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Im starting to think this is a drama sub.


This sub is starting to suck. I just liked the sense of humour here about a year ago when I joined.


Where’s the shitting toothpaste, how do I know where to laugh


This sub has always sucked


Eh, I liked the memes


at least it sucked with memes. Now it sucks with drama posts flooding my feed


Was the Greek pillar thing the first "drama"? I think this sub is pretty cool most of the time but whenever the majority of the posts are about some trendy thing like pillars or wasps it gets boring on literally the first day and then the losers here keep it going for another 2 weeks lol. Just unsub during those annoying times


This comment is so ionic it hurts


Did you mean to say ionic, like the column?


Yup that is the joke


The trick is to ignore them


Tho sub never sucked. Never. However now all this drama is too much. I feel like people are intentionally subtotaling this sub. We’ve been infiltrated. WRE BEING TOYED WITH BY A SPY TO DIVIDE US. DONT LET THEM WIN!!!


Seriously. I’ve questioned why I’m even in this sub before, but now I’m just getting tons of people getting mad at each other. Not to be one of those “it was better before” people or anything. It’s just weird how quickly it changed from random memes to this lol


Honestly it feels too sudden for me. Idk if 400k is the magic number everyone says it is but I don’t really remember all these drama posts back in spring or winter


Yeah. I feel so conflicted


I love when I open reddit while taking a shit, expecting a nice scroll sesh before I have to wipe, and it's drama from 196 I have no context for. I didn't even know there was such things as drama subs until you said it, but it makes sense. I feel like some people use reddit as Twitter, and it doesn't make any sense to me. I don't give a fuck about "micro celebrities", I don't give a fuck about what a specific, individual Redditor said, and I don't give a fuck about this week's thread that got people's feathers ruffled. It's NOT TWITTER. Y'all are so boring and exhausting.


I don't know how the sub got so bad within a month. It went from leftist political and femboy memes, to drama one after another.


Bruh I think I’ve only commented maybe twice on this sub since joining and etc happened? It’s devolved in the past month to pure shitshow..is it because school just started back up?


i feel like bri'ish may be terminally online but this is a perfectly reasonable post pointing out a perfectly reasonable issue in the community. transphobia is on the rise here for sure


Tbh i always though 196 existed as a community of pure random, hence the horny femboy memes and shit


it's a lefty online community, blowing everything out of proportion is an essential feature.


>it's a ~~lefty~~ online community, blowing everything out of proportion is an essential feature. FIFY


what happened here?


now-deleted post in which someone called Super Straights nazis, and then the comments section devolved into "i just really think you should know i would never fuck a trans person. i'm not transphobic, by the way. i just seriously, really think it's absolutely critical you're aware that they don't get my dick hard, so therefore i would never date one." questionable takes followed, many of which were getting tons of upvotes.


Epic Gamer Advice: There is no need to tell random internet strangers who you would or would not fuck. Please keep that information to yourself


I would fuck the robot from ultrakill


I want to be the robot from ultrakill, we are not the same


I would fuck Gabriel from ultrakill


I would fuck ultrakill


I stand corrected, this is valid


I’d fuck an assaultron from Fallout. Guess that’s what happens when you give a robot a sexy voice, ass, and tits.


I'd fuck your dad.


Don't he's the worst person I've met


My bad. I'll use lube next time. Maybe he'll be nicer.


Good luck lol


Untrue, it is critical to my identity that everyone know I would at all times and always fuck OP’s mom.


I can respect that


Unironic penis havers^[1] out here like; "Just because I know you and every single person on the planet is trying to hop on this godly man-dick of mine, let me go ahead and inform you unprompted about who is and isn't on my fuck or don't fuck list. there you go, you can go on with your sad life now, I'm off to go continue not having sex, IDK why I can't find anyone who ~~will prop up my sad ego~~ wants to smash." [1] - cis men so in love with their dick they are basically a penis elemental.


I will fuck most anything


So was the issue that people were not attracted to trans people, or was it something else? Cause like that is a perfectly valid preference by itself, but it seems like something else was also happening.


The problem is people finding it necessary to announce from the rooftops how incredibly unattractive they find trans people because of their genitals. It can be so uncomfortable and objectifying, and people act like pointing that out is somehow shaming them for their sexual preferences. Additionally, people usually let their biases slip out in convos like that, and say implicitly (and sometimes explicitly) that they don't see trans people as their correct gender because of their genitals. Take this with a grain of salt, because I didn't see the post in question, but with the "super straight" thing, that's usually how it goes.


