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I reported 5 vyre bots a month ago and tracked their thieving XP since then. They’ve all averaged 3.3M XP (10K pickpockets = 4 blood shards) per day, with zero bans. Several of these bots are on every world (many hiding in different buildings), often with 200 million thieving XP. I can understand lava dragon and other suicide bots running rampant, but you’d think Jagex would care more about blood fury bot farms with “master” quest requirements.


I can say from personal experience that 10k pickpockets = zero bloodshards 90% of the time :(


Yeah lol I only started tracking them because I was on a 12K drystreak over the course of 2 weeks and noticed the same usernames every day.


Sorry I must be taking yours... I got 4 drops (so 8 total w/ rogues) between 82 and 85...


It's so bad at vorkath too all these "higher end" accounts are making it through for way to long. If you wanna have a good laugh sit at lunar bank and just see the flock of 15k+ kc accounts. Almost all with no cape. Dragon bolts and superior dragon bones have hit their all time lows. So many bosses follow this trend its sad oh and all the raids too! Just wanted to clarify that superior bones have gone lower. Sorry for the misinfo there. My point still stands though


I just don’t get why they don’t have simple automated flags for manual review. If an account has 206M total XP, and 200M of that XP is thieving, you’re telling me it’s not suspicious enough for anti-cheat team to take a look? Even with several player reports? Seems if a bot doesn’t get banned in the first 24 hours, then it won’t get banned for several months.


Yea, I'm getting a little tired of the excuse that they are doing it in waves. How about the even funnier one that it's people hand doing it so Jagex can't do anything until they sell the gold. Like sure man I believe that the guy with 32k kc and using d boots, bandos, and no cape hasn't sold his gold. Surreeeelly


I wouldn’t even give a shit about them going unbanned except for two main reasons: - Though unlikely, real players still get falsely banned, risking thousands of hours of progress while obvious cheaters go unpunished - It’s impossible to find an open spot in 95% of the rev caves; it’s all just bots


the revs ones are easy at least, just atk them. you dont even have to physically be able to attack them. they immediately prayer range or mage run and tele


At the lower brackets, some do. But if I switch into mage gear on my lvl 126 (which I really don’t want to constantly carry on my iron) most simply ignore me. One time I TB’d some bots to grab a spot, and two ticks later the farm owner (or just another bot) logged in to attack me.


Getting falsely banned sucks so hard in this game. It happened once to my lvl 3 skilling alt that I played at the same time as my main or ironman on the same PC and IP and it just turned me off this game. I have thousands of hours between all my characters and I just ended up quitting while I was ahead. Hell, all my characters still use their OG character name logins rather than an email. Then there's the fact that you have to post your appeal publicly on social media to have any chance at a reversal since their appeal system is complete dog shit. Only to have a bunch of weirdos tell you that you deserved it. But I get it, you know damn well actual cheaters try to appeal their deserved bans. But who gives a shit? All Jagex cares is about that $$$. They don't care if 1 legit player gets falsely banned while they allow hundreds, thousands of obvious bots to exist. That's just part of business. They don't give a shit about the integrity of their game. Which is sad because I thought that's why OSRS exists in the first place.


The public postings begging jagex to give them their accounts back is what should really tank Jagex’s image. It calls a lot of attention to their banning activity.


Bots are basically killing off the average player that kills Vorkath, Zulrah, revs, etc. You'd think long term they might start actually losing money, because all the bots are just buying bonds from GE. Instead of real players who buy monthly membership or yearly membership


Yeah this is me. Just sold off my Vorkath loot and found that it had plummeted 30% since I started. Same happening w/ farming and of course those are the two areas I sunk all my time into. Basically done killing Vorkath at this point cause I assume its just gonna get worse. Whole thing really puts me off from playing.


Yeah man I'm sorry to hear that.. what's your cb? Maybe we can do some raids


Ban waves are pretty industry standard though. If they ban them as they get the report, it’s easy for bot makers to identify what they did wrong or what pattern was identified and modify their bots to avoid detection. I’ll admit though, someone just generating a stupid amount of KC per day is the biggest red flag available for them. The pure amount of bots is crazy though. OSRS ranks high on the mmorpg population charts and I always wonder how many are real players or what the ratio is.


and for the bots to be making as much money as they do, i wonder how much of the player population is buying the gold from them, which is the very thing fueling the huge amounts of bot farms in the first place.


