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The animation is like 80% of the reason why I use it


My buddy told me they're worth buying so I got one this week. I love everything about it.


Even if it is worse DPS, just hitting less 0s makes it more enjoyable to use.


Fang+Tent whip is 1/4 the price of Dragonhunter lance or 1/3 the price of a rapier and covers 95% of all melee bosses+slayer tasks. It's a very good weapon that's BiS or competes well with BIS weapons at quite a few places.


I got lucky and bought a lance in November or so. Had no clue how much they went up.


Buying lance dips is the mercher's greatest secret. There's always gonna be another dragon


I haven't tried to merchant anything in this game since 2010. So far out of loops and don't play enough to catch trends.


no worries big guy, don't tell em I told you


You got it homie.


Really? So should I sell my dhl and get it instead?


DHL is Bis at CoX and dragons (including Vorkath+KBD+Hydra). Fang is BiS at Sire, Corp, Mole, ToA, General Graardor, 2nd best at Vorkath, KBD (BiS when 4 iteming), Hydra, Mith/Addy/Rune Dragons, tribrid DKs, is less risk while flinching Chaos Ele than Ursine chainmace, and comes with an okay special attack. I recommend plugging your stats+gear into https://tools.runescape.wiki/osrs-dps/ and see if its enough of a gap to matter in content you like. If selling DHL gets you a Bowfa, for sure sell it. If selling DHL won't get you any meaningful upgrades, hold onto it for now. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Dragon_hunter_lance#Used_in_recommended_equipment You can also look how they rank on the wiki. When fang used to be 30m+ it was a much closer call but at 15m it is falling into "budget" territory and as long as they don't nerf it (again) I have zero reason to ever sell it. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Osmumten%27s_fang#Used_in_recommended_equipment https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Dragon_hunter_lance#Used_in_recommended_equipment


For most of these examples it depends on gear, dhl scales better and at one point passes the fang - best to check the dps meter and not rely on the wiki


Dhl is better than fang at cox specifically at olm, and typically after landing def lowering specs. Fang beats it for the rest of the raid by quite a bit, though. Fang also beats dhl at times for vork depending on your gear and stats. Dhl is typically for people who are camping specific content and looking to maximize dps, but fang is never really bad anywhere compared to dhl being pretty terrible if not used in its niche. I second all your reccomendations for sure, though. Dps calcs are super helpful when figuring out how to maximize dps, and gear should only really be sold if it helps get a meaningful upgrade. I'd add gearscape to the list of tools. It has a feature where you can enter your budget, and it will give you max dps for the boss you select within that budget. Edit: clarified "better than fang" rather than saying "bis" since scythe is overall better than both weapons in cox.


Pretty sure scythe is bis


True, good catch. I was meaning better than fang, but I said bis on accident.


Eh I was mostly just posing it as a question since I haven't checked since the reworks it's all g And we still call barrows a max set in pvp so it's all relative anyway


Just don't fall into the noob trap of using it on every slayer task. It excels for things with high defense, but whip is gonna beat it everywhere else (probably 90% of melee slayer tasks)


Whip doesn't train strength though.




I decided to run it through the DPS calc, out of curiosity. At 85/94/85, the fang just *barely* edges out the zombie axe even as low as 25 defense for strength training. The axe is pleasantly competitive for training strength if you don't have a fang, at least until ~60-70 enemy defense.


When you say dps calc where do you go to see that?




[It's from the wiki.](https://tools.runescape.wiki/osrs-dps/)


And rapier beats whip


But whip is only 1m while the useless noob trap piece of shit rapier is 60m


It's a lot more useful than pegasians though, that's for sure. Buy it for 56m, max your combat stats, then sell it. Wouldn't call it a noob trap.


How I feel about the elder maul. Damn, I don’t even care if it hits sometimes, I just wanna see the little spin and the THWOMP


RIP Marge Simpson


This is how I find out? In the comment section of a r/2007scape meme? Fuck.


Googled it. It's the dubbed spanish voice actress that died. The original Marge is still alive


yo wtf


*Rip Spanish Marge. Dont scare us like that yo


My favorite will always be Barrelchest Anchor, I am still in love with the animation and sound lol.




for a hot second I thought I was looking at a pokèmon meme


Stab, right?


I'll be honest, I swapped the attack animation to be the same as the Rapier, and the spec to be the same as the Dragon Sword. They just fit the aesthetic for me far more.


How'd you do that? Runelite plugin?


Ya, its the 'Weapon/Gear/Anim Replacer' plugin. You can change animations, swap models, and even change sounds. I also made all the bow stances be the same as the Venator. If you really want to have a bad time, you can change the blowpipe fire sound to be the same as the ACB or ruby bolt spec.


I made mine the dragon hunter lance