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He's not botting agility, but he sure is trying to.


Comment worthy of my last reward


That’s just how they like to play the game


It's kind of rude to post this about my blindfold locked maxed account so close to the finale. Spoilers before the video and everything SMH.


Blindfold rellekka rooftop locked ultimate Ironman journey to max


Poor guy was simply burnt out but had to max


Agility will do this to a dude 😔


The month I was doing 99 agility is a complete blur to me. It was fucking miserable. Hot take but the only skill worse for me than agility was slayer.


For this exact reason I always tried to keep agility among my highest levels and at least squeeze like an hour of agi grinding here and there, rather than needing to do it all at once at the end. I knew that would be miserable.


I had the opposite approach and made sure agility was always my lowest so my tears every week (and all xp lamps) were thrown into it. I probably saved myself 25-30 hours of agility this way


I'd rather do agility an hour a day than have to go do Tears of Guthix once a week.. God I hate that thing


It was annoying sure but my brain sucks at routine. I'd never be able to do something an hour a day, I tried that with construction and failed


Same, did 94-99 con in a day and I’m glad I did or else I wouldn’t have gotten it.


My strat was to put on 3 hour video essays and not let myself leave until the video was finished.


I had agility one of highest non 99s but then started on base 80s/diary grinds so now its lowest right above hunter and thieving, planning to do grind to 91 after O finish my 92 fishing grind for morty diary but wanted to wait since doing barb fishing


Did you make it?


Agility made me quit 5 times before I maxed.


Same shit happened to me with slayer haha It was only 3 times but it was ALMOST a 4th.


I had more fun doing slayer and agility than I did doing mining


I did 92-99 mining 100% afk at amethyst while I was at work. It paid for my bonds which was cool.


This was me but with shooting stars the press every 7 min is gold


I was addicted to Xanax about 2 years ago, and legit don’t remember 99% of the 10k laps of Ardy rooftops I did in about 3 weeks. Clean now but that is the only benefit of my addiction lmfao.


To be fair I can't think of any drug better than Xanax to do agility on. Alcohol was pretty good tho.


>To be fair I can't think of any drug better than Xanax to do agility on. Oh, I fell. That's ok.


Every time I did Xanax I tried pickpocketing ardy knights irl


I save 99 agility as my last 99 to max. I hated every single second of it. I ended up finishing a lot of tv shows while grinding it. I was at 92 when I started so I reached halfway at least


I did a shitload of Cox and put all of the dark relics into agile, and did the math and I received like 1.5m agi exp from that alone. Super weird, but other than rellekka, which i hated and did nearly none of. Agility was probably my favourite skill overall. i did my 2k monkey laps (another 1.6m exp) , i broke up the ardy rooftops by grinding out all the different colours of graceful, it was kinda nice to get those little dopamine hits and small goals to work towards. :) Running sepulchre fast is so fun as well. it would be my late night litmus test, if i was tired, i couldn't clear floor 5. :D


I actually really enjoyed Sepulchre for the first like 12 hours until I figured it out and could do it every single time. Then it got just as boring as rooftops so I went back so I could watch shows.


Honestly fair. I did mostly rooftops, but maybe a couple times a week id do one or 2 sep. and then once i finished all the graceful sets (like, 6.5k laps at ardy) i ran the last few hours at sepulchre. ive got an Iron im planning to get untrimmed agil on. and ive been smashing some sepulchre. Loving the loot, but wondering how long it will last before im out of it. an hour at a time or so has been fun. but only on level 3. I want to see if i can get some crackhead good times (once i get 92 ofc). or maybe start doing the clues to break it up. (the ironman-pill is real. im getting ranarr's and wondering how much loot id get to 99, id be set)


I don’t trust people that don’t like slayer 👀


Man it's boring as fuck I've been max combat since 2014. There's just zero point to it. Go somewhere and kill 200 of something, repeat 1000 times and if you are lucky you'll get a boss task you don't feel like doing. Rather choose what I want to kill or do raids.


Valid. “Cries in ironman”


Funny thing is I actually like slayer on Ironman cuz it has a purpose. On a main account it's dreadful.


You can at least afk slayer


Slayer is fun though your killing monsters rather than circle clicking an obstacle course


You ever grind too long, then sit there half asleep and accidentally click on the screen. Just to wake up to yourself dead in lumby cause you walked out of the safe spot accidentally while snoozing


100% had tht happen on slayer grinds lol


I didn’t hate agility until I ran out of things to alch and unlocked every shortcut. I’m now stuck at 93 and dying of boredom.