“Devalues my 400m thieving vyres only ironman” vibes


Went to go report a bot at vork, and seen it was r3 in kills -.- 


> oh and all the raids too! The raids are the most sad part. Toa,cox,tob bots are running rampart as fuck. Toa bots even running in suicide mode since they apparently cannot be perma banned Looking at the fang price makes me sad as its one of the best weapons in the game and getting it from toa would make you sad compared to almost any other item


Every toa item except shadow is worth nothing


Fan price Is not only due to bots lol


Logged into my account about a week ago for the first time in a couple years, was standing at vorkath entrance geared up for a trip. Mind you I had only done vorkath enough to get the head before I stopped playing. Checked collection log and it was green, had 12k kc, 7 pet drops, multiple of each visage. Obviously all of it traded off my account.


Superior Dragon bones are so freaking cheap right now. Vorkath must be getting SLAMMED with bots


Man I just cashed out my first 500 Vorkath kills and saw that the prices on a loot of the loot had dropped like 30% from when I started. Really demoralizing. My other big loot was a pile of 3k snapdragons which have also plummeted. And I assume everything is just due to fucking bots. I dumped a lot of time in 99 farming / 99 ranging to grind this shit and its just lame as hell.


rephrase it: it’s not surprising low level content gets botted to shit, but if ANY content should be easy to keep clean by jagex… its the higher level content that isn’t as flooded population wise per spot and requires specific gates to have access to. it literally filters out a large magnitude of the clutter in data when you look at the harder content that’s being botted. way easier to determine than a new player afk’ing fishing for example and mistaking it as a bot.


Black chins also same. So many low level total accounts with 200m hunter xp


Vyre bots imo dont even have that much of a high requirements but things like automated dump selling every day should not get unnoticed by jagex. If it does get unnoticed then i would like to call out the anticheat team being shit at their job. The toa bots are on another level though. You would think them suicide botting 500 invo toas for 20+ hours a day would get them banned but here we are with none of them banned. Apparently you can just bot on an account via vpn and if it gets perma banned you can appeal it from your real ip address and it gets automatically unbanned. Seen a few pictures lately that have 6+ perma bans in 4-5 months getting appealed by this.


To be fair, we have no idea what the anti-cheat team’s tools are in regards to detecting dump selling. If they’re all trading to a single mule, that’s pretty egregious. But if the farm members just tele to the GE between 9-10 AM and sell their individual hauls, I could understand it being harder to detect. What’s more concerning to me is the same bots doing tick-perfect pickpockets for 12 hours straight (*every day*) all the way to 200M XP and beyond. A casual player can tell they’re bots just by opening/closing a door near them, but Jagex can’t over the course of 1000+ hours?


Yeah im not actually sure if the thieving bots are getting banned at all or not but according to other commenters in this thread they definitely arent. By the amount of blood shards coming to the game we can also see that they get about 150-250 blood shards per day which translates to something like this: Pickpocketing vyres is 0.29 blood shards per hour with rogues outfit and hard ardy diary. Assuming these bots run lets say 12 hours a day then one bot brings about 3.5 blood shards to the game per day. Which would translate to there being 42-71 bots farming vyres 12 hours a day unbanned and being able to dump their blood shards to the g.e I actually hate this game


Funniest part is 99% of them don’t have ardy diary, as they have level 1 RC (hard requires at least 65). One day if I’m really bored I’ll estimate how many thieving bots there are in darkmeyer, but I suspect it’s in the hundreds across all worlds (they just might not dump their shards as obviously). For every other real player I meet thieving there, I see at least 15 bots; it’s not exactly the most exciting content.


I did the same with 4 elf pickpocketing bots just on the world I usually play on, over the course of a month and a half they were still there most of the day, every day


its wild how obvious they are, you go near them they run and log out, you let a vyre in with them, they run up stairs and log out.


I'd take a 6 month hiatus from new content in the game if they spent that time to improve bot detection or just devote all resources to manual investigation of bot farms. It's ridiculous.


