polar bears can and will stalk humans as prey. Black and brown bear attacks are generally defensive but they are known to attack in a predatory manner as well. A man last year was attacked from behind while sitting at his camp. Also, often deaths from bears are excruciating and quite horrific. Being eaten for days often while being alive for a great deal of it. Truly some of the worst animals a human being can possibly be attacked by.


We’re talking about a forest so it’s safe to assume we aren’t talking about a polar bear, and yes black/brown bears will occasionally attack people unprovoked, but it is very rare


I wouldn't go do far as to say very rare. It happens every year. Also if all attacks are defensive in nature that seems a fair bit harder to judge. After all it's difficult to tell when the victim is dead and being digested. 


40 bear attacks **worldwide** per year is extremely rare also worth considering most of them are non-lethal and nearly half of them were because it was a mama bear with cubs, so in the scenario listed it’s really not hard to see why someone would chose the bear


There’s multiple instances of *attacks* per year, but by my calculations, about 3 people a year are killed by a bear of some kind in the United States. Take this with a grain of salt because this is done by a guy who’s bad at math, using a 20 year period and numbers from Wikipedia as a basis(note: deaths caused by a captive bear were not counted, only wild ones). So using a rough average of 2.6 million deaths per year(time period of 2000-2019, so pre-COVID), that gives me: On average, 0.0001% of deaths in the United States in a single year are caused by a bear attack.


Someone on tintok made the question and it went viral because of the idscourse around it The question is "would you rather be trapped alone in a forest with a bear or a man?" Tbh i absolutely chose the bear over the man even being a man myself, if a man wants to attack you you cant do anything to make him change his mind unlike bears that will just go away when they see you arent an easy target


I want the explanation too, it's the second time seeing something about this and I'm really confused


You are trapped in a forest surrounded by robot death squads looking to kill you. But you don’t have to fight them alone. You can choose between a man or a bear to fight your way out. Who are you taking to for your best odds at survival?


Viral TikTok video of street interviews asking would you rather encounter a bear or a man alone in the woods? Every woman but one said bear. Then a bunch of ppl lost their minds and became bearologists.


A guy on tiktok was explaining how women would rather be alone in the woods with a bear than with a man and that he agreed, but then it turned into a whole argument


I just wanna live with out the fear and guilt that people see me as a monster for existing :(


So the setup is that you’re (a girl probably) walking down the street at night and across the street there is ether a bear or a random guy, and you get to chose which? Obviously the dude is less dangerous, a vast majority of dudes aren’t violent and at least a large percentage of bears are. I understand that fear of sexual assault is real and fully valid but most of the people against this are using the logic that “men kill more people the bears do” completely ignoring the fact that literally everyone is around men every day and most people will never meet a bear. Edit: seriously this doesn’t seem controversial at all I’d love to know if I’m wrong


At least you didn't find FREDDY FIVEBEARS While walking in the forest Because FREDDY FIVEBEARS Would be like HOR HOR HORHORHOR and


I can't wait until this discourse morphs into random man vs bear in public bathrooms instead of a forest and all the fun terf insights get shared. Gonna be so much fun!


Literally, I feel like every month there's a new gender essentialist radfem trend that gets super popular before morphing into just mask off transphobia.


Honestly, if you're a man who sees this sort of rage bait and gets offended, the best way to deal with it is to just like talk to a woman in your life. Mom, sister, S/O, etc. It can be about anything. Just drink in the fact that, if you're good to good people around you, they weren't afraid or mad at you. If you let casual misandry from a group of women that want you to be mad cloud your view of women as a whole, then you're going to become unnecessarily bitter and hateful. Don't let random people make you feel shitty for simply existing. Don't feed your anger. Be good to the people around you. There are women who don't hate or fear you. Don't feel sorry about a statistic you don't contribute to.


