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The Boaty burgers have so many good clips/moment. It's so much fun to watch


Literally was B0aty's draft priority, winning aside, who would be most fun to be on call with for a week


I appreciate him a lot for going for maximum entertainment always.


Same in GG, he is just in it to vibe and entertain while his skill level carries him.


Dino probably kicking himself for not employing that strategy right now LOL


I mean, raikesy was his last pick when there weren't many picks left and seems like its mainly raikesy beefing with everyone


He could be doing another 0gp to 1b series right now but no


100% I’ve been watching their streams continuously


Their vibe is soo fun. Boaty and Sick nerd talking about the british things (rip the worcestersauce crips), skillspecs and donator doing reckless shit while endlessly arguing and then there's JCW providing for the entire team and slowly getting more confident. The comms during breaches is just the cherry on top.


Cue skill specs fighting for his life and JCW just dropping in with "anybody got two rubies?" Like the man's got his priorities lmao


This is maybe my favorite B-plot throughout their streams. Specs and Donator fighting for their fucking life on the comms while JCB is dropping bombs like “ah I ate my kebab” and “hey look at that I got 99 thieving” lmaoooo


JCB confirmed the spine and S tier player


what do you mean by 'confirmed the spine'?


They call him that because he's the spine keeping the team together or something like that lmao


Exactly! So many fun dynamics at play. Donator underrated too he’s been going under the radar. I love the old guard pkers like skillspecs and boaty interacting with new era pkers like donator. Jcw growth arc in PvP too


Listening to Donator flaming Sick Nerd after he found out he gave Dino the Games Necklace he used to teleport to him was fucking hilarious.


Is there a clip for this? Or a video that's got all of these moments in it? I'm realizing how much I've missed out on.


The games necklace thing is a big part of Skill Specs most recent youtube video. worth a watch


Thank you!


Love seeing jcw get more comfortable with the burgers in general too


It does annoy me a bit when skilly and donator died to Westham so much. I know they kinda don't care but if they just did something else that day they actually would've still been in a good spot for the final lol


Watching him tank Ditter in castle wars today was awesome. A week ago I feel like he would have cracked there!


bro the pipes 💀💀


Pipes sent me like 3 seperate times man. B0aty made such a great call going for actual content over aiming to win, and the team chemistry may even give them a better chance at winning compared to some of the teams haha


So many other teams I can’t even watch bc they’re being so toxic and then just going silent for an hour. Meanwhile the Burger King and his crew are plotting dbow assassinations and planking for fun lmao


I think Dino’s teammates would rather fight each other than the other teams haha


Laughed my ass off at them dragon bowing the snakes in al kharid


Is there someone from each team uploading videos? I know solo and mammal are for the solo mission snakes and torvesta devils respectively


Mika and dino for nuggets, eliop and solo for snakes, skilly for burgers, torvesta for the devils thats all afaik


Oda's posting for his group now Pip's also posting for solos team


Pip had a nice vid ngl


Ditter and Maz for KKONAS as well


Was trying to watch Ditter yesterday but man just kept calling his chat and all OSRS players dumb af, so maybe I'll check out Maz lol


i have no idea why anyone enjoys watching ditter


I enjoyed some of his old DMM videos but have really been turned off by how he acts


I've seen vids from eliop, skill specs, torvesta, solo, mammal,.. I'm pretty sure most of them are all uploading.


hope someone does a compilation of the best clips from this , so many good moments just from the streams I've tuned into


Im hoping that solo mission will put together some kind of massive super cut of clips from every team, telling the story of the entire event in like a 2-3 hr movie type format


I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had time to tune in to any of the streams, so I’m just reiterating what you’re saying because damn would I really enjoy that!


This is my biggest issue with deadman allstars. Almost all of the event is fragmented between a load of different streams, so there's no good way of keeping up with it or watching it progress. If Solo or someone else goes and compiles clips into an episodic format, explaining what's going on, it would be a lot easier to watch.