They're just thieving maxxing in the hope that jagex raises the displayed XP past 200m one day. You're going to get these perfectly legitimate players falsely banned


How many hours played per day is 10k pickpockets?


Roughly 14-16 depending on banking efficiency and HP restoration method used. I know a lot of the bots use Sepulchre bank but not sure what method of HP restoration they use.


Without ardy diary and shadow veil, it probably takes the bots 16+ hours. I get nearly 800/hour on my maxed iron.


When I do pnm I like to stand in front of the bowl while I smoke a bowl to watch the bots running up. Half the time I report bots with thousands of pnm kc and nothing happens. The other half gets banned and replaced with new bots in a week.


as someone who has made 3 accounts solely for sins of the father completion, it takes less than 40 hours of gameplay to get the member's requirements and complete the quest and prerequisite quests, and these accounts don't even reach 900 total level


It's me, I'm just a little ole gold farmer with 74 tabs, let me be /s




Jagex bot detection only works outdoors


From my understanding most of those accounts with the quest requirements done are either hacked or bought accounts as they would never train a fresh account up for this type of botting. I doubt it, but I wonder if there are instances where people are trying to recover their accounts that have since been hacked and used as a bot.


Bots ruin all mid game money makers it’s pretty wild.


Oh they ruined endgame as well. Look at how inflated prices are on gear. Too much gp being created by bots   Also stop buying gold, assholes  


I don’t do this anymore, but I would buy gp to buy bonds. Its basically 10 bonds for $20, which is a much cheaper way to get membership. I also know several people that bought gp after they got hacked. They get hacked for 300mil? $60 and its like it never happened.


Legitimate accounts who care about this should unsub en masse in protest. Jagex profits too much to do anything meaningful. I'll believe that they have major changes in the works when they actually reveal something and implement it. Ended my subscription at the beginning of the year and don't plan to return unless botting is tamed


we all know that "major changes" mean "moneygrab", or have we forgotten the "Major Changes" for RS3 where all they did was ruin dailyscape and turned it into a near-impossible battlepass?


There are the nex bots too, 20+ accounts hopping together to kill and hop again 


late game too, i have dozens of bots on my ignore list from nex and very few get banned


I take a massive dump of blood sharts every morning around 9 - 10 am


Please do not continue to consume dwarven rock cake


I spit out my drink


Some person has 400+ shards and mules to the same account every day. How they aren’t caught and banned is beyond me. Jagex system is straight trash it’s not even funny anymore. Since my post got a lot of attention, I did some digging into these bots to try and shed more light for everyone. What I found honestly shocked me and I wasn’t aware this was even possible. I have a strong confidence level these accounts are being run on mobile phones (primarily through the android google play store) which is the reason the osrs mobile bot detection is not as strong as desktop clients.


The bots are in the system now lol. Jagex wont ever ban them all. They might ban one or two to act asif they are buts its as faux as the War on drugs. Bots arent going anywhere i bet my account on it. Game wouldnt last a year without them at this point. Sad reality.


BS. The game would last perfect fine without it. The game is 1/4 iron men at this point. Economy would recover easily.


Share holders when they see a player base drop of 40% 🧐😱 detecting bots has existed since forever… even private servers have bot detection these days. They won’t ban them all because the player base would take a massive decline. Each botter is multiboxing with 100s of accounts. How many do you think that is in total?


That’s the real problem. But we were talking about the economy not the overall state of Jagex the company.


> The bots are in the system now lol. They were in mmo's systems since some dude thought "what if I wanted to get ludicrous amount of IG/IRL money without doing much?" and some other dude thought "Fuck that grind, I'd rather swipe my card and get what I want NOW!". I don't know a single mmo which hasn't bot problems. (if they don't, they're pretty much dead/dying)


Normies wil complain that their pvm supplies are too expensive when bots are gone lol.


Or they’d cum in their pants when gathering/ skilling becomes profitable


I knew Jagex was killing skilling/gathering when they added Zulrah. That was the first strike against skilling and gathering. It's been a steady "We will keep adding bosses that shit out resources at outrageous rates," ever since.