>the problem is people finding it necessary to announce from the rooftops how incredibly unattractive they find trans people This is actually so true. Why do people feel so compelled to tell everyone about how they aren’t attracted to trans people? Yeah, preferences are fine, just don’t be insensitive or a dick to people because of your preferences


Imagine meeting someone and introducing yourself by telling that person whether or not you'd fuck them




Virgin "I'd fuck you" as hello vs. Chad "Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me" as hello


Well if you aren't attracted to the Trans ppl and wanted to include that in the response you just say that you are not into them. But if you are deathly afraid of even thinking that you may be attracted to a Trans person they you will shout it from the roof top to convince yourself. Typical. And fucking stupid. But not like we can expect much from that kind of people, those who need to hate to exist. What a sad and pathetic existence that must be. Like imagine that you could be anyone and yet you became a transphobic basement dweller.




“Super straight” is not just a man who’s only attracted to cis women, or vice versa. It’s a political project by literal fascists to combine both transphobia and homophobia into one term. It’s meant to shame men who sleep with trans women as actually gay, and shame trans people as not really their stated gender. Nobody gives a shit who is attracted to what type of genitals, except for the fascists who came up with this. The term means “we’re the only actually straight people since we find trans women repulsive.” It started with Matt Walsh mocking straight men who dated or had sex with trans women. That’s the genesis of the term. Nobody felt a need to differentiate until he and his fascist buddies decided to get grossed out at other men having sex with women who have dicks. So again, “super straight” does not mean “cis man attracted to cis women,” it does actually just mean fascist. Maybe someone who got duped by fascist propaganda at best. I’m sorry if my tone here was harsh. I am assuming good faith on your part but also trying to firmly correct any misconceptions you or anyone reading this has on what the term “super straight” means.


> coitus with any (human, consenting) pussy What kind of situation happen for you to have to define what kind of pussy you're coitusing?


God can you cis people go one second without saying you don’t like trans genitalia? Pre or post op? You don’t need to shoehorn it into every conversation. Yes your preference is valid. No one but a few deluded people are pushing this absurd agenda that you need to be attracted to chicks with dicks or dudes with vaginas. Or that you need to enjoy post-op genitals. I would never put that pressure on anyone. Here’s the thing. Dating as a trans person is already ABSURDLY DIFFICULT. The fact that you feel so insecure as to continually assert this preference is not only tiring but completely futile. It’s a scenario that you will rarely encounter in real life (getting “trapped” i mean, to use dated terms). Just like stop saying it because it’s like fucking daggers to my heart every time. Why must we continually hear this shit in order to assuage cis people? It’s hammering down this cis-trans hierarchy and you guys are blind to the damage it causes. It’s like every controversal trans talking point gives cis people another potential reason to hate us. And all of the “well-meaning allies” need to make sure that we’re not making you fuck us. (And by the way, sexual violence occurs at disproportionately higher rates to trans individuals, so it’s not like our agency in choosing sexual partners is better than a cis person’s). Let us go one conversation about our rights without genitals coming up please. You have no idea how dehumanizing it is. I already have to deal with sexually dystonic genitals on my own, i really don’t need anyone else’s input.


For real, Cis people please stop talking about our genitals just shut the fuck up we don’t want to fuck y’all either.


It's hilarious how all these people talk about trans genitals being relevant to whatever conversation. You can tell no one is randomly bringing up their genitals in non-sexual contexts as they try to go about their day. For some reason it feels very spicy this here morning on reddit.com.


As a cis dude, from now on I shall only talk about my own genitals. And all of the cocks I have stolen.


I will also only talk about this guy’s genitals




This right FUCKING here.


