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Europe Posts are only allowed on the weekend, but leaving this one up due to the traction and how insane this is.


DNA, video, and group chats, but 8 people walked off scottfree - how? Is it like that case in Sweden where the judge said the guy was literally too stupid to understand consent? Or the one where they said the guy couldnt understand Swedish, therefore her saying "nej" wasn't actually not giving consent?


Yeah ita pretty fucking awful. Like literally making excuses and excusing some of the worst crimes you can commit because it goes against ideology and preconceived notions. When people wonder why far right politics are rising in places like Europe, it's shit like that.


I do not know who these Far people are but I am outraged to learn that they do not have equal rights. FAR RIGHTS NOW! FAR RIGHTS NOW!


Lol, judge basically said "well you know, foreign immigrants will be foreign immigrants"


Toxic immugrinity


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham\_child\_sexual\_exploitation\_scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal) Dude. UK has an ON-GOING scandal with at least 2000 victims, all underage. Going back for decades. Everyone knows, even conducted Parliament hearings, and just continues looking the other way. Mind, even the government is saying that the abuse continues because the police are not arresting the criminals involved. The UK government is being oddly open and transparent about the problem and not doing meaningful work to stop it. Germany on the other hand? They bury the reports. Cops, government, media, all of them. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%9316\_New\_Year%27s\_Eve\_sexual\_assaults\_in\_Germany#Criticism\_of\_media\_and\_government\_coverage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%9316_New_Year%27s_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany#Criticism_of_media_and_government_coverage) They recently fined a member of the German parliament for quoting official German crime stats on sexual assaults. I'm not shocked that they're punishing victims for complaining about similar assaults. And people are wondering why the elections were so uniform across Europe.


Is it just the far right biding their time since their last attempt? Is it a plot by the communists to install another far right dictatorship so the pendulum swing puts europe firmly in their camp? Or are they just that stupid that they don't see how what they're doing will lead to the things it will lead to?


Currently "far right" is Euro news code for anything right of center. This is because a number of center-right parties looked likely to win (and did), so they went all out on the PR front. There are actual far right groups like Golden Dawn, They don't have any meaningful power or influence. European communist parties don't have a lot of power. The Greens are the most common place holders for that niche, but obviously their focus is more on environmentalism. But obviously they tend to be generally very sympathetic to Russia and China. German Greens were very critical for ensuring Germany's military was a trainwreck, while making Germany massively dependent on Russia for energy. They're trying to pull a U turn, but damage is done. They have not pulled a U turn on China. Center left fucked up big for past couple decades, mostly because they essentially had zero right counterparts. No competition made them lazy and corrupt, because there was no accountability.


Then Europeans casually put their heads up their asses and truly wonder why right-wing parties are making strong comebacks. Sam Harris warned us about this. It's a downward spiral of failed governments failing to put the interests of their people who put them into power first, and now the only people left in the room claiming to care for the people just so happen to idolize heinous authoritarian leaders of the 20th century. If you try to remotely bring this up over at r/Europe, they ban you. I innocently suggested to them that France considers CCW after their 532th deadly stabbing attack, and I got banned for supposedly "inciting violence and genocide". You know what historically has incited tons of genocides? Your failed governments Europe... everyone remembers how colonialism in the 19th and 20th centuries was veneered as progressivism in the plight to help poorer nations with 'superior' European culture; now many years later they're hoping forced reverse colonialism works in the name of progressivism again...


ngl europe mods are regarded


And even then, European right wing parties are on the global center left to center right, the really right wing ones might be a bit closer to some left wing republicans in the US for example (economically at least)


I didn’t know people still believe the “American parties are both to the right, Europe/Canada to the left globally” myth.


well the US is closer to left-center globally, most of the world is extremely right wing by western standards and many far right parties are closer to the center in the less developed parts of the world, hell the right in west africa is still anti gay marriage (like most the planet) for example Edit, in liberal for example, even the left is anti gay marriage, the right is even more extreme than that, now that I recollect a little more


