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I like mining and woodcutting. They’re peaceful, give me a steady sense of progression, and grant me the illusion that my subsequent smithing and fletching levels are more “earned” and profitable.


Abyssal Sire and Grotesque Guardians bosses. Genuenly enjoy doing them, like 50-100 KC each task I get. Not doing the entire task because I get the desire for a new slayer task.


Love me some runecrafting


Barbarian Assault is hella cool. Must be improved for more difficulty and exp rewards IMO.


I like BA, but the fact that levels in the Defender role do nothing past level 2 & won't be fixed due to the spaghettiest of codes annoys me more than it should.


This is mine too, BA is genuinely very fun. I put off doing torso for so long and was quite suprised when I finally got down to it how fast it was and how I just wanted to kinda keep going. Still dont have level 5 all roles yet, but we'll get there


Wish they would back port the hard mode over since only change the update did is changed blue orb effect and added 1 new enemy type


Pest control babyy!


I really like agility too, but MTA is unbearable


I quite like aerial fishing. It's decent XP and pretty chill if you do it on mobile and watch something on the side.


Everything is chill at osrs if you could watch something on the side.


Inferno? Awakened DT2 bosses?


i said if you could watch, inferno/DT2 definitely need focus.


In other news, the sky is blue


How do you stomach Alchemy room, honestly. To actually answer the question, I like Tempoross a lot but I hear a lot of complaints for it. Solos are extremely easy and you get 8 or 9 permits each time.


I have no idea how people are out here saying alchemy room is actually a nicer one. It’s so god damn click intense while still being brain dead. At least with Telekinetic room I can watch a show with alchemy I just get sore hands….


Telekinetic room is the worst, followed by bones to bananas room, then enchantment room alchemy room went by decently fast at least.


This is like saying black jacking is as good as stealing artefacts and if I’m training thieving for longer than 10-20 minutes I know what I’m doing….


It is more bearable if you use low alchemy over high alchemy 


Questing. I like playing RuneScape for the story more than I like playing for the grind. 


Agility, chompy hunting and hunter. Very chill. Yes they’re constant clicking but it’s rhythmic without requiring being tick perfect. Very nice to train while watching videos and unwinding I also love me Pest Control.


Chompy hunting. I find it relaxing


Yesterday I went to MTA for the first time to get Bones to Peaches. So far I've done the enchanting room (quite enjoyable and it's quick to reach 2000 points) and half of the telekinetic room (a bit tedious and slow, but i love puzzles so I don't really mind). I'm wondering if the hate for MTA comes from the other 2 rooms?


Shapes gets points for at least being quick, but the other 3 are hated for their own reasons Tele is slow af and mind-numbingly repetitive because there are ~3 puzzles total, alch is click/attention intensive but also manages to be boring somehow, and grave is just ass all round.


I genuinely just don't believe you.


Agility is super relaxing if you just watch tv and do it on mobile


I love mining. I have the untrimmed cape and all the best mining gear


Wow no way you have a pickaxe?!


Liking MTA is the equivalent of wiping ur ass with sandpaper and then eating spicy chiptole, what the fuck


I like nearly every skill in the game the way they are, and wholeheartedly disagree with the prevailing notion that most of them need overhauls, massive xp/h buffs or -todts. Construction is a bit naff tbh and I'm not too fond of Thieving, but apart from that they're pretty much all fine.


Some of them just need alternative methods. Firemaking and Prayer are my top 2. Herblore maybe as well.


Tobbing w friends cause I’m a filthy, gatekeeping, scythe having, maxed, max eff, hlc main


Turael farming, rag and bone man 2.


I need to try this tureal farming technique


I like anvil smithing and MTA


All types of pre-Zeah RC, agiltity pre-rooftops, aerial fishing, skilling magic in general, blackjacking, tick-manipulation skilling


I like pest control and chompies


Mta is easy once you get bones to peaches


tithe farm and aerial fishing


Enjoyed mining. Got 99 after MLM came out since it was pretty chill.


First off, wtf who likes MTA? See a doctor. Things that I like that most people of the community won't like are: -Tithe farm -Mining -Reading quest dialogue -Tempoross (not that hated though I think) -Grotesque Guardians -Barbarian Assault (very underrated IMO)


Rooftops and CG


Hunter lol


1) Questing: I genuinely enjoy following the stories. 2) Shades: Even before the buff I've enjoyed cremating shades. I do miss cremating vyres from RS2 though. 3) Pest Control: Kill Mobs for XP, Points & GP. 4) Barbarian Assault: Defender role needs fixes in its code to work as intended but still kinda fun


I play a shitload of soul wars and barbarian assault, purely for fun.


There’s generally not a lot I dread when playing this game, most skills are kind of laid back and chill or engaging. But my unpopular dislike would be slayer; takes forever and probably will be my final 99 on route to maxing


I find runecrafting relaxing, I dont think herblore on an iron is difficult, I really enjoy tick manip skilling(especially catching chins).


Rc because zeah rc was chill af Tick manip chins esp in the wildy


I prefer Agility to several skills honestly. Like yeah you can't AFK it and have to click things but it's such a braindead type of skilling that you can just zone out and watch something while doing it. Thieving is so much worse. The most efficient method is insanely click intensive (blackjacking) and the less intensive method (artefact stealing) still requires you to pay attention to the guards patrolling. ​ As for me, Questing for sure. It's basically the only reason I play this game. Any grinding I do is in service of a quest requirement.


Every single bit of hunter is cool unique content. PKing is fun and very rewarding to get better at. Clue scrolls are GOD awful.


Honestly prepping for Ironman pvm grinds, i really enjoy making my own pots, darts, food, etc. This because it levels up my skills in an organic way. I guess this will end once i max...


Mining. It's chill as hell but people act like it's the most intensive grind ever like agility.


I like Tithe Farm


Future 200M all psychopath over here. Good luck on the grind. Get help.


Fr I actually like Sepulchre, It's my go to for addy bolts on my iron and it's easy resources and engaging content. MTA is just bollocks man get out of here no one likes MTA.


I like the inferno


I don't believe you.


I wouldn’t say I love to two—I definitely like agility over MTA, but I don’t hate it like I do with something like thieving. I would say for me I like agility and hunter. Really enjoy the Hallowed sephulcre and catching chins.