"Cause like that is a perfectly valid preference by itself," I mean, no... it is absolutely not... That is literally what the "super straight" nazis promote. It is okay to not date a trans woman because she has a penis, or a trans man because they have breasts, if you are not attracted to those attributes. It is transphobic to not date someone, who is indistinguishable from their desired identity, only because they were born the opposite sex. It is so incredibly important to make that distinction


Maybe you should learn more about trans people before saying “but that’s a totally valid preference”. “Not being attracted to trans people” is like “not being attracted to black people”. We’re a diverse group and you can’t just tar us all with one brush like that.


these people don't see a problem with having racial preferences either 🤷🏾‍♂️ imo the best thing to do is to just leave them alone cause they're not the type of people you'd want to date anyway and interacting with them is just going to make you feel worse and won't change their mind


Thank you:)


lmao that's literally transphobia


This smells like a brigade


no i'll be real honest it does not. recent days this sub has been straying further and further from where it once was politically - which is to say explicitly leftist and very lgbt friendly - and i am not surprised in the fucking least that it's harboring a shit ton of unironic transphobes. honestly i'm beyond sick of genital preference "discourse" and cis people thinking this needs to be rehashed every five seconds, op is right, i'm getting out of here too because this place sucks!


“I’m not transphobic, I just say and believe transphobic things”


If you dont mind, are there any comments anyone left on that post so i can read the comments? I just like to dig through this sort of stuff for fun


Did they get banned?


I feel like people are intentionally subtotaling this sub. We’ve been infiltrated. WRE BEING TOYED WITH BY A SPY TO DIVIDE US. DONT LET THEM WIN!!!


196 on their way to have their 38468th drama in a row:


Fr meta posts need to be banned for a month until we can behave ourselves


Nft 🤢🤢🤢


Fixed it 💀


Forgiveness is available to all who atone


True, like, I will die of an heart attack if I have to see another just text post with minimally interesting background. I know OP has a point, but they are annoying and just make things worse, a bad thread will eventually die or be locked by the mods, but if you keep referencing it in other posts...


maybe if we stopped being transphobic every 5 minutes and actually listened to trans people when they get uncomfortable instead of assuming we're right? nahhh


Kid named row:


I didn’t even interact with that post. I knew no matter what I said it was gonna be a shit show. In the same vein I will not weigh in on it here because I desperately want this subreddit to be funny again


september ain't treating this sub very well 😕


I’m just so tired of it. I made a comment during the wasp discourse and a dude got hard upvotes under my thread for calling another user’s arguments ‘retarded humanism’. I see the word here like once a week and its usually received positively. On top of all of that we’re dealing with casual transphobia that’s either going completely unchallenged or, when it is challenged, it gets buried in downvotes because shitposting subreddits tend to go with the first word on a subject for the memes.


yeah i hate the "gotcha moment" culture a lot of online spaces hav, it's v frustrating


I mean I wouldn’t care about it if it wasn’t discussing matters that heavily affect the people who use the sub but guess what we’ve been doing?


I feel like people are intentionally subtotaling this sub. We’ve been infiltrated. WRE BEING TOYED WITH BY A SPY TO DIVIDE US. DONT LET THEM WIN!!!


the amount of black and white thinking in this subreddit is astounding. at least, for the opinions that get upvoted to the top


“i’m not into fake pussy” anyone who says that probably hasn’t been into any pussy


I don’t know man, I’ve never really understood the thing with fleshlights.


It's just another sex toy, what's not to get?


I just don’t get the appeal. It seems like I’d be fucking a mannequin or something.


Just like I rather have real dick up my bum, when that's not possible a toy (imo) is better then fingers. And I'm sure a fleshlight is better then a hand. Whatever floats your boat tho, or in this case: whatever tickles your pickle


kid named finger:


Kid named dildo:


For some reason a fleshlight feels dirtier than a dildo. Even the word is weird, flesh, like “carnal desires of the flesh,” like some overly dramatic narrator with a British accent from 1930. That might be my religious trauma demonizing my sexual urges from before i even had any though, idk. I’m sure they’re lovely toys.


i just find it hilarious that superstraights literally use pornhub colors for their flag and they still sont realise theyre being fucked with


~~Plus super straight is literally a proven 4chanplot to redpill people. ~~ It was co-opped by 4chan to redpill people. Like it isn’t even a conspiracy, there is screen shots of the whole conservation about it


Also, wasn't the original creator of the term "super straight" being satirical? If I remember correctly, they said afterward that it was meant to make fun of the exact people it was adopted by. Then again, it could have just been a "my transphobia was just a joke, stop getting mad" situation.


