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This style of furniture rules I think I was playing Civilization 2 on a computer on a desk like the 2nd one when my mom told me she was divorcing my dad


you can stash so many drugs in these bad boys, i had a hutch style one with the keyboard pullout and it was awesome


Not the point of your story but I love Civilization 2


I mean, it is slightly the point of the story


I guess you're right, my bad


I'm so excited for Civ 7 coming out next year.


Same. I haven't played a lot of Civ 6 but I hold a lot of good will for the series, so I'm happy for the next one to come out


You just literally described my life in 1998.


Same but playing Morrowind and Counter-Strike 1.6


I was playing Club penguin


"where were you when club penguin died?" "parental divorce trial"


I was playing Neopets on the second one when my mom called the police on my dad Good times


I really really love that first desk holy shit.


i know right you could put so many cool things in it !! and art... and books... i just love the multifunctionality of it šŸ˜­


If I was a clumsy, whacky detective, this would be my desk and i'd be stumbling around trying to find which drawer I put my file in.


I'm just wondering; how does an Amish computer desk work?


The ethernet cable is pre-installed


It's a desk used for computers that was (hopefully) made by an Amish person or Amish people using traditional construction methods


god i wish stuff like that first desk still existed and were modernized for new conveniences. imagine having a triple monitor setup on that bad boy. you'd be the absolute king of desk land


oh they still exist and you can probably modernize them. they're just pretty expensive and a "bit" out of reach unless you save for them The specific style in the first image will run you about 6,000-7,000 USD pre tax and before any additional optional features


Just learn to make them yourself :) its only wood


I just looked up "L desk with hutch" and found some examples with hutches large enough to fit a couple monitors. Nothing THAT nice. But for less than $1k you can get something similar made of particle board (ick). If you go to an actual furniture store you can still find old style computer desks that have newer features. Unfortunately, I rarely see hutches large enough for anything more than 2 monitors or one super wide.


Try going to thrift stores.Ā  I remember seeing a nice ā€œmultimedia entertainmentā€ desk and it was so fucking amazing, like one section of the first pic, and it was on only like 100 bucks. Made of fucking wood, looked so nice, itā€™s a shame I just didnt have the space at the time or the means to transport it because if I did itā€™s an insta buy. I did find a nice foldable wooden chair though. Itā€™s so comfy


Particle board is fine. Real wood is expensive and not everyone can afford it.


They exist and you can even get one custom if youd like. They arent and never have been cheap though. Esp if you like quality. Like really good slides (make draw go in and out) are like $200 last i checked but thats been years. They last forever though if you get the good ones lol. And i mean forever. My dad built my bedframe for him and my mom before i was born and they still work like new. Only had to replace one because it fell off a truck and got bent


people that have this kind of thing own a house because imagine moving apartments with any of that. :(


ideally if you can afford one of these you can afford a moving company xD


Can't you buy them second hand?


Yeah but the larger units like the one in the first photo aren't really available at thrift stores, in my experience it's more like rolltop style ones that are smaller


Helped people with one or two pieces of furniture like that moving. Was hell.


Ahhahah this brings me back. That orange wood is so iconic. Personally I love wood grain, I would probably go for a different finish/lacquering optionĀ but it beats any of the new particle board or plastic and metal desks by a country mile


wood is so sexy šŸ˜­ honestly the best part is the price point of these means you can actually pick the staining and finish lol. you definitely get the money's worth


Sadly my problem is that I find a lot of them uncomfortable cause I'm super tall. My quest to find a desk I love will probably only end with a custom one


Understandable lol I'm short so they're ginormous to me


wtf is an amish computer desk


I believe that when something is labeled as "Amish" like this, specifically furniture, it just means that it is really solid and very well made. I used to live in an area with lots of Mennonites (think Amish, but with some leeway when it comes to electronics) and they made some KICK ASS furniture. That kind of culture is very no-frills and they pretty much have nothing to do but build kick-ass stuff and worship their god. So I think that "Amish" in this sense just means "Very Well Made".


