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If I could give more than one upvote I would, perfect Civ VI reference. ![gif](giphy|62aJnbbjvkW9ZXU669|downsized)


Gave a second upvote for you




To be fair, they've basically been like that since the Hussites (essentially proto-Protestants) armed peasants with broomsticks to take out knights, to great effect. Iirc the only times when they didn't have access to guns were under Nazi occupation, and under Soviet puppet rule.


The czechs have always been based


Even during nazi occupation, they killed Heydrich




Better Czech yourself before you wrzech yourself


Absolutely based


Yeah the Czech are good folks. Meat, potatoes, gravy and dark beer people. All the Czech folk I met while visiting over there would have fit right in in blue-collar America. The rednecks of Europe and I fucking love it


I got to work with some when I was in the Army great people.


Yep got to work with some while I was in the Marines. Loved em.


One of their victims got stuck in mud so they sent one of our Brad's to pull it out so we had about an hour to shoot the shit with them and they were eteaching us how swear in their language and other shit was a great time. That and when our brad came back they drop ramp and like 10 of them fell out like it was clown car and they all had stupid smiles on their faces I miss that kind of shit.


Nah, rednecks of Europe would be more fitting to polish. Czech people Are to atheist to that, also maybe even to educated.




Yeah, autocorrect Is sometimes one of the most annoying thing ever created by the humans.


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Common Czech W (or at least fairly common)


I’ve always been strangely drawn to living in Prague for whatever reason. Not that I would ever give up my spot as an American but the ideas crossed my mind, even though I’ve never even been there. Czech Republic is super based for what I hear.


That’s the kind of based shit I expect from a country with one of the highest pornstars per capita.


And countries think our influence is bad…


I wouldn’t say porn is good It fucks up your brain and could cause ED


Some many potential downsides especially amplified by the exponential Coolidge effect of internet pron. Not to mention the drug/mental health deaths of former pornst@rs, just recently Kagney Karter committed suicide.


I’m angry that another country has more porn stars per capita than us. We need more divorces; we need to make the next generation hotter


If we count onlyfans creators I wonder what country has the most pornstars




Lucy Wilde’s spirit lives on


Just curious what are the top 3? 🤔


Wait is that for real? Dead serious that's AMAZING.


Yes. It was passed in 2021. Czech Republic has the least restrictive laws on private ownership of firearms in all of Europe.


Hey not to correct you or anything bit they are called Czechia now. It was a fairly recent change


Both Are still corect, thé Czechia was to add another option, not replace the old one, so you can still use czech republic.


Oh aight thanks


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Both are correct. Czech Republic is its official name, whereas Czechia is the common name. Kinda like saying the Dominion of Canada or the Republic of the United States of America, it not wrong but way longer than just saying Canada or 'Murica.


No problem man. I love learning new things and Iv learned something new today because of you.


So you're the people making everyone call it Turkiye or and Kyiv and whatever else. Stop trying to change stuff, geography is hard enough as it is 😅


I was just giving em a heads up. I'm not the one changing the names either


That's fair


Not sure what article the post is trying to show. The Czechs have had the legal right to bear arms nearly the same as America for hundreds of years, besides under nazi and communist occupation.


Actually, no. According to [this article](https://constitutionnet.org/news/right-self-defence-weapon-czech-republic-unloaded-gun) the change merely reinforced the right to protect one own and other's people life with a weapon. It's nothing to do with ownership of firearms. "The new constitutional provision is merely symbolic: it does not change the conditions of legal weapon possession, nor the conditions of lawful self-defence."


My freedom boner just got hard.


Fairly Common Czech W. Also their President is an actual gigachad grandfather. Wished he was an executive president who is head of state, head of government, and commander-in-chief: https://preview.redd.it/dfheg0l2a1mc1.jpeg?width=487&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea1c2e5b4be3ff571c6cde08eb4db173ecb586ec Parliamentarism is pure cringe. Period.




What's the problem with that? The ability to choose your religion or to have a lack of one is a fundamental American right. There is nothing sad about the First Amendment.


> Bulgarian > Reddit history is full of pictures of cars Uh oh


Can I get the source of this please? Just to confirm


It is true. Source: am a Czech gun owner.


Didn’t you guys just have a mass shooting? Im a gun owner myself, just asking questions lol


Only one in recent history AFAIK. It was done, of course, in building where guns were prohibited.


Well, not the only one, we've had 3, one with an illegal gun, one was because of shoddy police work (the guy's gun licence should have been revoked), and we don't know about the lastest one, it was done with legal guns though.