I've never understood this opinion. Botted goods would definitely skyrocket in price, but what product is not already gathered by normal players? Herbs and secondaries drop from bossing now, cooked sharks and manta rays, flax pure essence and nearly everything else that's used is gatherable by PvM activities. And even for the ones that aren't, why is profitable skilling such a horrible concept? If you're constantly running high invo ToAs, when you get a shadow it doesn't matter if Sara brews were 10k or 15k each. If you're in the early/mid game, now everything you do is profitable as opposed to nearly nothing. From purely a game economy standpoint, banning bots would be objectively beneficial for real players.


It will benefit them in the long run once the prices stabilize but it will most certainly double or quadruple before then. A game I played (tibia) banned a good portion (99%) of bothers at one point, the economy for these small creature products for outfits, imbues etc skyrocketed for years. It turned out to benefit the newer / lower level players because this became a good early access money making activity but it was a rough few years That being said, I'm all for it 100% just wanted to add some very specific personal experience to your hypothetical


Pretty sure that's what happened after the first bot bust or atleast shortly after OSRS was released.


they buy membership which is all jagex really wants at the end of the day.


Who do you think owns the farm


I stopped reporting them cuz they dont get banned it seems anyhow 200m xp lol


They've literally used the same script since vyres were released. You can watch them stop 1 tile away from the ToB bank, stand on that tile for 1 tick, then step forward to actually use the bank. The botting problem is never going away, but when the mouse doesn't even need to change its tactics it means there's no cat chasing the mouse. What's happening if we aren't catching red flags brighter than the Sun??


It doesn't get caught because my team and I are not bots. We have a house of about 15 players who really enjoy killing vampire sentinels on multiple accounts. We play throughout the night, get breakfast for dinner, then sleep til later. Due to account sharing not being enforced, you might see our accounts logged in and killing because our friends enjoy this game too. We tell them to only kill vampires and being asocial, so they keep public chat off. Hope this clears up any confusion.


Ah damn this makes complete sense. In another comment i did calculate there to be about 40-70 of these accounts doing this 12 hours a day so do you by any chance have a few more friends than you originally thought?


Well obviously their friends have friends as well


"I just want bots to get tf out of the game already" Man do I have some bad news for you.




Vyre bots are crazy right now. You can go to almost every world and there will be there, for pickpocketing at least. It's sad to see how Jagex doesn't ban these blatant bot accounts with 40m+ thieving XP with bare minimum stats. The team for that area are heavily underfunded however and they are weighing the pros and cons for banning accounts w/ membership.


Remember when they said they wouldn’t be looking at pickpocketing Vyres and Elves in project rebalance because they were interacted with plenty LOL


> they were interacted with plenty LOL No lies there LMAO


I made a blood shard post that gained a lot of traction. Most of the comments were from redditors saying it wasn’t actual a bot problem. I’ve reported many bots with over 50m thieving exp that are still up and running. It is very annoying to see them still going strong. Blood shards would easily be 10m+ if Jagex banned them in a timely manner


> Blood shards would easily be 10m+ if Jagex banned them in a timely manner Still not high enough price tbh for the literal best item in game. Its so low priced atm that you can just bring it everywhere


They pretty obviously just don't care and haven't for a while. HiScores have been a joke for a long time


Bots make them too much money. Obviously they should take out the biggest ones that cripple the economy the most, but investors will simply not be okay with fully nuking them. It's over half of Jagex's revenue.


notice how jmods never respond to these posts, but they make sure to respond to memes and smack downs because it makes them look good


Well to be fair its a sunday but i doubt they would answer anyway. I would have posted this on a monday if i wanted jmod interaction but they NEVER touch botting threads


My point exactly, I can’t think of any notable time a jmod has ever commented on a thread about botting.


A friend of a friend has been suicide botting on his 2200+ account for months. And I don’t know what to do about it.


Report him 😈


Doesn't do shit; guy in my CC has botted for years (and been reported plenty of times), very blatantly, brags about it, states he does it, has done CG and a billion other grinds via botting. In a recent ban wave one of his alts got banned, and then unbanned after an appeal, but his 4 other bots were untouched despite very vocally stating he's botting (and indeed botting) all the fucking time. It's very demoralizing, why waste my time reporting people when they never get banned for botting?


I heard basically the higher level you are, the less Jagex watches your account for bot activity because they think nobody would risk accounts with thousands of hours of progress just to make some GP. Like for example someone can try and bot tutorial island and right after and probably receive a ban before they even make it to lvl 100 total. But a level 2200 can suicide bot multiple skills to 200m 24/7 before Jagex notices.