Bro dropped his glasses and he’s trying to find them.




Could be a guy on mobile just absolutely fat fingering tf out of everything lol


https://preview.redd.it/m7nn4f382n3d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa11a940b21e6ebb4e11fbb9eb841192795c9940 Tfw you get banned for botting but your sausage fingers just couldn’t click the right spot


This got me lmfao


ngl this looks like how I skill on mobile as I'm passing out in bed, just hoping my fingers find something to gain xp on


I feel attacked. Take my award.


Username removed to avoid breaking subreddit rules. Reported player in game. w363 at time of posting.


A small price to pay, for a 2 week slap on the wrist holiday.


Most likely nothing at all


Jmods won't respond to this thread


48 hour slap on the wrist*


ask OP the pics in private then post yourself bro, we all thank you for your sacrifice in advance


Heck, they removed my post about someone botting wave 1 colo despite not showing his name. He went from 20m worth of gear to full torva in like a month




Damn you wasted like 63,462 xp while making that post...


Wish reporting ingame did something, he's probably maxed by now and can finally start playing the game


Honestly, agility is why I don’t max so I get it. But not worth risking an account like this.


Big brain bot an account to 99 agility and if it doesnt get banned make it your main


A lot of people do this actually


I see this constantly. Untrimmed agility capes all bot


Man, Agility is probably going to be my first 99. I like something about the brain deadedness about it while watching youtube. i didn't even think about people thinking i botted it


Most skilling is braindead IMO. With agility you have to constantly be clicking. Agility is not AFK friendly like bank standing skills so I disagree with you there. It wouldn't surprise me if people got 99 agility legit as a first 99 - but I habitually check accounts out of boredom and see more untrimmed agility capes than I would expect to see.


agility is always the same clicks and patterns though, clearly different to other skilling methods where they are also extremely simple but you need to keep attention to other patterns


All I'm saying is there is a reason agility is one of the most hated skills to train.


Sure, I agree completely. Though I think brimhaven agility is actually good. Only wish its rewards were a bit better


yeah i absolutely agree. lots of other skilling is more Literally afk, like you dont click your screen as much but it takes more brain doing the lots of clicks in a short time. something about ardy, and vaguely clicking green every 6-7 seconds on the second monitor is a jam. You just, disconnect and watch a video/movie/show/lecture, come back 3 hours later into your body with 160k more agi exp. good times


I love it! I lock my camera to north, max zoom-out, and just let the muscle memory take me to agilitown while I catch up on podcasts or something


I didn't call it AFK, just "braindeadedness" its certainly an AK skill, just with my eyes glazed over.


This is why I'm trying to get agility as my first ever 99 so it can be untrimmed. I'm convinced it's got the lowest amount of \*actual\* people with it.


And you'll never know how many actual people did it unfortunately. The agility bots at cannafis are rabid.


I'm playing my ironman now, and agility is my second skill I'm going to get 99 for. Idk why everyone hates it, once you get to sepulchre it's actually fun and rooftops are pretty mindless.


It's one of the slowest skills while not having any afk methods


B/c most people don't find it fulfilling to repetitively click green boxes while running in a circle. Rc was arguably worse before GOTR but now it's agility by miles.


Gotr still sucks. Bloods and souls are at least afk by comparison


Yeah I might be the minority here but for me, the gameplay loop is much better than agility.




How is it afk if it's ideal to be constantly crafting runes? Honest question, I'm wondering what you're referring to




Isn't this only really possible if other people are constantly crafting runes to help charge the guardian? Ngl it sounds like you're just doing the bare minimum to complete it and not realizing if everyone did that then every game would be a nightmare.


Dang I don't have a colossal pouch yet. I'd still probably craft runes constantly since I play an iron but I see how that's a decent alternative to blood runes. I'll probably leave once I finish the raiments of the eye set though


I find agility funny because essentially everything in OSRS is repetitively clicking green boxes while running in a circle but agility doesn't try to hide that and so everyone hates it.




I'm so bad. I don't find Sepulchre fun at all.


Gotta risk it for the biscuit


Agility wasn’t actually that bad! It was mining and thieving for me. Only have 5 skills left 2216 total level, and I quit. Haven’t really played since dt2 dropped last year.


