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What? We only stop being teenagers after 33


I'm 38 and still a teenager.


Drake approves this message


Did someone hear a chord? Maybe a minor?


"Hiding younger siblings intensifies"


No but if he keeps pushing it he's gonna end up back in that wheel chair.




38 here too, checking in XD


Yeah I’m 38 for another few weeks still at least. Time always moves too fast.


Wait! same here.


My kid is closer to being a teenager than me, by like a decade 😭


I too am a teen! Just look at my Fat Farm XXL shirt and Jinco Jeans, I’m fresh yo


I’m 36 and came here to say pretty much the same thing 🫤


I'm 40 and not a teenager, teenage me was a fuckin moron and I'm a significantly different person. I'm late 20s. ...to the point that outside a show last year someone asked how old I was and I said, "27. No, wait... 39?"


M o o d


Like Hobbits?


Nah, I'm 37 irl but i FEEL 17 in my head. Like why is this meat that's carrying me breaking down 😭


Tolkien was right!


Around 28-32 was all turmoil with friendships for me. Like half my girl friends started hating being referred to as “woman” as it felt too old and preferred “girl” while the other half hated being called a “girl” as they were grown ass women. Felt bad that “gal” doesn’t really work like “guy” does. Like, I’m not a boy or a man. I’m just some guy.


"At that time Frodo was still in his tweens, as the hobbits called the irresponsible twenties between childhood and coming of age at thirty-three." Me at 36: "yup that seems right"


What!?! I still feel like a teenager I’m over 33 lol


Just turned 34 last week and I can confirm


I fluctuate between "dont remind me I got older" and "please remind me Im older now" constantly.


The fun thing about getting older is your mind might forget, but your body will certainly remind you. I remember when I was 17, I was going down a hill way too fast on my mountain bike and my front wheel hit something and I just flew off the bike. Like literally airborne and landed in a grassy field. I didn't even check for injuries, just instantly got up to inspect the bike and was pissed that the brakes were all fucked up. Now at 42, I can throw my back out for a week by getting up off the couch too fast.


Don't sneeze while your spine is twisted or you'll void your warranty.


*Windows XP shutdown sound*




I'm 28 and I threw out my back throwing a frisbee over a week ago and I still can only walk for like 30 minutes before I need to lie down


I’m about a decade older. It gets worse.


I went to a general admission show for the first time in a decade last month and wanted to leave after the opening band because my knees and legs hurt from standing in one place for so long.


Sneezing wrong.




It's not a great bargain by any means, but at least there's the know-it-all curmudgeonliness that you get out of the deal.


I will stop being a teenager when I mentally get over whatever the fuck happened with me since I turned 14


Did you start to get anxious around people, retreat into your room and try to fulfill your emotional and social needs with your phone, which doesn't work because phones can't replace actual humans and this damaged your complete process of growing up and learning how to cope with your emotions and how to behave socially? Because that's what I did.


Glad to know i'm not alone, felt like you were in my head for a second.


I think this is very common in modern western societies. I guess many young adults did this but experience milder symptoms than me at least. My parents weren't helpful during at all with this problem and I developed a dysfunctional relationship with my parents. They never did anything bad, it's more the opposite. They allowed my retreat completely, didn't understand how I feel and I lost the social bond to them. At this point I was basically alone. How was it with your parents, if I might ask?


Never had a father, but i grew up with 3 brothers and 4 sister. I emphasize with the idea of completely retreating because i pretty much did that. I never really asked for anything or talk about how i felt because i felt my mother had already enough on her hands with my siblings. I just didn't want to bother her. Turns out that it made me unable to open up to my mother (or others in general) to this day. We're not super distant, but i would never hug her or tell her i love her. She's kind of just someone i know. I got all my social interactions from my siblings, but since we don't live together anymore, it leaves me mostly alone and with trouble socializing with others.


Wow, I had pretty much exactly the same experience that you did. Nobody in my family seemed to perceive that I probably had serious anxiety issues, despite mental health and substance abuse being prevalent on both sides of my family. I think they took me to a counselor for a few sessions, only to be told that I was experiencing normal adolescent anxiety, and to eat more walnuts (not kidding). I took my isolation and escapism even further and developed a serious drug problem in my late teens/early 20's. I'm almost 30 and am only just now finishing digging out of the hole I dug then. Feels bad to just be graduating college when my high-school peers are already almost a decade into their careers.