I've just been watching the burgers this whole time and I feel like I've kept up with all the progress. They go to all the breaches and run into people so you kinda know how every team has progressed. I do have a lot of time to watch the streams during the day tho, and agree a big compilation should be made after. It would be a banger this event's been great


Bro the burgers are hilarious. I mostly support solo’s team and watch through eli/coxie’s stream, and i lowkey felt bad that boaty’s dbow plan didn’t work yesterday. I think one person was unfortunately too far ahead and coxie saw them in time to get pray ranged up for the rest of the team’s hit


It was a meme strat for the content anyway lol. Would have been hilarious if it payed off


There is a Google docs link being used (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c-bWzfGMiob6hqWD74NRw6KDz6i_Td2RFqRz8DWDkN4/htmlview?usp=sharing#) which is keeping track of all the deaths/kills so far. Granted, it's not showing gear people have etc, but it's the closest to a 'stats' page I think there is.


Why don't you just watch the youtube videos from all of the team captains? Pretty good overall guide on how things are going.


I havent found anyone of Odas team making vids?


And you didnt think to check odas channel? Never mind, i know how much this sub hates him.


I did but i only saw a clip channel, and ive been mainly watching his and eliops stream


Couldn’t agree more - +1


Hard agree. I've been watching a lot of allstars, but I'm still way more invested into gielinor games cause theres a streamlined sequence of events and narrative. Also GG is just good fun, whereas allstars is starting to get a bit toxic now - not surprising given that people are sleep deprived and mistakes are devastating


Would be cool if the team captains could pool their editors to collab on this format then they all release the same vid on youtube so the community can support whichever streamer they prefer


I hope it happens don’t get me wrong; but this is a hilarious ask. Hey Solo, just like make a movie for us 🤣


It isnt an "ask", just an idea that would be good business sense and make solo a ton of money. He is the one who came up with and organized this entire tournament, and theyre all making tons off all the streaming and youtube videos coming out of this. But just like other commenters have pointed out, there is a lot of people who want to spectate the overall tournament and dont really have a good way to do so. It doesnt have to be solo necessarily, but for whoever compiles all the clips, its a huge opportunity.




me too! I know it will be a big ask after a week of no sleep, but even if they put it together at a later date, i'd love to see it! i've been enjoying watching the original content, but it's kind of hard for me to keep track of what other teams are doing simultaneously and view the tournament as a game/competition


Yeah I doubt it that would take forever


I'm pretty new to all these creators, this is my first season of Gielinor Games and I've only watched Settled prior, so I really wish there was some kind of compilation or "official" daily video to watch. Right now I'm just watching Solo's cause he made the event and I recognize him from GG. I get why he specifically can't, and it's cool everyone has their own streams/videos to put out, but I don't have the time to watch them all and I get the sense I'm missing out on a ton of cool content


100%. And if they do it again next year, there should be a daily video that does exactly this (similar to gg). It would get so many more views


The problem with making a daily video is there is SO much content to get through, it would be almost impossible to maintain and catch everything. With 30 players playing 17 hours a day that's 510 hours of game time being put down every day. I get that almost all of it could be cut because it's just skilling or other mundane activities but finding the highlights amongst it all will be hard work. You'd probably need at least 1 full time editor per team and then someone else to compile it all


The community will help tho, if the channel gets traction a lot of people will send in their favorite clips


[Here you have another one of Dino trying to understand how a grapple works](https://www.twitch.tv/dino_xx/clip/AbstemiousCuriousSwordNinjaGrumpy-lhmNpJGmhbepz75Y)


that is absolutely hilarious, I swear quests require you to use one though. How does he not know?


Doesn’t he mostly PK? I’ve only seen Dino in clips, so it makes sense if he doesn’t clue or make a ton of accounts


Quests don't. Achievement diaries do, but he's done almost none of those.


[This](https://clips.twitch.tv/TriumphantDiligentFriesKippa-PJJnImurpL03QGUy) clip from sick nerd is my favorite so far


"He's too tanky"


please explain I don't understand what's the funny part here? Edit: oh it's the missclicking right


missclicking 80 times in a row failing to freeze sicknerd: hmmmm


Bro Mr mammal and purpp just yapping last night for like 2hrs straight to each other was great


Alfie is not enjoying the mammal/purp dynamic. [One tick mute.](https://www.twitch.tv/alfie/clip/BusyBashfulNigiriSaltBae-ewjeDZV7nIAC2bCz)


I didn't see it, but with purpp involved I can already imagine how it went lol


B0aty the Posture God


i think he's just standing




Second best Skill Specs incident after dying at canifis bank on original 2015 deadman


That's sodapressing you have no idea


lmao sodapressing


I love Skill Specs, dude's always been unintentionally funny as fuck.


