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It’s hilarious that both the High Level Community and 1500 total level Andy’s both think the sub is full of the people they dislike the most


1750 shitter reporting in to eat popcorn and watch the brawl.


This is so real, watching these terminally online dipshits tear into each other is incredibly entertaining


1765 shitter right here with you brother


1948 checking in and idgaf about any changes lmao.


2100 shitter here, I love the afk changes lol


2102 shitter here, love it too


Honestly though. I don't play as much as I use to. Pretty much on Mondays only while I do my discord ttrpg. So afk is all I've been doing lately XD give me more


Or the reddit people that think they aren't reddit people and lie about their accomplishments pretending they are hlc?


As a non redditor with a sub 20min inferno completion I think you’re wrong


you smell nice btw


Wow very impressive bro you'll be at my 10 minute solo cox cm no tbow Ironman pure very soon


Hahaha this guy is clueless. Nobody has completed the Inferno because it requires you to 1 tick flick for 3 hours straight.


Scroll for 1 minute in “hot” in the sub and find a non complaining post


Definitely need dry protection to go for something that rare


2176 soon to be maxed shitter here


>Andy’s Who is Andy?


Andy here… idgaf


Damn redditors! They ruined reddit!


Would genuinely be curious to see a breakdown of total level ranges and account types on this sub. Would put a lot of things in context. 2055 Main here.


I vaguely recall a post about the average total level of this sub a few years ago.  I don't remember the exact number, but it was surprisingly low.  1700 total was more than enough to leave the average in the dust.


Somehow that doesn’t surprise me at all lol


It surprised me, because I was sure that my ~1700 total at the time would be behind the average.


I like these because I like rs3 prayer renewals, but the problem I have here unlike rs3, the herb lv to make this isn’t even super restore, meanwhile rs3 it’s 94. Granted it’s a lot better but something like 70 would seem more in line imo.


Could also do with a bit of prayer level scaling, the same as the existing restores in CoX. Currently the ability to afk for long times whilst praying gets stronger with a higher prayer level / point pool. No issue with moving that ability to afk into a potion, but at least keep some kind of extra reward for high prayer level - the skill is already lacking in reasons to push into later levels.


Most balanced take and based osrs reddit user. I agree that qol like this should take some sort of gp or time investment inline with qol like a good POH.(I also wouldn't mind a lesser prayer renew at lower herb lvl and a untradeable better version at higher herb, but idk if that's too close to rs3.)




Are we really calling 66 prayer points over 8 minutes 'infinite prayer'?


When there's no difference in result between this and good prayer flicking besides the inputs then yeah pretty much.


Honestly, thats a sad "are we calling prayer pots infinite prayer" type argument. It's not like it will replace prayer flicking or prayer pots. It will just allow trade offs which is osrs in a nutshell. I can afk with 43 prayer bonus vs a single damage type but I lose dmg prayer and dmg gear. Or I can semi afk with renews and pots and less prayer bonus but have some extra dmg prayer on.


Agree, I was kind of shocked at how low the herb level was. Mid 70s seems fine.


When my prayer renewal potion is running I don't even notice it. I just sip restores whenever my prayer is getting low anyways. This would probably change nothing and only allow for a little more afk time between restore potions LMAO


Good take.


I wonder how many PvP people are concerned that pre-potting one of these doses will drastically reduce the amount of smited +1's


Just do more damage


Skill issue tbh


Tbh. This is a good point. I don't pk or do PvP, but i do wildy slayer/content and I really think smite is a good addition. The risk/reward balance here is kinda perfect, and I think it's deserved if a pker smites you. Else the item protection is a no risk play. I wonder how difficult the timing would be with this pot?


Can just make it like a handful of other items and just have it not useable/less functional in the wild.


I'm on board with the new potions, but they should scale with prayer level just like normal prayer potions do.


Prayer flicking is an obviously unintended use/abuse of the prayer skill. There’s no way to argue that flicking isn’t against the spirit/purpose of the skill.


Player flicking is a bug




They're adding something like prayer renewals from rs2/3. A single dose restores 66 prayer points overtime, not instantly. OP is [incorrectly] insinuating that high level players don't want noobs afking slayer longer. In reality these potions will adversely affect high level content where managing your prayer efficiently is one of the few ways to express skill. Also the potions are very low level and do not scale with your prayer level like Ppots and restores do.