Our stories overlap even further, I developed a drug problem too. I used weed almost daily since last august. Well I prepare for a lot of climbing then. Your doctor is a genius. He probably thought you can fix brain problems with walnuts because they are kind of brain shaped lol. Seriously, what is that? I guess he wanted to give you some kind of placebo but that's still completely irresponsible. Yeah parents actually can manage to completely not get you. It's a shame. Whenever I try to talk about this with my parents they get super defensive immediately. They still do not listen. So I told my mum I want a complete seperation for a bit of time. I don't know how long exactly but after years of denying reality she reacted very flabbergasted. She actually thought our relationship was normal. We barely talked to each other, let alone had any relation whatsoever! From what you said it sounds like you have managed to get better. Congrats on that! We often times compare us with others but the others do not have such a huge amount of invisible luggage to carry. It's a great feat to recover mentally and get your degree.


Good on you for having the courage to open up to your parents! That's really brave, even if they aren't responding how you would like. I haven't made it that far, yet. I'm not sure if I ever will. Cheers, friend. Here's to continuing healing from our messy upbringings.


Same thing happened with me, but then in my late 20s I put in some work to get to know them better and spend more time with them, and now we're great friends. It took a lot to get over some of the resentment I felt, but for me it was worth it.


How fuckin dare you?? But also, yeah you're right. I'm sorry mate :(




It's not just that actually. My parents divorced when I turned 5, lived in different cities since. Both of my parents are narcissists, hard to say who started this but they wanted me to be the best student ever, so even after divorce my dad kept sponsoring my tutors just so I could get very high grades, and my mom... Well, she gave me nearly everything I could physically want, except love that is. She almost never asked me to do any household choirs, and when she did, she constantly screamed at me because I never knew how to do them, told me to learn myself but never taught me properly, and I had no interest in something I was only occasionally forced to do. The only thing she wanted from me is to study, and she'd control my entire day, all my homework, everything to the point of my sleeping schedule. She literally ORDERED me to sleep at 11 pm, otherwise she would take my phone, my PC, for weeks, and I MUST have apologized (sometimes in front of other people) just to have a chance to get my stuff back. She would go on and slap me quite hard when I didn't do what she asked for (my studies), I had nosebleeding once because she smacked my face on the table. We were at a fucking WAR with each other. A real dialogue: "Why must I obey you?" "Because I gave you your life" "But I don't want to live" "So let me kill you. SO LET ME KILL YOU!" ... Life... Is better now, kinda. We have good relationship with my mom, she has really changed when I ghosted her for a month while in another city, only to come back a few months later cuz I can't take care of myself at all. Now I've grown into a completely infantile being and my main goal is to literally do nothing besides playing games. I hate any type of activity, I can't stand studying and dread the very word "work", not to mention sports which is my biggest enemy, especially with my health, which has always been neglected and now I fear to ask if it's alright if my arm has been badly hurting since I was 9. At which point is anything here my fault, I don't know. But what I know now is that my future depends on me, and I am about to fuck it up as bad as possible because I don't want to do anything. I hate myself, who I've become, and try to fight with it as much as I can. Fucked up social needs is the least of my concerns man.


I can feel my emotional needs with video games


Too fucking accurate


fuck i felt this


Exactly this




Around 5-7 for me


I was happy Then middle school happened.


why’s it always 14 lmfao too accurate thank you


In my case, it was at 16. I wake up at night and think for brief seconds, we are still in 2015.


I still think I'm in my twenties when actually I'll be 38 this year. lol


I feel this. I’m 30 and feel the same as how I was when I was 25.


It's okay its still 2014


Hey I’m 27 No wait I’m 34…. Damn




22 and I still feel like a kid... When does that change?! When will I be an adult?!


it's probably because you are around the same older people. Talking to a 16 yo definitely makes me feel old, but I'm ten years older than you. Something will happen like an 18 yo college student will accuse you of hiding your gum from her and you'll feel old.


We're all in our 30s at work and still have to take a gum out in secret if you don't wanna summon the horde lol


I felt this pretty hard when I went back for a 2nd bachelors. There I was in classes as a 32 year old dude being mostly surrounded by 19 year olds. It wasn't bad, but it definitely made it harder to vibe with people because we were just in very different stages of our lives. Luckily I found a study buddy who was my same age and similarly neurotic about studying. Her and I worked through that entire degree basically together.


The day you described a new vacuum cleaner as “sexy”, or you start taking your nutritional fiber intake seriously is the day you realize you’re an adult. And don’t worry, it’ll happen.


Just started randomly thinking I should eat more fiber. It’s over for me):




You will probably feel a bit childish for a while simply because of how limited young people's financial options are. It's hard to feel truely mature when you're still living at home arguing with your little sister. That said, have a good talk with any actual teenager and you start to feel the gulf in experience. How little they worry about the future, and how concerned they are about things that won't matter 2 hours after they graduate high school.


Around like 26


Unironcally yeah, 26 was when I finally went "oh wow I'm really out here doing all this shit on my own now for real" lol


Yea pretty much. No more life jacket. You just swim.


Yeah, I was 26 when the first kid I used to babysit went off to college. That's what made me feel old.