I still haven't figured out how much of it is an act and how much of it is genuinely him. I used to think he was acting a lot but it feels like genuine passion and just unhinged energy at this point


Even if its not 100% an act the guy has great comedic timing and banter


I’ve got a buddy like him and people genuinely pop out like that


I'm sure he plays it up since he knows it draws in viewers but I think it's his genuine personality with the outbursts turned up to 11. Same with B0aty getting a drop and screaming WOOOOO!


The fact him and Torvesta actually get along pretty well now and then and put the "beef" aside in certain videos probably says it's more of an act. He's still very entertaining though, I don't really get the irritating fake persona vibe from him.


Torv and the Specs are best friends. Their "beef" is just british banter.


I’d love to have a Torv/Boaty/Specs team just for the comms


There is no beef between them 2 lmao. They’re close friends


Doesn't matter. Either way it's fun.


The montage of him at Callisto in the season 3 GG challenge was one of the funniest OSRS things I've ever seen. Edit: For those who haven't seen it: https://youtu.be/wiXSEqNqgsM?t=1637 (Although really you should just watch all of GG)


as somebody who has been sleeping on GG, this convinced me to watch the whole thing


Great decision, hope you enjoy it!


Oh god you just reminded me about that clip. I have actual tears in my eyes from laughing omg


The only better GG moment was the jump cut at the end of last season IMO, but that whole episode was gold.


Holy shit that gave me a good laugh, love the specs.


The specs stream stays on in the bedroom


Honestly watching these guys has been so much fun. Never been much in to dmm but they make it look so enjoyable. Jcw has been putting in mad work too


I was fucking dying when I saw this 😂😂😂😭😭😭


I really wish B0aty would upload his team on his YT


Skillspecs has 3 uploads so far if you want to watch some content from the team




Idc what anyone says. Skilly is top tier content


hard to believe one of these guys eliminated Solo Mission from GG.


I gotta watch this.


Assuming they do this again next year they just need to get rid of Odablock. He's just dragging the whole event down with his legion of toxic, zombie viewers Been so good otherwise


I’ve been popping into the different streams to see what the different teams have been up to and multiple players on multiple teams have talked about how his fanbase has been an issue in their chats… it’s definitely a problem that needs to be addressed.


Idk, seeing him accidentally attack his team over and over is pretty funny.


Wouldn't know, I'd rather skip the breach than open his stream


oh I've been watching the videos mostly, they're a lot more condensed. I've been enjoying most of the PoVs, but admittedly it does get redundant since you start watching the same scenes over and over again lol.


Ah yeah, I just avoid giving any of those douchetubers views. Plenty of good content creators who deserve my click I was sad when he picked Rhys cause I love his videos but have no interest watching him on that team.




You definitely won't have to eat your words. It's spot on


If Odablock and his team weren't in the competition there would have been virtually zero fighting lol. Faux's team doesn't even go to breaches, Solomission's team focuses as hard as they can on the monsters, and B0aty's team stands no chance against Dino's team. The only ones consistently PvPing in a PvP tournament is Odablock's team. Aside from that he objectively is the most popular streamer and has the most viewers by a mile, so you're asking to heavily diminish the enjoyment of nearly half the viewers. Whether you root for him or whether you see him for a villain, you can't deny he's bringing a lot to the overall entertainment aspect of the competition, and at the end of the day that's all it really is - entertainment. If you actually get upset at dumbass viewers of his typing dumbass things in an online virtual chat room, you may need to take things less seriously and just sit back and let yourself be entertained.


Real talk, i wouldn't be watching this if it wasn't for Oda. Between GG and Oda's HCIM I get my fill of Osrs content at the moment. The HCIM series is insane if he pulls it off. And GG is just great content all around.


I'm confused about this comment. I've been watching Oda's stream this weekend and didn't see him be toxic or incite toxicity towards others. Do you have any clips of him being toxic so far in the DMM allstars tournament?