We did, sadly, the guy seems to have been planning it for a long time but we don't know all the details yet because the police investigation hasn't ended yet.


Very possible. Not as bad as the mass shootings that happened in the 40s though I bet


I found this: The new constitutional provision is merely symbolic: it does not change the conditions of legal weapon possession, nor the conditions of lawful self-defence. From[ here](https://constitutionnet.org/news/right-self-defence-weapon-czech-republic-unloaded-gun)


It didn't really have to, our self-deefense laws are pretty good (comparable to many US states with stand your ground laws).


But it doesn't enshrine the rights to bear arms as the title implies.


It does. It means the state or the EU cannot simply change the rules and cannot deny you a licence if you meet the requirements.


It does not if the english translation i read in the article is correct: “the right to defend one’s own life or the life of another person with a weapon is guaranteed under the conditions laid down by law.” The requirements are defined by the law, that can be changed at any time.


Yes? It's exactly the same in the US. Self-defense is regulated by laws and some US states require you to run away if you can, so you have to prove you could not run if you defend yourself. That stuff is downright hilarious. And the way our laws and constitution work, any such changes have to be viewed in terms of what the laws were at the time. The changes cannot go against the original status quo without a very good reason or the constitutional court can just remove them.


Finally an European country that's not extremely gay


Only time I’ll agree with a Georgoid


Wait till you learn about Czech country music.




Wait, really? [But okay, why not.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQDuivWyEn8&list=PLEY7JWpQ5nbMaPprusRUzuM7ze_atPR2e&index=5) Or just put 'české country' to search bar.


I guess that's a little gay.


unironic take : slavs are far more based than western euros


This is a correct take. I trust the Poles to defend the West far more than the French or Germans. They’ve sort of got a history of it, in fact.


let me be clear.i am including russians


Wait till you discover the ethnic Rus are mongrel Swedes.


fym mongrel


-First to claim independent from USSR -Literally agree the other half of the nation seceded from them without any conflict -One of the biggest industry hub in Europe -p0rn -Don’t care if you own a gun Can’t be more based than Czechia tbh


Good, now someone teach this kid how to shoot a rifle.


I know right, surprised no one mentioned that the butt is nowhere near his shoulder 😭


I was thinking that shit is gonna go flying lol


Another west Slav W


God bless the Czechs




That doesn't mean the Czechs are all atheist. Also, why would it even matter if the president is atheist in the first place


Most of czechs Are atheists. Also czechs don't have good relationship with the church for last few hundred years, And many Reasons behind that. Reasons like Austria etc.




What makes you think that? The right to choose your religion or not have one is a fundamental right of Americans under the First Amendment.


No it isn't. Religion isn't enshrined in the US. Americans have freedom of religion.


Sure, but we are fundamentally a Christian nation founded upon Christian values. As Christianity waned in the US, things got worse. I know that correlation does not equal causation, but I do believe there's a direct connection. And this is as a former obnoxious atheist.


The Founding Fathers had stated that the country was not built on Christianity, and there is nowhere in the Constitution that specifically reflects Christian values. In fact, the First Amendment *prohibits* the government from establishing a religion, so church and state are fundamentally separated. And what do you mean by "things got worse"? People have more rights, especially African-Americans and women who were forbidden from voting, people are being accepted for who they are regardless of nationality, race, gender, and sexuality, America is now a global superpower, its economy is the best in the world, and then you say it got worse?


Infringement of the 1st Amendment is UnAmercian


God bless him too I guess


Almost all of us are non-religious. Not gonna say we're all atheists because a lot of people believe in something, but it's not really organized religion.


Based Czech Republic W! Not surprised a country that was under Nazi and Soviet rule learned a lesson


The article is quite old. The amendment is already in our constitution. Sadly, most of the people that “voted” for it actually hate or pretend to hate the USA. (Not me folks, i love you🇨🇿🇺🇸)


Ask them: Who is this firearm most likely to be used against — Americans half a world away, who never stepped one foot in Czechia besides spending tourist dollars? Or Russians, who’ve murdered your people and occupied your country before?


That’s the paradox we are fighting here the whole time… It’s called Stockholm syndrome. Even people who were actually occupied and lived under the communist regime worship russia today.


It really is the damnedest thing. Right after the wall fell, in the mid 90s I went to Belarus because I really wanted to see Minsk. And those people were legitimately upset — they were hardly alone. A lot of Poland and eastern Germany was like that too. EDIT: I should say that at the time it was a generational divide. The youth wanted nothing to do with Russia. It was the older folks who resented a westward pivot. No clue whether that still holds true.


I think the vast majority of the population wanted nothing to do with russia right after the velvet revolution here in czechia. But nowadays, in the age of mass media and disinformation, it seems like older people and people with complexes (from their childhood or whatever) are loosing their minds… For example my grandfather. Great guy, intelligent, but praises russians at every family function.




Thanks for making a meme about us. It makes my Czech soul very happy.


American cultural victory? Hah, we had gun ownership when Christopher Columbus wasn't even his fathers wet dream!


I wouldnt call it an american cultural victory since gun/weapon ownership has been a part of their culture since medieval times. They are just correcting from soviet times


Are we talking bear arms or bearing arms?


Why not both?


What a great coincidence, I got a good deal on a Vz2008 today! Based Czech Republic 🇨🇿




Image of a child with a gun is a bit concerning, but nonetheless this gets a Based stamp


The cucks at Europoor union's parliament will be seething at this.


When was this? The latest article on this topic shows last month they decided to vote to tighten gun laws.


2021 and we didn't the new law doesn't actually restrict it more.


Out of all the countries, Czechia doesn’t surprise me here.


Fuck yes Czechia! Fuck yes!


They are listening to our pop music and wearing out blue jeans


Proud my last name is Czech 🇺🇸🇨🇿💪🏻💪🏻


If this is legit then it's insanely amazing


It is legit.




And it's no coincidence that Czech guns be some of the best. CZ doesn't fuck around when it comes to quality, especially when American manufacturers feel like they're lacking sometimes


Now to hope they don’t import our uhh… less desirable firearm characteristics (trigger happy randos who think lethal force is a first resort for minor/non offenses and wackos deciding to shoot everyone)


South Central LA


Don’t want to be party pooper but didn’t they approve new gun restrictions because of Shooting in Prague University?


Nope, it was a bit of a smoke and mirrors thing, the law that was approved had been in the pipe for quite a while and it will streamline a lot of the processes and make it easier to do things online. It doesn't really introduce any higher restrictions except one, you will have to get a stamp from your GP every 5 years instead of 10 BUT your licence will not expire anymore. That way, you won't have to check your licence expiration date, the police will simply tell you to get the aforementioned stamp.




That kid boutta be fucked up




Catching up after that school shooting


Oh dear.




Let’s just say I’m not a gun guy.


It’s American loosing its soft power. Before no one here wanted to bare arms, because we saw you guys as those bad motherfuckers that can spread freedom across the world. No we see that is not a case


Ukraine would like a word about that, considering the US has given far more than any other single country


Like, don’t get me wrong. But with America in their prime being world police, Putin won’t even think about starting war in Europe. Yet here we are. Another thing is, people are scared that Trump winning means he will sell this part of the world to russia. Hearing him speak how great friends him and Putin are


Do you want to see more or [this ](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/28/prague-university-gunman-confessed-to-earlier-killings-of-baby-and-her-father)??? Really?


Average Westoid completely unaware of the existence of our country unless the Guardian reports on a tragedy that happened here and automatically makes it about themselves and how it actually relates to their politics. Btw we had a guy who blew up a building with natural gas here, as well as a guy who killed multiple people with a woodcutting axe, then some guy burned down an apartment building and killed a bunch of people too. I don't see you bitching about stricter regulation regarding that fam.


I've been in your country some times because I am neighbor and watched more Czech movies than many Czechs. Natural gas and wood Axe are necessary things and work tools, and have other purpose than killing. Police having guns is deterrence, civilians having guns is adding more chaos to the system. You cannot compare natural gas and axes with guns, which mental level do you have to make that comparison? Why do you think you need weapons? Germany is not gonna invade you anymore.