Let him cook




I'm not nearly as close to maxing and wouldn't want to risk it. It's taken a lot of time and effort to get to the point I feel most content is accessible. Of course, that's since I've legitimately leveled my account up to this point. If he's botting now, who can say how much he's already botted up to this point? He may not be as attached to the rest of his gains if he hasn't earned them fairly, either.


Highly doubt that this is the first skill they're botting.


https://preview.redd.it/o5rgw4c8ok3d1.png?width=155&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a5b4a176a17ef1a54379ad7f8fcf6db5f8b2b68 I heavily considered it because this skill is so ass. But! I stuck to it, zombied out and am almost done. I need to get back to work though, been slacking for too long.


that's less than 5 hours, you can knock it out in an afternoon king


https://preview.redd.it/d0e7k9fj5o3d1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=107f6ec78ee1348b73fffb60ceb43b07251cdc43 I did it


proud of you mate!


or an hour a day for 5 days


All or nothing. None of this normie shit


I've been doing "afk" ardy while playing other games to get enough marks of grace for all the recolors before level 99. Afk ardy is going to the last obstacle then alt tab out of the game for some minutes at a time to increase thr chance of spawning a mark. I'll usually do 5minutes at a time. I miss like 1015 marks now at lv96 agility. It would be 260 less, but gotta prepare for the varlamore outfit.


"can't blame him"? if it sucks then dont max, easy


I maxed. Agility made me realize why people bot, even irons


I didn’t mind agility too much but that’s probably because I did it directly after rc and mining lol


They probably wouldn't be close to max without some cheating


As someone who is maxed, I almost get it. It took way to long to risk it though


> It took way to long to risk it though this


I reported that same dude with his broken bot at seers 2 weeks ago...


How do you know it was the same dude? Just curious.


NGL if I was going to bot, you better believe it'll be botting agility


Me everytime I try to use the mobile client


Trying to catch chronicals at wells on mobile will be the reason I end it all


I haven’t played rs in a few years since I maxed but why would someone choose to bot relleka over ardy at 99? Wouldn’t ardy be more marks per hour and more xp?


It was a 2200 total world. Maybe they thought it’d be quieter in Relleka and less chance of being spotted.


Relleka has more chance for the pet, pet hunting and xp difference with Ardy isn't that big. Also the course is shorter so it's completely normal to do Relleka over Ardy


Saw a guy auto clicking the new barrows shortcut for 25k exp/hr. He did 5m agility exp there (that’s 200 hours) with no ban. Tracked him on temple and looks like only recently has he switched content away from 24/7 auto clicking.


It doesn't matter because Jagex doesn't ban bots. I've reported a top 100 UIM that was botting agility and a maxed ironman that was botting runecrafting. I have video recordings of both accounts running a broken bot. Both were reported by several players that noticed the odd behavior. Neither of these accounts were ever banned. The account in your video won't be banned either. The UIM was this person btw: https://secure.runescape.com/m=hiscore_oldschool_ultimate/a=13/hiscorepersonal?user1=Afk%A0Scape


Even if it is a bot who honestly cares when it has the brain of a toaster strudel


Accounts like these should be perm banned instantly. Botters should go bust.


He's just doing some ping/lag test.


"dammit, fat fingered AGAIN!"


Saw this kind of thing on ardy rooftops with ironmen who were almost maxed out




It was doing this for 30 mins :)


Not a bot he's just scanning the perimeter


I've been working in a lower level ironman recently and I see bots with 99 agility running the agility pyramid Everytime I go to make a little cash.


I don’t blame him. Agility and RC are the reason I know I’ll never max.


Its better to never max than max through botting.


i would of outted him with his username lmao


I seen a 2276 botting wraths runes for their final 99. Account still isnt banned


honestly.. i dont blame him. FUCK agility


Jagex doesn't care, these players gives them as much revenue as anyone else.


Lmfao major proof right here.


Guy was there doing the exact same steps for over 30 minutes. Either botting or deranged.


He almost has 99 agility. He's probably just deranged 


fair point


Crazy to think it's barely 5% of a guy who gets 200m agility, and there are some who got 200m agility in multiple accs, and another who went well beyond 200m to get 100k marks of grace without ardy elite




Agility needs a wintertodt type minigame to boost XP rates, maybe not as fast xp as wt but a boost at least. I feel for every skill 100k an hour for a free to train skill is a good baseline, that’s still ~130 hours to max a skill. For buyable skills XP could be higher but I don’t see how agility could be buyable. Maybe make part of the colosseum be like the Roman Olympics or something.


