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I get to kill shit i normally wouldn’t, i barely skip things. Not efficient at all but i’m having fun, so who cares


Same thing here. Skipping hundeds of tasks to get only the like 6 best ones is a great way to never want to train the skill again. Variety helps so much.


I never skip.


Never skip slayer day


Only skip if it’s not rewarding to do.


Bro idk why people skip or turael skip. It’s just dumb.


If your goal is 99 skipping makes a massive difference. Assuming your block list is set up well, most tasks can either be venator'd, barraged, or cannoned and you just skip whatever you can't. For me it makes slayer way more fun especially when you get a dags task that you can venator + cannon for like 100k+ slayer xp/hr, very satisfying.


This is basically the way. If there's a drop to be had I'll kill it. Gargoyles, boss. Cave horrors, mask. Fossil island wyverns, visage. I don't care how inefficient tasks are.. I have fun.


Exactly! I do all my blue drag tasks at vork. Idc how inefficient the xp is, it’s fun for me and I make good money while doing it.


Arguably it's pretty efficient even, since you'd prolly do Vork anyway at some point so might as well get 750 slay exp per kill as added bonus you wouldn't otherwise :D


Exactly. Did this all the way to 19m slayer xo and still going.


Very nice, I gotta get back on the slayer grind soon, Been camping vork for the pet. Only 880 kc dry, but according to loot tracker I’ve made right at 100m.


I was super lucky! I managed to pull vorki around 650kc


You lucky dog you! Someone in my clan has like 5600 kc and no pet lol


The flip side is that Im at almost 5k kraken with no pet. Would much rather go dry where the money is!


Update: got vorki yesterday at 1012 KC. Still haven’t got either of the visages yet. Gunna take a break from vork for a while to do other stuff. Then I’ll go back to green log.


Don't forget vissys can be obtained from wyverns and kbd... Gz on pet!!!!!


I got vorki at 17kc before I got the head. That was all of my RNG for the lifetime of my account. I expect at least 3*dry on every drop ever from now on


Plus it’s a good way to boost your dps for bosses like vork


It does nothing to your dps on Vork


Oh I have a hellhound task that I can kill Cerberus with? GREAT!!!! Usually takes me a week or a few kills an evening but I’d rather roll for a chance at prims (2 on my log rn, one eternal) because at my slayer level why rush to 99? 93 slayer btw


we the same xD 93 slayer, have been dragging out this gargoyle task at GGs for like 2 weeks now but its chill


Oh if i had a gargoyle task I’d do it one or two session, but Cerberus is just a different kettle of fish that I can’t sit down and do it in one day or over a few sessions. Done 2 full hellhound tasks at Cerb and got lucky with drops so now I’m eternally bound to do every hellhound task at Cerb now just for drops. Send halp


I have so many slayer points saved up from hardly skipping tasks. I’m pretty nooby, so getting to kill monsters in some areas that I haven’t been before (I’m doing Konar slayer for Brimstone keys), is a fun way for me to learn more of the game I’ve been playing for 20 years. As a bonus, I’ll be able to get a couple slayer helm recolors when I eventually get those drops.


Almost never skip. This is the way




Never seen monkey nuts so up close before


Rs2 slayer was absolutely mind numbingly painful because you'd be level 95 and fire giants were still considered a 'good task'. OSRS however, I would say it starts to pick up after 77, with slayer bosses and more variety of tasks, as well as superiors.


https://preview.redd.it/btrais2tuq3d1.png?width=165&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fd9d7b61055fd8d75f32148ca2e299bfd73e845 That explains why Slayer has always felt meh to me. So close, yet so far.


Don't worry it stays meh for a bit after.