Not only that, but in the world’s most populous country India the main liberal party (Congress), though technically not anti-gay marriage *per se* (Hinduism doesn’t specifically condemn homosexuality), won’t dare make a serious attempt at legalizing it at the moment, as doing so would alienate the Muslim vote that, among other things, has allowed them to finally cook recently. Heck, even the BJP (their GOP) doesn’t even oppose gay marriage for any religion-related reasons, it’s just that they think it’s too western. We just need to get together and tell India’s BJP that it’ll make their favorite bogeyman-group shit a brick so they’ll be screaming to legalize gay marriage to own the Muslims lol (they really are that petty in the vendetta they obsessively pursue against that congregation)


Well if it works then it works eh? If ya can't kill the tribalism might as well abuse it!


I agree. At least some good could come out of the Hindu Right’s morbid, hate-based obsession with the threat allegedly posed by India’s poorest (and most unelectable for how colossal it is) faith group.


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I think this is a gross misrepresentation of what happened. (In the German one) The chick got the phone number of one of the dudes who allegedly raped her (he hasn’t been convicted yet) and sent him harassing and threatening messages, which is illegal in Germany. She also was already on the hook for theft, so because she broke another law while on a sort of probation for that, she had to spend a weekend in jail. The guys “Scott free” because he has not been convicted yet. Also, of the 10 rapists, half were German citizens. Not saying it’s much better, but at least there’s actual procedural reasoning behind it


>but 8 people walked off scottfree They didn't, only a couple were aquitted due to lack of evidence and the others were minors and received probation due to Germanys laws, the adult got 2 years in prison.


Oh no the rapists got probation? How will they recover?


The will probably celebrate by raping another German citizen.


I didn't write the laws dude


that doesn’t mean the laws aren’t shit awful when this is allowed to happen


You disagreed with "scottfree" when the criminals did get off scottfree or nearly scottfree. 2 years is a joke, let alone probation.




They gang raped someone, and the worst punishment anyone got was 2 years in prison? Jesus Christ. So Europe is just totally fucked at this point I guess


Did she go to jail?


No, the woman didn't, she got a fine and a re-education course about internet safety.




The woman that offended them....


Apparently for like two days or something


The victim.


No, why would the victim go yo jail? It was two different people.


Did you read the post at all my man? It’s in the article


The victim didn't go to jail, it was a different woman that was apparently texting the guy and they arrested her for it. Did *you* read the article? >The woman, who had no connection to the victim or attackers... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13568079/amp/Germany-judge-jails-woman-insults-gang-rapist-convicted-attack-girl.html


2 years for rape? Is that a joke? Do you have a link to the article?


Only 2 years for gang rape is insane europoors really are culturless subhumans


2 whole years, damn that's like, a lot.


Honestly in all the times I’ve gotten into online debates with Germans explaining why the 1st amendment is necessary (they really hate political speech over there). Never, in a million years, would this scenario have occurred to me.


This is why the US Supreme Court has stated over and over again that hate speech is indeed protected by the 1st Amendment because if hate speech wasn't protected, the government could label almost anything as hate speech and criminalize it


Yeah, extremely cringe society over here. (I mean it worked pretty well for the past 60 years with all the benefits of a safe welfare state, but that's over now)


I think the fact that they didn't bother charging those that they couldn't find DNA of and the 9 they did, they let go on probation, is pretty bad. The comments she made from the article below were not racist from what I can tell. [link](https://www.thepublica.com/germany-woman-convicted-of-offending-migrant-gang-rapists-receives-longer-prison-sentence-than-the-rapists/)


Screw that noise.


Germany really fucked up with this one.


Not the first time [https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Global-News/2016/0707/How-tough-is-Germany-s-new-rape-law](https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Global-News/2016/0707/How-tough-is-Germany-s-new-rape-law)


Gross. I wish society cared about being tough on crime


Especially being tough on Islamism (human rights be damned either way)


I'm probably going to get downvoted, but people who come from societies that still stone people to death, I don't think freedom of anything is something they understand. As a veteran of the Afghanistan war said, "Those guys I saw taking turns fucking a donkey through my nods will not understand democracy at all."


