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Honestly think runelite might be the big reason I got back into old-school as much as I have. Honestly jagex should hire and implement runelite as main launcher because jagex launcher is garbage


They've already tried hiring the owner, Adam, but wanted him to close source the project which he refused to do.


And I'm saying they should give him what ever he wants because he clearly has the players more in mind than they do


The problem with it as an official open source, you put a liability sign on your back. That and it being a security risk to the company network.


> The problem with it as an official open source, you put a liability sign on your back. That and it being a security risk to the company network. Open source isn't a liability or a security risk. Runelite *is* open source. What do you mean?


> Open source isn't a liability I mean, there are and always have been *tons* of RL forks that enable disallowed plugins, and also function with hacked client features like reflection/packet injection. Having the latest... *Everything* be open source greatly enables this. Edit: And sure, RL doesn't include de-obfuscation anymore but that's a small barrier now.


You have no idea what you're talking about. In terms of security for yourself? Yes it's not a liability or security risk. In terms of the game? It absolutely is. All you need to know now to make a bot for this game is how to develop a plugin, which is probably the most documented thing ever. Before Runelite? Bot makers had to de-obfuscate and write their own client; which Jagex had a much easier time detecting than someone running a plugin through a fork of Runelite.


Yea. It would make creating hacks a billion times easier.


> And I'm saying they should give him what ever he wants because he clearly has the players more in mind than they do How would giving up control of the project, and becoming an employee benefit that? Right now, he owns the trademark and private keys for Runelite and holds immense power and reputation. He has complete editorial oversight in the end, although Jagex can pull the plug. He would lose all of those things if he sold and joined Jagex.


Are you aware the majority of the plugins are there because it's open source.


Isn't RuneLite partially closed source as of a couple years ago? I'm pretty sure that change was made when they nuked third party clients (which are all over the place again, but I digress). I could be wrong, but I'd swear Adam works directly with Jagex at least in this capacity.


> Honestly jagex should hire and implement runelite as main launcher because jagex launcher is garbage Runelite would have been dead half a decade ago and most the plugins you love (like Menu Swapper) would have never been added to the game, if Jagex had bought them. People don't realize Runelite is community led. You can't have that when you have corporate oversight. We would not have the same features and speed of development.


Completely this response here. Runelite has made OSRS so much better for me, more efficient, looks cool, still gives me nostalgic vibes man.


If my buddy hadn't practically forced me to download Runelite when he was showing me the game I never would've stuck with it.


Absolutely not, the game lacks so many qol things and we aren't the same 12 yr olds we were a long time ago where we didn't know better. Even in games like WoW they would lose a shit ton of their playerbase if they suddenly decided mods/Lua isn't allowed. I think nowadays unless the devs are actively building qol constantly into the game they are shooting themselves in the foot. Like a good example was New World, something as simple as an actual minimap had the playerbase so divided.


With runelite existing, if it ever did cease to exist then jagex would almost certainly replace it with a copy. The only reason they havent done so is because runelite exists


Even now, jagex is continuing to make improvements to the official client. Sure, the progress is slower than runelite but that's what happens with closed source enterprise software.


The mobile client isn't so bad.


Mobile client is impressive.


Until you wanna chat.


Bro, the chat is shit.


I don't seem to have issues with chat anymore on mobile. I thought I read that they fixed it, and it seems fixed to me E: "they"


That isn’t my only issue the bigger one is my thumbs are the size of eggplants.


A month ago it was fixed.. and last week it started acting up again. Not sure if it’s the same for android but it’s definitely still an issue on iOS.


Or do farming runs or buy items in bulk while server hopping or...


Currently only play mobile. My tablet uses the mobile launcher and I havnt been in the mood to sit infront of my pc for a few months


is there a mobile launcher that isn’t the osrs app?




It looks super nice ngl, graphic feels like 117hd without extra shadows and lights especially in newer areas like cam torum


It’s come a long way. Mostly because they implemented some nice QoL stuff from runelite. I hadn’t opened mobile in a while (since 2021) and was pleasantly surprised at how nice it is now.


Oh is it’s so much worse than RL though. Every time I’m chilling in bed doing something on my phone so many little things are missing. I hate doing agility on mobile or things that leverage the menu item swapper on mobile.


That's actually interesting, I have done most of my agility to phone. But alching while agility is basically impossible. And ofc sepulchre is not as nice.


What's so bad about agility? Courses has the areas highlighted where you're supposed to click. Unless you're doing sepulchre then I can see why it's annoying


I’ve been grinding out marks of grace after coming back to the game recently and this has been actually really fucking nice to have an MMO I can play and grind out basic easy stuff on at work during breaks. Agility works just fine once you know the course pretty well.