I can, because the logic is that you're providing tools for killing to individuals that want to kill. You're also saying that it's okay for the government to decide whether you need something or not on basically arbitrary basis. A lot of goods you can currently buy can cause equivalent or greater destructions as firearms. (To me, firearms are not for killing, but for fun and potentially defense. To a bank robber, cars are illegal means to escape, to a person who wants to kill someone with a knife, it's simply a weapon, while to a cook, its a tool to cut stuff with) You can make a perfectly reasonable case (according to your logic) that people who have access to public transport shouldn't have cars because they don't need them, you shouldn't be able to buy fertilizers and other chemicals that can be used to make explosive or chemical weapons and you in fact should not even own an axe. What for? Why do you need it, you live in a city, you don't need an axe. The government says that you don't need it and that's that. Why do you need 10 guitars, why not just 4? You're wasting resources. Instead of looking at why the person has done it, you'd punish around 350k legal owners of firearms just to make yourself feel good. The idea behind individual or natural rights is that you protect the right of people to do things you don't like. Of course it's more nuanced than that and it's all explained in moral philosophy. A good regulation is nukes because you cannot use nukes to defend yourself and using nukes would violate the individual/natural rights of other individuals. Also another thing. You have plenty of countries which are statist and regulate absolutely everything and thus create "safety". A country that you don't live in, prefers freedom to the restrictive false feeling of safety and you have like 20+ other countries in Europe which are more inline with your values, if every country is the same, then you prevent any sort of political experimentation or progress. At the end of the day, I'm arguing that the country that I live and my government, should be protecting natural rights, not taking them away. I'm not saying yours should.


I give you an upvote because of the philosophy around it you make and critical thinkin you have. But I cannot agree with you. Knife cuts, that's extra more things to do than a gun can do. The other examples aren't also good, just nukes, nukes are just for killing but are also deterrence World scale. In the new world of very low tolerance to frustration, and immediately pleasure, short term thinking etc, guns are a very dangerous thing. Czechs can understand and perceive guns = freedom and selfdetermination, and It has a historical logic behind it, small country among 3 major blocks, Prussia, Austria, Poland. How do you manage to have your independence? Well, armed civilians with a strong sense of individuality and community at the same time. It's a "natural" result, but a country like Spain, with so many civil wars and a peaceful neighbor as Portugal, guns are more dangerous than other thing, even France tried from time to time sth on the south. You are right saying it's not the gun who kills, is the person and their background, what is behind this murder? Yes, but without guns many killed people wouldnt have been killed with knives or other thing. If guns are widespread in a country, those backgrounds and "undiscovered" insane people will make it easier to kill. I don't want a Europe where police is scared (like in USA) because anyone could have a gun, so they have to preventive shoot to save their lives. It just makes a more paranoid society in constant psychosis. If police knows it's very unlikely someone has a gun, they can act better and pay attention to more meaningful details. If they have to think anyone here can have a gun around me in every moment.. How many civilians are shot in the US by police and by mistake? There is no natural freedom to justify easy access to guns, guns are for police and military personal. If nobody can shoot you, you don't need a gun. You can go to shooting clubs of course where you can rent a gun there in a controled environment. People have more right to walk thru the forest than someone shooting for fun there.


> and have other purpose than killing. So do guns, sport, hunting, self-defense. > Police having guns is deterrence, civilians having guns is adding more chaos to the system.  How? There were 2 or 3 civilians with guns outside the university when the shooting happened and cops had no issues with it. > Why do you think you need weapons? Why do you think it's any business of yours?


No, we don't, the guy would have been able to get a gun in countries like France too, he had no issues with the law. In fact, someone could have stopped him but the school bans carrying guns on the premises.


I wanted ironic memes and satire on this sub. this is not a dub


Except, the problem is that many abroad and even here don't understand what the original purpose of the 2nd amendment was, and even less have read the Supreme Court cases that lead to what it is now. Nor do they understand that the right didn't apply to the individual until this century, when most of us were alive


I don’t even understand how you would think that. The founding fathers allowed private cannon ownership on private warships. The best weapons of the time were available to citizens when the amendment was made


Well, our right does specifically apply to the individual, suck it!


> Nor do they understand that the right didn't apply to the individual until this century, when most of us were alive Huh? Where did this came from? It's _the right of **the people** to keep an bear shall not be infringed_, right?


Heller v D.C. am i the only one who reads supreme Court cases? Up until then, the only Supreme Court case that specified who the second amendment applied to was Presser v Illinois in 1886. Where Presser was a member of a company militia. Illinois didn't like that and the federal court sided with Illinois and ruled that the second amendment didn't apply to the individual unless that individual was a member of a state run militia


Nice, expect a lot more murders


Average California liberal


RemindMe! Two years


The amendment is already three years old, man


Lol, so this is just circling back on a three year old circlejerk? Fucking gun folk are lame


You have to be a real defenseless sack of shit to use “gun folk” as an insult.