I usually say 80 is the breakpoint for people. Mostly due to the Nechryaels unlock. A big component is also being able to do boss tasks. Make sure you get Like A Boss unlocked and all of the other various slayer qol unlocks asap (slayer rings, etc). Makes a world of difference. On top of that, there's a dude who put out an "efficient slayer" spreadsheet that's configurable for your specific unlocks and preferences, it has details about what tasks are blocks, skips, and has details about why each task is labeled as a block, skip, or do. It even has the good locations and stuff listed so that you don't fumble around with guides for an hour before attempting the task. It's made slayer a significantly more enjoyable experience for me. Google around for KodakKid's Slayer Sheet, something like that. I think he's up to v3.4.1, so try to find that for the most updated version. The reason people like slayer is because once you get a decent blocklist and the qol stuff, it becomes a very flexible and variable skill that you can tailor to train the way that you want. Like x task? Do it! Other people might not, but you like it so why not?


it will still feel very meh. Im 78 lol. You just obtain the ability to fight a couple new things but it mostly gives me the same stuff


I’m at 85, it’s still meh, if not downright abysmal.


People are tripping, unless you are an iron slayer is really not too rewarding until you are 91+ if you spoon cerb


You mean downright abyssal at level 85? :D


Skipping gargoyles is crazy work imo


Same with trolls. They are a cannon task with good xp. 


Ice trolls are sick.


fr one of the only places you can cannon for profit and i never see it mentioned


especially if u unlock automatic smasher and afk in corner cellar slayer tower


Can't afk them because I pick up every single drop :(


ring of wealth helps with that


boss is a cool fight


who'd win a fight, dusk or dawn


Neither, dawn can't be hit by melee bcs she's flying, and dusk is immune to non melee attacks so dawn can't hurt him


That's the secret to marriage!


I hate it when mum and dad fight. :(


My thoughts exactly. Gargoyles are great


900k-1m an hr and what like 25-30k slayer xp an hr? Thats a broke ppl task


You forget there's a pet


Gargoyles are a massive waste of time


well first off have you tried doing the tasks


Why skip gargoyles? And that’s 16 kbds


Bro isn’t even petmaxxing


Skips trolls which can be cannoned for some of the best exp/hr Skips Gargoyles which are low effort and decent reward Literally only wants 3 tasks and hates everything else OMG GAGEX SLAYER BAD Surely the game is the problem here, and not you


gargs aren't rly a decent reward anymore tbh..


Why are you skipping trolls? Some of the best slayer xp


Yeah I literally read the first few words of the post and was like yup, this guy doesn’t know how to do slayer lol 


And gargoyles. If you have the automatic hammer unlocked then it’s super afk and good money, plus it has a superior too


How do you do your troll tasks? And what kind of xp/hr are you getting? I’m fine with blowing through cannonballs if the xp is decent


On Jatizo with a cannon it's an easy 50k/hr


Chuck a cannon down in Jatizso, protect from melee and and neitznot shield, you will only get hit by the ranged female ice trolls and will max hit like an 8, they offer great xp and some decent gp, with bonecrusher/necklace you won't even need a prayer pot, just some food


Yo man you're awesome for mentioning this i completely forgot the shield helps and youll save me from banking next time i go there


North of jatizso is where I do cannon slaying trolls. Remember to take the neitiznot shield.


I do mine in nmz with the 3 troll bosses and 2 random ones, super afk and free nmz points


Idk if its efficient but ive been bursting them on quidamorteum or however its spelled, and it works pretty decent


You care too much about trying to be efficient with xp instead of just enjoying the game


But they skipped trolls so they have no idea what they’re doing


This! I fucking hated slayer, until I started just rolling with it. I like efficiency xp gain, but for some skills you’re just gonna have to accept it.


The efficiency is the enjoyable part for many. It's not exactly engaging my reflexes, puzzle solving, critical thinking, or teamwork abilities to click a gargoyle every 10 seconds and get very little in return.


You could also kill the boss instead which is less gp but is more enjoyable


Skipping gargoyles? Am I dumb or aren't they sorta decent?


Any task with a superior is a chance at heart and not to be skipped


Good money bad xp


They're not bad necessarily but just nooby (in the nicest way possible). It's got a lot of GP drops but if you are able to do high level bosses it isn't anything substantial and the XP/hr is much lower than multi combat tasks


If you are looking to do efficient slayer they are very slow and not worth your time. If you are a med lvl player that’s just vibing and trying to make some easy money then they are great. Efficient slayer is basically “can I cannon or barrage this task” or “is this task short enough that it isn’t worth skipping”, otherwise you skip.