I agree with let the devs cook, but saying if you like prayer flicking you can't be opposed to massive prayer potion buffs is kinda silly... Like I'm all for exploring new ppot options, but I can also acknowledge that it does seem a bit stronger than it needs to be. Like if it were 20-50% more prayer points per invy space, that still would be a good upgrade.


If using piety or rigour, it’s a 30sec add on, it’s really not as good as people making it out to be. Whenever you using prayer and you wanna make it count, you throwing up piety or rig too, I don’t see a problem with it Make em untradeable and a 97 herb req


It’s 66 prayer/dose. Anywhere you’re at long enough to use 2 doses it’ll do more than a pray pot. It will be pretty nice as a prepot anywhere and any sustained encounter like gwd, raids, inferno, etc. I don’t think it’s too out of place but its reqs shouldn’t be lower than a super restore.


yeah i think most people's issue is the level to make it and the lack of scaling to prayer level. not the concept itself.


They could give less prayer points than a normal prayer potion and still be very strong. Having it come over time is extremely strong utility, you can use it for insane redemption healing, both in combat or for something like thieving, or to help yourself not get smited. Getting prayer without having to think about it in any kind of high intensity situation can save your life. Who among us hasnt forgotten to drink prayer at least once on the last row of wardens?


Are you aware scarabs exist?


Scarabs have a really short duration


Listen, I agree completely. However, every time I see someone use the "x year old point and click game" in an argument, I can't help but think that hurts the argument. It's irrelevant.


I don't mind prayer flicking sometimes but I 10000% want this potion added. So many nice uses and it's nice to just chill sometimes and not be sweaty!


I have no idea what's going on here but I'd be more likely to agree with you if you weren't so belligerent about it.


He saw opposing opinions and freaked out naturally


Can’t blame a guy when the opposing opinions are all reactionary whining.


Sure you can. “He started it” is an excuse for small children. OP is acting like a manbaby for no discernible reason.


Wah wah


"You the problem"


2220 Shitter here make me not have to watch my screen for 10 minutes so I can get this 99 slayers while on the shitter AFK


Forreal. I’ve been salty about a few things myself. I get it. But I was thinking that same thing today. Let the devs cook. I believe the long term health of the game is a top priority for them. I want to understand the nitty gritty details of the overall plan but with my job and life I don’t have the time. This IS their job. I will stay engaged with updates as they come but I trust their decisions. Having said that I reserve the right to complain when things aren’t pretty. Cough…. Forestry… cough cough….


Afk is always preferred to sweating




The game needs to stop updating and let me catch up!! Afterwards I'll ask for some updates.


Just curious but what's your rsn?


0 kc in all except Kraken and wintertodt


dope name!


27 scurrius kc too. It was too sweaty though so I stopped doing it.




Devs should add this potion and patch prayer flicking


Prayer flicking is totally fine. It reward effort and skill with penalties( missing a flick) which is totally healthy for the game. But there should be a middle ground( this potion). Someone mentioned its 66 prayer full duration and that is a little bit too much. Should be 33% more then super restore imo (which is 43) but should be 48 or 50 ish for impact. This makes it so that u still want to bring regular prayer potions if intending to use heavy prayers. Would be a more between balance and reward mini game watching buff timers and popping pots.


Prayer flicking is something that is both unnecessary for any content in the game, and one of the small things that rewards skill. Absolutely no reason it should be patched


Found the player who’s never even done content where prayer flicking was remotely necessary.


Thats the point, balancing the game around a bug is bad design.


it’s literally a core mechanic of the game now


Yea that was a big mistake.


I’m glad prayer flicking will never be removed because the devs recognise that it is only the most dogshit players like yourself who complain about it.


How about no


How exactly are you going to patch people turning their prayer on for the tick of the attack and then turning it off, or even 1t flicking where they're double clicking their prayer orb every tick?


You either block the attack and drain prayer, or don't block the attack and don't drain prayer. This would require redoing many boss attacks though.