"Lame" is the insult princess. "Gun folk" is just so they know I'm talking about them


Never step foot in Southern Los Angeles County you northern ape, there is NOTHING lame about lead flying at Mach 2. Stick to wine, because you have no idea what you’re talking about when it comes to guns and that makes me doubt you could handle our tequila. Also it’s 3:10, go to bed.


The fact that you’re from Cali makes this so much funnier than it had to be


Bang bang


Actually Czechia has one of the lowest rates of murder in Europe.


2023 is gonna be a great base year for statistical purposes


Except Czechia has had easy firearms access for years since they gained their freedom. This news isn't changing anything except codifying those liberties into fundamental rights.


Like I said, good base year


What the fuck does adding words to the constitution change? Shut the fuck up. They've had guns since the 90s. Adding some words doesn't change the situation.


Why? It was about average. Just checked, it was 0.64 per 100 thousand people.


Actually, this thing has passed like 5 years ago and Czech rep had pretty permissive gun rules and a lot of armed people for a long time. This was just about codifying what was already standard _very deep_ into law.


Kaliforňan detekován, názor odmítnut.


Europoor jealousy




Bro, stop thinking you're cool enough to be American. You're not


You're literally trying to not be American by being C*lifornian


Being Californian is the best way to be American, I guess they didn't teach you that in Russia


Bruh you speak Mexican and your zoning regulations ans build code won't allow you build a shed in your own backyard, what are you yapping about, I'm more American than you


I know there is size constraints but like damn that kid is holding that gun awkwardly


Based an Vz.58 pilled


CZ is about to make BANK.


51st state of the US 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Seen their neighborhood? I don’t understand why every Southern and Eastern European country isn’t armed to the teeth. Lil’ ole’ allegedly pacifist Sweden has 600,000 gun owners — with 2 million firearms. See also Finland, Norway, Switzerland… An armed population with a bullying nextdoor neighbor is a helluva deterrent.


This is like 3 years old news lol




The colonization of Europe has begun


>colonization Liberation* Colonization makes us sound like the British empire.


Moving to Prague...


That picture though. Come on kid shoulder the rifle correctly.


Hell ye


Wasn't this a thing for a while? It's still pretty difficult to get a gun there vs the states but I can definitely respect that a EU nation believes in the right to have backpack smgs.


It's not really difficult, unless you're a criminal, sure, you need to get a licence but I can get an SBR with a suppressor first thing tomorrow when gun stores open, can you?


It's interesting how many nations despite UN status or not are now just Shanghai the whole anti armed citizens act and straight prepping for the end of hegemony. Definitely one of the times in human history.


Uh, what? We've had gun rights for over 30 years now, they just got upgraded to a more protected status in 2021.


Interesting I knew chez republic had guns just to my understanding they were rather restrictive in products. To my understanding it was more sidearms and shotguns were kinda the loose fit and anything above was kinda held to some type of legal standard. I'm more commenting on how I think I was either reading about Denmark, Sweden, or maybe finland was really stepping up their firearms for civilian possession to be semi promoted in a news article not too long ago. It's just interesting to observe.


Nah, as long as you get a licence (about as hard as getting a driving licence but without mandatory training), there are very few limits of what you can buy. Only fully automatic guns are restricted. But yes, pistols are very common along with semi-automatic rifles. They're not really promoted here, they're just here, like they have been for some 600 years now, except when nazis and communists invaded us.


What's semi hilarious to the Nazis and commis invading is they generally still needed your guy's guns. The Germans loved your brno vz24 models that you guys had contracted with the Romanians so did the communists as they used those rifles to patrol the berlin wall. And to absolutely diss the communists you guys just built your own cracked version of the AK so no parts were interchangeable at all


Yeah, that's exactly the reason why we were among their first targets. We used to supply a lot of countries. The Sa vz. 58 wasn't really cracked AK, it might look similar but it's actually completely different inside, it even uses an entirely different type of gas system (short stroke vs the long stroke on the AK). I think Ian at Forgotten Weapons has a nice video on it, it's worth watching.


This is very based and red pilled


Common Czech W!!


The good kind of cultural imperialism


You have it in reverse, we had gun rights when your country didn't exist. ;)


Soon they’ll be wearing our blue jeans and listening to our pop music


Another Eastern European W. First Poland, then Finland, and now the Czech Republic


Holy fuck, he's gonna have a bad time with recoil




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BRB moving to Czechia


I read this as bears having a right to guns and completely accepted it


Going to be fun watching the EU try to regulate that away, and the Czechs not let them.


Wonder where they got the idea.