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thats cause its mostly highschoolers now for some reason




I’m just surprised this sub didn’t age with its audience. It actually got younger, and significantly at that.








Whered the older crowd go








this sub is just r/ teenagers without the pedos




Every week it feels less and less like I should be here. My fucking back hurts..




Well yeah, the sub has grown quite a lot over the past few months. Makes sense that there would be a bit of a disconnect between the original crowd of lbgtq people who wanted a safe space for meming and the new influx of people who want a shit posting subreddit and talk about stuff that has been brought up in the sub before, which leads to discourse. (Although take this with a grain of salt, I think I made most of this up.)


Yeah... I hate internet high school mentality and this place seems to be getting it


I've seen more people get pressed about stupid stuff here than on Twitter like jfc


the drama that keeps happening here is exactly like the drama i would get sucked into when i was 15-19, and looking at it now as a soon-to-be 21 year old, this is embarrassing oh well, at least i'm not getting involved in it this time, so i'm just gonna point and laugh from the sidelines like i should have done in high school (this comment doesn't count as getting involved, this is more like commentary on a boxing match going horribly wrong)


I couldn’t really put my finger on it before but yeah that’s the feeling isn’t it


Yea this sub is so unfunny now


It’s like a reverse r teenagers


I hate getting into reddit to see r/196 a usually very funny subreddit making an argument against each other via memes








(They all became trans men)


I browse this sub daily and anytime I see these drama posts im always confused because i have never seen a single meme or post about the thing that is upsetting op, be it British people, french people, the time this place had a “tankie infestation” or schizoposting. Like where is this happening. I came here for floppa and gay stuff.




I'm fairly confident that these posts are coming up after someone reads a comment or 2 in another post and decides to make a meta post about it.


shit is used for farming karma, they always get tons of likes whether the comments agree or not


I bet it’s not to this sub specific but their own thoughts on seeing jokes about schizophrenia anywhere. Regardless, I haven’t seen posts mocking schizophrenic folks in ages (let alone on this sub) so I’m not sure what the point of this post is. Like others have said, this sub is starting to remind me of old high school days






Every day it’s fucking debate club with you people


Riddle me this


riddle me this bate man >:) if 1 +1 constitutes 2, then why does my back hurt when i wake up ~~like seriously why is the mattress harder than concrete what is this~~








riddle me pissssss


196 discourse number 489235734985634 let's go






Back in my day 196 had big floppa memes and femboys... not all these AMA memes and hurt feelings.








Jor Jor Well?


Yeah except for the way that making fun of people struggling with schizophrenia is way worse than teasing the British? Edit: seven minutes pass and someone reports me as suicidal. Super classy, good job making a place for neurodivergent people to feel comfortable and safe.


Yeah I don't really see what they meant by "this is exactly like making fun of british people" like... no? schizophrenia is a mental illness that gets made fun of, stigmatized or misunderstood sooooo much. British people ain't exactly that Honestly though... I feel like a lot of these drama could just be prevented by... having basic decency? Prevention is better than cure and all that






Came here to say just that








Because not having rules on what can be posted is core to 196, and sadly the time where that was a good thing seem to be over


Like all the argumentative posts made are in "funny haha gen z satire" meme formats, so ig they're "funny" and meme-y enough to let them stay ?? I don't think people realize how much these posts ruin this sub, and don't take it seriously.


One of these days someone is going to say they know someone who died and that we should stop making jokes about death




Wap wap








Stacy from Peculiart.






Squirrel Girl did porn? The West Coast Avengers ***can't*** find out about this!










they’re made by 14-year-olds who know that starting drama gets them attention


I completely agree with this take




A lot of people are using “my x died due to schizophrenia so this isn’t funny.” as an excuse. My grandma killed herself due to schizophrenia and i have literally no issue with the jokes. They’re obviously absurdist, the joke isn’t to laugh at schizophrenics.


I feel that, my grandpa did the same thing, I feel awful knowing what he went thru but I’ve never viewed the jokes as something targeted


but just because you aren’t uncomfortable doesn’t mean other people aren’t


I can see that, however the "they're in your walls" type of schizoposting that purposely try to trigger a psychosis is just sad.


Isn't this that joke as well? Because the original meme is the person in a party with people all around.






nice rat!!


It’s a pretty good rat


babe wake up new r/196 drama dropped


Let me sleep a little longer, I still have leftover r/196 drama in the fridge from last time.


Just make a fucking list of what people are allowed to make fun of.






I'm not feeding your humiliation kink


Honk shmimimimimi


AUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHH every other fucking day it's something new. This sub feels like I'm in a convention hall full of band kids


>feels it is


This shit is on the same level as the fucking lisa simpson “””meme””” where they literally just write word for word whatever they think about a topic I clicked expecting something funny like “they don’t know where i hid the bodies” or something but nooooo instead i just get one of those presenting memes but with “they don’t know” infront of it 😐






Not every community that implodes is a 4chan operation we probably just have too many loud teenagers






It’s kind of like making fun of dementia though they’re not targeting people with dementia when they make fun of dementia




im really sorry








My mother too. It's really not a joke. I'm usually not the type to be like "jokes about x are never funny" but they do genuinely hurt me on this one.