Gee, I wonder why people bot so much? It couldn't possibly be because # IT TAKES OVER THREE-FUCKING-HUNDRED HOURS TO REACH LV 99. Nah, totally can't be right? People that bot are just naturally cheaters! That's totally it! /Do you really need an S for this one? Like, do you? Really?


> People that bot are just naturally cheaters! Sure. Because nobody forces anybody to reach level 99 in Agility. Or in any other skill. Botting to max is a free choice of cheating.


How do you know it's a bot? They might just be profoundly stupid. EDIT: Jesus christ, I assumed you people would understand sarcasm, but I guess not. Here's your /s so you get the joke.


I can't say for sure they were 100% botting, but watching them walk on the same tiles at the same intervals so close to maxing is a bit sus. I sat and watched for about 5 minutes and carried on doing laps for about 25 minutes and they stayed on the same rooftop for the entire time.


profoundly stupid...


Someone here certainly is profoundly stupid


He’s just testing the strength of the shingles on the roof, nothing to be worried about!


that bot still probably gets more xp than me on ardy roof since i just turn so low effort there that i my xp gets to like 20k/h xD


Give this man a temp ban. Poor fella is using a batch script with hardcoded click coordinates. What a brave SoB.


How does something like this even get messed up?


Mouse recorder.


I get that, but once someone starts their mouse recorder how does it get messed up like this? Where they end up doing random circles instead of their original route. I see it a lot on here


Your character NEEDS to be on a specific tile in order to the mouse to click on right spot, so if you lag or something and your character falls behind the mouse it breaks.


Ooooh that makes sense! Thank you!


Maybw he's a tile locked UIM waiting to unlock that square XD


Hes auto clicking.


Whatever they are doing they are doing it wrong


Agreed 😆


Clearly asked chatgpt to write him a script that clicks on green squares you gotta do better than that.


Looks like he was using a macro to record mouse movements and clicks and didn't give himself enough time on that click 🤣


Fun fact: they didn’t even perma-ban the blood torva bot from the livestream a couple weeks ago. I added the account at the time and he just double name changed and has gained 8 million XP since then.


don't blame him. agility sucks.


I just ran into a bot doing this at mining guild


Bros ghost mouse failed lmaooo 💀


His foot pedal broke, cut him some slack


To be fair, I freaking love my foot pedals.




I've been training agility too and found a total lvl 2196 botting at ardy rooftop on world 424. Reported him at around 95 agility and now he's almost 99. That world is usually my homeworld and i get so salty seeing him bot there while i'm waiting for my suffering to end. Pros are that I figured out how to break his bot script every now and then and see him clicking the same spots outside the course


Dude was making a RuneScape music video and you ruined it!!!


Bots = memberships bought banned bots - more memberships more bots-more mems- more money money = happiness for Jamflex


Understandable for agility


All of the responses here are great arguments for why agility needs to be drastically changed.


Never know could just be fat fingers on mobile while eating a jack in the box taco on a sunny day


He could've just autoclicked at Brimmy for 44k xp/hr what a noob


What is he wasn’t bottling and he was actually having a cat bite attack his hand while he was trying to click. I’ve had that issue in the past FYI.. and it hurts 🥲


Dudes running around wondering why your bot broke. This isn't evidence of anything tbh.


Are you not allowed to show the name? Bots shouldnt be given privacy.. Wild Rules...


While I'm not trying to defend them, I be clickin everywhere BUT the obstacles when I'm on iPad. But yeah they're botting lmao


Who cares. XP wasting just watching them.


Pretty sure almost everyone who saved agility for last atleast considered botting it 😂


I wonder if it's an autoclicker he set up, but something was off a tiny bit. Now it just clicks where the next obstacle was supposed to be, but he's stuck here.


Why wouldn't they be using a bot that reads the screen for agility markers instead of a mouse macro or cheap cheap bot. I don't think it's botted, maybe he's just really really tired from 75-98 :)


It'd be funny if someone posted this same clip from the other perspective just showing a guy standing there not moving. Also calling him a bot.


Why can you sometimes name and shame but sometimes not


Lmao I hope he gets banned he’s soooooo close. Good work ban the bots. If I gotta sit my ass down and click these stupid rooftops so does he! 93-99 agility might kill me I’m grinding it right now as I type this. I’m hoping I can enter some trance like I do with all of my other 99s. It’s not happened yet.


Name and shame


I’m not saying I condone this, but I mean, I can understand, those laps suck.


If those laps suck, don't do these laps. Thats easy :)


I wont(: