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Bofa->zammy for hasta-> toa for fang. Do slayer while you're not doing this so you can eventually do hydra Also, you need to get onyx/zenyte jewelry


Yes get fang or better the lance, edit, didnt see u where iron, well try ToA and get fang :)


Not that easy to obtain


150 level invocation is easy


It would take like 300 150s on average to get a fang


Are you sure? 2% chance per raid, 50 raids for a purple and the fang is one of two most common


Its the strongest item in the game for how easy it is to obtain. No other item even comes close in terms of how easy it is to get for the power you gain.


Dcb sucks don't go for it. Try corrupted gauntlet instead and grind the bowfa


Why kill rune dragons at all? The dcb is harder to get and worse than the acb, which you can get pretty early since sara is not a hard boss


I wanted the DCB and its allso good alch money.


Where is your fighter torso


Never had one.


Well past time to get one


Iam averaging like 4 kills/trip, Iam doing like 30kc/h


If you feel like that's fast enough, go for it. If not learn zammy rcb kiting method, should get you 5-6 kc trips after some practice, especially on task. But it's also worth mentioning that you could just do sara instead and go for acb, but play the game however you like. Zammy hasta is pretty high drop rate and is very useful for toa.


Getting the kc for zammy isn’t hard at all. Just do the step under method and you should get 2-4 kills a trip just using sharks. It’s time consuming but you’ll need the hasta for other areas down the road.


So hasta is a good upgrade worth to grind first? I was doing zammy and Iam on 38 kc with 2 fucking steam battlestaves which made me rly mad and I left the second one despawn. I go for it then


Yes, you'll need hasta for when you start your TOA grind until you get a fang. Also, not sure if going for dcbow is worth it. I suggest you use a rune crossbow for zilyana instead, a lot of the dps comes from bolts themselves, not cbow anyways. And zilyana will drop you a bunch of alchs along the way as well. There's methods for it to use less staminas, that might be worth trying to learn and will be good practice for other higher lvl pvm.


if I have a fang is hasta just redundant? I have rapier and use that for melee [slayer.is](https://slayer.is) it just bank bloat?


Yeah it’s worth it. It’s what I use on rune drags and it makes a big difference. I use it at sarachnis and calvarion currently as well


It’s a top tier stab and crush weapon, it’s one of the best upgrades you can get for an iron outside of the mega weapons, fang and bowfa


I used the Keris partisan instead of hasta until fang. Idk why you want to kill rds but I’d do bowfa grind, zulrah, and then toa. ZH is such a mediocre weapon for killing rds that it’s almost not worth getting unless you kill hydra for the claw.


You can skip hasta and just get fang since toa isn’t too hard. By the time you have claw you’ll be at 95 slayer at the minimum and way stronger stats for zammy.


Bro sell ur extra barrows gear & get a lance or fang


Iam Iron bro, thats why Iam asking.


Honestly explains why this is the most welfare shit I’m ever seeing. Can’t help you further bro but GL


"I did nothing and am all out of ideas!" Nice one, bruv


Not his fault OP doesn't want to get good gear on an iron lol


Just skip the task bro


Why not use mage?


This is pretty much what I do for tasks. Wouldn't bother doing it for gold farming.


Gotta be bait, right? No torso, no fury, no jaw?


Dont kill rune dragons.


Am I crazy or does my man not use bank tabs? 🤯


I use them, just cut them off


Can also wait for a slayer task. If you *really* like them, buy the rune dragon task extension. Think it assigns around 40. Otherwise, all of the recommendations hold true. Zammy spear is the first potentially hard grind on an Ironman imo, assuming you do it before CG. Bowfa and full crystal is generally regarded as the best thing you can get on an iron until you are fully in the late game. Bowfa gets you into easy raid cox and toa completions, virtually all of the god wars drops, it makes hydra easy, zulrah easy, can do inferno... The list goes on


Iam going for it. Just go for like 15-20 ish kc a day and eventually I get it.