Yea it was started by a guy in tik tok but it was quickly co-oped by nazis on 4chan. They had a plan to make the symbol of super straight the waffen SS. You can see some of the screen shots [here](https://twitter.com/antifashgordon/status/1368708056750698504?s=46&t=ucBH9Bt_12r-7f9oTkWFhg) To anyone else confounded by super straight is bad. It servers to exclude trans people by saying they aren’t “real” women or men or whatever




Part of the reason for Discourse™ posts like this one is that people legitimately really like this community because they see it as a safe space to do the kind of harmless goofing around on the internet that's often hard to do in other spaces without being bombarded with really hurtful stuff. When people see stuff like that starting to creep in here, they get worried about losing their space and don't have a lot of options other than trying to bring it to the attention of the community, because the mods (for better or worse) have a fairly hands-off philosophy about a lot of things. I don't know. It's a unique sub because its identity as a community has been allowed to develop pretty organically, but that same lack of defined rules is also the source of a lot of the conflict that happens.


Yeah, I get what you're saying, but I suspect bad actors such as anti-woke conservatives, dirtbag "leftists," tankies, and even straight-up white supremacists prey on communities like this one. That's why most of the bad actors appear in rising and hot posts. It doesn't seem like a place that one could be very comfortable in for long. Users like to pat themselves on the back for being allies, while disparaging and dismissing the very people they claim to support. There's a lot of crossover with some very problematic subreddits.


All very true. I guess people just see it as *more* inclusive than the alternatives rather than entirely unproblematic, and I agree that there are frequently genuinely bad actors present. The bit about people on the sub not always being the best of allies is also very true, and I think it really ties into how notoriously blurry the line between allyship and fetishization can get around here.


Like 197...which is mostly harmless but once in a while will make me wonder what the fuck it's doing on my feed


That's the one that thinks 196 has too much trans support, right? Yeah, no thanks


>When people see stuff like that starting to creep in here, they get worried about losing their spac This is very valid. Mods need to step up, because things *will* get out of hand and it will turn into just another EdGy sub


What slur?






this sub is complete ass and filling with complete ass people. what a shame


The cycle of life of popular subs, the more it grows the more chuds overrun the place


what happened to this sub :(




The algorithm may be recommending /r/196 to other more righty meme sub users. But societally we should expect an uptick in alt-right behavior among adolescents as the pendulum swings back to how social politics were in the early 2010s. Democrats in office generally mean counterculture is going to be predominantly conservative (in the US, ofc).




just wanted to add that it was prevalent and not acceptable for *white people.* it's 2022 and it's still acceptable in latino circles to call lgbtq+ people a fad and an aberration to god currently responsible for *insert social collapse here*. This stuff has never died to the extent people assume it has in communities of color.


bruh that pendulum didnt swing far enough


It will only go as far as the libs want it to. The left gets conveniently left out lol.


Why don’t the mods ban them? Or why don’t we just downvote these creeps


They usually come with accounts who upvote them and downvote anyone calling them out. At least, that's how it used to go when the Stormfront campaign was active.


too big i guess


yea, the bigger a nice sub gets the higher the chance of assholes finding it due to it being a bit closer to mainstream


the comments in this post with upvotes make me extremely fucking sad


*Sees one bad post, blames the entire sub and immediately leaves* That mindset surely won't contribute to increasing tensions, tribalism and echochambers.


i wasn't blaming the entire sub, just saying i'm going to leave. it wasn't "one bad post". the post was good, actually. it was the dozens upon dozens of comments, and the hundreds of people that upvoted them. that speaks to there being a not-insignificant population of those people in this community. as to your echo chambers comment: why is it my responsibility to accept other people's shit behavior? why should it be my part-time job to brawl with these people in the "free marketplace of ideas" instead of just going to somewhere they're not? i don't own or run this community. i'm just another person, and i come here to unwind, not have my and others i care about's existences questioned. i'm tired of people doing the bare minimum amount of thinking on issues they don't immediately understand. it shouldn't be my job to teach other people why they're wrong because they're too lazy to learn it themselves.


this sub has been going to shit for a while now. it was once a safe space for queer people and now its not. i cant blame anyone for leaving


What do you mean, this sub is literally gayer than subs dedicated to gay people how is it not queer safe


But it's as clear as glass that this sub has come it's rounds and isn't that much of a safe space than it was some day anymore.