Trolls, cannon ice trolls Dark beasts, afk dark bow chance Gargoyles, afk gp or boss Kc Cave horrors, cannon black mask chance Fossil wyverns, easy gp Black dragons, brutal blacks KBD babies Iron and steel dragons are afk but agree on a skill there You’re skipping stuff for what reason? This list isn’t even bad


doing fossil wyverns and cave horrors is nuts


500 pints for a free block of them might be the best purchase i've made.


I like cave horrors. It's a medium intensity activity because you kill them so fast that you have to constantly run around to find new ones to kill. The task just flies by. Fossil wyverns usually come in tasks of 20-40, nice chilled out time at ancient wyverns.


fossil wyverns is a short task so i usually do it even though it's pretty bad. cave horrors i usually skip but am tempted to do for the clog slot


In defence of Cave Horrors, I’ve had good luck with Black Mask drops. They keep making it worth it for me. Plus, they’re so easy.


yeah fair, plus they drop hard clues and longbone


Have you tried not skipping stuff?


Skipping trolls? It's mad slayer xp/hr with a cannon, I extend every time


clog, bossing. its fun


I'd rather get 99 Slayer again before touching an agility course or a tree.


redwoods are peak


Yeah woodcutting goes from really not fun to super good when you get to redwoods. Super afk, clues all the time, extremely good xp especially with the crystal felling axe.


I dislike slayer a lot, was my last skill for max


Agreed lol. I hate it. Its absolutely horrendous pre 75/80 and even after that I like/hate how basically an efficient/sane method is skipping over half of the tasks, 1/3rd doing as fast as possible with afk melee+cannon+slaughter bracelet so its as few kills as possible and maybe doing 1/4th or 1/5th of the tasks normally


Dreading the grind too, man I hate non cannonable tasks it just aint chill at all


Aggression pots with valamore pt 2 should fix this


Mans skips tasks I'd be excited for and complains. Slayer is so key to the game for me.


Cannon, ven bow, bursting etc changed my view on slayer, enjoying it now.


Skipping trolls? Do you even slay bro


I just made over 400m from 95-99 slayer, that’s why I personally like it


I’ve just hit 92 slayer and don’t feel like i’m making that much gp. What tasks were making you the most gp?


Hellhounds and hydras are great gp for the bosses You can't kill them yet


Alchemical Hydra is by far my biggest money making task, but that requires 95. push to 95 and camp hydra you WILL become rich. https://preview.redd.it/dszufz8ohs3d1.png?width=233&format=png&auto=webp&s=34651cf5274eed523f7fee35a763f66913991b7e


1: learn about task weighting. 2: go through Duracell tasks sorted by weighting 3: realise you can make a block list that essentially let's you skip every bad task and still end up slayer point positive


Skipping tasks with superior monster chance is not very cash money of you


I like all these comments strawmanning the efficiency argument. If it's not good exp, oh well. Even the best most efficient slayer mob tasks are still boring and unrewarding as hell, and imo the only enjoyable part of slayer is getting to use the slayer helm for boss tasks. Mindlessly arranging mobs for barraging is just as lame as standing still vennybowing everything Slayer is not a fun skill to train. It wasn't back in 2005 and it sure as hell isn't now.




*skips trolls*


Or great gp, efficiency scape is the worst


You have to actually do slayer and not skip it yah dingus. It's like training combat skills by killing the same monsters, but with bonuses and variety.


Slayer is one of the skills I think is the most fun aslong as you aren't watching your XP bar and thinking about how you can be making 4x money doing some boss then theres nothing wrong with it, slayer keeps things fresh and doesn't feel grindy too me. I hit 75 and can honestly say that it was fun there was not a single fun thing about mining. I mean that is not a high bar but I'll take a slayer grind 10/10 times before I swing at another iron ore


Slayer is a rubbish skill, people are still caught up from rs2 days when you'd make a couple hundred mill and it was game changing. It's not to bad if you cannon/afk most of your tasks but it's certainly a slow drug out skill. I strongly dislike slayer and I always have but I'd much rather do it over agility or runecraft.