New ui + rumors of menu entry swapper, tile markers and npc indicators has me feeling a certain way ngl


Probably. I played for a long time without it, but it'd be tough to go back for sure.


Yes but I for sure wouldn’t have a quest cape


How about Slayermusic?


"Now that we have all the items we need for the quest in our inventories, bank everything and pull out a stamina potion, some food, and an amulet of glory."


Every👏single👏time! Still my go to dude. I love the audio and it's easy to skip forward.


The guides off the wiki are real good too, that's how I got my quest cape before the plug in existed


Haiiiiii and welcome to my guide


I used him a bunch and his videos are super helpful, still not as fluid as following a guide within the client




Followed by him screaming "fuck" when fails an agility obstacle.


Nah, quest helper is much better


The wiki quick guides aren't bad at all


Missing out on some of the best content in the game because of a dog shit plugin.


Goated. 90% of players just space bar their way through the quests. RuneScape is the only mmo with a questing system that isn't just "kill 20 crabs." Kinda sad really as it's by far the most interesting content. They'd rather just grind the same thing over and over. Unless of course they've done the same quest 20 times before then I can understand.


Mate I just got my quest cape and I would have preferred kill X monsters over all the grandmaster bosses.


You can still enjoy quests even if you don't have to figure every riddle and puzzle by yourself. Many quests have excellent dialogue that you can still read even with the plugin


Na, I take breaks very frequently. I'd be fine with quitting if runelite didn't exist, I'd stay off the game till another client does what it does or the Jagex client is more customizable. If that never happens, then I would never play the game again, easy. I quit without much bother when eoc came out, same thing would happen here. Runescape is one of the only games that I love and have so much time in, but would quit without looking back at the drop of a hat if some bullshit happens.


I honestly couldn’t have said it better myself. I tried EOC for a week and never looked back.


Personally i still would. Played before anyways. Though Runelites QoL is fuckin' dandy.


i already play without it so its no biggie to me.


I would have said no, but thanks to the C++ client i would keep playing. If i would have to play this with locked fps with full potato graphics like we used to, then it would be no.


I would play without it. I've been heavily spoiled by the convenience of plugins and I would always miss the stuff I currently have access to, but it's not a deal breaker. As other commentors have pointed out, though, there's a 0% chance I would keep up with my quest cape. Lol. It would be back to split-screening quick-guides off the wiki and only when it's important.


No, at this point I do not think that I could do it. The vanilla client lacks way too much. If I never used runelite I could probably be fine but not anymore 


Yeah but probably not as much as I do. Still would play on occasion though.


Go chiefs!


Yes, I play on mobile all the time.


Yes. I play mobile all the time.


Bro, I always have


I play on mobile lol


Yes, because i use HDOS. or the Official client.


Can you import runelite plug-in settings to hdos?


I believe you can, yes.


Damn son. I will have to download it


Note it doesn't have all runelite plugins. However I've never put off content because I found it lacked a certain plugin or setting.


definitely not haha


Sure but it won't feel right.


Almost maxed without it, so, yeah probably


Yes, absolutely. I love Runelite, but I also see how differently top players configure their clients, and part of me wonders what skilled gameplay would look like on a homogenous playing field. I understand that using plugins isn't cheating, and we can all configure our clients the way the top players do, but I'm curious to see how highly-skilled PKing, PVMing, etc. would look on the vanilla client. B0aty is a great example of how cool this can be; watching him do solo 540s or whatever with no ground markers is fun because you so rarely see that.


yes. i played for plenty of years before it even came around and before we had orion


I'd play more since the game would be more immersive and achievements would mean more


Do you mean without Runelite or without plugins? Because I do like HDOS quite a bit. Even if you removed the runelite ported plugins, base HDOS plugins are good enough imo. 


I bought a steamdeck just so I could use runelite on the go rather than having to rely on mobile client.


Literally just did the same, it’s amazing and I have zero regrets


I really need to get this setup. I've been meaning to but I haven't done it yet!


Not a chance in hell am I playing osrs without RL.


Yes. HDOS and the C++ client is still playable.


Havent used runelite since steam client got released so it'd be just another day grinding


Ive played mobile pretty much my entire hcim. I wish there was a quest helper, hut here we are.


I've went back to the standard client lately and I'm enjoying it a lot it feels less laggy but there's some runelite plugins like quest helper and GPU that are missed


Have been playing on the base client since I came back 2 years ago. Nothing against runelite, I did try it, but didn't like it, felt like too much stuff I didn't need. Have been perfectly fine without.