Kinda sucks with all the stupid drama going on, which is making the good people leave and the bad people become larger and larger. Atm though there isn't anything as good as it


I'm fucking convinced that 4chan has somehow infiltrated us and is slowly eating us from the inside


The infamous hacker known as 4chan???


No, that's popbob


holy shit that comment section was so bad, im kind of dissapointed really but ig its bound to happen when a subreddit gets big enough


196 falling apart after being recommended to the mainstream reddit user :( I just want this sub to stay while all drama just to get out and I really don't want this sub to shut down because then where am I going to go for actually good and non offensive LGBTQ+ memes? r/ dankmemes? r/ shitposting? I really don't want to go there :(((


Agreed. It's probably the only meme sub except for LGBTQ-specific ones that hasn't been flooded by alt-righters and unfunny edgy teenagers, sucks that it's falling into the bigger-the-sub-the-shittier-it-gets trap. My advice is to just stick around the specifically LGBTQ+ ones.


Yeah I'll probably do that. I remember just recently back like last November the same thing happened to r/ antiwork with 4chan raiding it and a despicable mod terrorizing the sub but it returned back to it's regular self after a couple weeks to a month. Obviously we don't have a mod like that (at least I dont think we do🤨) but the 4chan losers coming to ruin this place sucks. I'm really hoping that if the mods ban meta posts for a while and allow the sub to chill out then maybe it will go back to how it was before. Until then I'll find some other LGBTQ+ meme subs to hang around in.


Same. I just now left the sub cuz of the drama, I'm gonna stick around r/ traa or something when I wanna see memes.


I wish the mods would take a more hands on approach, this subreddit is slowly becoming a mainstream subreddit, and I'm so fed up of my favourite shit posting subreddits turning into bigoted cesspits.


trans pussy is like imitation crab, you cannot tell the difference and its very fucking tasty


(says me, who hasn't gotten cisgender or transgender pussy, nor has tried imitation nor regular crab)




No comment on the trans pussy part, but I can’t stand imitation crab. Something about the flavor/texture is uncanny valley for me. Makes me sad bc I love cream cheese rangoons but most places only have imitation crab rangoons.


what tf is the imitiation crab




Let's close this sub for a week I beg


can we just stop doing this shit for like 5 minutes


Yeah I don't understand why people feel the need to announce it? Like ok cool, no one really cares at the end of the day. Are they talking about dating? Or hooking up? Did they have like a bad experience on a dating app where the chick turned out to be trans? My God, grow up. Just ghost em or move on, don't take it personal. Can you imagine if every woman who ever talked to a shitty guy on a dating app had a huge fit over it. I don't know, maybe I'm just blind to it, but no one in the real world cares if you do or don't wanna bang/date a trans person. Not even trans people. Believe me, we have no shortage of men. So the idea we are so desperate is weird to me. No one cares. If you don't wanna date me I don't wanna date you either. Cool. The end.


I’d say the only reason I (ftm) care is cos it makes it harder to tell people I’m trans. I don’t really mind if any particular girl wants to date men with vaginas or not, but I care about if she sees it as “gay” or whether other people would. It makes people self conscious about getting involved with us. I think this particularly applies to straight women because social status can impact their dating choices a lot. They often want men who are socially dominant and respected by other men, but if people see me as a woman or the relationship as gay then that won’t happen. So yeah, I don’t really mind if any particular person fancies trans men or not. I do mind, however, when I’m treated like an experiment. Or when the perception it’s gay by the general public negatively impacts my dating chances. I know for a fact that straight women like trans men because many straight women have been attracted to me, but the social stigma is real and it makes it harder to communicate with prospective partners.


Yes 100%. Dating is frustrating already, when you add that to the mix its worse. I really hope in the future more people won't stigmatized relationships with trans people and they won't label it gay. It's like the cycle of self hate and shaming others that can keeps it going. It's fucked


Yeah, and it’s worth adding there’s nothing wrong with gay relationships (I had my fair share of lesbian ones before transitioning), but they’re different to straight relationships. When women date women they generally want women yk. I think there were less pressures around appearance in the lesbian world than there are on straight women but still, they wanted to bond with each other as women and often fancied feminine or female attributes. But straight women don’t want that. They want *men*. And so a lesbian is unlikely to want their partner to play the strong stoic protector in the way that a straight woman would. And so there’s kind of a problem here if the woman can’t take me seriously as a strong protector because she can’t even see me as a man in the first place. It’s different to simply being turned off by my mangina, or the types of social pressures that may have been there as a woman dating women.


listen nothing wrong with red haired people, i know they can't help that, but they just dont make my dick hard. those soulless gingers just aren't quite as good as other hair colors. thats why im anything but red hair sexual, and i make sure to tell every red haired person why they just aren't an optimal fuck toy, when realistically i could just say no if any extremely rare advancement happened. i dont care if some red haired people change the color of their hair, or if i could tell whether they were born that way or not. i just don't think dye is as good as the real deal.