Be aware you may get cancelled for this. But yeah its a horrendous skill its the worst by far but then people say “iTs A gOoD MoNeY mAkER” no its not, bossing is a good money maker and thats what youre doing with your task instead of regular slayer. I quit osrs while maxing and slayer is the only skill left for me I just couldn’t do it


I wish they'd rework slayer so that more monsters are decent xp. Too many tasks are just pure garbage. Slaying dragons and cool monsters should be rewarding. If it isn't, something is wrong.


i hate how I can't actually pick fast cannon/barrage tasks. I dont need money from krakens or gargoyles or whatever; I'd gladly spend money on cannonballs/runes to make training faster but I literally can't pick which tasks I do so instead you have to do this annoying metagame of doing bad tasks so you can skip the truly bad tasks and hope you get one of the few good tasks


Time to pot Tureal slayer, just reset your streak every task, its really fun content especially when your trying for inferno pb's!


Ever try bossing slayer? 


bossing slayer is just killing bosses regularly with extra steps


Why would u skip gargoyles and cave Horrors? Also u should extend dark beasts, they have one of the best superiors


I cannot stand Slayer either, nobody wants to be teleporting around to kill some random piece of shit for an hour to gain 12K xp


Don't forget that while you are on a Slayer task you don't get any combat exp and all the loot just turns into ash that you can't even pick up.


Don't need to pickup the ash, that's why I've got my ash sanctifier baby


Wow some very notoriously difficult to acquire combat exp, and some rune junk. You're right, this skill slaps


You know a skill has a problem when its main draw is xp in other skills and ability to buy stuff for other skills. You wouldn't defend fishing because it gives you cooking xp




I just tureal skip all tasks until bloodvelds, dust devils, nechryeals, abby demons, or smoke devils like a dweeb


idk reign in blood has a lot of good songs on it


Troll task is just free NMZ points, that's pretty nice 


Your first mistake was doing dragon slayer before 95 slayer


Slayer, of course, being the skill that forces you to kill a variety of different monsters for your combat training instead of solely camping the most efficient monsters. Slayer also being the skill that nobody liked until they added the points system that allowed you to drastically reduce the variety of monsters you had to kill allowing you to mostly camp the most efficient monsters.


>get task from duradel >trolls >skip Don't skip trolls. Cannon ice trolls


Terrible skill, mostly because of the xp rates. Boss tasks are awful xp and most of them are also bad gp/h or don't give good upgrades. Gargoyle boss is actually the best xp/h of any boss out there...with bis, I believe I got 50k xp/h, but that shit is still terrible for a skill. Normal gargs are just there if you want to afk. I do think the variety of Slayer is good. Just in practice with the slayer point system and xp rates, it makes for an awful skill imo. For me it's down there with Mining, Runecrafting, & Agility.


People convince themselves it isn’t repetitive and boring just because the colors of the pixels they’re afking are different each task. To some people that’s the best skill in the entire game, the equivalent of a WoW quest. Not that most skills aren’t just as one dimensional, of course, just that Slayer gets far more credit than it deserves for what it actually is. The exception is bosses which can be fun but not every task is gonna be a boss and you don’t even start getting good loot until well past level 70.


Why do you train slayer then? Go play a mini game or something


Idk how many hours it took me to get 95 slayer but it was an awful grind fueled only by the bank value going up piece by piece. Some shit grinds like the basilisk jaw burned me out, still only 97 slayer after hitting 95 3 years ago.


One of the worst skills in my opinion 🤷‍♂️


some of you clearly havent got the memo of afk the task with cannon or reset every npc aggression timer and it shows slayer is so chill man


Yeah, slayer is one of the worst skills, low exp rate, annoying and gets boring fast when u get past those high levels, bursting, cannoing or bossing the same 5 tasks gets annoying after a while.