For real, don't watch him a ton but any time I've hopped in to see what his team was up to/watched his perspective on the breach/getting jumped by people I watched, he's been pretty respectful, even when people told him things like "Dino was stream sniping you" he'd say shit like "I don't know about that, could've scouted me" and shit, seemed far more happy to be taking fights than anything.


You're joking about the stream sniping part? He doesn't say directly that someone streamsnipes but he implies it constantly. Stuff like "you never know who is streamsniping" after talking about Dino and stuff. And that projects into the community.


Oda has had some of the more mature reactions to getting attacked at wildy bosses etc Meanwhile his team kills Dino after a fair scout and for the entire stream Dino goes ´that is definitely a stream snipe. I got stream sniped´ Both absolutely got stirred up by chat and watching both mald about eachother for 2 hours was depressing.  Also annoying that all the fingerpointing goes to Oda, like I didnt also watch Dino get absolutely triggered by other streamers chats for the dumb ´stream sniper´ spams These viewers will always be there  trying to stir stuff and a few streamers need to get better at handling stuff You are an adult that is getting paid money to play a video game. Handle the little adversity that comes your way. Especially if your entire MO is being a PC friendly streamer


> Dino goes ´that is definitely a stream snipe. I got stream sniped´ He does that when you run into him in the wilderness randomly too. Guy has an enormous ego while being as big of a cry baby.


Full disclosure: I'm watching Dino's team this event and watching any interaction with Oda at all lead to a flood of shitty comments has made me dislike Oda even more, so I'm biased. This section is about 4 hours into Oda's stream earlier today about 45 minutes before the breach. I'd link it but idk how to do so on kick. Oda 99% sniped Raiksey coming out of cox. His teammates aren't suggesting cox. He's talking about camping outside pvp arena teleport. His chat's telling him to check cox, though, so he suddenly he decides to go to cox even though he'd never once planned to go. He had to first figure out how to unlock zeah because he hadn't been even once and suddenly decides to unlock it and go to cox minutes before Raiksey finishes a raid. Dino's chat 100% tells him that Oda's sniping and he reads this, though [Dino's teammate had been hit outside cox a few hours before so Dino also went outside to scout the last time someone came out an hour before this whole ordeal](https://www.twitch.tv/dino_xx/clip/ThirstyTenderHerbsAliens-uBWn-9alsaIb4gFb?filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time), so it isn't clear if Dino would have gone either way. At worst, Dino's sniping Oda's snipe, but while Oda's complaining about getting sniped, his teammates point out that Rhyss hit his teammate earlier and so it's not abnormal for him to show up and protect Raiksey. Oda admits he's reading PMs about other people's streams, in this case Dino sniping him. After the fight then goes on a rant about it for like 5 minutes flaming Dino, insulting his chatters pointing out that Dino had gone to scout an hour before all of this or that Muts had waited outside for an escort the last time just like Raiksey did this time, does no moderation on the chatters flaming Dino, and mocks Dino for putting his chat into sub only mode because a deluge of his chatters were going over and flaming him. Streamers 10000% influence the community, and Oda's cultivating a hateful community that makes the event worse for every other streamer. No one else's chat is going into other channels to flame even a fraction of the amount.


V the Victim suggested to scout CoX, oda was not sniping at all here. Oda went to clean his floor because his wife threw a bottle of water that opened, right before that victim suggested to go to CoX and scout there before the breach.


When? I did a brief scan and didn't see him off cam beforehand except to go to the bathroom. Either way, it completely slipped his mind until he read chat. If you read chat, you're going to get people sniping. The fact that he'd never even unlocked the place before, no one in his chat was suggesting cox when he was roaming for 20 minutes beforehand, then suddenly [chat wants him to turn up to cox (and even tell him boaty's team is inside)](https://imgur.com/a/Vb6jbp3) a couple minutes before the raid ends plus he later says he's reading people PM'ing him what's happening on Dino's stream is beyond suspicious. You believe he's reading PMs about what's happening on Dino's stream but not about what's happening on other streams?


Oda was moving around trying to find people often with suggestions from his team mates. For example on the suggestion from his team mate he camps boaty questing and fails. Then boaty instantly returns to questing assuming oda likely would've just gave up and left which he did showing he is not a sniper. At dueling arena he starts thinking about going to barrows but his team mate is there and says he doesn't think anyone else is there so he decides not to go. Then he starts thinking about raiding and his team mate encourages him to camp outside. Right before camping dueling arena while checking another spot, 5 minutes or something before, his team mate mentioned they should raid as 4 + rhys was camping raids earlier and had multiple encounters which is why it was likely on his mind as something to try when he found out barrows is empty. In my opinion it is completely understandable that oda would go to cox the way he did without sniping.


I watch both so I wonder what your opinion on Dino is on the following  For me Dino has showed a lot of immaturity this event. He reacts waaaay too emotionally and he is a big reason of some of the toxicity that has been on display Every time Oda was attacked by Dino or Westham in the first days, he was very respectful, to even complementing them & refusing to agree with chat that it were snipes Meanwhile Dino gets killed by team Oda on a clean scout & he immediately blames it on stream sniping in front of his entire stream. & every time Oda has attacked him in singles the emotions and frustrations are so blatant.  Not just in contact with Oda´s team either. When they were sweeping wildy bosses he really let viewers of other streamers get in his head I´m not sure if he does it on purpose to milk it, but the constant whining about certain morons in chat makes him unwatchable at times. He needs to find a way to deal with it better I wish he would also be honest about his opinions on others. If you look at those pking reactions when Oda is involved it is completely obvious that Dino hates Oda his guts.  No need for the entire PC persona. Its the real world, a lot of people dislike eachother and thats fine. Better that than putting up a facade 


Yup, Dino was 100% wrong on his first death about getting scouted around 8:23 on the first day's vod. Should have handled it better. I think he's overly emotional/reactive because, from that very first time, his chat's gone to shit every time Oda shows up. You can't see the worst of it because mods deleted them = they don't show up in vods, but you still see a few insults and tons of fufufufu/sit/etc spam that forced the stream into emote only. Compare that to when Solo's team kills dino 20 minutes later at the breach fight when the entire chat is talking about the event, the fight, etc. I don't blame him for whining. I wish he didn't, but Dino likes to read chat and you can watch the difference when he's hit by someone else vs Oda this event. It's night and day. I'd be pretty pissed if I got raided and called slurs by someone's community while they did nothing about it the entire time. You can say they should be more honest, but at the end of the day, they're colleagues. If he's open about hating someone and rags on them openly, it'll mean getting invited to fewer events like this in the future just like if you're open about hating someone in a niche industry you'd never get a job with them. It'd also invite even worse raiding/spamming, which has gotten way worse in the last couple days vs the first couple already because of the drama.


It's just redditors being perma angry at someone they have never interacted because someone else told them to. For years I considered Oda toxic because that was the voice in the community. I started watching him during the Stella and Trident drama, and realized what kind of man he is: bald, tiny and gay, but not toxic unless you are one of those extremists that demonize people for not thinking exactly the same as you.


Spot on my experience too.


People are literally complaining about his toxic as shit fanbase, his behaviour during the event would be fine if his rabid fanboys didn't run around harrassing people. That is the community he cultivated and it's a big problem in events like this.


Tbh a lot of pker communities are toxic shitholes, Oda probably the worst but I see the same kinda shit from Ditter and Rhys fanboys too


People are complaining about his behavior as well, not just his fan base, the parent comment of this thread is a call out to not have him in any more events for fucks sake. IMO fanbases will always be shit, and with more viewers there will be more shit. Many times I have seen Oda try to discourage viewers from harassing other streamers. Never have I seen him sending his fans to attack. It's just things that happen in the world of streaming, and in both directions. The amount of hate that he receives is greater than other streamers.


> the parent comment of this thread is a call out to not have him in any more events for fucks sake. Yeah, cause his fanbase is insufferable and thinks it's perfectly okay to harrass other competitors. And he couldn't care less, if he did he wouldn't sit there constantly implying people snipe. He knows damn well what he's doing and he knows damn well what consequences it has for other competitors. > The amount of hate that he receives is greater than other streamers. This is also big cap, go on the newest Dino video and tell me Odablock is the one facing the most hate. Any hate he receives gets largely drowned out by his fanbase, any hate he causes other's to receive is just there to dominate their socials.


I totally get that. Oda fans wouldn't know what toxicity looks like anymore after being subjected to it every stream


You need to go outside lol


Odas POV has been some of the best content to come out of this next to boatys. You're just a baby. If someone is shitposting in a stream, the mods can just ban them.


thats a completely reasonable reply to ur comment and ur reaction is to ignore actually answering the question and belittle, and ur the one complaining about toxicity? lmao


Talk about any drama in anyone's chat and they'll say 'look man we aren't about that here' Bring up some bs in Oda's chat and he will pause his stream and rant for two minutes about why he's been wronged just to rile up his militant viewers. He spammed Dino twice today ingame following him around and instigating "L0000000l" when they both died. And then when Dino ran into him at TOA "how you know?" Over and over. He feeds the drama. Every single other streamer tells them to knock it off or be banned. He inflames his chatters and then they seek out others to flame.


This is such weird cope and not true at all... I watch all the main lads and there's degrees of toxicity and playfulness in all of them


Dino did LOOOOOL at Oda first when Oda died. And Dino stream sniped Oda blatantly. 


Dino also called him a bitch


Dino viewers are so fragile


Bro, you are unhinged. Dino live, on stream read a chat message saying that Oda was at CoX and immediately stopped what he was doing to teleport there to fight. For Oda to call that out doesn't make him or his audience wrong


I agree, John Bot I also get a panic attack when Oda is mentioned. He scares me dearly, i hope they build a safe places for viewers like me and you. I am also a Dino viewer and i have been scarred for my lifetime jagex send help to me and john bot.


I’ve been watching Oda’s stream and having a blast with this event. It’s lame that he has viewers who go to other streams and ruin the fun, but he also just has the most viewers by a wide margin. That alone could explain the number of bad eggs.


It's definitely not just a numbers game, I don't think most other participants would tolerate such a toxic chat, let alone encourage it.


No it's him tolerating it at best. I always point to Moistcritikal as an example of how possible it is to keep a big community in check. Odablock does the opposite, he gives 0 shits that his army of parasocial goons harrass other people.


You're definitely not wrong, I'm just saying that he doesn't encourage that behavior. I guess it really depends who you ask how responsible a streamer is for keeping their viewers' behavior in check, but I think you make a fair point.


Lol Dino and Westham and Faux are all averaging 5k each and none of their viewers have been causing any issues. Same with b0aty Skill Specs is at 3.2k He's fostered a piece of shit community. The biggest streamers are all trash like that, though. Kai Cenat, xQC, Aidin, Destiny, Logan Paul, Hasan, etc. Streamers like them cater to the 13 year olds that have no friends and act like a douche and you get followers. There's a reason he's never invited to any community events like Gielinor Games. No one in the community wants anything to do with him. Wouldn't surprise me if Jagex made solo invite him to get Jagex to agree to do this event


of course he does, toxic morons get banned in 99% of other streams, where else are they going to go?


Same, but Oda could definitely do more to discourage it


He has such a fragile ego for someone so skilled. His comments towards Dino and Westham are just unnecessary. Dino called him a bitch once, and the guy who builds his personality around shit talking is upset. I like his content but he has been insufferable.


He has the maturity and emotional intelligence of a primary school kid, which works great when he’s streaming his normal PK content but fails miserably when he has to work as part of a team.


As someone fairly new to the osrs content scene I really don't see the problem with Oda. He's got an abrasive personality for sure but his content isn't toxic at all and roughly on par with other guys who complain a lot like ditter and faux. I can see that his *fans* can be really obnoxious, and you could say that he plays a part in not policing that kind of behaviour, but really don't get the hate of his content for content's sake. Maybe he was worse in the past idk.


just dont ask his opinions on jagexs pride events or women.


How is this downvoted lmfao it’s just facts


Oda’s one of the biggest draws, i don’t care for his content but there’s no way you don’t bring him in


Yet he's never been in a single gielinor games. You absolutely can leave him out. He's toxic and his community is awful


He wasnt in gg4 because he declined the invitation. Soup did invite him and in fact has him locked in for next year. I understand you not personally liking him but he makes good content and is insane at this game, not just PVP he is a grand master. And yes, I am doing agility laps on it.