Americans are too naive to understand this. Old World peoples don't hate each other for no reason. This is why Israel, the Philippines and China have had the balls to deal with the Islamist problem, but not the NATO bloc.


There’s there’s weird naive mentality that seems to steep into our collective minds that thinks everyone in the world wants to be a liberal secular democratic republic, there’s just some kind of obstacle standing in the way of societies that haven’t achieved that; said obstacle being religion, an oppressive government, some kind of patriarchial cultural norms, conservatism, etc. But no, this may come as a shock to many but not everyone holds the same worldviews. What a lot of people can’t get into their minds is that not even people in the same neighborhood all hold the same worldviews. So yes, when you travel to a different part of the world you will encounter people with values completely incompatible with those from another part of the world. And when you import people from a drastically different part of the world and drop them in the middle of a society completely unfamiliar to them you’re going to get plenty of people who don’t share the same worldview. I don’t get why this is such a baffling concept to so many.


IDK, sounds kinda phobic or racist or something to me. What are you so scared of, good food or whatever? /s


And then attempting to change said different worldviews in an effort to force a secular liberal democratic republic on them “for your own good” “you’ll thank us later” and somehow not realize they are participating in the very colonialism and imperialism which they claim to be undoing.


I started to understand this when I was in high school and learned that a certain culture likes to use its feet in food preparation. Diversity is delicious!


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>everyone in the world wants to be a liberal secular democratic republic To want something you must first hear about it, understand what it means and then conclude whether it helps you or not: I don't think it would be controversial to say that all healthy and adjusted people in the world want things like: to be free from physical or psychological pain, to be free to do whatever they please and go wherever they want, to have access to running water and food etc. I would go on to say that all adjusted people in the world also share the same core moral values like "killing is generally wrong", "weak members of our society like children, the elderly, the sick etc. deserve to be protected" and so on. What the "-isms" are all about is catering to these universal human needs and values that I talked about, and yes, some of them I believe are good, like liberalism. But not all people in the world truly grasp what they mean - heck, many of them are still illiterate. Or maybe I am wrong and there is another "-ism" I should consider. >religion, an oppressive government, some kind of patriarchial cultural norms, conservatism, etc. Surely, there must be some ideas that do bad to societies. The problem is that humans are easily deceived and start believing "-isms" that, in the long run, do not do them any favors (looking at organized religion). I have not heard of a long-lasting society where perpetual war and killing is deemed good (jihad). Look at ISIS. They came and went. You can't create a stable society if everybody ties themselves to a fucking bomb.


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Gotta be ✨️inclusive✨️ and ✨️tolerant✨️ We are one people. /Jk We needed more crusades.


The first one, the ones that didn’t work, or the one that destroyed the Eastern Roman Empire? Or the ones that converted the Baltics?


Never forget 1204 😔


The crusades came about because Muslim countries were invading Europe to plunder, rape and enslave specifically Christians. That common enemy united all divergent christen faiths of Europe under one banner to combat the Muslim armies and push them back. Taking Jerusalem and other objectives was mostly a goal to strive for. In the end, the crusades did their job.


The Muslim advance into Iberia had been stopped and reversed long before the Crusades. The Ottoman advances into Europe came after them. As for uniting the divergent faiths, it briefly had the Catholic crusaders and Orthodox of the Eastern Roman Empire fighting towards the same goal. Except then no land was restored to the empire in a major betrayal. Long term support gradually dwindled until the crusader states were too weak to survive and were reconquered. So there were more crusades that kept failing to accomplish much until the disaster that was the attack on Constantinople. Then Protestantism showed up and Europe killed itself on a scale comparable to the Black Death.


What? Spain finished reconquering their territory in 1492. The Emirate of Granada was the last Islamic conquered area to fall. They first invaded Spain in 711 AD. First crusade was in 1096. Ninth Crusade (last one) was in 1272. Your first statement is a boldfaced lie unless I'm wildly misunderstanding? Muslims invaded Spain nearly 400 years before the first crusade, and were kicked out 220 years after the last crusade.


The Crusades and Reconquista both began in the 11th Century, but while the principle Holy Land Crusades were over by 1300, the heathens weren't fully pushed out of Iberia until 1492.


Have America invade those countries, and let China administer and develop them afterwards.


Thats... already happening.


America is good conquering shit, China is good at holding it. It’s kind of ironic that a nation settled an entire continent can’t perform nation building. But China one of the most oldest continuous societies can’t conquer for shit, but is able to develop really good shit (on paper) even with corruption in the way.


But we annexed the states/territories and added them to the country, we weren’t trying to nation-build. We just have to back to annexing everything we conquer. Problem solved. /s


China lost all of Korea, they lost Vladivostok to Russia. They lost part of Aksai Chin to India in the 1960s. They lost Taiwan. China can't hold onto things very well after all.


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I mean all of that is very recent in the grand scheme of things. While also still very true.


That would be great if for no other reason than to see the Reddit bots insisting that there's totally *not* a genocide happening.


If a freer country like India does that (take some harder national security steps in conflict zones), it is the western bloc that criticizes that country using all sorts of pejoratives (electoral autocracy, Hindu majoritarian polity, etc.). But the problem is indeed difficult to handle, damned if you do/damned if you don’t.


>I'm probably going to get downvoted Why would you ? you're around american exceptionalist manifest destiny types. you good fam


You would be surprised when a random reddit moment will occur.


Taking turns does sound democratic...


>"Those guys I saw taking turns fucking a donkey through my nods will not understand democracy at all." Why do i feel like this quote was from that one Unsub episode?


It was.




I got that reference


Freedom to stone people to death is. If you mean "freedom to not have a Y chromosome", though, yeah.


>The [rapists were identified as](https://apollo-news.net/wegen-hasskommentaren-gegen-vergewaltiger-junge-frau-muss-in-haft/) a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin. The men had a team of 20 defense attorneys arguing their innocence. What Islamism? poor girl got assaulted by the entire Ottoman Empire. Eastern people are just more backwards about women and they know they can get away with it more in Europe. If you rape a girl in one of their countries you get the death penalty


Lmao, this is like the power rangers diversity team of evil


"Pole" as in "Slav" or as in "10-foot-long steel rod used by the Mohammedans"?


Charitably interpreting what you're saying indicates that you feel immigrants from countries with shitty morals might bring those morals here. That's a super valid concern - and I want to make it clear that I agree that we need strong punishments for violent crimes. However, given that you advocated going "mustache man" on the Arab world in another comment, I have some questions. I want to be honest - I do disagree with you, but I genuinely want to know where you're coming from, and I will read any answers you have in good faith. What do you think of Muslim majority democratic nations like Tunisia, Indonesia, etc? Do you think there are other Muslim nations that might be close to democracy if given the right resources? Do you think the best approach to truly violent Islamic regimes is to fund the resistance movements *already* being undertaken by Muslims living in those countries? Or is direct intervention our only option? What about a hybrid approach? In the case of a direct invasion, how do we avoid a situation like Afghanistan where we lose good American troops and still abandon the country and it's innocents to the motherfucking Taliban? How much do you think events like the American backed 1953 coup in Iran ( a country which before the coup had a democratically elected prime minister) set back democracy in the area? How familiar are you with current youth culture from Arab countries? With the various feminist and activist groups fighting for equal rights in Islamic countries? Do you believe that the issue lies in Islam or the genetics of people in that area? If you believe the issue lies with Islam, how do you explain societies that have managed to have equal rights, strong morals, and democratic goverments while predominantly Muslim. If you believe the issue lies with the people of that area, does your opinion extend to Christian minorities in the area who share roughly the same gene pool. Also Yikes if you think it's genetic. Anyway I know that's a lot to read, if you want to have a bad faith argument where I call you a bigot and you call me a soyboy we can skip to that but I'd really rather not. Peace.