It's a desk for Amish computers ofc


no the desk is amish but itā€™s ok because it wonā€™t be using the computer so it doesnā€™t count


nah mate this is raw as fuck, return to maximalism


Every time I go to the used furniture store I got my sex chair at I want to buy the desks. Someday I am going to frankenstein together so many desks and make the most insanely compartmentalized functional thing that doubles as a bed and a TV stand and maybe even include a microwave or electric kettle and a sink who knows I am insane I am going to make the world's most insane furniture


Anyway yeah get something made of real wood, and go for a used one if possible. They *do* last FOREVER.


You bought a used sex chair?


Yeah. I just use it as a bed though.


Do the stains make it more comfortable? :P


It was entirely clean. I'm pretty sure it was either unused or used for something else. It is very comfy just to lie in.


I mean, I should hope so. I was just giving you a little friendly ribbing.


picture of the chair




Ooh, nice


just make a study room that's desks wall to wall stacked on top of eachother


Hamster metroidvania for humans (me)


Everyone in this thread is being very supportive of your interests OP so I'm here to put a stop to that NO??? 2k to 5k are you crazy??? It doesn't even look that good man


you do understand high quality materials and actually paying fair wages costs money right? like genuinely when you buy stuff made to last and made with fair labor / well paid workers it costs way more these desks can be passed down generations if taken care of properly lmao


But why would you buy something as dated as this NEW? Just get something used. Also, if you want something to get passed down, Iā€™d opt for something moreā€¦timeless.


Listen, Im 100% with your discord server on this dog these don't look so good as to drop that ammount of money on it but I get how it is, you were faced with an opinion that went contrary to the one you hold and now you're pushing back, maybe look inward as to why that is instead of coming after a perfectly sane individual such as myself, good day.


I've never seen one of these style desks that wasn't flat pack particleboard. there's zero chance of that kind of furniture surviving generations. it will survive exactly one move, and completely fall apart on the second. if it's actual wood, sure. though I personally think they all look like old people kitchen cabinets


These particular ones are full wood. That's why they're so damn expensive.


If 2k to 5k is a range they can afford then I don't see why not?


I used to work in furniture shipping and holy shiz people would pay hundreds for stuff that they'd definetly need to replace in 2-5 years bc the material is so cheap. But one of these bad boys? Your grandkids will be sending their grandkids to college with it.


legitimately i be looking at forums and stuff for used ones of these and they'll be old as fuck and still look brand new šŸŒš love me some good ol BIFL


there is worse things to be boomer about so enjoy your wood furniture


based I want the first one


oh yeah totally this is hardcore boomer shit still hype tho. minimalcels cannot fathom the sheer amount of storage space and shelves


My desk didn't even come with space for my KEYBOARD


i had a desk like the 3rd one and they are sick, sturdy and usually made with good wood rather than mdf or particle board. i dont really like the look personally but atm ive got a solid white desk with a metal frame that i got for cheap second hand and i love it, i had a shitty particle board desk before this that was 1/4 the size and the same price(but brand new) and it was the worst i could go on about how shit those desks are


I love the look of wood personally, I don't understand why home furniture has to look unnatural lmao


i like the look, i worded it bad but everything else has to compliment it in the room and my room is pretty black and white so it just doesnt fit the vibe yanno


ohhh real tbh, make it a darker stain and it'd fit better. gothic / dark academia who


shiit u right u right I'll 100% keep that in mind next time I need new furniture


- 4) Meh, not worth it.Ā  - 3) Nicee...Ā Ā  - 2) Meh, but small.Ā Ā  - 1) FFANDABIDOSI! SO MANY DRAWS TO HORDE MY NICKNACKS!


This is optimal set up to play diablo 2, and doom


I like all tbe drawers and cabinets on that sort of furniture. I played Age of Empires 2 on a desk like that around age 5 lol. I feel like my more recent computers were clash with it. Like this sleek RGB tower and monitor placed on an classic wooden desk that would better suit a typewriter and a cigar box.


yeah i'm not a PC RGB person, i'm more like weird instruments and warm white lighting with a work laptop . like a modernized 1800s archaelogist type beat


Iā€™d say yes, itā€™s very old looking and also impractical


What is "old?" and how is it impractical?


Desk is nowhere near big enough for me, no room to spread out. Monitor would be too close


are you a giant


Nah, I just like to rest my forearms on the desk, and that pushes the kb far away and the monitor even further. Also, Fe fi fo fum


They get super dusty because of the enclosed space + PC fans pushing air all around. The PC cubby holes are usually too small and make your computer hot and sad (in a bad way) The storage areas are usually too specialized and suck to use for something besides what they are intended for. They're also usually designed for a very specific area of a room and you can't really use a corner unit on a flat wall or a flat unit in a corner. I do love how stained wood looks though e: oh and those sliding keyboard trays? They look neat but they suck to use. The rails inevitably get loose and the way it juts out from the desk makes it harder to sit cross-legged or lying out. I cannot tell you how many times I banged my knees against one growing up, and that's before I got tall. The storage holes can be good for resting your feet on though. That's probably what I miss most about them


I'm not a PC user so that's fine


Then yeah, go nuts


Usually when I see this design I think old. Especially when thereā€™s inlaid designs and arches. Itā€™s impractical because people donā€™t need that much storage space anymore (someone correct me if Iā€™m wrong), youā€™re more boxed in, and you have a lot more to dust.


Going absolutely feral over that first desk, it looks absolutely awesomesauce x3


genuinely believe that the decline in natural wood finishes is contributing (a tiny bit) to the decline in mental health. we are all monkeys and yearn for the trees


I need this, my current desk is made from an IKEA desk, a table, a small chest of drawers and some sturdy cardboard boxes and I still have stuff piled up everywhere. I even have the monitor to go with the desk in the first picture


honestly you can find the smaller ones for sale at antique/resale shops and on classifieds like craigslist for a fraction of the original price. granted, they're heavy as shit, and you'll need friends to move it




The aesthetic is very boomer but you're right to like it. The Amish really do not cut any corners when it comes to furniture. If you buy authentic Amish furniture, you probably won't need to replace it for the next 40 years That being said. There has to be a way to take the maximalism down to an 80% from the 100% we're at here


no maximalist furniture is fucking awesome


I donā€™t think youā€™re necessarily boomer, just like maximalism. So either weā€™re both boomers or thatā€™s just what you like


This makes me want to sit there, smoke a pipe and read Tolkien


I would kill for a desk like that first one, I could store so much shut I don't need in it


Nah my grandparents were Greatest Generation and they loved this stuff. I have several cabinets like this that remind me of them


You are not a boomer, it just means you have the necessary floor/wall space to put this furniture. Also I love these desks. I love it when my desks actually look like they can hold stuff.




I like the design but I just can imagine stubbing my toe a lot of times


To your comments on the post, I would say who cares what others think at all? Something wild but wonderful about the internet is trends, styles, cycles, all those have been blurred so heavily. No longer is what is popular just whatever is slapped in front of us. Instead people can pursue whatever joys they find, be it old or new. Anyone who judges you for your taste is rather tasteless themselves.


nah i fuck with this


Nah dude. Stained wood furniture with drawers and shelves are the greatest for keeping your shit organized. Everything has a place. Good shit.


I need that first desk asap. It can fit so many gizmos and dodads.


Fuck minimalism I need space to put all my stuff into. And yeah they last forever, I am 26 and I have the same wardrobe ever


nah, this goes hard af. my aunt had one of those wooden desks that closed at the top and it was carved with small decorations. my uncle threw it away to replace it with a generic ikea desk. stupid ass mf


that's a lotta money but GOD are those some sexy desks. That's the kinda shit you get once you're sure you're settled down.


