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Did green log, got pet from a gamble, also have finished all the CAs


Daddy chill


What tha hell is even that?!




Meme or dubstep? šŸ¤”


Cool it Poppy


How did you learn it? Was there a vid that really helped you?


Yeah, ReynoldsFoiled on YouTube very chill method


Ty for the shout fam


Ty for the streams! After seeing the first one I went and did it myself and loved the strat


Which CA was the hardest? How often do you die nowadays, and to what?


Hardest CA reinforcements, it's not particularly "hard" just super annoying. I don't die often but if I do it's a bad spawn and I fail to be quick enough to solve it, or a click through and get stacked but that doesn't happen so often nowadays.


His vids are waaay underrated.


Which video specifically I see a few colosseum guides


Any, he runs the same setup


True gamer


Why does it say you got 212 loots but only 100 quivers?


Cashing out early. If there's uniques or shit modifiers you loot before quiver


Nice! Would you recommend scythe tbow or scythe shadow for first quiver? Leaning towards tbow option


Scythe tbow for sure. Shadow was good when you could afk blood barrage to heal but now that you have to manual cast with myopia the room to make more mistakes is bigger now. Edit: Although Iā€™ve done shadow only, scythe tbow, etc 85-90% of my kc is scythe only, including all the CAs I like that a lot more.


Scythe only? U can do that? Lol is there a guide somewhere sounds fun to try even tho Iā€™ll probs only make it halfway šŸ˜Ž


Saw this YouTuber: ā€œReynoldsFoiledā€ Got recommended one vid and he made it look so easy decided to try and didnā€™t look back the method is so chill


Thanks checking it out now!


Good luck!


Reynold is great, funny without trying to be too.


Literally none of his videos are ā€œscythe onlyā€


you still use a vbow and a staff to kill the melee/mage frem, although I guess a better phrasing would be melee only


Melee only isnā€™t better phrasing either if those other weapons are included, but thanks. melee ā€œONLYā€ inferno means you arenā€™t bringing a kodai (or any other non melee weapon) to cast on the Nibblers.


well to be fair he isn't only using melee, mage, and ranged. he's also using prayer, potions, food, and even thralls! it's literally to do a combat triangle to kill rly fremmies. he solves the waves using melee, kills the ranger/mager/mino/manti/shaman/boss using melee.. that's what's called "melee only". even in a melee only inferno you use a top switch to cast ice barrage on the nibblers.


šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø if I said I only had a burger for lunch, youā€™d assume that includes the bun and contents of the burger. But sounds like youā€™d also assume I had a side of fries and drink.


... i explained why he took a 1 way range/mage switch. if you want to be pedantic over it go ahead, but there's a difference between using a sang to kill a fremmy meleer and using a 6 way tbow swap to solve the wave with range.


its a casual conversation mate stop nitpicking you can tell what they meant. it was in comparison to using the other 2 megarares. Utility tag alongs arent part of your core kit.


No I literally canā€™t tell what they meant. Only means only.


If you cant tell when it was just explained to you thats entirely on you


Bro.. I never said I donā€™t understand AFTER your ā€œexplanationā€. I said I didnā€™t understand BEFORE because they said ā€œscythe onlyā€ not ā€œscythe and 200m worth of other weaponsā€


The easiest way to learn is scythe tbow sgs thralls, barraging just makes the waves significantly longer and stops you learning from mistakes. Sgs death charge as well is enough healing.


I donā€™t have scythe or shadow Iā€™m using a fang, although I do have a tbow. What do you use it for? Or do you just range all the waves?


Can you share your hybrid setup?


Should always have thralls anyway, I definitely prefer scythe shadow for first/non speedrun kills


Iā€™m on ancients to barrage the frems would thralls be better?


Yeah itā€™s better to just 2 hit it with trident


Bro mage colloseum is so much easier than range, what're u talking about?


Itā€™s not, your def to everything is low, you got low dps compared to how and scythe, and you got barrage with is a terrible crutch. You do you though


We're talking about people who have no completions. How is having extra heals to someone whose learning not a benefit. No shit it's not as fast that wasn't the question


Why are you so upset? Iā€™m just sharing my opinion. Youā€™re mega fragile, you take more damage, you spend more time healing which isnā€™t beneficial to learning the waves. Thereā€™s also solves that involve DPSing enough to solve it before reinforcement with max mage itā€™s still too slow sometimes then youā€™re taking damage unless you can set up off tick in time and even then you might have to flick three things in robes while barely dpsing. Itā€™s a bad learning route. Just learn melee or tbo, bring an ancient godsword with light bearer and death charge and you got 25 heals every 50 spec and youā€™ll dps and heal more than mage and actually learn the solves. Just my two cents do mage if you want itā€™s a noob trap imo


I think mage is better, much less clicking and if you mess up a flick it's no big deal. I'm at 20 kc, I did a few with melee but there's too many things to micromanage.