Understandable have a good day don't be a bigot america rocks


For real though. Shitz getting wild out here https://preview.redd.it/qweegscvzq8d1.jpeg?width=1195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4dbc10ec9f55966bc43ea82ae6615d088b54f8d What happened to law & order? smh


Unironically yes


Pendulum is swinging really fast on this one. Within the next decade we are going to see a global resurgence of broken windows style policing and criminal enforcement.


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[Yes, this is real.](https://www.thepublica.com/germany-woman-convicted-of-offending-migrant-gang-rapists-receives-longer-prison-sentence-than-the-rapists/)


I don’t understand how it got to this point and I am very worried for Germany if this is part and parcel in their country.


Yeah, may not be too long before Europe has to go China or moustache guy mode on its Muslims. Just look at the European Parliament elections.


I’m *really* worried about this. I’d hoped that European leaders would start making conclusive and rapid changes about these issues by now, but I think it may unfortunately end up becoming a “vigilante justice” solution, to put it benignly.


If it keeps going at this rate there’s a not insignificant chance it happens the other way around.


I have no idea how the men got away with no sentence. That is either bizarre or disgusting. Chances are it simply wasn't conclusive enough. You'd have to find the details. However, the woman being arrested for harassing them would be a very real and very possible thing. The US is very individualistic and has a few very clear rights, like the 1st Amendment. The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights is fairly extensive and you have freedom of speech/expression/opinion, until it is superseded with someone else's freedom from discrimination. In Europe, you are somewhat safeguarded against people hurling vitriol at you, at least directly. In this case, for whatever reason, the men walked free. She hurled abuse at one of them *directly*, to his phone, to a legally free man. You are free to protest, write strong letters to your officials, write articles, push social media shit, go on the news and talk shit about the justice system and do anything, as long as it doesn't impede the fundamental rights charter or local laws built on top of that. The extremes of political opposition do use obfuscation and half-truths in these situations to drum up propaganda.


Man, I thought it what she said was going to be a bunch of racist stuff but she really just called them pigs, dishonorable and miscarriages. Look, I love the bier over there, but I won’t be keen to visit anymore if you can get charged for saying basic insults. It seems like Deutschland prides itself on being a “progressive” nation, but they lack the most fundamental human right in free speech. Edit: inb4 “At least I don’t get shot at every day Hurr durr”


Germans will also defend their lack of free speech by sayinf "vell free speech doeznt mean läck of consequenzes!" If they can defend a muslim immigrant stabbing a police officer to death and immigrant rapists im sure theyll find reasons or excuses to get fucked by their own government.


It seems true but I was unable to verify what the primary sources said due to them being in German. Basically what seemed to happen was that a 14 year old girl was raped by a large group of men over the course of a night. One of the men sent out social media messages to other men indicating what was going on and several men came and joined in. During the trial 9 men were eventually charged, but they stated the act was consensual/they didn't know the age etc, etc. One guy got 2.5 years the other 8 were given probation. What seems to have happened is that there were ultimately about 20 men involved. They couldn't find the DNA of 11. The guy who was the ringleader of the operation got most of the time the other guys were given lenient sentences in some sort of plea deal. This outraged many Germans as this incident had become major news. Hackers found the contact information for the rapists and accused rapists. A twenty year old woman outraged by what she had seen on the news sent a bunch of insulting messages to the hacked contact info. As did about 140 other Germany. This woman went to court and was given two nights in jail for the insults and using hacked contact info. The German government is investigating the other 140 people as well. That's what this article says. I can't verify if everything is true. If this is the case it does seem fairly outrageous.


Basically true but some corrections, the men didn’t message each other but in group chats. Meaning although 20 men were directly involved in the gang rape, more got the message and were either on the way or just never called the police and stayed out. You can’t invite a culture in your nation that 90% of believes it ok to kill people if they leave Islam. Europe is bout to learn and hopefully we learn from their mistakes.


