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Interesting artistic choice to include tilemarkers in his pvp hardcore ironman


He’s done more PVM then PVP KEKW On that PVPHCIM


> He’s done more PVM then PVP KEKW > > On that PVPHCIM yeah, cause building a PVP account has upfront time costs.


op wants to see some level 3 pvp


Fisting someone to death?


Yes fist until blowpipe


Then and than are different words.


Sucks that english is like my third language.


Dang can't you just find one you like and stick to it? Rather than brag. /s


And after that THAN what.




A fourth?


English is your third language after twitch chat brainrot and which other?


And a kind stranger on the internet helped you learn. Now you don't have to make that mistake anymore


Glad you take feedback and dismiss it :)


How the fuck do you expect an ironman to train combats and acquire items without PVM?




What’s KEKW, precious?


Back in the golden age of mmo’s kekw was what the horde seen when you typed lol in chat on world of Warcraft.


Not sure if trolling but a pbp world locked hardcore ironman doesn't pvp themselves as there is no reward in it. But it is often abbreviated as pvphcim, which I can see being misleading. I only recall Torvesta truely doing a pvp hcim where he had to pk someone at every combat lvl. I think the series died out because the content was more of a drag finding low risk fights. Escaping pvpers is more interesting than finding easy prey.


Honestly, I don't know what but I hate every blender thumbnail now lol


The first couple were cool but they’re extremely overdone and don’t look that good imo


You don't love the hcim shaking his ass video at the end of every osrs vid???


Hmm, Hmm hmm hmm hmm, Hmm hmm hmm hmm, Hmm hmm hmm hmm, Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmmmm….


Lives rent free tbh


Noobs forget that he got famous for his original intro for the TYC series. He has an ear for good music and knows how to make a good little rs music video whether it be in game or blender slop 🐐🐐🐐


How dare you sir, CEngineer's outro is pure gold


Not in this context. When are we going to get some 2024 RSMV using blender??


https://youtu.be/B7qPE9Vk2MU?feature=shared This?


Thank you for this


Always happy to help lol


I need an HD blender video of Blow Me Away this instant.


I can try but i need atleast 3-6 month's to atleast try to do a full one 😂🙈


it has that shiny, very "fake-real" aesthetic of AI "art"


Yeah osrs 3d animation is going way too hard on lighting and it just ends up looking super overproduced.


People just need a shader or some post processing that mimics the osrs color banding and baked lighting. Nobody has crafted that though afaik




why he got the tile markers bro 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Hardcore Pvp tileman mode next!?!?


Imagine regular tileman but if you kill another tileman you take their tiles.


Oh that would be bruuutal


Highlander: Tileman edition.  There can only be one!


Yo, obviously this is an intentional reference to settled's thumbnail, ya'll really think the editor is trying to pass this off as something other than a blatant copy? It's probably a joke, doubt settled has anything against it, let's take it easy.


This post is a trifecta for engagement on this subreddit. 1. Odablock bad 2. Swampman good 3. game drama


theres a nonzero chance that its also just the same editor/the thumbnail guys are friends


Mr teacher, I wasn't copying his homework, I just made an intentional reference to his work as a joke


The streamed content was good but man those YT videos were milked hard to be full length.


Meh i watch most osrs content as background/2nd monitor stuff. The only one I actively watch and pay attention to as its own thing is Gilenor Games.


Tbf GG is in a league of its own. I love Settled and the likes but they don't even come close to the production value GG has


We are so lucky to have such amazing production quality videos in a relatively small community. The most popular RS content creator has less than 1m subs (I think) yet we get stuff like GG and IDFAP (gunschilli) which are high effort highly edited videos. Hell just the amount of grinding time spent on relatively low quality (in terms of editing) videos is usually nuts. People putting in months long grinds and just skipping right through it to when they are done, multiple times in a single video sometimes is just insane.


Small community? You do realise OSRS has the second highest active playerbase of any MMORPG at the moment lol, the only game bigger is FF14


I mean in terms of Youtube communities, and I said relatively.


wow is bigger than both no?


That's because there are no good mmorpgs. There's ff14, wow, and osrs. Every other game has crashed and burned. Y'all really need to stop acting like it's a successful genre.


Would throw GW2 into the mix as well. But yes, your point still stands. For every successful one there's like 20+unsuccessful MMO's.