Depends on the level of player we're talking about. Sure, doing all that for players who've done plenty of high level content makes sense and I would agree. For someone whose completely new to this stuff, maybe never having done inferno I disagree, I think mage is a lot more simple because it allows you to make some mistakes and take time to think about what's happening. Yeah I agree it's noobier, but as far as what's easier I'd say mage personally but to each their own


Have you heard of SGS & Blood fury scythe


Bf doesn't guarantee you heals


It's more then enough


Mage is objectively worse on all but one mob and doesnā€™t benefit from Venator bow except for dealing with frems. Ancients are unnecessary with bf/sgs/death charge


Oh blood fury eh




Can you crash the echo crystal market? Plz and thank you šŸ™


Buying dragon defender 200k hmu


I'll do avernic for 220M


Got any tips for sol? Best way to never miss on triple parry?


Catch the first one by purely feels then the second is two ticks so count oneā€¦twoā€¦flick in your head then the next one oneā€¦twoā€¦three.. flick after 50 the last one count to 4.


For me I look at the animation and go off of feeling, and for the last stab if he's under 50Ć· I think "no" and wait a little longer.


sol is kill no


Look at his spear light particles, as soon as they dissapear click melee pray. You can also base it on ticks like a previous comment said, once you get used to it it's natural, although watch out because after 50% health his last attack becomes delayed (he's an elden ring boss)


I like the idea of the particles because in theory if you use that then theres no remembering hes below 50%. So basically after the particles disappear you have 600ms to click pretty much?


Basically yeah, clicking as soon as they dissapear will guarantee the "parry"


this is very impressive considering this is an ironman, gzs


Ridiculous that you still barely got enough to upgrade the quiver with this. Mainscape


chargescape getting kinda old ngl, but atleast theyre open to making perma charged versions to go for.


Each quiver is an extra 4k splinters so he got enough to upgrade 4 quivers.


He was gambling for pet so he doesn't get the extra 4k


They traded 93 quivers for the pet. Still had 6 for charges + one to keep.


So? That just means he spent almost 400k splinters on the pet, not that he didn't get them


100 quivers is 400k splinters so


100 quivers turn into 400k splinters


What is your job and how do I get it


Quiver me timbers


How long this take you?


Safe to assume since it came out ?


Probably, but obviously it was a learning curve. I'm still struggling with it :(


You got this, I was struggling for ages but then I got a cleanish run with good dps which was enough to get 1 KC and haven't really looked back since, do get cooked in waves sometimes still haha


Prove it, do 100 on my account too. Or just lemme trim a quiver.




Ridiculous that you still barely got enough to upgrade the quiver with this. Mainscape


He got enough to bless the quiver 4x


I traded 93 quivers in for pet


I just used it uncharged without splinters and pet gambled until I blessed mine, honestly itā€™s not a big deal since the glaive and sunfire runes are currently close to dead content for the most part


Is Glaive bad? Range def lowering right? Be nice for not having to bring in melee gear for a bgs/hammer spec at stuff like muspha. Or things you canā€™t melee like olm


Doesnā€™t work on olm iirc, itā€™s not worth using anywhere except for maiden and very large cms currently. On faster bosses like zulrah/hydra you would be better off blowpiping for sustain or using a dps spec, nothing has ever been designed with glaive in mind and it doesnā€™t shine anywhere. It doesnā€™t help that the main defense drainer, dwh, is getting its rate halved and mauls are becoming dwh++, they have different use cases but the defense drain weapon saturation wonā€™t do glaive any favors. Itā€™ll probably be useless unless they buff the spec, or if they design content around it in the future.


It has two hypothetical uses. Large scale CoX and sometimes Maiden, and that's it. So yea, for 99% of players in 99% of content that exists you'll never use this item.


Tbh it barely uses any charges, from my trsting its the same rate as crystal armour. So u can just put in 1k shards and do ur enitre grind with those. Can even unchsrge and get all other shards back when ur done


Ah, wasnā€™t aware you can trade quivers for shards. Honestly still to much to make it permanent imo


~15 hours for a BiS is not even too bad assuming no deaths and you get a whole lot of other stuff along the way.


Ahh yes no deaths thatā€™s def how itā€™s been going for me for sure.


you die a lot less after 70kc


Uneducated ironemayne


I havenā€™t played in a few months bc burnt out from charge scape, so I guess so


Holy shit the armor and glave are NO WHERE NEAR the rates we voted for....


Better now tho right


The skilled get richer


What was your last item? Helm or glaive?


Helm was the first one and Glaive was the last one


Glaive really is rare then. I was hoping it'd be grindable for me. But don't think I'm there yet at the stage of account I'm at currently...