My grandpa died. Can we ban jokes about death too? I don't like the *dies* jokes




oh no not another discourse


At a certain point I think we all collectively should grow a pair


Schizophrenic here, me personally I'm at a point where these jokes don't bother me but I've also been at the point where these jokes could be really damaging. Also hate the fact that just because I'm schizophrenic I'm now a funny joke to people.


as a 21st century schizoid (wo)man myself, i agree, unless they’re actually well structured and funny, and not just oooooOoOo you hear voices and see people


That’s it. I’m done with r/196






I feel like this sub is being targeted by evil doers and not the sexy kind.


I just know the version of this meme where he has gallons of cum stored up his ass. That is the only version that exists to me






Holy shit what the actual fuck is wrong with you people. Making fun of mental illnesses isnt just "drama" its a very pervasive problem that id hope people wouldnt want to contribute to. Yeah, people getting upset about being made fun of for being British was dumb, but there are genuinely thinks that shouldn't be joked about. The fact everyone seems to be going "Wow i hate this drama" or "We cant joke about anything lol" really is starting to sound like some right wing rhetoric. Like, if there was a post that made fun of trans people, and someone said it made them uncomfortable, you prob all agree you shouldnt joke about that. So maybe take a step back and realize that jokes that are just "haha schizos are crazy huh?" arent fucking ok. Like good fucking god you people sound exactly like right wing weirdos when you say "This isnt twitter stop getting offended" and how we cant coddle everyone and give them a safe space or whatever. Like genuinely listen to yourselves and how your defending wanting to be super fucking ableist. Also the people who are saying shit like "im in your walls" or "there are bugs in your skin get them out" are literally proving the point. How the hell do you think that potentially triggering someone's mental illness is actually funny? Edit: Someone reported me to that suicide support line bot. Super classy guys




I don't believe for a second that its right wing trolls. This is just how supportive "leftists" and libs are of disabled people (at least the disabled groups that they don't belong to) they tell them to shut the fuck up and stop being snowflakes if we have any complaints about their behaviour.


The "progressive" sub makes fun of people for things they can't change about themselves once again


noooooo you must be a sensitive snowflake loser!!!!! Im gonna completely ignore what you are saying and complain about discourse or meta posts!!! I think this sub is only progressive when it comes to trans people or something






>Irish descent. >I am not an alcoholic, a car bomber, One of those two sentences is a lie.




Exactly this post but with OCD. If you can't stand harmless jokes about your in-group maybe you need to reassess the integrity of your self-image. Just because I'm not an obsessive neat freak who alphabetizes everything doesn't mean it's going to wreck my self-esteem to hear a damn joke. Mild irritation or indifference are the only responses that don't make you a hypersensitive ass. Anyway good comment have some karma


The meme format implies that r/196 has all been a creation of your subconscious. I am but a synapse bursting in your frontal lobe.




OP reasonably points out that its kind of shitty to make ableist jokes and yall immediately start shitting and pissing yourselves over the "le unfunny meta discourse meme stop being a snowflake its just a joke ;_;" Stay classy. Edit: really? The Reddit Mental Health Crisis bot? Pathetic.


196 users try not to compare being apart of a stigmitized minority with being british challenge. The mods need to fucking lock the subreddit and let all these fucking reddit normies leave. That fucking genital preference thread has been evidence enough to me that bigotry has increased in this sub.




Please just try to ignore it best you can, these posts make the subreddit go into a heated argument every few days Posts like this will only make it worse




I got downvoted the other day for saying spamming lights at epilepsy sufferers is wrong, I straight up think these people don't care at all about any form of ableism. edit: yay I got my first referral to the suicide hotline! thank you reddit!






I am officially done with this fucking subreddit. You guys are leftist until you actually have to fucking stop making fun of a minority you aren't apart of. Half of you legit sound like the same excuses conservatives use when a trans person calls them out for their jokes.




r/196 users be like “i’m not uncomfortable with a joke that you’re uncomfortable with so therefore *youre* the snowflake!!!1!1!1!11111111” shut the fuck up


Yeah schizophrenia jokes run wild idk I have schizophrenia attacks now and then and when I see a meme making fun of schizophrenia while having an attack, I start doubting the reality of the universe.




OP I'm so sorry for the flood of people that are going to accuse you of starting "drama" for this entirely reasonable request


r/196 when the minority in question has a mental illness (its fine to make fun of them and they are definately not discriminated at all)




I know its irritating to see. Theres far more to Schizophrenia than people think, the flat effect removing most if not all emotion, the lack of a "theory of mind" which interferes with the individuals understanding of self and non self thoughts and emotions. Disorganised speech and thinking, apathy, social withdrawal poor attention and loss of executive brain function (the ability to plan reason an problem solve) are all aspects of the condition. The delusions and hallucinations are only one side of it.


OP projecting hard their insecurities instead of realizing that the concept of schizophrenia is funny as fuck. No one is ever laughing AT the schizophrenic, the person themselves, they're laughing at the situation that's been created. Stop taking yourself seriously, as though in the grand scheme of the universe you or anyone else on this planet somehow matter. We're all *just here*, lighten up.




Where is joke