This is actually relevant. A lot of these accounts running bosses etc etc, are hacked accounts with tons of manual hours put into them. Jagex utilizes a flag system for new accounts, that usually drops off over time, or so it seems.


Jagex doesn’t care, the bots pay for membership and normies don’t give a fuck cus it keeps blood shards at a lower price. The solution from Jagexs end was to make drop rates so bad that only bots want to do the content. Castle wars on every world is full of RC bots in full gotr robes, thieving bots going to tob bank with 50m+ thieving xp. It’s fucking obvious, you can’t tell me that they are even trying to ban these accounts. When they last for weeks and months I find it hard to believe they’re putting in much effort to take care of this issue.


I've said it a hundred times and I'll say it again BECAUSE Jagex does NOT want to get rid of bots. Bots make them money, they merely do the occasional ban to shut up the playerbase and give the appearance of taking action.


They ban thousand’s of bots weekly… The real issue is that they may be gold farmers, and they can’t take action on them until they RWT.


The vork accounts are 100% bots


Absolute bs reason. Look at highacores and think to yourself: "if I were a gold seller, would I cash out or risk it all"


If you were a gold farmer with the intent on farming lets say leviathan, would you bother getting any levels past what is required to access it? I’m thinking probably not because that would be wasted time that they could be farming gp. However, I do think that bots have an incentive to get random levels in order to not be so identifiable as bots. Gold farmers don’t care what their accounts look like because they know they have done nothing wrong in the eyes of jagex until they offload their gp.


I legitimately believe there’s a mod running some of these bot farms. There’s no other explanation (and wanting bonds to stay expensive as possible)


Yeah it was way past obvious with the zombie pirates update. I mean thats just the dumbest, most blatant bot environment I've ever seen. Just absurdly bad for the game.


i think its more the higherups like the bots that buy membership so they dont invest in anti-cheat/tell the anticheat to only go after really bad offenders. i think the actual jmods dont like the bots,(you can see this when the devs try to make new content hard for bots to get to, so at least legit players can try to get something bots cant) but their bosses arnt gunna let them take care of the issue/give any support for it.


My friends who got banned for auto alching in 2013 and 2014 but now i got mates boting 500 invo toa's and inferno without a hitch. 


God damn lol


There are several bots with 200m thieving xp I report them daily. You can see them in the house closest to the tele spot


If it werent for the bots jagex would have to give them a reasonable droprate. This way people can actually use them


It's the thieving bots. Killing vyres isn't worth the setup time.


I wont lie dude they stopped trying a while ago. Gold inflation has gotten wild now.


I believe the GE bond price is the best tracker of actual in game inflation since it’s Jagex’s own RMT, so it’s wild that just in a year the price of bonds basically doubled. Bonds are 5x the price of when they came out in 2017.


Are we sure it’s not the guy who runs 20 accs at the same time. The samurai guy.


At this point this guy should get a month ban also to free him from osrs a bit. Maybe during summer so he can go touch grass even lmao


And ya'll afraid of a mouse randomizer clicker for agility/splashing/alching/cooking/whatever? Detection system is a joke. Just do it.


Botting is ok according to Jagex , game is done. See Nex item prices


Plenty of Nex bots with 4K plus kc always at Nex bank. Jagex just doesn’t care. It’s not hard to hire someone to sit there and 1 click ban ban ban. These bots have lots of gp in gear on their accounts too so if you just sit there and instant ban them, the bot farmers would take a big hit


Because Jagex doesn't want to ban bots which adds revenue just like any other legit player, and mains wants cheap blood shards.


I was bored, so I jumped through all the worlds outside Hallowed Sepulcher. Reported all the bots I saw, almost 400 of em. This is just sad. Probably missed many aswell since they switch world randomly. While jumping I found several bots I had already reported just a little while ago.


Its a rouge jmod's friend(s) running botfarms, he/she let their friend(s) bots continue undetected until a second jmod finds them. Known and caught jmods below [https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/mod-reach?oldschool=1](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/mod-reach?oldschool=1) [https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/an-important-announcement?oldschool=1](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/an-important-announcement?oldschool=1) [https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Mod\_Reach](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Mod_Reach) [https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Mod\_Jed](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Mod_Jed)


Rouge doesn't mean what you think it means.


youre saying makeup might not be a contributing factor?