Well the official client has so many of the plugins now I wouldn't notice


Always have, always will


Easily. Would for sure hope they add key features like shift click walk under


I play it without runelite right now!




Currently play without it. More true to the old school days


(serious) I always play with the official client, never tried runelite. The reason is that I haven't come across a need for a different client. Whenever I see a video or picture of someone playing with runelite I feel repulsed of it. Someone once said that it looks like a botting client, and that's what I think too. I came back to RS for the normal experience, I don't feel the need for all the functionality. The official client also has some new features, like texts on the floor for the items (which I toggled off), and the buff timers which I'm ok with now. No need for quest helpers: when I do a quest I just manually open the wiki on the browser and flip between the windows, like back in the day. As I understand there are many features in runelite that help with pking, but I can still pk with my average non-pker stats and without plugins - this is to make a point that you don't NEED to use the same equipment "everyone else" must be using to win, but they sure give an advantage. But I'm aware I will never perform as efficiently without runelite in the game, and it's ok for me. Roast me


I occasionally play on mobile so yes


I did up until a year ago


I definitely wouldn’t be as into hard clues lmao. Fuck puzzle boxes. I remember doing them with a weird java webapp that you would put a screenshot of your puzzle into and it would show you the steps to solve it. Was a fuckin nightmare lmao.


I would but it wouldn’t feel as good


I’ve played without it before but there’s so much content in the game that it helps make it less of a drag.


Yeah, I still use vanilla now just like in 2013.


Sure Really the only plug-ins I'd actually miss are menu entry swapper and bank tags


Never used runelite


Of course. The game is still the game imo, but I'd be very sad doing quests


Of course, while Runelite brings some conveniences I can't ignore, they were never really that essential to me enjoying the game. I already don't over rely on them like a lot of people here probably do; no menu entry swapper, no quest helper, no tile markers, no bank tag stuff, etc. The only things I might truly miss is the draw distance of the HD plugin which I think will be solved by the OSRS HD soon anyway, and anti-drag. I'd most likely adapt to everything else very easily.


Never used Runelite, get by just fine. Tho I've been using mobile only since winter 2017


It came out in Oct 2018 tho


Yep sure do every day it’s called being mobile only and it’s awesome


Honestly wish it wasn’t a thing


As long as they added player and npc true tile and menu entry swapper I could probably play without runelite.


Yes. The only reason I got it was because of the WASD camera, but I still use just the mouse for the camera 95% of the time. Most of the time, I don't even have my keyboard near me.


I play osrs without runelite (mobile user)


I have played around 2000 hours with runelite. After changing to a jagex account I couldn't use runelite with linux anymore and I couldn't be bothered to try to figure it out. After that I've been playing through the steam client and I'm happy. I only miss some small stuff like showing the level reqs on achievement diarys or animation smoothing.


My account has over 50 days of playtime. I'd say 48 of those days are mobile play. I could stop using runelite once I've got my quest cape and I'd never miss it.


Yes, and I hope they finally remove it. Open source clients is a botters paradise on this game.


RuneLite is the only reason I play OSRS.




Yes as im a mobile only player i used runelite on my laptop a few times before that bit the dust and while there are certainly some thing i would like, i honestly find the whole thing a tad weird. Lots of talk about ezscape ect while the person saying that is normally running 100 plug ins to make the content easier. Not bashing runelite, it just has never made sense to me. Plus after doing questing with the helper and doing them on mobile by having to actually read the wiki walk through i much prefer doing them without the guide on screen. Does it make everythint take a bit longer, yeah sure but i could tell you more about what actually happened in those quests and why beyond idk there was a light blue box on the screen so i clicked it and did the thing.


I play maxed iron account. Never use third party client once.


Runelite saved this game l for me. Without it, playable but a long drag.


If the game ran properly, yes. The plugins and w/e on rl are cool and all but none of them are necessary to play. I used web browser then classic client until 2022. Switched to c++ client because classic java client runs like ass now for some reason, like you can sacred eel fish and it'll have fps skips every 5 seconds for no reason, like nothing is happening and there will still be issues. C++ runs smooth as butter, especially banking felt amazing on it, but it broke last year for a full week - like it wouldn't launch at all and crashed immediately when it did, so eventually I just gave up and used RL lol. C++ also had an issue of frame freeze when anything was added to the loot tracker, and because skilling resources are added to the tracker too, it got annoying real fast. RL makes some things massively easier with menu swapper but none of the other plugins are that massive imo. Like you can mark npc's and tiles on c++ too and there's plenty of timers or whatever on c++.


