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"Which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" what a creatively insidious way to explicitly threaten your opposition


And it will be because the very goal of their revolutions is to kill specific people


‘Just let us bloodlessly murder some minorities, otherwise people might get hurt’


"Zyklon B is bloodless" -Heritage Foubdation, probably.


Jokes aside it very much is not bloodless. Blood came out of multiple orifices on many victims, among other horrific effects.


Wait til they figure out that us leftists are just as well armed as them


just as well armed would be saying something, even if you're only talking about the goobers who unironically use the word boogaloo to justify owning more guns than they could conceivably carry, it wouldn't mention the military who've spent more money and time shooting communists and arming fascists than any other nation in the universe.


wont be bloodless if they fuckin try it, promise me that.


Got me to drop 2400 at my local not so bloodless store yesterday. Lefties got arms too 🤷


they aren't trying it. they're doing it. right now. they will have to be stopped or they will succeed.


the revolution might be bloodless,but it wont remain for long once they're in power,they WILL seek for blood of their enemy


Second American civil war or America becomes das dritte reich. Place your bets everyone.


Your comment is exactly the “allowing it to be” that he’s talking about because you’re making threats and not killing people.


And/or to tell that the left is bloodthirsty, and that they want to frame it as the danger, depending on how you read it


The vast majority of all mass killings are done by right wing extremists. In 2022, 100% of politically motivated mass killings were conducted by right wingers, 84% of which were explicit white supremacists.


Exactly. We all hear it as an explicit threat, whereas their supporters hear it as a warning to watch out for those dangerous libs


Not really a "how you read it", it's very explicit. They're making the same argument that Ukraine wouldn't be at war right now if they had just surrendered completely to Putin. It's never the oppressor's fault, it's always entirely the fault of the oppressed for pushing back.


Congratulations, we are turning the US into a dictatorship. Please, do not resist


Time to antifa up, y'all


Hooray for civility politics. It's an appeal to the left to not fight back in any way, and if violence happens it's all the lefts fault. It's the same argument as, "there wouldn't be a war in Ukraine if they just surrendered, this is Zelinsky's fault".


It's barely even insidious. This is just bully language. "I won't hurt you if you just give me your money".


“We’ll only kill you if you resist our fascist takeover.”


or if you're The Enemy^(TM)


Oh well that’s implied with the whole fascist takeover bit


It's also blaming their opponents if they dont just roll over for it. "We didn't want to kill you, LOOK WHAT YOU MADE US DO!" Just kinda like how psychopaths preemptively rationalizing their violence.


When they made the Civil War movie, they meant it as FICTION, not as a CHALLENGE


except for the blood of queer people, women and racial minorities, of course


They know the democrats will let it happen and won't do anything to stop it.


bro literally said "resistance is futile" and thinks they're the good guys


Nah, he said, "Don't start none, won't be none." Lying out his ass because they're already starting shit.


"Don't start none" says the people about to start


"don't start none" *currently starting some*


The dont start one won't be none mf's trying to take away people's rights to healthcare as if that's not violent


Not really? He said he's starting it, and if we try and do anything about it, \[redacted\]


"Don't start none, won't be none" is about violence specifically. He's trying to say there will only be violence if the left uses violence (which is patently false)


Glad I don't live in the states


america losing its democracy will boster authoritarians in yours


Yeah, although there aren't really that many authoritarian parties in my country (Norway)


theyve risen up in my country (netherlands) they will be able to in yours


Absolutely. Nobody is safe. ~~Just shy of a hundred years ago~~ In the past hundred years, the US had become* a beacon of freedom, and even we fell to this bullshit. The only way is to stamp it out early, even if you think you're safe


Black people got their right to vote in the US only 60 years ago.


For added context (because you are correct), black Americans were granted voting "rights" with the 14th amendment, but they were met with fierce opposition to use that right. Threats of violence, poll taxes, intelligence "tests," and grandfather statuses were the most common ways to suppress the black vote. The grandfather status was outlawed in the early 1900s, and the unfair intelligence tests were outlawed in the 1960s (I believe '65) with the Voting Rights Act shortly after the 24th amendment prohibited poll taxes. I think this context is important because it really shows us the level of resistance to allowing black people equal rights to all other people. Legally, "on paper" they had voting rights before women, but it was all too common to see loopholes being exercised to prevent their votes from happening, especially in the South.