It seems like arresting the dudes and throwing the book at them or repeating them would be sufficient. Also according to the article they were not all middle eastern or Islam-based. I have no idea what this disgusting group chat was but I suspect these guys were all part of some organized crime operation and knew each other that way. It's a disgusting situation. Every German should be pissed. If this happened in America, no way the results are the same even in the most leftist enclave of the US. Not all Islamic cultures are the same. There is only a small percentage of the population of the US that is Islamic. The vast of the Islamic people already in the US seem to be doing fine and not causing any major issues. The majority of people coming into the US are Christians and mostly from North, Central and South America, with a minority being from outside of that area. So far it seems the US is awesome at integrating other cultures and the US has never been homogenous. Europe is worse at integrating people because their national identities are based on a homogenous society. Immigrants are going to face a lot of hardships and get blowback. European countries are doing this because they have low birthrates and they are looking at immigration or economic stagnancy, high debts(that their financial system can't adequately address.) so they have to let immigrants in to avoid kind of a disaster. The US should let more immigrants in imo. Legally and through a vetting process of course.


I mean we already let in more immigrants than any other country. There was one pole claimed in the article and a Montenegrin, the rest were middle eastern descent. And no not all are the same culture but in majority of Muslim world it is punishable by death to leave Islam. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostasy_in_Islam


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There was also a Polish guy in there. And the US might have the most immigrants as far as numerical value but not as a percentage. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/countries-with-the-highest-proportion-of-immigrants/


> The vast of the Islamic people already in the US seem to be doing fine and not causing any major issues. That is because the US was not easy to get into from Islamic countries. You had to be a doctor or engineer. In Europe we have random people who just pitch up because they're losers who have nothing else going on. Also, remember 9/11?


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Like all stories the media likes to make it's a ragebait article.


What kind of dystopia is that in which you can get charged for saying the wrong thing??


Just your daily reminder that the supreme court of the Europoverty Union has ruled that you can actually be convicted of "blasphemy". [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.S.\_v.\_Austria\_(2018)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.S._v._Austria_(2018))


Garbage. The 1st amendment here is 232 years old and still fantastic.


We're fortunate enough to have one but a rather uncomfortable amount of (especially college students) people seem to be fine with the idea of repealing it.


And they call Americans conservative, religious nutjob rednecks.


Mohammed was quite famous for being a certified lover boy… (you all know what comes next)




“Pedophiles are bad unless they are Muslim” is the general message that I am getting from this Pedophilia is bad regardless of what your religious beliefs are


Pedophiles are only bad if they’re white, and/or Christian, apparently


Yet they also overruled a similar blasphemy law, but this time it was the Christian.


The part that is most horrifying is that the truth is not a defense in European legal system.


Can someone drop a link to this story that isn’t from The Quarterings blog?


[From the Aussie](https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/woman-jailed-for-insulting-gang-rapist/news-story/e07e47bdc9869fe517c70ac900bddf7b)


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This is why I always strongly oppose any limitations on speech. Well-meaning as those laws often are, the consequences are always negative.


Even in the US we now have Muslim-majority city councils banning pride flags. Turns out not all religious groups follow our American values and constitution.


the attackers in this case were from a wide variety of countries, including muslim countries as well as Poland, Montenegro, and Armenia, which are largely non-muslim countries. Of course this is a miscarriage of justice, but it’s less that these guys were muslims and more that they were rapists


Were the attackers Polish, Armenian, etc or did they have Polish, Armenian, etc passports? Bit of a difference.


German and English sites say "from."


The hacked contact info shows social media from the "Pole" and he is way too brownish tan to be a native Pole.


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>The [rapists were identified as](https://apollo-news.net/wegen-hasskommentaren-gegen-vergewaltiger-junge-frau-muss-in-haft/) a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin. The men had a team of 20 defense attorneys arguing their innocence. This had nothing to do with religion.


European diversity be like:


poor girl got assaulted by the ottoman and austro-hungarian empire


It not like Christians aren’t banning pride flags


Yeah but Christians can be fought with. You're not allowed to fight with Muslims or else it becomes "racist".


The only Christians still fighting against marriage equality these days are the most conservative evangelicals. The others have simply given up. Meanwhile, most Muslim countries still make homosexuality a crime, and some have the death penalty for it. No one in the western hemisphere does this any longer.