“Yes I am doing agility laps on it” LAWWDDD IM FUCKIN DEAD MATE


"makes good content" - every xQC fan ever. He's good at the game. Sure. He's also toxic and has an awful community. Also, that's awful news about GG. Next season will be way worse until he gets knocked out. Hopefully it's like in two or three episodes at most.


He’s not locked into GG season 5. Nobody is. But he’s like 99% likely to get an invite again and has said he won’t decline again (he declined season 4 because he thought he had to do 50 HOURS A WEEK with no pay for a couple months if he was on the show… which is beyond dumb in the first place, and Soup has clarified since and said* even if you get to the very end it’s like 30 hours total maximum spread out over the course of a few months)


Why are you riled up little bro? Go outside and take a deep breath. If you don't like a streamer don't watch them, you don't have to perma type essays 


Lmfao fr. Casual here. I don’t even play OSRS anymore or have a twitch. I’m just enjoying the event period and loving the content that’s provided on YouTube, but dam these people really hate Oda lmao. (Tbf I watch Dino AND odas vids).


He got invited but he declined in s4 so this is kind of irrelevant


It’s not irrelevant as GG is some of OSRS media’s biggest content and yet he hasn’t been in a single season. Content thrives without him. Their point wasn’t that he hasn’t been invited, it’s that he hasn’t been in it. And it’s still one of the best OSRS series.




yeah very big surprise from the gambling addict who picks and chooses what is and isn’t haram based on convenience. the dude who calls trans people "transformers".


All the people blaming or defending ODA in this thread need to get a life


Yea he's been awful, all the other teams are having playful banter and he's been spitting venom and accusing everyone of cheating.


Let's pretend like donator hasn't been borderline in tears for the last 2 days over getting "stream sniped" when he goes back to the same places all day.


Actually agree with you on that one, even his own team were flaming him for that.


I literally saw Dino say "Someone spotted me" and then 10 mins later call stream sniping... what's with the Oda hate


Yeah I've found Dino pretty tough to watch at times this week probably the worst out of the captains tbh.


I don't think the dudes a dick or anything but he's got people like /u/pixelsteve saying shit like "Omg X does Y" constantly in his chat. Probably hard to not be influenced by that stuff yaknow?




Post your chat logs lol


what did you get banned for?


Yep, sadly, it sucks because you lose his viewership but it's just added a ton of negativity to an otherwise amazing time.


I don't understand, what negativity has he added? I've watched a few streams (b0aty, skill\_specs, rhys, solo, west etc.) for short periods. The only serious negativity I've seen (unless you think jokeful trashtalk in PvP is toxic) has been the chat abuse by Dino/West? (which I only believe because he literally did it on stream).


i agree, I've been following the event (haven't watched much of Oda, not a huge fan myself) and don't see how his inclusion has bought any negativity. Think people on here just don't like him and are projecting a bit


Got skillspecs team is just getting pounded into the dirt. It is so funny to watch


Man skills specs cracks me up, absolute fucking gold here lmao


I wish skillspecs would have killed westham when he chanced him. It’s embarrassing how blatant westham is sniping, shit is pathetic.


I don’t play OSRS, but for some reason love watching this content. Been following Westham, Boaty, and Faux and seeing them do some crazy stuff. If they decide to repeat anytime in the future, odablock and raiksey need to not be invited. Other than that it has been pretty fun. Hope solo does some kinda of breakdown of the event once it’s over, would be cool to see some kind of analysis. (I do wish they removed the death penalty for loss of food in final fight)


Why shouldn't Odablock and Raiksey be invited next time?


Raiksey seems to be causing quite a bit of friction in Dino's team & the times I've tuned in has been constantly messing up or doing little. Not sure it warrants him not being reinvited for this specifically though. 


When does it start for the general game?


Really off topic question but what is the size of boatys window? I usually play fixed but this looks like it might be playable with haha - I don't really like resizable


Can somebody tell me how to make my game look like Boaty's?


He is playing on Resizable mode, with transparent chat box, and his client is set to be very small (like 550×750)


Do you if it is possible to make this client to look like this while playing "full screen"?


Use the “stretched mode” plugin from base runelite to scale the Ui for fullscreen