They rock dude. Ask Jack and kyle


Then change the slayer master


Slayer was my favorite skill in RS3. It was fun, making good money and exp and huge unlocks. Was talking to a irl friend which was playing OSRS and he said he only needed slayer to max. I didn't understand why he had such a problem with it. Now I'm 30 days playtime into my OSRS ironman and I understand, I really do.


Amazing how everyone is missing the point 😂 sometimes you just have awful luck, burn through points and get nothing but shit tasks over and over and end up logging off with a few crumbs of XP and totally out of points. Obviously there are lots of good burst or cannon tasks but rng is a dick some days.


> sometimes you just have awful luck, burn through points and get nothing but shit tasks over and over But op is skipping great tasks that are either great exp, gph, or both... He's demonstrating that he doesn't know what tasks are good or bad and how to build a good block list. He's complaining the skills is bad when he blatantantly doesnt know how to do it properly.


I'm not the biggest fan of slayer either. I do like it for the variety in content, demons task? Can do Krill or the new tortured demons when they come for new gear progression. Black demon? Demonic for Zenyte Jad? Free skip or 40k slayer exp in a hour and a chance of a pet Have you tried wildy slayer at all? Or doing a bit of slayer point boosting? Can easily rack up a lot of points then you can cancel to your hearts desire for efficient burst & gp tasks


It's like asking why do people enjoy uims they just do lmao


It's horrendously slow. I think for the casual player it must take a year of doing nothing but slayer to reach the bossing levels. Would like to see an option for killing things that can be killed very quickly for less GP


Do wilderness slayer. Cannon everything, great xp and good gp.


This is a take


It's the worst skill in the game and should be removed. I don't get the appeal of losing agency. It's the only skill like that, it's the only skill where achieving the level doesn't mean you unlock the reward (task-only enemies!). I'm convinced the appeal is that people like how broken the black mask is.


Cuz I did 500 abby demons while watching stuff and got a whip and a dagger. There's no 1 mil drops while fishing or crafting


Who skips gargoyles?? People who skip gargoyles probably skip the Melfi scenes when they watch The Sopranos. Gross.


I did only wildly ayer until 87 slayer then only went to nieve for kraken/jad/gg tasks but still doing 99.9% in wildy which is much more fun than normal slayer


I don’t skip anything I play 3 accounts nearly have 99 on all


Most are decent and faster kills, plus keys and clues are fun.


You could have cannoned/nmz'd the trolls, but you shouldn't start Duradel until after you've stocked up on points, or be willing to Turael skip


Cuz i don't know what to kill myself, so i need the game to give me mediocre tasks so i can feel good


I only do bosses, barrage tasks or fast tasks. At about 30mil slayer xp and it is by far my fav Lots of slayer bosses and lots of bosses just become better with slayer tasks (zammy, knee, to a lesser extent skotizo)


Sounds like someone wishes they had 99 slayer


Being told what to do is easy


This is exactly why I exclusively do only wilderness slayer. 76 slayer completely from wildy. I’ve already unlocked every single useful reward and bought rune pouch from points and have 1k lying around. There’s guaranteed profit and most tasks require barely any risk in gear and just freeze log out from pkers.


I like slayer for the fat loot


its really mindless most of the time, its the thing i go and do when im flustered and lost. on top of that the drops make it more interesting than agillity


Slayers great for iron man, ok if youre going for max, and an absolute noob trap for anyone else, cuz everyone thinks its great gp


I do only Konar or Wildy slayer, not efficient in by any means but as an ironman I really like the chests where you can get things that you can't get else where, missing a dagonhai hat with 3 bottoms atm tho :(


This is why i tur skip so I don't have to worry about points and skip as much as I want for desirable task.


I don't necessarily like Slayer, but there are tasks I do enjoy. I'd rather raid with the boys or skill.