I could never date a Cis guy with a small dick it’s different from real men who have huge cocks my preference I’m a real ally of small dick cis men. I could never date one of those small cock men. I only see them as nothing more than their genitals. Do the Cis really understand how ridiculous they sound and feign that they actually care about us when all they care about is getting off to us.


If someone with red hair has dyed it, then they should really warn people before they get with them😕. Imagine you’re making out with a cute blondie and then he unzips his trousers and 🤢🤢🤢 ginger pubes🤢🤮. Disgusting 🤮🤮😷. Anyway, ur preferences are valid and mine are too ❤️. We’re really brave to be saying these things. These bigots think we shouldn’t be able to sexually identify the way that we want ☹️😖.


brave and wise words friend. we'll get through the ginger pandemic, together


havent seen it much tbh but if you have hey i get it. good luck finding somewhere even better before it gets too big and is found by assholes 🥰 also avoid gluesniffer, 197, 198 and 19684. one of those might not suck as bad as the others but ive seen more bullshit on each individually than here


isn't 19684 just a non-nsfw version of 196 moderated by the same people?


Yes, but you get users that assume 19684 is the opposite of 196 (muh 1984 can’t say slurs on 196) and post some egregious shit. They get banned, but it takes time sometimes.


probably this


691 is good though


Why do people feel the need to announce their distaste for trans genitals unprompted? I’m straight and cis, but I don’t feel like saying how I feel sexually about other groups of people unprompted bc it’s weirdly objectifying and has GOT to be uncomfortable for the people being spoken about. Like, relax


4-chan bitches, ignore them


"Don't feed the trolls" for users "Ban-hammer the trolls" for the mods.


People act like this sub is only just not getting bad but like for a few months now it’s also been either an issue with liberals to alt right brigading the sub or frequent users going too far and not taking a break from the internet I say this as someone who’s been here since day one but it’s getting fucking unbearable as the day goes on no matter what is happening. Some days I’m happy to be in this sub and others I’m wondering why I haven’t left


196 when sexy femboy girldick: 😍😍😍🥵🥵🥵😩😩😩🍆🍆🍆 196 when someone is transgender with absolutely no sex appeal: 🤮🤮🤮😡😡😡


oh no, i saw 2 bad things on a cool place and realized it's actually only 99% good things. better go back to the other places that are 99% bad things instead.


No for real though all this over double digit upvotes??? My sibling in christ I see many bad takes here which routinely get triple digits and none of them are bad enough to warrant completely leaving the sub like wow 2 digits worth of people out of 440k have some bad takes. frightening.


Gotta love the “I’m not attracted to them, therefore they aren’t valid” implications. As if your sexual preferences matter at all when it comes to someone’s identity? Give me a break. Also, there’s no need to make sweeping generalizations about who you are and aren’t attracted to. It’s like saying you only like ppl who are a certain height. It doesn’t matter unless someone is trying to date you, so just shut up about it.


196 don’t be implicitly transphobic while outwardly being supportive challenge (impossible)


don't go away, small gay person on my screen, we need to fight and not run 😥


Please no more useless fuck drama PLEASE


it’s not funny wasp stuff this actually gets people killed


im so sick of this post being called childish infighting


it's really hard not to when this sub has drama after drama in such a short amount of time especially when it's about something dumb (this issue this post is talking about isn't dumb however)


ive been around on 196 for like, a long time across two accounts. like floppa friday is top post every week and fighting about pillars all of it. meta posting is what made this sub so cool, posts that reference other post or intense debates about shit that doesn't actually matter side by side with genuine callouts on sexualization and casual transphobia that's well received and understood. now it feels basically hopeless to explain why shouting a preference at the top of your lungs that doesn't actually make any sense in the first place is transphobic. extremely sad. being able to drop the funny immediately to address these kind of issues should be seen as a good thing


I agree with you, I just think people are sick of the meta posts right now, the recent dramas personally have really made me just hate them


I love the amount of awareness Splatoon 3 is getting


so true bestie its a great game


I'm really starting to really fucking hate it here


We need a sub that's genuinely a safe space while still good for shitposting.