There’s an account called kflipsta who bots there constantly


Oh shit The call is coming from inside the house


Best time to buy shards is now. They'll go up In price!


They don’t care free numbers for them


I’ve been farming vyres for a shard doing some here and there, only at like 2k picks no shard yet. But I see so many bots. Probably gonna go dry on blood shard since I got 8 eternal teleports crystals in 2k elves 🤦‍♂️


They just recently nuked a lot of CG bots. I'd be surprised if they didn't also catch a lot of vyre bots as well.


My friends old rs3 account was hacked and botted on osrs, In like 2 weeks it did sote and gained 46m thiev xp. It was online 24/7 until I told him and he recovered it. 0 bans, kinda wild


Ez 99 thieving


It’s crazy because these bots are so easy to trick and confirm that they are bots… open the doors and 90% of them will run to close it


Bots contribute to membership purchases


So you’re telling me blood shards are cheaper in the morning


Jagex doesn’t care about bots. The same accounts doing the same shit all day long with no breaks and ranked top 1k for their respective skill. But jagex claims they can’t determine if certain accounts are actually being bottled. If it comes down to one guy manually going through all fishy accounts it’s gotta be better than whatever the hell they are doing now.


Same with elves in prif. Bots are getting obnoxious at this point


lol you guys will never stop them, they use mules set to drops and it will come pick it up from their farm.


The bots are so out of control it's ludicrous, and the people making the profits behind it are the insidious profiteers. At rogue chests in deep wildy, you'll see every single world being botted. If you try looting the chests and crashing, you'll be greeted by a swarm of pkers to anti-crash. These bot farms are being protected by the botters themselves. Such gross behavior that spawned from slow ban waves.


tinfoil moment: OP is botfarm operator in search of others to catch his bot dumps at a higher price


been tracking a black chinchompa bot farm for a while. one has 200m exp others have 50m+


The reality is that it just doesn't make sense to ban them. The bot owner is paying membership, with likely a dozen+ accounts. While it's against ToS, it's just good business to leave them. If banned, they'll just create more. The only time it's worth stepping in is when it's something going on that could hugely affect the game.


There is some bot farm that's been going on in specific worlds at Rimmington POH for a couple years now. I have no idea what it is I no longer care but looks like all going through the same POH


According to many users in the osrs botting subreddit, ban rates are waayyy lower for accounts that buy membership with money vs bonds. Makes sense because jagex is raking in the cash with memberships. This is speculation btw, just thought it was interesting.


So this stuff happens. Blatant botting and rwting unbanned. Then people are like "I gave my mum 10m and I got banned for Rwt - help!!??" like fuck off. I've been playing a long ass time and never even received a osrs scam email. Does every single player in this game rwt now or something?


Its so odd they seem to go after accounts that arent really effecting the players like people training at nmz but they let the vork bots get 200m range and break the game


nice try lol


I just want a task only area to AFK them at man


I was doing the agility pyramid today for diary and there is a huge bit farm there running the course


But my ToA bot gets caught in 200 KC fml


Because the normie accounts need their supplies at an affordable cost! Gotta allow some bots otherwise normie's will QQ at the price of supplies! /s


Honestly think they've given up for the time being, and are hoping they can get it under control once they ban RL and make their client the only way of playing


... bud there's like so many bots in osrs, I dont even think they're trying to do anything about them.


jagex pls dont do a banwave until you add blood shards from something players actually do (tob)


The sad truth is bots buy membership it’s the only reason this shit could continue there is no way they’re unaware of it by this point it’s been years


I used to press the report button. I did it thousands of times. I would report the same bots doing the same things for days weeks and months. Once I realized that none of them, not a single one, was banned, I stopped caring. The craziest thing to me that nobody wants to talk about: even though at first glance this game seems very healthy and populated, really it is 50% (or more) fake little robot NPC players that compete against you and take away your fun.


Shhhh making 4m per dump every day. Its free real estate.