Feel like I understand very vaguely what runelite is (progrum that makes things easier for aspects of the game) but what do you use it for? Why should I start using it?


I never play with runelite on purpose, doing iron man with no guides, no rune lite and in the vanilla game. I like the 2007 experience. Also, even the mobile update qol features like outlining what was tapped were too much. 


Yes, RuneLite is cheating. How can we call it old school RuneScape when we have all these plugs ins that make the game significantly easier. Every time I’m watching someone on twitch/youtube and I see a tile marker during a boss fight I laugh. These people are babies who need their hand holding


No, the game looks unplayable without the GPU plugin to extend draw distance and whatnot


Never used rL :0 mobile but I think some of the add ons are pretty helpful


Yep, Ive been disabling more and more plugins over time anyway


Ehh, it would be on n off. The majority of my playing, I don’t need runelite. But about 3-5 months ago I became a member, n about 1 month ago installed runelite n my gawd, runelite is heavily needed/wanted. Mainly for Raids. I tried doing a toa raid without runelite n lasted to akkah n died real quick. Runelite is stuuupid helpful.


Probably not


I enjoy runelite for it's extended settings/options more than anything, couldn't imagine playing with less render view




I wouldn't play without a GPU plugin


Runelite is the only reason I came back in 2020 and started a fresh account


If I never used runelite, probably would still be playing, if I had runelite then lost it, fuck not I'm audi




hardly play as it is. don’t think i’d ever play again without RL.


Definitely not.




Considering I don't if runelite isn't working after an update, I'm going to go with most likely no


I play mobile-only on my "main" (iron account.) I really don't care about runelite, even when I'm playing my alts on PC.


I played the first month without it just cause it seemed complicated and didn't want to learn it or set it up, but theres legitimately some things in the game that are poorly designed that take HOURS or DAYS just to do, and runelite either fixes them or makes it to where they can be done in just a few hours at most.


I play mobile only ATM. Got back into osrs after a few year break cause I wanted something to do with the massive amount of free time I have at work. Use my phone for a bit, then dug out an old cheap android tablet and tested the mobile launcher on it and it runs basically seemless. This shitty tablet can barely run Google Chrome and it runs the osrs app like it's nothing. If they made a runelite mobile app, I would use it. Used the fuck out of runelite back a few years so I'd get back into it. The timers and trackers are so useful. And the things like bank presets and other qol shit is just so nice


not having access to my pc for the past year and half and my only option being mobile caused me to take a year and half break. even only being able to play on weekend on pc has made me not want to play on mobile during the week. runelite is the only reason i play.


Absolutely, but lots of the qol runelite offers is invaluable.




I play a fair bit of mobile at work so yeah. On pc? Nah runelite all the way


Zero chance


i did for literally over a decade but now i dont think so because it makes questing so much quicker. most people hate quests so its not a bad thing to be able to have the client help you. runelite is a game changer. the game would feel so much slower without it now


Used the old school osrs without Runelite up until 2022 My buddy begged me everyday to download RL said it would change my whole life finally said if I download it he’ll give me a ROTG (Ring of The Gods) I said what the hell why not It made 99 farming much easier being able to see the timers clearly in the corner I do miss all my timers though it made me look like Charlie during his PEPE SILVIA episode


Probably but it would be difficult at first, I've noticed now when RL dosen't update and I can't use GPU plugin my dinosaur laptop can hardly load the game lol. becomes unplayable.


Well of course. I'd go to work without a car too, it'd just be a lot less easy.


Used to be how I played until a couple months ago when I figured out how to get runelite on my steam deck running. Would definitely be hard to go back but I still play on my phone/iPad sometimes if I’m training things like herblore prayer or slayer.


I think I would now, the base client has improved a lot, but it's hard to find these settings as the settings menu has become incredibly bloated, They're still missing catmull-rom interpolation for the ui scaling, all other methods look far too fuzzy for me and UI scaling is necessary on high resolution screens which is a huge bummer.


If runelite never existed, I would still play rs but likely less or be worse at the game, if rl got banned but you could use a new 3pc, then I would maybe play, if rl got banned but jagex's client were improved significantly, then again it's a maybe. If rl got banned and you could only use jagex current client, I'm quitting, fuck that lol.


OSRS is a private server compared to what it was back in the day. Max house, mini game teleports, private clients (OSB and now runelite), no real death penalties, skills mini games instead of grinds etc etc And I would not play if it wasn’t for most of them upgrades. I quit after a year or so of OSRS and my friend forced me to come back and the QOL kept me playing. Private clients are a good 33% of that reason.