Try wildy slayer. The threat of pkers keeps things interesting and the exp is honestly insane. Especially now that they’ve essentially made every wildy task either a barrage task a cannon task or both. Once your block list is full there will rarely be anything left to skip as well. On top of all of that it’s terrific money


What is this example list lol… Metal dragons pre combat rebalance? Blocked. Wyverns? Blocked. Cave horrors? Blocked after getting mask/helm. Gargoyles? Piss easy task that shits out money. Dark beast? Easy task that takes hardly any time. Trolls? Piss easy fast xp.


Wilderness slayer adds another part to the puzzle that makes me enjoy it a lot


its other games style "questing" on games like World of Warcraft large amount of quests are essentially slayer tasks for whatever zone your in Kill x mob Y times. Loot X item from Y mob Z times. formula for much of the game. so for me its natural to do the same thing on OSRS. 1. Slayer Task 2. Kill Mobs 3. Repeat 4. ???? 5. Profit


Skip gargoyles????


YOU SKIPPED GARGOYLES??? You are smoking crack


Y’all skip things ?????


Just because I have 3k point stockpiled does mean it's a problem.




With the new elemental weaknesses I unblocked my iron and steel drags since it’s much faster now 🤷 idk if that’s just me tho


As someone who barraged and cannoned to 99 with an efficient block list, I agree.


Umm maybe don’t skip tasks? Especially gargoyles and trolls.


Seems like you forgot to Block/Pref list


Never understood the love in for Slayer, gotta be the worst skill in the game Everyone saying it's good gp, who cares, bossing is infinitely better gp, why wouldn't you do that instead


I think you’re missing what a lot of people find fun about the skill. Instead of skipping any non efficient experience task have you considered just doing boss variants and hunting pets/ rare drops? Like instead of skipping gargs, do the boss. Instead of blocking greater demons, go kill ~100 zammy. Instead of skipping hellhounds, go kill cerb. I’m well past 99 slayer and I’m still doing it when I don’t feel like working on other skills, because I enjoy the variety of bosses I can kill through slayer.


Back in the day slayer was a pretty decent source of passive income with some variety and the main way to access bossing content. That was like 8 years ago and intertia is a powerful thing. It does give people some variety without them having to make a choice, and for how brain-off a lot of people like to play this game, not having to make a choice is kinda nice sometimes. It's also bloated with fairly valuable rewards, especially for irons. People's opinions of bad content will be better if it has good rewards, so that's a factor too.


I don’t skip tasks(maybe a 300 black demon task, not doing black demonic gs for a month) and only train combat through slayer. You don’t have to meta game every bit of fun out of the game.


If all you want is fast xp, skip everything besides barrage tasks.. nechs/dust devils/smoke devils are fast


Because people need an NPC to tell them what to kill


Wtf are you doing skipping gargoyles ??


Metal dragons - quick Trolls - quick w/cannon + profit Black dragons - KBD Gargoyles - why tf you skipping those lol Wyverns - relatively quick The only task here that’s ass is cave horrors and even then they give superiors


Kinda just sounds like you want to bitch. I get it. It’s okay can’t always get what you want but if you try sometimes you might find you just get what you need.


At some point do you not just get slower XP by having to skip tasks like gargoyles and do shitty short tasks?


Block the shit tasks lmao. I love slayer because I can train combat with the benefit of a slayer helm, and make shit loads of money at the same time. I cleared over 1b for 99 slayer. Never did a metal dragon task


Gargoyles are pretty afk


How's your block list? Have you tried tureal skipping?


Who the hell skips gargs and black dragons? It's just easy and free money with certain task. I actually hate slayer personally since it's so slow but I feel like you might hate slayer because you probably have too much gp so making more is irrelevant.


For me it adds variety to what I'm killing and makes the game more fun!


I understand skipping monsters that aren’t counted as slayer monsters but you’re missing out your chance at imbued hearts or gems. Stop skipping gargs and start doing grotesque guardians if you want xp


simple, people like combat more then the skills in the game, and then combine that with potential for gp rewards and also variety of things you're killing and gear/styles. TLDR: variety


Bottom 3 best skills in the game