Where is this happening?


Wanna back that up with a source?


This is so infuriating it's triggering my "probably BS headline" senses. I've also never heard of "The Publica" and some of their other articles feature headlines like "Baby Dies 2 Months After Being Adopted By Gay Rights Activist", which gives me cause for suspicion regarding the publication's author(s). This might be real, but, having heard nothing else about this incident, I am choosing to remain skeptical.


it's a biased framing by a very biased source but it did happen. 11 suspects were identified, 9 were convicted, 1 got a little over 2 years, in part because he had no prior record, & the remaining 8 went on probation because they were too young & in Germany there's no such thing as juvy. the woman in question (who did have a criminal record, specifically petty theft) read about it on the news & found one of the whatsapp accounts of the 8 probationers & sent him angry messages & therefore was sentenced to a weekend at some sort European therapy-detainment center, thereby spending more time in prison than the rapist she harrassed. a very unfortunate confluence of subpar laws imo.


This is a major abuse loophole.


I’m actually really disappointed by how many people are just taking this at face value


The Rape \*did\* happen, we know for a fact. I do remember when the story was initially circulating right wing media was talking about how lax the punishments were (some not being punished). When I say circulating I mean MSM - Fox News (US) for the most part, but the story was widely publicized. So while the part where this woman is punished for offensive speech for longer than they were is faulty, it's not impossible, and by no means is there no basis for this.


Exactly. As far as I can tell, this story is just being bounced between alt-right news sources, all citing each other. No mainstream coverage or official court records. 


Yeah I can’t find this story covered by any media outlet inside the US that isn’t a complete bullshit tabloid. Most of the sites covering this are international tabloid subsidiaries or holdings of Rupert Murdoch. It’s also weird that “migrant” is used front and center when that’s not really the problem here, almost like it’s being weaponized or something. Plus the woman shown in this photo is a pretty famous American “Karen” who called the cops on a black family using the public grill in a public park, and they’ve edited a pride flag on her jacket. It’s giving alt-right rage bait.




Thank you, this source is still a tabloid though so I’m gonna take everything with a grain of salt.


https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/woman-jailed-for-insulting-gang-rapist/news-story/e07e47bdc9869fe517c70ac900bddf7b?amp How’s this? https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/news-com-au/


I’m actually really disappointed by how many people are just taking this at face value


“Psychiatrist Nahlah Saimeh, who reportedly appeared before the court as an expert witness, said in a controversial interview with Spiegel that the gang rape may have been a way to vent ‘frustration’ due to “migration experiences and sociocultural homelessness’ “ (Graham, 2024) Okay so, it looks like it’s a pretty complicated situation, but first and foremost, the fact is that there genuinely has been a lotta hand waving off of the original rape case. A plethora of interesting components from the article I read, 1. The woman who harassed one of the rapists received a weekend’s worth of jail time, however this has not yet been confirmed by the higher courts 2. Seemingly none (except maybe 1?) of the original rapists are recieving jail time, though this too has not yet been confirmed by higher courts. That being said they will be on some form of parole, with likely community service 3. The aforementioned leniency is largely related to the fact that all of the perpetrators were ‘youth’ (although one was 23, so youth seems like it may be under a broad-ass umbrella here) with no priors 4. Of the (10) rapists, 5 were German🇩🇪, 1 Albanian🇦🇱, 1 Montenegran🇲🇪, 1 Kuwaiti🇰🇼, 1 Syrian🇸🇾, and finally 1 Armenian🇦🇲 5. DNA Evidence seemed pretty conclusive, but nonetheless the original case has been a quagmire to get through, having originated in around 2020. These were just some highlighted observations from just one source I found (and thus subject to bias reporting), but I encourage all y’all to read and do your own research, cuz this case is a fucking doozie Graham, B. (2024) Women Jailed for Insulting Gang Rapist. News.Com.Au https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/woman-jailed-for-insulting-gang-rapist/news-story/e07e47bdc9869fe517c70ac900bddf7b?amp