Oh for sure, when I own my own home I'm sticking one of those in the dedicated study and office room


Ok I hate boomers but the way they made furniture back then is still peak so I agree with you


You do you! I like em a bit more minimalist, after a long search I recently scored [this](https://www.kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/sekretaer-125-cm-60er-jahre-vintage/2747718646-88-3454?utm_source=copyToPasteboard&utm_campaign=socialbuttons&utm_medium=social&utm_content=app_ios) and I am very happy (but havenā€™t completed setting it up yet)


Oh that's gorgeous, lots of room for strange antiques and knickknacks


Absolutely not, I love these pieces. Modernism sucks, minimalism sucks, it's lifeless and boring and ugly. I much much prefer the decorated look of these pieces to some box-shaped table advertised as 'clean' or 'sleek'


Literally used the first desk for a while (without the upper half) for a while, it fucking rocked. Had to get rid of it when I moved though šŸ˜”


I FUCKING LOVE THIS TYPE OF FURNITUTE HOLY SHIT It reminds me of our old family room we had downstairs with an entire wall for the TV + shelving, it was such a sick vibe :D Edit: They're also super useful bc I have like this old maximalist TV stand that holds both my modern TV on top and also a CRT on the bottom, and it has shelves that I have drilled holes into to hold all of my consoles + VCR so it can run everything at once, AND IT WAS FUCKING 15 DOLLARS AT THE THRIFT STORE, one of the best purchases I have ever made in my adult life, I love this style so much


My desk is fairly minimalist, but it tries to carry the maximalist style with its wood. https://preview.redd.it/nlmm7tlgir6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fecd025e216a0155792d9e0a50d4c95d445a9da Ignore the mess plz šŸ˜­


No I think these look really good in the right place. My take on minimalism is the only people that really like it don't have enough room in their brain to have anything else that is detailed or they start panicking and having anxiety attacks for some reason, so they make all their stuff look like it came from some newbies attempt at a blender animation to compensate their lack of available brain power.


Computer desks with hutches on them are peak. So much storage!!


No, this stuff is fantastic. It's industrialised yes but there's still artistry. A relic from the era before corporations fooled us all into liking Minimalism because it's cheaper to produce.


after having to witness "minimalist" desks and furniture (black plasticky planks glued together) for so long seeing this in the wild makes me so happy


I recently bought a second hand proper wood desk with draws to use as a hobby space (building and painting minis) and it is fucking fantastic. It's sturdy and doesn't wobble, the draws are a place I can keep tools and modelling materials, etc. Just a flat desk with no draws would mean I needed to keep all of that stuff in piles on the desk and have way less working room, or keep it some place else and have to get up to go that stuff whenever I needed it. TLDR, these desks are fantastic if you want them for anything other than literally just a surface for a monitor and keyboard to sit on.


I do a lot of arts and crafts stuff so i want all the drawers ā¤ļø


Nah, I've always wanted a hardwood corner desk like that first one. I'd personally make some updates like built in USB ports/power outlets. But other than that, it's gorgeous


If you like it and have fully weighed the pros and cons of having it, then go for it. Life's too short and precious to worry about being judged for your furniture.


no that goes hard af


Ooh number 3 looks very nice. Plenty of writing space as well as puter space


Iā€™d like them a little bit more if they didnā€™t have the imprinted rectangles but theyā€™re pretty good looking still


the second one definitely, the rest depend on how you style it but yeah they all do lean that way lucky u tho, you can probably get some good stuff secondhand for cheaper than modern styles




Where do you put your mouse in the first pic?


Either the keyboard pullout or scoot your chair up a wee closer and put it in front of you.monitor


That isn't nearly enough space tho


i am not a large person so it's fine for me personally


It has nothing to do with how large the user is tho. The average mousepad is roughly 30x30cm. You need that space unless you game with 2k dpi


my favorite mouse is a logitech m570 trackball. Don't need much of a mousepad also not much of a gamer


I didn't think trackball mice were still being produced. Any particular reason why you prefer trackball over optical sensors?


small hands short arms. using a "real" mouse gives me carpal tunnel like mad. not to mention this specific model fits my hand perfectly


Dream setup


god i would kill for that 3rd one


I need that first one I need it so bad


Would like it more if I didnā€™t have to have my computer pointing at the wall, always hate when someone barges in and just looks at my desktop


How is this maximalist?


No those desks go hard ngl


My dream in life is to have a corner desk exactly like that in a large bedroom-converted study.


If it matches the room, itā€™s classy. If not, then it becomes too much.