Bad wording on my part, I'd just woken up. I meant within the past 100 years, not 100 years ago


Huh? 100 years ago, the US had pretty much given up entirely on post-Civil War Reconstruction, essentially guaranteeing that slavery remained in the states until the last "slave" was "freed" some time in the 60's, iirc. No woman's suffrage as well. At least the genocide of the American Indians was finally winding down. We also did a little war profiteering in WWI and did a lil colonialism as well. Very cool. Sorry about all that massacring we just did to you, Philippines. Shoulda just let us colonize ya 🤷‍♂️ I'm so tired of my countrymen harkening back to the non-existent "good old days" when we were "doing actual freedom" or something. The lamest shit ever.


They will be emboldened here if Trump and P2025 succeed in the US. I mean, don't people remember who Steve Bannon was visiting over here? Hint: Both of them have terrible haircuts. That said, I'm still less worried over here than I am over there. The political order in the Netherlands is far more fragile than it ever will be in the US due to the electoral and cabinet system.




I'm happily surprised that Fremskridtspartiet hasn't gotten as popular as Sverigedemokraterna have in Sweden(my country). At least someone is breaking the trend.


Although I’m glad our left party got a record number of votes in the lates eu


Things look pretty grim on the continent but Scandinavia on the contrary took a left turn. We can only hope it lasts until the 2026 elections, I for one am optimistic.


yeah, i was pleasantly surprised that SF became the largest party over here in denmark... maybe we'll finally see more money going to welfare come next election.


if they dont show up at your polls, eventually they’ll show up at your shores. i think that happened last time, too. and for some reason, the american right really idolizes(fetishizes) your culture(whiteness). they will invite themselves.


Let me tell you cousin that if Iceland is getting them you're getting them as well


Isn't your country the one where that right-winger killed a bunch of kids at a socialist summer camp? That's not an extreme exception, that's the tip of the iceberg, dude.


“It can’t happen here!”


EXACTLY. whatever happens in the US usually influences the whole fucking planet.


thats what happens when half the globe is basically your military puppet


In some places, progressive candidates do better when the US tilts conservative, as a reaction.


femtanyl? :3


As a r*ssian nothing really changes in that regard


If you live in a nato country or anywhere mostly protected by nato countries this fucking sucks aswell for us


Unfortunately their fascism is gonna float over to us


This is a global political disaster. The US will not protect or support Taiwan or Ukraine anymore


no need to be so smug about it damn


Their project is worldwide. Look what they managed in argentina. This is seriously fucked.


The climate lives in your country though.


Its not a revolution, its coup


favourite fall out boy song


You win the joke award today. FOB fan approved.


btw the Heritage Foundation is part of project 2025


Not just a part of, they were the mfs who wrote it




Wow mr oizo


The Heritage Foundation and the Republican Party are one and the same


I can't focus on other countries' politics. Among other things in life, shit is insane enough here, especially now that our houses are in session. Therefore I dunno anything about project 2025 despite having heard of it so many times recently. Can you or someone else explain that stuff? Edit: Comprehensively if possible, if you say something like "it will benefit corporations heavily and the lower class would suffer", "apartheid like racism on an unprecedented level" or something, anyone uninitiated wouldn't be able to discern what the actual policies are... Edit 2: Read some replies, and I think this US election may be as interesting as the 4 July UK election and the whole Tories situation.


It's a document that outlines what the fringes of the Republican party would do if Trump (or any other republican) wins the presidency. There's a lot of parts, and I'll go over just some of them. 1. Gut the administrative state. Eliminate agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Education, and severely cut back the Internal Revenue Service, Federal Trade Commission, National Institute of Health, among others. They would also make it legal to fill agencies like the Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Commerce, and Federal Trade Commission with political appointments, essentially making them an extension of the president directly. 2. Fill the bureaucracy with loyalist. They are training 10s of thousands of conservatives to work in the bureaucracy, and compiling lists of bureaucrats that would be "hostile to a republican administration". I'm sure you can connect the dots on that one. 3. Win the culture war. It would make Christianity as close to a state religion as possible while still following the 1st amendment, such as banning pornography and making the bible required reading in schools. They want to remove legal protections for sexual and gender minorities, ban affirmative action programs and diversity training. 4. Deport all illegal immigrants, shut down the southern border, and reduce the number of immigrants being allowed into the country. It's an incredibly scary plan that looks more and more likely every day. It's also outright fascist.


> ... training 10s of thousands... I just think it would be hilarious if they lose and these people just slump back, fuming. Then again, this very post highlights the possibility that shit wouldn't be peaceful per se in that case. Also what are affirmative action programs? And I read what the first amendment is, and why was that basic stuff not in the constitution from the beginning bruh?