An Afghani immigrant went on a stabbing spree and when a civilian pinned him down to the ground, German police attacked the guy holding him down and the cop got stabbed in the neck for it


Then they wonder why far right uprisings are happening


Ironically the more the West takes in copious amounts of immigrants, the more right-wing their countries will become (this isn’t a good thing) for two reasons: 1. Latin America and the Muslim World are naturally more communal, conservative, and simply backwards compared to Western Europe and the United States. 2. The foundational stock of Western Europe and the USA will continue to become more extreme the more their numbers dwindle in their own land. Mass immigration will only cause the leftist parties that immigrate for it to get less and less powerful. I’m a fucking Californian, I’m very pro-LGBT, if we want them to live as freely as possible we must stick to the Anglo-Protestant tradition of the United States. The further we stray from that founding tradition the worse we will become, whether it be by outsiders changing us or our own people straying from them.


Europe immigration issues seems to be a look into america future if we keep going down this road


Any actual news sources or just tabloids with edited photos? This photo is old, it’s of someone calling the cops on a black family in a public park for no reason, she also wasn’t wearing a pride flag in the original video. Why are there no reputable sources reporting on this, and why are the tabloids picking it up 4 years later during election season? Has anyone actually done three seconds of research or do you just eat up alt-right rage bait when it pops up on your feed?


They weren't her assailants, she was just a random woman. Not saying it's not fucked up that they were all (except one) put on probation while she got time...but spreading misinformation doesn't do anyone any good.


That's not true, it does the owners of this rag publication all kinds of good, clearly


Most American thing I’ve seen here is falling for foreign propaganda


I first saw this article on a euro sub lmao


Yes and it was deleted there because it was propaganda


Oh well if the Euros are posting the same fake news…


Oh boy… if you think THIS is bad, here’s some extra whiplash: https://preview.redd.it/f6k0iafoey8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8a1cee8be8d41c74cf57ea0c335d34e6444b703


Western Europeans need to start punishing the wicked, otherwise in response to their complacency fascists will get into power who will punish the innocent.


And then they brag about their low prison population. These cucks don't know any better. L s all the way


We have full prisons in the UK 💪 And hotels are full of illegal immigrants 💪💪💪


Is this real ? 💀 no way


After reading the article, I can officially say my day has been ruined. The sentencing has me questioning humanity.


The Europeans do this shit than get all 1940s Germany when you mention Gypsies


I just expect we recieve another painter soon who will try to stop things like this. Now it's question how common germans will react, if they awoke beast from the past or they are lost.


Talk shit about America all you want, but here those animals would’ve taken the room temperature challenge.


Sounds like the Germany we all know.


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This didn't actually happen. Please don't spread far right propaganda


For real this is just agenda posting at best, race baiting at worse. A shitposting sub isn’t the place for it


The predators were a diverse group of ethnicities






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europeans so unbelievably pathetic and cucked and self hating it's just sad


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https://preview.redd.it/y0phd7hgdt8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67c656cf28afa3e188bd375b3cf4899e8c60e711 Why There giving those right wing nut jobs fuel to power the machine of hate Idiots Fools Morons Incompetent Thunderheads Dumbasses Mentally disabled Intellectually stunt Lead brained Stupid fucks




I keep seeing shit like this, and somehow they don't understand why the "far right" is gaining popularity all over Europe. People are tired of shit like this.


Yo wtf this is outrageous


why does it matter they’re migrants


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Germans tell me this doesn't happen, that nobody worries about it. Truly out of sight out of mind mentality


Fuckin jail for life




Why is Europe's right wing gaining traction? I dont know, you tell me.


Germany being the shining light of Europe yet again.


I wouldn’t be surprised but I doubt this actually happened


No matter what the pendulum will swing right. I just pray they treat the left with respect and not repeat what the left has done to them.


/uj This is very obviously fake /rj The europoors can never comprehend our freedom


Completely pathetic. I seriously can’t comprehend this.


Just noticed she's been given an inclusive pride flag pin. Dead giveaway that this is some Nazi shitpost.