Seriously, I’m sick of this shit. Just let me look at silly shitposts without being reminded that I am viewed as lesser by society.


Sounds like that alleged 4chan raid is working. Mods, do something.


This sub is going downhill recently


i wonder if we could make a post mentioning superstraights to weed them out and then sic a mod on them


no this was a good meme sub we can't let it become transphobic


Ah shit, I fucking knew it was always gonna turn out to be all a bunch of masquerading liberals and here we are.


yep, 100%. i left this subreddit months ago and only came back like a month ago after witnessing tons of bigotry. examples included: telling someone that referring to the cause of covid as "a chinese lady eating bat soup" as offensive, to then being downvoted telling people jschlatt was a piece of shit, with proof, and then being downvoted someone telling people not to refer to people as "lizard people" as it has anti-semitic origins, to then be downvoted


>telling people jschlatt was a piece of shit, with proof, and then being downvoted do you have a link to that one? Im kinda curious now.


it was a twitter thread of multiple screenshots, but i can provide a link to me being downvoted. [https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/rc1lys/schlatt\_rule/hnspyaq/?context=8&depth=9](https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/rc1lys/schlatt_rule/hnspyaq/?context=8&depth=9) i will get back to you if i can find a thread that hasn't been deleted with all of the many things.


I agree the first point is messed and the second one I don’t know anything about Jschlatt. However the last one seems a bit….. much? Just because something started out as one thing doesn’t mean the modern representation of said thing represents it’s past self. That is just the genetic fallacy. For example, the Pythagorean theorem and the mathematics of music were created by a murderous cult leader. Does that mean using these things glorified cults and the killing of “blasphemers”? No. Another example would be the Big Bang. The theory was originally created in order to prove the existence of God, but clearly things have taken a 180 since then. A final example is the f slur was originally used as a name for firewood. However, if someone were to call firewood that I think we’d both agree that is morally incorrect despite the origin of the word. My main point is just because a word historically mean one thing, that does not mean in any way that that is the usage of the word today. It is entirely possible for someone to love Jewish people and believe in lizard creatures. Obviously most of these people don’t believe all Jewish individuals are secretly reptiles


I wish you well friend, I hope this sub can find it in their hearts to do better


While I do think this sub needs to go back to the memes, I also think this sub does have a transphobia problem. For a sub that’s supposed to be trans friendly we got a ton of fetishists and people who make shitty comments about trans people all the time. This is the only real issue I’ve seen in the sub the other shit has been a whirlwind.


This place sucks.


i was kinda on the fence on the "4chan invasion" but so much shit happened in such a short timespan, this is NOT 196 i know the people here are good


this is what letting vaush fans in your sub does


See ya.


Ah, another post that assumes I've read every single comment thread on every post from this sub for the past week


I’ve had it with meta posts I want my queer shit post subreddit back


I think I used to think of it that way but I’m bi, so eventually it crossed my mind that it doesn’t even make sense. I mean if I get far enough to find out, I mean at that point I (specifically degenerate me) am consenting, Pre or post op I mean if I wanted to before then it’s gotta be like a moral thing for me to not wanna go through with it. People are really cold anyways, and sex is a spectrum, in my time of reflection I now think it’s a really skewed and shallow “preference”. Like most people aren’t naked before the idea of sex enters their minds, I think for some people it’s just more something they can’t come to terms with for themselves. Or maybe I’m just horny and pretentious, I don’t think you have to be attracted to anyone, but I feel like it says something deeper when you’re not open to the concept you could be attracted to a trans person. In some or really plenty of cases you wouldn’t know until they brought it up or it got to the steamy parts. That’s just my hot take tho


the sub is slipping :(


I literally created a sub a while ago simply because the drama was getting too much


I got a bunch of downvotes on a comment I wasn’t expecting to be controversial. Cis men are kinda mediocre sometimes? Like? How is that controversial on this sub?