Affirmative action is "A policy of making active efforts to improve the employment or educational opportunities available to members of minority groups or women; -- achieved by employers or schools by using various techniques, but excluding the use of simple quotas or outright discrimination against white males." The first 10 amendments to the constitution were made law at the same time the constitution was ratified. The reason this was done (rather than just including them in the constitution directly) comes down to the politics of the time and a compromise between federalists and anti-federalists (the two main political parties of the time).


Man who's their voter base? Who in your country doesn't have humanity enough that they would desire something like this? Asking that respectfully ofcourse.


> Man who's their voter base? Who in your country doesn't have humanity enough that they would desire something like this? Religious bigots and zealots. The Republican party made a pact with the devil decades ago in the form of adopting the religious right as a core constituency. Even Barry fucking Goldwater, notable corrupt ratfucking piece of shit, predicted this outcome: > Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them. The end state of them winning is a Christian version of Iran or worse - a religious fundamentalist state.


Not american, but that seems pretty clear. Like any right winger party, their voter base is, basically, people who never do any research on their own, listen to whatever is being said to them by their "betters" (usually political or religious figures, could be relatives and friends as well) without questioning. Also mainly people who are not hurt by their policies, and would actively benefit from them.


> Then again, this very post highlights the possibility that shit wouldn't be peaceful per se Oh, there's a zero percent chance it'll be peaceful. The quote in the image has all the sincerity of telling a rape victim "it wouldn't be a problem if you would just lay back and enjoy it". It's the same exact mindset behind "the war in Ukraine is Zelinsky's fault for not offering total surrender on day one". No surprise it's coming from the same people, too.


To add to #3, project 2025 explicitly states that discrimination against LGBTQ people a first amendment right and calls upon the DOJ to defend that right Also in their section on the pornography ban they explicitly label the existence of trans people as inherently pornographic and pedophilic. Being transgender or even just passively allowing access to information about trans people will make someone a purveyor of pornography, punishable with loss of property, imprisonment, and being placed on the sex offender registry. One if their examples is an ISP facilitating the spread of "pornography" by not blocking websites.


To summarize in the simplest of ways, it’s an outline by a Conservative Think-Tank (institute that researches policy and how to promote their goals in pragmatic ways) that provides a step-by-step guide for Trump, or any Republican, to follow to infiltrate American institutions and hijack them into preaching Amero-Christian Nationalism, and how to prevent Democrats, or any other party, from ever gaining significant power. To give you an idea what this would look like, Project 2025 outlines things like: •Abolishing and dismantling the Department of Education •Removing protections against racial, gender, and sexual discrimination and harassment •Instituting a national ban on abortion and contraceptives •Sending immigrants to concentration camps •Systematically replace nonpartisan government jobs with MAGA loyalists.


Woops, I hope we get to see a good outcome in the American elections. US falling like that wouldn't bode well for a some of the other nations.


[Here's the wikipedia article on it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025?wprov=sfla1)


> Read some replies, and I think this US election may be as interesting as the 4 July UK election and the whole Tories situation. No offense to the mother empire, but people finally realizing that Tories are garbage after decades of abuse is basically insignificant on the global scale, especially compared to the US gearing up for a fascist takeover.


They drafted the whole thing


they literally created it...


These people are so comically evil, how the fuck do they have any power at all?








More precisely: Capital


Yeah this is the only answer. If “hate” or any other emotion were the answer this could’ve been beaten centuries ago. Capitalism is a game 99.9% of people will never win, the sooner people understand material reality the better.


Turns out you can buy power from people with flexible/no morals who'd sell their own family for 43 cents and a 5 day old McChicken


They’re unfortunately very good at Propaganda.




Hate's a powerful drug.


The last American Revolution was famously about making sure the US had a strong, unaccountable head of state who couldn’t be punished by the American people


And “tyranny” they are railing against is the tyranny of queer people existing and, I don’t know, the tyranny of science also existing? Honestly difficult to come up with a framing that makes them seem in any way revolutionary, when they are just textbook *reac*tionaries.


this reminds me of when the German leader got immunity and destroyed democracy to fight the tyranny of Jews and socialists


they’re self described regressives. that’s what constant vitriol and paranoia does to a generation


And yet these people will say the left are the crazy ones


It's the same logic these people use to blame Ukraine for the war in Ukraine. If they just surrendered everything from the start, there would be no war today. It's also the same logic they use to blame the victims of rape and sexual assault for the violence against them.


"Give us the government or we'll shoot" "Well we tried the peaceful option, guess they're gonna make us shoot them"


Look what you made me do


It they fucking try it I’m taking as many with me before I go out


Dude, for a leftist I have a comical amount of weaponry.


basucally every major leftist thinker has stressed the importance of an armed working class


That’s true, but that doesn’t carry over to our politicians.