Jagex wants bots plan n simple every piece of content is flooded with bots


I wonder what the ratio of bots to humans are in the game now? Seeing all the bots really sucks. No game is free from bots/cheaters but these guys make OSRS into and idle MMORPG. From my experience, the Jagex player support is the worst out there. That may not be factually true but that's an opinion.


Prove its bots not goldfarmers? Why does everyone that makes posts like this seem unable to understand the concept of "evidence" or "we can't just ban everyone because there is a 70% chance they might be a bot".


Jagex doesnt care about banning bots. Bots pay money for accounts.


They’ve already admitted they’re fine with bots as long as the owner pays membership for the bot account. So no they will never do anything bout bots bc it’ll hurt their revenue


"why doesnt jagex just ban the bots it's so obvious" "why does jagex deny their false bans its so common"  "why doesnt jagex just ban everyone who sells a blood shard around 9 in the morning of any day"  Yeah, I wonder. 


If the bot problem is so bad why are blood shards still so expensive. We need more bots so I can stock up.


I reported the Vyre Bots to Sir Pugger weeks back and did some reporting when I was thieving to 99. After I reached 99 I stopped, but there is a ton of them. They are easy to spot because of their weird stats and that they log off the moment you pop in. So you need to catch their name fast.


They're paying customers, Jagex doesn't care.


Bro if been telling you guys the market plan for years is 2 blood shards for the price of one bond. Ez $ for Jagex from mains.


Jmods have summer vacations to pay for


Because jagex makes money on them


Jagex looking at proof of blatant botting, 25k+ boss kill counts, 120 magic zulrah bots: "duhh doiiiii!"


jagex when they see a 120 magic and 90k zulrah KC bot at ferox enclave: Duhghh doyyyy!!!


what if i told you jagex are the botters? at least 1/3 of the concurrent playerbase is made up of bots. losing that wouldnt look good for shareholders


If players can find these farms then the only explanation is that Jagex allows them to exist.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess we ain't seeing a jmod reply on this post


The jmods run the bots duh


Jagex doesn’t ban paying members. It’s bad for biz. Sadly bots pay for probably 20-30% of the bond demand/profits.


Look at raw sharks, nature runes, cosmics, logs, astrals, dragon bones and all the other heavily botted items. This happens every morning at about 6am Jagex time.


Every world has 2-3 vyre bots, just like every world has 5 amethyst mining bots... It's insane.


There are rwters who have been untouched for half a decade... Shit is depressing


Thanks for the cheap shards, kind stranger


Sorry everyone, it’s time I owned up… it’s me. I’m dumping them every morning. I don’t use bots though. You just need to use a chisel on a blood rune and it creates shards


This thread will not get a Jmod response.


it exists because the shareholder is more important than the player. bots = money.


The dump didn;t happen today, no cheap blood shards for me :(


There's a massive bot farm at vyres all with over 20m theiving exp I go there to afk train melee since I get decent alcs and it's super chill I see them all running out of the bank all the time seems like there 5+ in every world all in different houses theiving vyres


Sounds like a good scheme for ya to cash in on!


Unpopular opinion alert: Nothing goes unnoticed, they just dont give a fuck as long as bots keep paying their subscription since a freaking lots of bots = freaking lots of subscrptions. Good for their pockets and good for shareholders. Who gives a rats ass about players anyway?


It really amazes me how naive/blind most of you guys can be when it comes to Jagex and most of Jmods. Is it so unconceivable for you guys that they dont really care about bot farms because bots are actually good for them? If someone disagree, please point out to me how exactly bots flooding the game can be bad for the company in short/mid therm


don’t we have to eliminate bonds if we want to eliminate bots?


I keep hearing all this "we can't ban them immediately because we need to track them and study them so we can detect them more" but these banwaves always only happen after the damage has been done.


Jagex hasn’t banned a bot since the corporate buyout 


Because nobody is looking? Bots = money even if they dont pay real money investors see players because they are stupid. 


So what ur saying is. Invest in bloodshards? Ok I will invest in bloodshards.


You guys realize the bots are jagex to make the worlds seem populated and to keep the economy flowing, right?


On level-locked worlds, bots have become so much more common to see. It really kills the motivation to play this. I want to see a JMod give us info on what they are actually doing about them. Right now, it feels like nothing.