GW2 has 30-50% of the population the other three put up. It's in the clear second-tier with stuff like Black Desert. And I say that as someone who used to go really hard on GW2, played in the top-bracket WvW server cluster, &c. Solid game but the pop ain't the same as it used to be.


i mean what genre has more than 2 or 3 games in it's top tier though? Tact fps is a huge genre but really there's a clear top with valorant and CS above everyone else. MOBA as well there's LoL and Dota2. Battle Royale has fortnite and apex and maybe PUBG? (haven't really followed BR as much so not sure if PUBG is still relevant in the top tier). Pretty much every genre only has 2-3 games at the top and then a 2nd tier with games like Smite and Paladins that have decent playerbases but are clearly below the top.


Higher, probably. There used to be *so* many MMOs.


I couldn’t find that info on google, can you share where you got that info from?


GunsChili comes close with his editing it’s phenomenal.


I'd throw Ingus into the ring


Coxie has some solid animation intros to his videos too


I've now started watching GG weekly with some friends in person. Gradually some of the girlfriends in our group have also gotten invested. Even going so far as to watch the previous seasons to get all the drama. They never have or will touch the game. Absolutely in a league of its own.


I follow a guy named Crukken who I followed solely because of the production value initially. He’s pretty funny to me, but the editing is amazing. Him and Soup have such good production


Jeporite and alienfood can be worth putting your attention into.


You didn’t like 9 videos of him at CG?


"I'm so drryy mann, this is so unfair..." - Odablock after getting 25 CG KC.


I love Oda and this is so accurate lmao. Bro was complaining about being dry for voidwaker at like 300 Calvarion kc hahahahah


I prefer it that way, tbh.


Those types of long vids have been popping up all over YouTube. It’s the “meta” for monetization rn


I love long ass videos like streamers whole playthrough of a game cuz i will put it on the tv and not even watch while doing dishes and stuff. I cant be assed to keep finding a new 15-30 min video for background noise


I'm watching Swampletics for the 1st time ever and watching the 12hr video. It's pretty nice not worrying about finding the play list or hunt for the episodes in the side bar. Just hit play and let it go and pause when I'm done and YT saves my spot.


Settled also removes all advertisements from those long videos and it’s so nice


I just finished/watched that for the first time a few weeks ago. I've never been into watching streamers. Or even YouTube for that matter since I was a kid. It's so good. Have since been watching many different content creators for the first time lol


I recommend Gilienor Games and in debt for a pet after swampletics


the original idfap is good, but the recent ones are lacking something, idk what


I work outside, so I listen to YouTube videos while I'm working. A lot of retrospective videos and documentaries. I loove this new long format meta. Just finished a 18 hour video, and it took 3 workdays. Osrs videos, however, I find it hard to click on it if it is longer than 7 minutes


Re-releasing it is milking but I like it better than playlists, if you go back to video #x from your history it will always play some random video or jump ahead.


The YouTube meta for monetization is to take a playlist series and bundle it into one long video. People either put it on or stumble upon it via autoplay while they’re sleeping. It makes the algorithm favor those YouTubers over others when you’re being recommended content to watch so that you’re more than likely to keep ‘watching’ their content. They get paid not by views but by watch hours and ad impressions, so YouTubers are incentivized to produce these long videos to capitalize on the opportunity. The re-release isn’t about laziness, but just capitalizing on the latest monetization trend.


Its definitely not the meta, most of them have much less views then the actual content. Its just a way to get another video out with already recorded content.


Incorrect. First, many ultra long videos DO have tons of views. Second, a ton of these videos get higher payouts per view because of YouTube premium views, ad views, and engagement time. Third, the long videos are made to trick the algorithm into recommending videos to sleeping viewers. These long videos are absolutely crushing it across the board. Not to mention since they're recuts of earlier content, they take very little time to put together.


in general they are solving the issue of the lets play viewer fall off. People will more often watcha super cut then watch a series weekly.


The first thing screenwave did when they took over angry video game nerd was turn the AVGN videos into 10+ hour long videos. It’s very good money for how YouTube does pay outs


I see there's a fellow Yorkshire Gold enthusiast in the chat


That’s not true across the board. Do you know what the most valuable YouTube viewer is? Because these videos attract those types of viewers. All about ad engagement and full watch times which those long videos knock out of the park.


its absoloutly the meta. There is currently a thing with the algorythm where people are sleeping with youtube on their phone and stuff they are say... watching settleds nightmare mode video fall asleep it auto recommends say... swampleytics episode like 19 becasue the titles similar to his current video.. then it recommends the 12 hour swamp man video and you watch it... like all of it... because you were asleep Now the algorithm sees you watch long videos at 4am and always recommends you 4am long videos. Spiffing brit has a video on this. its a major part of monotization in places like factorio project zomboid and rimworld. Peoples 1st episodes of a lets play might get... 1m but the SUPER CUT or MOVIE get 5 million views.


It’s win-win for both the viewer and the creator. No need to find the next episode after watching, no sponsored segments and intros/outros and less ads due to no pre/postroll video ads. For the creator it’s a very low effort lucrative video, and usually pulls in a lot of new viewers who want to instantly binge a full series.


Is this just an ad?


Yes and a poorly veiled one at that


At least the correct font is used.


The tiles are completely overkill but it’s worth mentioning that I think everyone here is forgetting that most creators don’t design thumbnails or half the time even upload their own videos. Settled and Oda are almost certainly using the same thumbnail creator, who is pumping out hundreds of OSRS thumbnails. Elements will 100% be reused.


Settled's thumbnails are done by [8sat](https://x.com/8sat_), who also does them for Framed, J1mmy, and Gielinor Games. He's an IRL friend of Settled's so him just reusing elements seems pretty unlikely, unless Settled agreed to it. (imo Oda's thumbnails don't look like 8sat's style but I can't see anyplace that Oda credits his thumbnail artist so idk)


wait 8sat does graphics for hikaru too? nice get!


not sure which ones he's done specifically, but I know he doesn't do all of them I believe jchessnoob and jaroniscaring on instagram are the lead thumbnail designers for hikaru


they do not use the same thumbnail artist


Bro thinks Oda made the thumbnail 😭💀😭💀😭💀


I think if this was anyone else, nobody would care..


People for real hate on Oda? He’s the best RS content creator by far imho


I like his content and find him entertaining, doesn't mean I have to agree to all of his views, at the end of the day he's a father who provides for his family and I can respect that.


OSRS content creators are getting even more weird recently. EVscape dropped the “5 rats” video, copying itswill and now there’s this between Oda and Settled. If it was April fools that would be funny, but in June/July it’s just odd


ok but 5 rats is definitely a joke at will though


Oh gee ess, double mauler, vengeene locked Ironman.


What a dirty doggy


I’m a fan of oda but it’s hilarious he calls that account PvP HCIM when he got less than 30 kills on it afufufufu


How many HCIM do you think have more player kills than that


How many kills do you need? Looks like he's top 10 bh for hcim >afufufufu !


He actually got 30 kills but as he didn't log prior to his death it didn't update from the 24 prior. Big rip way too early


I mean that's a 96% kill rate lol. Is even feasible to be "invincible" in PvP with perfect play?


Did he die?


He did. He died to someone using Dharok in Bounty Hunter


Anything mildly positive of Oda block is so downvoted. You nerds are so sad. Good to see the hive is alive and well.


It's working apparently lol, it got u to make a post about it and advertise it


Swamp man good Casino man bad


His editor most likely did that thumbnail. Redditors really do hate Oda huh?


i like pip


That's more C Engineer than settled except for the imagery.


I can’t say I’m an Odablock fan, my first real exposure to him was on dead man all stars, but the hate on Reddit is ridiculous now. If we think logically, “bro” does clearly not “think he is settled” but perhaps this is either irony, or they share the same editor / graphic designer.


That's literally the joke bro.. some people on this sub are so silly when it comes to Oda


Yall realize its his editor right


Who cares it's still funny af


His editor is shit and stealing from others then lmao. I would think his editor would run the thimbnails/ideas before him at least before publishing…


i watch him sometimes, he's pretty off-hands about it usually doesn't even know what/if he's uploaded


I thought it was just the same guy who made these blender things


I swear people think anything that’s not a 30 second TikTok clip is a creator “milking it”. God forbid someone actually tells a long form story anymore


Then Settled thinks he's B0aty


It's not the full series thats the meme, it's the fact that the picture has tile indicators for literally no reason other than being a direct copy of settled


Settleds next nightmare vid should have the allstars logo and show a max gmaul stack in PvP as the thumbnail 


92.6% CHANCE I DIE TO THIS SPECIAL ATTACK as the video title


Pretty sure he has an editor too, so it ain’t like it’s even him. Algorithm gonna algorithm


The Oda hate on Reddit is hilarious. He’s arguably the best pk’r in the game, objectively top 3 for sure. He’s also pretty funny if you don’t take yourself too seriously.