Sounds more like socdem at best instead of left


Good! You should! More leftists need to be armed and more need to get better at shooting and honestly more need to organize. That there are no leftist militias or rifle associations is one of the largest failings of the American left.


Based but also not the best use of your time or life. Organize with your local community. You're stronger together.


196 guerrilla compound when


I mean guerilla warfare is cool and all but what would really fuck with a dictatorship is covert/partisan action. Think french resistance during the nazi occupation of France. Mingle with the fascists during the day, sabotage and strike during the night. Force them to martial law every single civilian, make their optics take an insane dive once regular law enforcement can't handle it and they have to use the national guard. Never let the people forget they live under a dictatorship and make your ranks swell as they grow more dissatisfied.


Activate stealth gay mode


Peaceful messages televised from the war room


america is fucked becuase kennedy and lincoln got murked for trying to give black people rights but these guys can spread fascism and everyone is apparently ok with it


Save me, John Hinckley Jr., save me *the video of the guy praying for trump to save him* Save me, John Hinckley Jr


*increasing tears and cracked voice* “Hinckley get these fascists away from me!”


Are they just openly saying "we want to establish a dictatorship" out loud now


they already did, it's called project 2025


Hello my dear American friends; I'm sure most of you got the memo by know, but as of right now, the next time a Republican gets elected president then it will have been the last election in your country🤗 Buy a gun and read Marxist literature if you want to have a chance


the NRA just want to make money of us at this point


step one completed after i saw the court rulings this week


Ok, somebody explain to me how they are STILL allowed to exist? They are clearly an insurrectionist terrorist group. Does nobody care? They are stating their intentions OPENLY, and NOONE does ANYTHING?


the vote was on ideological lines, the supreme court is political now and it's 6-3 for the republicans


No, I know that. What pisses me off is that it's completely allowed to happen. How can the supreme court do what they want? Don't they have rules? Don't they have to justify their rulings? How can they be allowed to operate like this? And not the mention the thugs at the Heritage foundation. They should rot in prison. Come to think of it, could Biden fire the judges? The president appoints them, he could be able to unappoint them...


That’s the thing. Our constitution, and most of the things that define our institutions, are almost 250 years old. Loopholes have been found ever since the beginning, and it’s only gotten worse. The Supreme Court being a prime example. It is the only branch with *no* oversight. It can do *whatever* it wants. This isn’t anything new either. Legal scholars warned about the potential for an all-powerful Supreme Court as far back as ***1835!!!***


So much of the American political system was based on the honor code. That its taken this long for that to collapse is honestly nothing short of a miracle


"If men were angels, no government would be necessary." -James Madison The federalists then going on to rely on men being angels to prevent complete catastrophe:


Jesus fucking Christ. That's all I can say to that....


Democrats won't do shit. They're either scared, incompetent, or willing to sacrifice global democracy for their own gains. Vote blue come election day, but start organizing now. Make sure you and your loved ones are safe. Organize with your local community. Look up mutual aid groups in your area. Arm yourself.


>Come to think of it, could Biden fire the judges? He sure can now that presidential immunity has been voted in. Biden should consider this a national threat on democracy, making his decision to assassinate every supreme court judge who voted for presidential immunity an "official" one, and since they all voted for said immunity themselves it would be almost poetic. But he won't, because Democrats aren't even a fraction as evil as the MAGA idiots make them out to be. But guess what will happen the exact second Trump gets back into office


> Don't they have rules? Don't they have to justify their rulings? Per tradition and norms, sure. There's no actual requirement for their justifications to make sense or be based in reality though. > could Biden fire the judges? No, they are a separate branch of government. They are nominated by the president and appointed by the consent of Congress.


To paraphrase the famous quote, all it takes for evil to win is for good men to do nothing.


Oh shit. New redcoats just dropped


We'll call 'em *redcaps* this time


It is not and has never been bloodless. It' George Floyd's blood. It's Nex Benedict's blood. For these fucks, "bloodless" only counts for those they call people. Something something white moderate something something mlk communism.


Something something based


You know the prices of 3d printers are at an all time low rn...


This past week has radicalized the shit out of me, and I thought I’d never reach that point. I’m kinda hoping its the same for other libs because holyyyyyyy fucking shit.


Homelander sounding mf


Lots of maga folks talking about the deep state while they are the party of the deep state


The Heritage Foundation is a seditious organization that in any sane world would be arrested for conspiracy against the United States


We need another Smedley Butler.