I turn 26 in a week and yeah it definitely feels like it


That’s when I looked in the mirror and for the first time I recognized that my face was starting to look older. Weird feeling.


Never. Hell, I have adult children and I still don't "feel like an adult" most of the time.


I turn 30 this year and still feel like a kid. Not that I'm complaining.


cable unpack humorous jellyfish nose familiar different offer insurance wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


25 was when I had my "quarter life crisis". Like one day I realized nobody was going to tell me to eat my veggies or go to bed on time. Nobody was going to remind me to do homework or go to work. They'd just fail/fire me. I have to tell *myself* to do all that shit now! I'm 41 now and still don't feel like a "grown-up" a lot of the time, but somehow all those experiences in the meantime are adding up to something or other...


In my case it never changed, I just realized that most adults are just big kids, kind of like when you realize your teachers have a life out of school. Out there there's adult version of the smart overachievers, the smart but quiet ones, the dumb but happy clowns, the bullies, the pretty elitist girls, the weirdos, the guy/girl that's just cool and friends with everybody, etc. It's like a videogame, you don't stop feeling like a noob or actively decide to change 180, you just realize that one day your way higher level than everyone else and are the one carrying the team.


You practically are a kid. Your brain isn’t fully matured till you 24-25 years old.


27. I still feel like a teen. I don’t think this will change anytime soon.


It never does. I turned 40 and I feel 20. Old people even elderly people can’t believe their age. It happens to everyone. My mom and I had a moment today. She was showing me around the yard and she said holy shit I’m old this is what grandma would have done! And I said I’m old too because I actually want to do it! And we talked about 39 years ago my great grandma was carrying me around this same yard, and she was born in 1898. Life is crazy.


In two days she'll be 49 and still feel this way.


27?! Wow, I was born in 1986 too!




27 and feel like the earth has beaten me into a pulp, I constantly bitch to myself about “kids these days” and things being too loud


I will only accept that I am old now when I be 30 years old and married with kids, otherwise I am still a teenager but like with a quarter of the fun


I’m 25. This hits hard.


Ikr, 40 though


"hmm.. this looks like a bot post. let's see who posted it.." \*this account has been suspended\*


I’m 45 and still waiting on feeling like an adult. Even though I do all the adult things.


I'm 40 years old and still have early morning panic attacks that I slept through a college mid-term. It's been 20 years...


46 - this never changes.


time flies too quickly




Same at 32


Me imagining optimus prime outside my window when the cold light of day hiys me "im closing in on forty".


You know, I'm a bit of a teenager myself


Lol. I'm 42 amd still dont know what the fuck i'm supposed to do


I just turned 63 and I can still totally relate to this!


Even B - Real is not as real as this.


accurate. I still flinch at the "Have you turned 18?" pop-up




Ok buddy, literally me. In ither news, young adults are just glorified teenagers.


I'm in my thirties and I always get mad when some "experts" speak their bullshit on teenagers because most of the time these people are twice older than me.


This hit me hard bahahahaha


This is why I started counting my age in hexadecimal, I am 1B years old and still have 5 more years left in my teens


Almost 40 here and same


As a 27 year old, I can totally relate to this. Wait... No, I am like, 40 something, I think. 


Yeah, I’m 27… No, wait, I’m 32


I'm a 32 y old 18 y old.


Yeah I'm starting to enter my mid 20's and I still feel like a kid so often.. just that I have more money now so I can afford my lego sets finally hehehehe


Reddit has a hard time remembering this


Definitely a 40 year old teen.


You stop being a teenager when you grow up and mature... So I'll die as a teenager


“Studies show that these fads are in with impressionable individuals”


I feel seen 👀


Some days ago I was thinking to myself "it would be inappropriate because I'm a minor... no wait I was a minor two years ago".


OH MY GOD CAC REFERENCE?!!?!?!? (inside joke)


That's me lol


Welcome, old one.


I saw some people i went to school with. They were pregnant and in my mind i was like arent yall a little young to have kids. Im 30 😕😕😕




Ey, she fine though…. what’s her @?




I always wince a little when I call myself an adult. I'm over 30.


I still feel like one despite being 21 lol


Ow to be 27


I never even really made it to the teenager stage lol


Actually with the pandemic we all went through we should at least minus 2 to 4 years of our official age to compensate the years which we all have lost.


You also aren’t a fish and should be dead right now


I kept thinking this well into my 30's.


This is the same type of ick that Disney Adults give off. Embrace your age!!!


And you are young and life is long, and there is time to kill today And then one day you find ten years have got behind you No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun And that my friends is why The other side of the moon lasted so long in the charts


Damn, I've dated that girl


Haha, relatable, I'm also 27 No, wait, I'm 31


This says it all about Gen Z.


Arrested development is weird isn't it.