All those earth orbs šŸ« 


Did you claim early every time you got something? I only got 535m on my first 100kc, which tracked 130 in total. No pet here though :/


The first 3 armor pieces I did after I didnā€™t but I didnā€™t lose any armor pieces maybe 3 echo crystals were lost total


Amazed at the profit margins for Colliseum. Just geez. Easily the most profitable Single-Player PVM content in the game.Ā 


For the CA to fortis salute in each corner Iā€™ve been having it bug on me is there a delay between salutes?


You're doing it wrong you don't have to go to any corner you just face the direction with your character and salute


Oh jeezā€¦ and to think Iā€™ve died once for it thanks for the help


No worries I've heard from others they were doing the same thing so you're not alone


How did you learn this damn boss im up to 37 deaths at the boss been doing it since day 1, no completion


Just wondering. As somebody that Iā€™ll say is ā€œokā€ at the game. I am having a real hard time getting my first clear and half my deaths seem to be due to bad spawns of the wave. Probably a skill issue that I will learn but my question is, as somebody that has done this content a decent amount now, how often if ever do you feel the wave spawn or the debuff selection causes a death? Iā€™m assuming at this point sol is not an issue.


Regarding de uff selection if itā€™s total junk Iā€™ll just reset unless Iā€™m in the super late wave like 10 or 11 then Iā€™ll try it and if I die I die. Spawns kill sometimes but thatā€™s just something you get better at dealing with time. Youā€™re first quiver will involve having some good rng on the spawns and the debuffs. Then with time the more you send the more youā€™ll see all the different spawns and get better at off ticking then flicking and killing before reinforcements. You just have to keep at it. Took me like 152 deaths for my first one and towards the end of my grind I could send 10-20 kc in a row without dying regardless of debuffs or spawns.


Thanks so much. Iā€™m at 137 deaths right now and all the completion posts were making me feel some kinda way. Best I have gotten so far was sol down to 700hp. Only have a whip atm right now. Still havenā€™t gotten his item attack mechanic down. Died 3 times at him due to having to select doom or from orbs level 3. Iā€™ll get it soon I feel. Thanks again.


Thereā€™s this simulator going around now thatā€™s really close to the actual boss fight might be worth checking out [https://deploy-preview-14--soltrainer.netlify.app/colosseum.html](https://deploy-preview-14--soltrainer.netlify.app/colosseum.html)


Awesome. Thank you so much


Is this good?


if you assume 2 kills per hour it looks to be decent but not crazy money.


Loot from what? Its a boss? If so, what cbt lvl to win? Completely noob here


isnā€™t this supposedly med lvl content??


Depends which round you end on


No. This is supposedly around the same difficulty as the Inferno, which is considered late game content. I personally don't really play OSRS much these days, but that's what I've been told about it. It's shorter, but similar difficulty with the wave solves and such on top of managing the different modifiers.


itā€™s weird because i remember hearing about how this content including the drops were going to be geared toward mid game players and it seems anything but that


Thatā€™s perilous moons.


ahh gotcha that makes sense see idk why im getting downvoted i dont have the time to keep up with these things like everyone else haha


Dont need full completion to get the uniques. Mid gane accounts can defenitly do the early waves to get some drops. The content was never supposed to be filly geared to mid game. It was supposed (and is) geared to end game with options for mid game playerd to gain some stuff




cant get quivers outside




Takes less than 30 mins to get a quiver, this guy is probably doing 20-25 min runs, not that hard to get this many done if you're proficient.. which you are not




For some reason... I don't believe you... people that talk like this are usually full of crap


bro nothing on this game is hard. go play a big boy game like wow.


WoW is not a hard game either lol you just spam your buttons and don't stand in shit. It's a pretty braindead game.


there's dungeons harder than inferno bro. let's be real haha


Then why do you even play this game? WoW gets extreamly boring after a week, and tbh stardew valley is harder than WoW. WoW is not a hard game in the slightest. You literally just spam the same buttons over and over again and occasinally a cooldown lol... WOW so hard




yeah someone who goes outside scours for people spending a lot of time on the game and shits on them fs, well adjusted individuals definitely do that








U need help brother




You realize this isn't even bad right? Id say an average full run ends up averaging at like 30-35 minutes. 100 runs means it's 60 hours give or take. Let's say at like 20 more hours for the rest of the waves (can't really put an accurate number here). 80 hours of gameplay in a month, so 2.7ish hours every day is just fine. This number is probably even lower because if you've done 30+ quivers you're definitely used to all of it by then.


3 hours a day for video games isn't bad? that's 21 hours a week bro. i can tell you don't do a lot outside of this game.


Bro all you do on your account is post in gaming subreddits, pretty obvious you're projecting some weird shit bc you spend a lot of time playing games and feel bad about it


Brother, I do plenty of stuff outside the game. You just can't fathom for some reason that people can be good at the game while also having a social life.


lol i can tell you don't hit the gym or have any other hobbies. you prolly work a 40, play video games, and drink some beers on trivia night at your local bar.


Let me guess, you're one of those gym bros that spend 2+ hours everyday in the gym.


Come on bro, thatā€™s generous.