Fuck yeah cupboards


No, you are based as fuck


I mean to each their own but I canā€˜t stand that shit god damnšŸ’€


Huh. I thought the Amish didn't use computers.




Nah this shit is awesome!


If you like it that's all that really matters. I can see the value in all the storage space being a similar look by default. On a related note, the second image gave me a rush of nostalgiaĀ 


The thing is, everybody probably likes _how it looks_, but most people would think "this is too heavy and bulky to justify its existence in my studio apartment". If you already have a big house with enough space and you're not planing to move anytime soon, it's amazing. Otherwise, nope.


Oh for sure, I'm planning on only getting one like the first photo when I have a dedicated room for it in a permanent(non renting) residence. It'll make anything WFH I wanna do so much easier.


~~Maximalist Amish with a PC, bro? You call yourself Amish and have a PC, bro??~~ 3rd is nice, man. 4 if you have little space.


I love big sturdy furniture like this. My current computer desk is actually the corner desk piece of commerical office equipment, and that bitch is *sturdy*. It's not nice looking wood, but man is it solid.


Ah memories, in the mid 2000s I ran face first into the keyboard tray of one of these things, hooked a tooth on the rail and yanked it right out


The phrase "Amish computer desk" seems oxymoronic lol


just call them Eco friendly wood veneers and the gen-alphas will understand


My family used to have one. It was nice to have esp for a family computer setup


I just love the color bro. That dark stained wood ooof


OP idk how to explain this but this post told me you were a trans woman more than you could possibly imagine




why are the amish making a desk with a dedicated computer area


Isn't "Amish Computer desk" a bit of an oxymoron?


Nothing wrong at all! Maximalism is the best vibe


these desks are all fun and games until you can only fit 1 monitor and your mouse wire gets bunched up and hits the backboard


i'm not a hardcore gamer or multi monitor enthusiast so that's fine


then hell yeah go live your dream


I like the first one, but man the air flow in the pc drawer would absolute ass lmao


Yes but its ok. Quake and Civ on these things is peak boomercore gaming.


(My folks had either the second or last one and i played so much sims and star trek voyager elite force 1 on it)


If you like it, it's okay. According to your post things like these fit your needs better than the more minimalist desk offerings. Personally, if I had to choose one of these I would go with the third desk option because I like the space for trinkets, books, and doodads on the top and it has space for all my monitors.


No ur right


Nope, still have the same style of furniture in my room. Holds up and looks pretty good tbh


Your REALLY need the correct room for this type of desk


Oh for sure this is a purchase for when I'm a homeowner, straight to the home office room


Ok but now imagine if there were curves carved in it


this is literally what my grandma used to have, and gosh i love this type of furniture??? the wood looks awesome!?


The fuck you mean Amish computer desk?


Whatever floats your boat. Personally, If i can't move a piece of furniture myself and clean behind (and under it) then i'm not interested. My parents were hoarders and had a dusty house šŸ™‚




These are honestly really nifty to have. I do like one that is only on the one side however, because that lets you use arms for multiple monitors. The double-shelf ones are kinda impractical for that kind of use.


> amish >computer desk what?


I need these all rn


Absolutely not, those desks has soul!


I like how practical they are, im not a fan of the old wooden look


that second corner desk would be ideal for my current setup actually. the standing desk is somewhat strained for space with three monitors and the tower on.




Absolutely i think they look awesome. I'm a fan of this kind of furniture too


god i want a rolltop desk with 10 drawers so fucking bad


honestly check ur local craigslist and classifieds or resale shops, i see older rolltops go for $100 ish all the time they just need like $50 worth of TLC


They're great and individualizes your place, but noooooot worth 2-5k (i assume dollars)


Iā€™m all for full wood, expensive furniture, but for specific use cases. My kitchen table is huge with a bench thatā€™s like this ā€”solid wood and zero particle board. This is not a good use case for this furniture. I much prefer a standing desk with a cable runner tray and integrated power outlets than this.


I love these things do jhvh


this style of furniture make me hot and dusty and somewhat thirsty like i need perhaps a big cup of ice water.i feel a headache coming on thanks op