Start exercising folks.


Also, as tempting as alcohol/drugs are to drown out this nightmare, it's also a great time for sobriety.


Hitler particle emissions CRITICAL




https://preview.redd.it/nso8n2eexbad1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e87d5caab60be65ed34c5746f8ee72d3ae6d6447 CPAC 2022


Bring It on


FYI, this guy is a self-proclaimed Christian Nationalist.


I should get my carry handgun back...


I just thought the same thing


Ah, I'm currently reading a book on the Spanish civil war, and although no one explicitly said anything like this, this was essentially the plan. The second elections of the Republic saw the right win, and try to implement facism via democracy, but the next election the left beat them handily. The right then decided that facism would be implemented by force, and the government ignored the signs. Don't let america go the way of Spain.


There's literally nothing to stop them politically unless Biden somehow decides to completely change his attitude and uses his newfound official act power to do a 180 against the Republicans But seeing how the election polls are going so far, Trump is almost assured to win and thus gain dictatorial powers through project2025 Even if Biden wins that at most delays project2025 from coming into existence. Legally, nothing short of civil war can stop the US's descent


The american revolution was about OPPOSING kings and dictators, not joining them!


Every time I come on here America looks like a failed state


Doesn't just look like it, friend.


No that's a reaction not a revolution


“Now that that’s out of the way, stop resisting or we’ll spill blood” Glad they went ahead and cleared up what that ruling was for, not that anyone ever had any doubt.


I’d just like to say that while we have our own problems, Australia is pretty cool and you should seriously consider moving here if possible! We have healthcare, reasonable trans safety and no project 2025. And once you move here, we can be friends irl!! (I am biased because I want more friends)


This is going to be an interesting section in future history books


It’s scary how they’re pretty much just going “We’re going to form a dictatorship and kill people.”, and about half the country just goes “Oh yeah that sounds reasonable.” I really hope you guys in the U.S. can turn this around. Wishing you all the best from Canada!


Second american revolution... bro gay and black people just want to live who are you revolting against


May the streets run red with the blood of these fascist


He looks soulless


Yeah buddy. This shit ain't gonna remain bloodless if they keep pushing this. Systemic, institutional violence is bloodshed and people will not sit by and let it happen. Real leftists will not standby and that is a fucking guarantee. What a ghoul.


This strengthen my belief that the left need to arm our self to the teeth, if we want to keep our autonomy and our freedom we have to fight them at the booth but if we don’t we might have to fight them on the street


Yeah but the democrats are basically the same /s Next person who tells me that dies. There is no joke.


i hope y'all buying guns


*-*-“We’re doing a sequel”-*-*


I don't allow it.


I know I'm beating a dead horse but: The Christian Republic of America Hey Americans, please don't become a dictatorship theocracy, a lot of us who are currently in smaller eastern countries will have our governments pressing the final iron on us and completely wipe us off the face of the earth if they see America is becoming something like they are. All we have as a defence is them fearing America. For the good of everybody, become what the idea of your country is actually about.


We will not allow it


By their logic, Biden should be allowed to assassinate Trump. Are they aware of that, or do they not care, because they know that Biden wouldn’t do that?


Arm the left.


They have forgotten the words of Patrick Henry: “Give me liberty or give me death.”


What if we don't allow it?


Guys hear me out. What if we don't vote and let Trump win, whats the worst that can happen? /s


Make sure you’re registered to vote. Please. Make sure these guys never win another election, it’s the only way to make them go away.


If you need to flee the country (hopefully you won't) you're welcomed in my humble house down south the border.


you guys need to start organising. mass hangings have to happen. this cannot be allowed to continue.


hitler particle emmisions CRITICAL


hope this isn't the start of American Martial Law but American Years of Lead


I'm right next to the states jfc


I'm right next to the states jfc


wow, what a nice and innocuous thing to say!


fuckin dollar tree bargain bin Sundowner looking ass motherfucker


Well I know what everyone’s getting under the Khorne tree this December.


"Surrender to our will, or die!" "Sound like terrorism" "WHA?? NUH UH!! Y'ALL ARE THE REAL TERRORISTS! LEFTIST AGITATORS!"


Man, it's really going to be embarrassing for him when this all ends with him blindfolded and up against a wall.


glad i’m moving out of the country!! though it probably won’t make a difference


It won't be


WW2 would have been bloodless too if they just let Hitler have europe


Where’s this guy live?


the first american revolution took us out of a monarchy, this "second" one is trying to bring us back into one.


Shit‘s about to be like 1933 all over again. Just, you know, on the other side of the pond.