>Honestly, if you're a man who sees this sort of rage bait and gets offended, the best way to deal with it is to just like talk to a woman in your life. You're being unfair to men who just don't like being called rapists. This is the exact line of thinking that goes "ah but if you're a good man you won't mind people saying this since it's not about you". Which is the exact same line of thinking of "you're one of the good ones". Are you seriously gonna tell me "one of the good ones" behaviour is acceptable? I've kinda been trying to keep my distance from this whole drama because gender essentialism and sexism kinda destroy me, but I *have* to reply to at least you: Telling men that *they're* at fault for getting offended at this is just wrong. No matter how innocent someone is, getting the entire demographic *that they're a part of* labelled as inherently evil and dangerous will make you feel evil and dangerous. Like... going around insulting men, and then pretending like it's men's fault for getting offended in the first place, is precisely the kind of thinking that leads to progressive outreach in young men being so abysmally terrible that these young men feel the need to turn to things like conservatism to preserve some self-esteem. You cannot pretend like you care about men if your thoughts on good men are summed up as "lol go talk to women" and you don't think there's anything wrong with the fact that casual misandry is a thing we get exposed to.


I'm sorry, but could you imagine saying to a woman "just ignore the misogyny"? If a man said that he'd rightfully get ripped to shreds but it's fine to say that to man? Sure, most women aren't gonna feel this way, but they're not the ones you're currently arguing with pulling out kafkatraps and crime statistics like a 1950s klan member. I think its perfectly reasonable to be at least mildly annoyed at this kind of rhetoric.


Yeah, posts like this are exhausting but no one in real life has ever suggested I'm more dangerous than a wild animal just because I'm a man




Given social media is driven by conteoversy I would not be surprised if the original interview was edited to make bear seem an overwhelming choice. Just like how "Amerians do not know geography" and whatnot.


aw man id sure hate to be eaten >\~<


This user managed to fail the question, I didn’t know that was really possible


im missing the brain capacity to comprehend whar you mean :3


I don't get the parameters for this. Is the bear just there in the woods, what distance we talking? If the bear and I were ass to ass, that's different from it being 200 feet away. I assume the man is random.


i get what you are saying but that isnt really relevant too the question(although thinking about those details is fun), it would be like taking the trolley problem and asking for details on the speed of the train and the thickness of the rope, it just isnt relevant. The point of this question(from my understanding) is too highlight that many women feel unsafe around men too such a degree that they would rather risk an encounter with a wild animal, either because they find bears more predictable and as such safer or because if the bear does attack what the bear will do with their body is preferable over what a man would do.


I completely understand that and I'd pick bear defo if I publicly out (MtF). But encountering a bear in the sense that you see a few hundred yards away is more scary than it is actually dangerous (still dangerous tho). The difference between the two is 1) 1.a) having a chance of dying a terrible death without knowing the probability and at least feeling like you can do something about it (you can't but you have the illusion of a fight) or 1.b) trusting a random man with your life and bodily autonomy on the one hand or 2) 2.a) picking certain terrible death without even the illusion of a chance to fight it or 2.b) same as 1.b). Also the speed of the trolley definitely would matter in the sense that the decision someone makes might be different if they had a few seconds or a few minutes to make it. In that sense, tho, it's kind of presumed time slows down infinitely while you make your decision, so there isn't much point asking about it since you presume you would be told about a time limit on your decision. I hope I made myself clear since I believe the way I posed the two different questions here (a few hundred yards or ass to ass) would result in different answers for some people and is therefore an important detail. Although I'm preparing for a job interview (software engineer) and I might just be in that mode, haha.


My gay ass thought this was about large big hairy men with beards and my thought was "Yeah, bear, please!"


Would you rather encounter a random guy or a hairy gay dude in the woods? Oh yeah, definitely the latter. Higher probability of being a lumberjack.


I want to see people answer the question with a Cassowary or a Hippo. Just an animal that will absolutely no question fuck them up.


It would literally make more sense if it were a lion or a tiger or a dog. Those animals go for your jugular, it's a quick death. A bear will rip your face off, literally (look it up), kill you slowly, and if it gets bored, it'll leave you do die of an infection in the middle of the woods. And let's say you survive, because YOU MIGHT, your life is FUCKED. Horribly disfigured, brain damage, loss of limbs. Like close your eyes, and imagine what it would SOUND like, to have a bear chewing through your stomach, then imagine it grabs a bone on snaps in in half. You cross a man, what are the odds? 1/10 chance that he's a piece of shit? 1/8? those odds DO fucking suck, push a man bad narrative as much as you want man I support it, but you're not gonna tell me that you wouldn't take those odds. Your feelings are lying to you, because your emotions are making that judgement call over your 10 000 year old instincts. Your instincts kick in fast as hell when you come face to face with a 600lb predator frothing at the mouth.