He’s definitely an incredible pker! Was fun watching him in the all stars finale. I can admire the skill while not admiring anything about his behavior and community he leads


Surely one of the best pk'ers ever, no doubt. That doesn't mean hes not a jerk and instigator for drama and that hes not the leader of an extremely toxic fanbase. 🤷‍♂️


I think its hilarious u kids talking about oda. u wouldnt say this stuff to him at ferrox, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol


Does he taste good?




Aww that sucks :( I know he's popular with a bunch of noticeably younger, "I love it when streamers are shouty"-type viewers so it's kinda sad that he's encouraging that type of view. I don't know anything about him or this, did he do something on a stream?




Counter-point: He's a dick.


Reddit doesn't tend to like Pkers or Muslims.


Editor probably ripped it


Settled: 11 hours of edited content thats constantly engaging and supposed to be video format Oda: His stream for 60 days edited down. Bonus: Copied Settled thumbnail to a T.




Seriously dude is an absolute dirt bag of the highest order






I watched like 1 or 2 of his streams and he was just an absolute mess of a person. I don’t know his content well enough to make critical judgements, just know that his vibe was not my style and found him incessantly annoying. Edit: the religious nutjobs have begun descending upon me with downvotes, so I will leave this for ya’ll: All bigotry that stems from a religious belief is in and of itself cringe indoctrination. All religion is in and of itself a delusion fairytale. If you believe it, you’ve been indoctrinated, if you preach it, you’re a grifter. I dislike oda because he’s a bigot, why he’s a bigot i could not give less of a fuck about.


Imagine getting this upset over someone who doesn’t know you exist.


Tbh I get what you're saying but the argument is kinda weird Like for example Putin doesn't know I exist but his actions upset me But ye with content creators just ignore / click dont recommend, it doesn't matter


Oda fans have to be the weirdest most parasitic people I've ever seen lmao


lmao guess you've never seen the amount of hate trump gets eh?


He makes so many obnoxious sounds.


Wasnt he banned for account sharing or RWT or some shit?


this sub dick rides the fuck out of the Oda hate train 😂😂😂


People who unironically watch Oda are an enigma


Brother, you have to be legit dumb or mad biased (I'll be kind and assume it's the latter) to actually not understand why so many people watch Oda lmao. Whether it's with art, sports, or some other thing where there's even a shred of objective "competition", the most talented individuals/teams will ALWAYS draw the most attention/views. He's absolutely stupid cracked at the game, you fucking dingus. There you go, enigma solved. 😂


Hes a good player, good entertainer, does impulsive things. Way better than watching mr mammals boring ass


he can be pretty entertaining, is a skilled player, and has high energy. it's not that wild to understand how he can be so popular with a wide audience.


> is a skilled player, Understatement, and the only reason I watch him. He's an asshole, weaponizes incompetence/ the idea that he "doesn't even know what you're talking about, you must be mentally ill", has generally regressive beliefs, and is all around just a cunt to more people than he's good to. That being said, watching the guy PK is actually mesmerizing. The dude teaches me things on a fairly regular basis.


Welcome to YouTube thumbnails nerds. Believe it or not, corny shit like this is what gets clicks. It’s how they make a living, no need to get upset over it.


Y’all will finding the smallest thing to try ripping Oda on. You guys are just giving him free zontent


Oda doesn’t seem like the type to edit or design his thumbnails


Oda disgusting tho


And why do you say that?


Oda is a bottom-tier OSRS content creator. Edit: There's a war going on under this comment. I check it, 6 upvotes for this and my McDonald's reply. I check it 2 minutes later, negative karma on both. I check back, 2-3 positive karma.


Everything I know about Oda tells me he is a scumbag and a gambling addict. I don't like him and I'm not watching any of his content.


It's just a good video format for YouTube and people who might like the series. I'm not an Oda fan (as in I just never never watched his content not as in I dislike him) but this seems pretty normal to me.


That the thumbnail is a 1 to 1 copy down to the tile markers that make no sense in a regular HCIM? I'm pretty sure that's what OP is pointing out.


Pretty sure they’re talking about the straight ripped thumbnail with the tiles and all


Imagine being mad that a content creator referenced another content creator, in a thumbnail 😭💀




He's probs gonna just do grandmaster on iron now series


Bald joke.


Janitors at it again XD


As much as you guys all hate ODA. Maybe you do maybe you don’t. He is a very good OSRS player. The whole HCIM series was very intense and non of us would ever do such a thing. So hats off to him for it honestly.


Bros got the same thumbnail artist


The Oda hate is hilarious, these people are the definition of snowflakes.