That wouldn't discourage lazy flicking unless it's a substantial drain but then how would that work vs multiple NPCs? I don't even see the point in nerfing lazy or 1t flicking to be honest


Its a stupid mechanic that defeats the whole point of prayer bonus and prayer attrition.


It also requires effort and active gameplay


Yea so does just doing the boss normally. We click more than enough in this game to be forcing players to click multiple times per tick to get through hard content. The game should be balanced around praying to block high damage hits and restoring prayer points, not blocking high damage hits and draining 0 prayer points for minutes at a time. Lazy flicking is just using prayer skillfully as intended. 1 tick prayer flicking is a bug exploit.


There is zero content that requires you to 1t flick


They should patch 1 tick prayer flicking at least.


I'm not outright opposed to "Prayer Enhances" being a herblore-based potion that exists. I think the currently suggested one is too strong, and comes from too weak an encounter for how useful it is. Its like if we got Divine pots with a secondary from Scurrius. Are the pots bad ideas? Not at all. Should Scurrius be the source of their secondary? Probably not. I also personally am not the biggest fan of all prayer-based content now needing 2 types of prayer restoring potion. An enhance effect to apply to yourself as WELL as a normal restoring potion. Also think it encourages inferno cheesing even more, which while maybe not perfectly ideal compared to just learning waves, does inherently make some of the hardest content in the game that much easier (as supply usage would be next to a non issue, could just sip one of these and wait it out behind a pillar, even while spec milking or *instead of*). I think its not constructive to suggest anyone with criticism of these rewards and this potion is just inherently a NEET that shouldn't say anything. Its important to hear feedback from all walks of the game.


Regarding Inferno the supply meta for first capes is probably now 12 brews, 4 restore and 3 of the new pots for a 1hr 30min uptime right? Maybe learners will finally feel okay about clicking yellow when they make up 60 percent of their supplies.


Haha possibly. I think in general though that each one of these options is 32 minutes. So even standard runs could bring 2-3 of them instead of restores. As they're worth 2 restores each So it just essentially gives us 4-6 extra restores per run, for nothing.


great job at trying to change peoples mind by offending them OP, you are so smart!! i bet THIS guy calls others toxicx btw


Classically attacking the person instead of the argument


Redditors will not rest until OSRS becomes an idle game




j1mmy practically does not play the game yeah he's a funny guy but you really shouldn't take his opinions on anything seriously because they're based 99.9% on vibes and not on anything with any actual foundation


J1mmy has some great video essays. But man does he swing and miss about pretty much every take on the current state of game or the way the future of the game should look. I like him when hes just thinking of creative ideas. But his whole "players havign a say is a bad thing" is just weird. Its how the game has gotten to where it is, which is and has been forever improving and growing, why change that??


I'll never forget the "polls are too restrictive, we don't get enough new content" message in his fate of runescape video. 3 months later he uploads a video about getting back into the game by doing his first ever CoX.


Yep i think he's openly admitted that he had content restricted himself too much and he wants to experience all the game has, which is good. His By Release series is awesome, but like any restricted series it heavily limts how much he interacts with the game and its new content. Especially when thats his whole series schtick (to avoid any content that was not yet "out" in the timeframe he's up to).




> And to not going into literally everything released knowing exactly what to expect He has said words to this effect. But the rebuttal was easy. "They don't.". We vote for a group boss encounter, and what rewards it gives. We don't know rates, standard loot table, mechanics, how it will feel to play etc. Same goes with most content. We vote on its general existence, and the output it provides. I think small little harmless quests like Ribitting tale are the few things that should happen unpolled and as "surprises". Along with the easter eggs like Varlamores Red Tokens. But no i don't think core content should just "happen" without us being involved. Theres plenty of examples of horrible ideas that would otherwise have entered the game, and once its here its a much bigger thing to outright remove it (Read: forestry event items).


Yeah I like J1mmy's content a lot but I don't think his suggestions and takes tend to be healthy for the game. Most of the time it feels like backward justifications for his own preferences, but that's not exactly unusual when it comes to balancing feedback so I don't blame him too much.