The whole scenario just makes me think of this legendary shit post: [You're walking in the woods, there's no-one around and your phone is dead. Out of the corner of your eye you spot him...](https://youtu.be/o0u4M6vppCI?si=5lMZNB9FZIPQOpK_)




bears wont attack me without reason, and will usually run away if i make a lot of noise and try to look big.


Depends on bear. you chose the smallest, wimpyest one. If the whole premise is you might get some random guy that's dangerous, you can't assume you get the one type of bear that isn't


Fr, a lot of people just go straight in with the mindset that the question is like “Would you rather be alone in the woods with Jeffery Dahmer or Paddington”. They say that because there’s a chance the bear will back down the bear is a better option because… there’s a chance the man will attack you. Those are literally the same things just stated backwards. And as a proportion of the male population, I’m willing to bet dollars to pesos that an encounter with any given bear is more likely to turn violent than an encounter with any given man.


If there's any chance of a Polar Bear I'm taking Man no question.


The hypothetical is in a forrest. The polar bear would probably die/look for something to cool itself off. Depending on how long it's been there, and how hot it is, this one might actually be less dangerous


Nearly all Black Bear deaths are due to Predatory behaviour. I guess you're technically right. They will only attack you with a reason, but that reason is they want to eat you.


Depends - polar bears have been recorded literally tracking and hunting humans for food.


what living in a low trust society does to a population


oh boy the debate is now on reddit


I live in the mountains. I feel safer in the presence of a bear than I do in the presence of like half of the people at the grocery store.


Which included a bear one time. https://preview.redd.it/9e92sto8zvxc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1e3e50180401eb86245aeca888110436f420c89


Whenever I see "basic white girls," it's like someone waving a flag saying "I'm 16!!" That's not to say the basic white girl isn't real, but I encounter them so rarely in my day-to-day life. They're just not something to be all annoyed at. Plus, if they're not harming anyone, why should I care how they live their lives, even if I think it's a bit of a vapid way to live


"grrr white women" jokes are also just misogyny when you take out the white part


A hit dog will holler


Context: there was a viral tweet from the month of March where a lady asked “would you rather encounter a bear in the woods or a random man?” Most people were agreeing the random person was more dangerous and that of course upset the people who commented stuff like “not all men” , etc. Then it blew up on TikTok and is now on Reddit. A lot of it (on tiktok at least) is probably teenagers in a “boys vs girls” phase. Hopefully they grow out of it when they’re older.


Black and brown bears: - stick your arms up to look taller and make a lot of noise, they’re scaredy cats Grizzly bear: - drop to the ground on your knees and curl up as tightly as possible, with your hands covering the back of your neck - it’ll still almost certainly come over and swipe/ bite at your back but stay hunkered down and it’ll lose interest - they have pups (idk the word for baby bears) with them, in which case do the same thing but you might be fucked Polar bear: - gl lmao But a person - who tf knows what they can do or will do to another person when they’re alone in the woods


is that r/ dankmemes in the year of our lord 2024


Tbh this is a ridiculous hypothetical, very few people are like “oh hell yeah a an encounter with an absolute stranger in the middle of nowhere with no guarantee of safety”. Especially since it’s implied in most answers that the bear is one of the more docile species (black and brown).


top speed of 35 what


More like 30, but that's still crazy fast. Four legged animals can book it.


Miles per hour, around ~56 kpm


I choose Halsin every day of the week!


i can shoot a bear that attacks me without getting sued by its family or the state.


What if the man in question is a bear? :3


How fast is a bear? 35


Why is it always basic white girls too? I thought that stereotype died years ago😭


its dankmemes whatd ya think you were gonna see