Hard to say. It would suck going back and probably discourage me for a while but at some point with more official client updates I might come back


Of course. I only started using Runelite 2 months ago myself, and I’ve been playing for since 2008


Been playing for 5 days and completed 83 quests thanks to runelite. Definitly would not have done it without it




No, the 117 HD plug in is why I started playing again.


would I if it wasnt an option sure. Would I play it as much tho? probably not. the amount of qol features is outstanding. from being able to find stars for afk mining, to the party plugin for raids and group activities to being able to play in hd with animation smoothing & fixing the god awful run with the DHL. Runelite has saved this game and thats why Jagex themselves have added the launcher to the jagex client


I never buy merch as a rule however I took the time to buy an official runelite shirt and coffee cup. It wasn’t so much about using the merch but because most of us would pay a lot of money to use runelite. Runelite has always been free to use and I think we don’t appreciate it nearly as much as we should. It wasn’t long ago when most of us were paying for Osbuddy Pro which is completely useless in comparison. Runelite could get away with charging us £5 a month easily and still choose not to.




Yes. I already play with HDOS a lot which doesn’t have even half as many plugins as RL.


Honestly couldn't, way too spoiled with the QoL features




No chance


I play exclusively on the official client since the beta started. Idealistic reasons. No amounts of runelite plugins will get me back, so no need to try. It's not that I hate runelite. I'm aware that it exists, what it has to offer and how much it brings to the table. It's an amazing piece of software and it's clearly superior to the official client. I'm just not using it. The official client has a bunch of features already which the old java client didn't have.


I got a quest cape on my main using slayermusiq guides. So yes, I would still play. I wouldn't have been able to get my good buddy to start though. I also probably wouldn't have made it as far as I have on my iron without it.


probably not at this very moment, but I am looking forward to see how they are implementing plugins into their own client.


Nah I'd likely quit.


I'm purely mobile... what is runelite lol


Nah, reg client sucks ass


Sure, on mobile.


I’ve never used runelite because it doesn’t run on my laptop. I don’t really care. The only thing I would like is tags for implings, and shift-click to walk under.


Play 99% on mobile and genuinely the mobile/c++ client is in such a great place. Sure it's missing a lot of the bells and whistles of Runelite but it really isn't that bad and I'm psyched to see the implementation Jagex have been talking about for the official client, namely the hd lighting and the plugin hub.


If it never existed, tough to say. Now that it has existed, no way in hell would I play without it or something similar.


I'm mobile only, so yeah


I wouldnt play without HDOS


Big negative. The QOL stuff alone is huge. Bank tag layout, inventory setups, true tile, tile makers, quest helper...


Mobile users 🤣🤣🤣🤣 such a huge differents. Maxxed 90% via mobile.




Absolutely not.


If I could play with streched fixed client as I do. (og but bigger). All the other plug ins are trivial


When got back into runescape I played without runelite while completing free to play and for a few months after membership but I kept getting recommended it from other user. It's really night and day.


Nah, I wouldn’t play without gpu and animation smoothing.




To answer your question, I dont know really, I would probably play differently and avoiding doing activities that runelite now makes enjoyable. I feel so bad that so many new players experience the normal client first.


Yep, I did back in the day and I would still today


Only if they incorporated every useful plugin into the official client




I got back into RuneScape because of twisted league. I stayed because of runelite.


Sure if it meant there were no bots.


I’m on mobile I don’t get runelite :(


Yes, sometimes vanilla is good.


Yes, but 90% less. And only because I have a lot of nostalgia for the game, if I was new to the game I probably would stop playing it very quickly without it because I really don't like having to read wiki constantly just to understand the game. rs3 has been an absolute struggle (and the wiki for that version is horrible due to all the content bloat they have for mostly unnecessary minor boosts) and I definitely wouldn't have maxed there unless it was as fast as it is and allowed to skip certain skills completely (with exp lamps) that runelite probably would've made more fun to do.


Most definitely! I feel runelite is one of those things where I use it since it's available and is very handy, but I would still continue to play without it for sure just because I enjoy the game so much.




I’m gonna be honest, not that much. I’ll do some stuff on mobile/ipad, but plugins are game breaking enough to command a pc/laptop. Any raid or boss on iPad/iphone…just nah. I’ll afk woodcut, fish or mine. That’s about it.


Not even close. Runelite takes the game to the next level and I was so happy when they made it the official unofficial client