> it feels like backward justifications for his own preferences Great way to put it. And i don't think this is a unique fault of his. I think we all tend to do this, but thats why a feedback loop and polling system is great for the game, because it provides the ability for many or all voices and preferences to be heard. Its uncommon we unite as a whole community around hating an idea, but if we do, you know that idea **must really suck**.


Just stop reading the blogs?


Doesnt jagex post the blogs so they can get immediate feedback?


Yeah. But if this guy doesn't want to know about it, then they can just not read about it. I prefer the current system of letting us provide immediate feedback, and I would not be okay with losing that in the name of "no spoilers"




But we've had "into the game first, feedback later" with Forestry when it skipped the beta worlds. The amount of tweaking became a meme in itself, the community didn't enjoy the constant changes and it created a massive wave of FOMO in both abusing the xp rates and farming event uniques.


I’m with you on this, what we need is a middle ground between the devs seeking no feedback and the watered down content we always get because it has to be made to pass a poll. I’m more in the camp if letting the devs be ambitious and tweak things if they don’t work out right than the system we have right now where they only even suggest things they know will pass a poll. Some of the best content this game got in the old days came completely out of nowhere.


post ur rsn


Seems kinda niche, i'd use it sometimes. Which I feel like is the best kind of new addition. Sometimes useful, not always mandatory and stuff.


inferno ease please


there are two diametrically opposed groups of people in this game, those who want to make this game into an idle game, and those who don’t. should you have to prayer flick for anything other than the hardest content? no. but this potion will literally change someone with 43 prayer bonus on a slayer task going from 12 minutes per potion to 32. that is a bit of a jump imo.


I haven't looked at the math, do these essentially give you more prayer uptime than normal potions?


This game is quickly becoming EZscape


The game isn't for you. You are the problem.


It shouldn't be for you, you have a problem.


Exactly. They belong on Animal Crossing


>let the devs cook Meth?


No HLC player is going to give a shit about someone afking slayer with poor dps gear. Complaints will come from reducing the need to manage your prayer in high level content, which is completely valid. Prayer management is one of the few ways to have skill expression in this game. The examples you gave are acceptable changes to metas because they replaced unskilled tank and spank methods.


post RSN




I know what I'm going to say is unpopular.. but Flicking is a bug and should drain your prayer by 1 prayer point each time you turn it on/off or switch to another style. This potion is bad as well i don't like it.


Lots of mechanics in osrs are bugs. Thats part of the game now removing it would be detrimental. It's a pretty fair mechanic all things considered. High skill ceiling good reward. Also entirely not necessary to do anywhere. Not even inferno.


It's necessary for combat achievements though, which means Jagex has endorsed this as a legitimate official mechanic and will probably integrate it in other pieces of content.


Combat achievements are not necessary to do. 90% of players wont even attempt those cm's. Acting like you have to participate in that is like saying you have to greenlog the whole game.


Read the rest of my comment


Objection, Speculation.


Your premise is wrong anyway. Nothing in the game is necessary to do. You can't be vague then complain I'm being vague.


Nothing in the game is necessary to do, fair enough! You should just do what you enjoy. If you don't enjoy prayer flicking, dont! If you don't enjoy the game at all, stop playing! Idk whats vague about that. I simply don't agree that prayer flicking should be removed. It would do far more harm than good. While i said you don't *need* to flick in inferno, it sure makes it a whole hell of a lot easier! Why would we want to remove it? Hardly any content is specifically built around it. GM CM's the only thing coming to mind. So why does it matter? Only thing i can legitimately think of is people who are just mad they can't do it. Or can do it but hate it. Sorry? Maybe you should play a different game? Or just not worry about it? Idk.


I don't like either. I think both shouldn't be in the game. But compounding bad with bad isn't great either.


Skill issue


Name calling because you refuse to learn how to click twice in 0.6seconds is a really lame take.


I will never prayer flick even if they torture me


And no one is forcing you to do that. Only couple of combat achievements require flicking and zuk helmet is not needed for anything in this game. You can do every content without prayer flicking


Okay you convinced me I will pray flick


my problem is with the redemption strats


The redemption strats are kinda a noob trap. Been trying it out for shit like thermy and it's much better to just face tank shit like that.


LOL Every time I read or hear something about osrs it makes me more and more thankful for private servers