Gtfo , 52 and still do stupid shit


damn this girl looks cute tho (I am unsalvageable)


Right down to the age


God damn is this a common thing?? I forgot briefly a few times when I was exactly *twenty* years of age, y'all may have some real work to do in facing and accepting the reality of time, aging, and death if you are in your late twenties and still attached to an idea of yourself as being a teenager. I mean I'm not saying that you must suppress and kill your inner child, by any means---if anything, I mean understand you still have that inner child no matter what, and the *fact* of your impermanence and ever-increasing age is *not something to be feared and avoided* (By the way, happily 31, haven't felt even a little bit like a teenager in, you know, over a decade)


Idk if I should be scared of a bunch of adults who feel like they're still teens. Actually I'm a little scared.


I felt like a teenager until I turned 26. Then I felt like I was 26 until I was 45. I’m now 52 and, while I feel tired pretty much 100% of the time, I still feel like I look at the world as being full of adults trying to keep me down.


If we’re here, we’re all late bloomers (that’s how I call it.) That’s all. I’m 33 and I’m still 22. Took me and extra year for my degree. Going into my 3rd place now after a year in my family home and I’m like, “oh it’s like college, new place every year”. “Oh this makes sense if I’m just out of college.” “Oh I’m 33… it still feels like college.” “Oh but age doesn’t matter, still psyched for freedom aka not with parents.” Lately it’s been about me being self-disciplined and mature. Age is a number. Everyone does their own thing. We all go at our own pace. I know I’m “behind” but I’m doing solid for me. Not where I thought when I was going to be when I was 16 but took the last year to really focus on me now that I’m out of my family home. Don’t rush into being an “adult.”


Scare the living s*** outta me?


“Verify your age”. Let’s see I was born in 199- I’m over 30.”


Ugh, same.


I'm also 27, but still a teenager, as well.


I do the same with the term "young people", I think I'm still in that classification, but not for much longer lol.


I recently said the phrase, "kids like us" to a friend in conversation. He's 25 and I'm 29. Makes you realize your parents didn't know shit when you were a kid, or any other adults for that matter.


I went to a club the other day and I was like, "why are there so many children here at 12am, like who tf let's their kids out at this time" before realizing I'm 27 and these children are all 18+ and I'm a grumpy old man


Your body gets older. But your mind stays the same


I just turned 40 and still feel 27


This is the kind of thinking that turns you into a child molesting YouTuber






I’m 36 and feel like an 18 year old half the time. Until I talk to an actual 18 year old and realize I can only just barely tolerate the conversation. 


yeah. you are now twentyager


no literally i’m 27 & im like wtf


I'm baby. I'm also 30.


I’ve got 4 months left


I didn't stop feeling like a teenager until I had a very adult feeling traumatic experience. And also a retail worker called me "sir" and I immediately aged 50 years.


Nah, I’m almost 25 and still a child 🤣


21 and this happened to me a few days ago


This meme made me realise I'm an adult now. I didnt even acknowledge this untill right now


It feels weird being the same age as old people


Well shit I turned 27 today. Renovating our first house and still feel like a teenager lmao


As a teen, it's the exact opposite.   Teens? I'm not a teen yet, I'm only 14. Teens? I'm not a teen anymore, I'm 16


I watched the new episode of Doctor Who today and the Doctors new companion said she was born in 2004, I was born in 2003, the fact that the Doctors companion is younger than me feels awful


nah I feel like a forty year old I'm so damn tired of this world sometimes


No please stop, I did this exact thing yesterday, and I’m 27 looool


Yes, i'm 28 and i have the same problem


Hit me right in the 1996 😖


Study today finds that teenagers are more confused than every Something's never change


Every fricking time! But I'm 36.


Bull ring


Was 20 or 21 went to a gaming convention to play a Starcraft 2 tournament. Think that was the breaking point of me considering myself a teenager. Felt old, even though now I consider 18 - 22 like the same period of my life.


I'm in this image, and I don't like it. And I just turned 28 too




The moment I realized I am not a teenager anymore was when I had my practical teaching lessons last year. As a part of my english language class, I pulled up a couple of celebrities and musicians from Wales / Scotland, and only one guy recognized Ewan McGregor. No one regognized the rest, and they didn't even regognize the songs I thought were widely known all across the world.


Me at 40. But I think I just feel teen rage for them because I remember how much that age sucked and how much they are going through.


Is she single?




Im 23 and dont have this. Shoulda started sooner ig.


Feeling a little called out homie… not cool. Lol


...No, wait - I'm 35.


Me remembering that the mid-2010’s were not in fact 2 years ago


Same but 47


This meme has Archer vibes


So true


I'm 37 and I recently walked into a convenience store and thought, "I hope they don't think I'm stealing things since I'm a teenager."