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Who isn’t scared of badgers?


Just put knäckebröd in your boots










Common Norwegian fear too. At least for bygdefolk/Village people


Bro I have seen badgers you people wouldn't believe.. And not out in the village either but close to the city, a fat bastard seemingly unafraid of people that probably could have killed me via infection it looked so ragged. I would rather meet a 1 ton elk tbh.


finns [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGYLd-LXvrg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGYLd-LXvrg)


I would shit myself if that happened to me


Swedes doesn't like money https://preview.redd.it/zbnufde0kr4d1.jpeg?width=302&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34fe792aca8e9a78553a3bd0bc274f66c3437f90


In Norway swedes are known to be greedy. One of my swedish coworkers once owed me 700kr, but since the atm only did 200kr incraments he only paid me 600kr back, which triggered me.


Same, Swede at my workplace almost never brings coffee (which you're supposed to sometimes do if you drink it). When he does, it's Löfsberg piss


What? You guys have to bring your own coffee to work???


We had a coffee machine subscription in the past but it they brought shit coffee every other refill. They also gave out flyers with smiling people trying to make making coffee with co-workers be some sort of experience. This is not fika where we congregate with pastries and talk about our lives for 20 minutes longer than a coffee break needs to be. We drink coffee, talk about the game (if applicable) and plan a sauna evening with beer for 1-4 minutes depending on how annoying the other guy is, and then we go back to work.


But still. Coffee is a right by the Nuremberg laws or some shit. The Facket demands it!


Most jobs in Finland have free coffee. The only exceptions during my young days were some blue collar jobs where everyone brought in a packet of coffee on their turn. But I feel 90% of jobs serve free coffee (source: my ass).


Finns drink the most coffee in the world per capita so the companies would go out of business if they had to pay for it.


> In Norway swedes are known to be greedy. Says the people hoarding all the black gold :D


Bro they said no to oil and gas in return for 50% of Volvo, then later sold it to Xing Ping DIng for chump change... They like to appear like they like money but they are actually allergic to it. https://preview.redd.it/wk19q2jyax4d1.png?width=1156&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1b3f9b1498401131e3b3ac5924fae07e216276b


Then why did they say no thank you to our oil?




New “weird sport” idea for Finns: crashing the weddings of random Swedes to make drunken, curse-filled speeches. Can be individual or team efforts. Sometimes you’re competing to see how quickly you can make the wedding organizer violate the speech custom. Sometimes you’re competing to see how much longer you can make the wedding last (boss level would be turning a Swedish wedding into an Indian wedding). https://preview.redd.it/hc3w60bt4s4d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02f4563ef4d030f2da3d14bcc4d0e6c9e5572e1f


I would like to participate. When are we starting?


Ah, the "Finnish Filibuster" move...


“Finnish Filibuster” sounds like a useful name for many things... A sexual position. A wrestler’s stage name. The way two Finns attracted to each other never manage to act on or speak about the attraction because they’re too socially awkward.


Posts about nordick countries Excludes iceland Certified bruh moment


I honestly just forgot you existed but my rebuttal is half of I land is on the America tectonic plate so are you really Nordic?


Yes. Yes they are. Finland can vouch for Iceland, if we begin excluding countries from the Nordics we'd be the first to go because of our weird ass language.


Every lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas agrees, and so do the kurz und fett people from Korso.


Badgers are fucking terrifying. We were told in school to put kneckebröd in our shoes, so that the badger would think that it’d broken a bone and thus let go of the bite. That was the only way to stop a badger bite, according to our teacher.


I didn’t think that was real haha Badgers have been villainized by Swedish education haha


Seem to recall that we had a rabies problem with badgers a few years back and their reputation hasn't recovered since


>a few years back Sweden is rabies free since the late 1800's


Then I have no idea. I remember watching a video in school about badgers and disease but I don't remember much more than that


i’m swedish and never heard of this. my parents have only seen wild badgers once, i have never. are you northern?


I've seen wild badgers a few times before, including in southern Sweden.


interesting. i’m 24 and have yet to see wild badgers, moose, wolf, bear… i spend time in the woods and live next to them. i’ve never even seen a wild owl.


Have you ever been in a car? Dead badgers all over the roads this time of year.


yep all the time. nope never seen any of those. only cats, birds, deer.


Not really, south of Stockholm, but definitely north of Malmö. I was taught this in third grade, when my class were on a forest day (friluftsliv), and it’s stuck with me til this very day. We saw badger poop and that when she told us about the knäckebröd trick. She was a tad bit old and hadn’t taught for a while so I don’t know if this is true, outdated, or perhaps a joke I was too dumb to understand at that age. I know that it’s funny, but yes, I’m terrified of badgers. They are cute as hell, but I’ll not stay to admire one if i see them.


We used to scare the younger kids with that story in mellanstadiet ;-)


Google AI as always being a clusterfuck. Also our word for please is, guess what... "please"


Or “kindly”, in a sentence. Not that anyone uses it much but it is available: “hold venligst kæft!” e.g.


Fair point. I guess we have that word even if it's not used enough these days. Brug venligst venligst.


Använd bara ”snälla” istället, era grottmänniskor 😡




Ja 😝




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Is this an AI rendition?


That milk consumption is carried by coffee


Carried by milk industry sponsored propaganda in the fucking curriculum, we've got Oligarchs and it's the damn milk men.


We have the dairy cartel in Canada too. The most popular Canadian hockey team is sponsored by milk.


Maple leafs, Canucks or Oilers?


Leafs https://preview.redd.it/due3lyqlxs4d1.png?width=1092&format=png&auto=webp&s=caac5e375b6e5860eb692b318a4ef4a0707a5547






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Denmark "One of the happiest countries in the world". Where Finland is number one. Cool facts bro




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Four of the facts from Denmark apply to Finland as well, though the 3 extra letters are å ä ö. Also we have some weird but fun sports like: wife carrying, phone throwing and swamp football. Just to name a few. Come visit.


Same with Sweden, although that badger shit makes me laugh. Wish we knew that 300 years ago, independence would have come sooner. Norway and Sweden have always felt very home-like to me, there are a ton of similarities everywhere. Haven’t been to Denmark or Iceland yet but I assume it would be the same. We could whip up a semi-alcoholic but well-functioning country overnight.


Finland and northern Manitoba look like the same place so by default I love Finland


Other fun sports: air guitar playing, mosquito killing, heavy metal knitting... Sauna championships had to be cancelled, though. 😔


"I've known xxx for many years, and I know I'd make a better husband. ..."


Why do Swedish students scream at night? And why didn‘t ask anyone that before. Seems to be so conmon that nobody notices it as curious.


it’s frustration and having fun. mostly in uni towns, typically uppsala.




they say if you hit a badger with your car, don't get out, it just latched onto the tires and is waiting to attack you who wouldn't be fucking terrified of that shit


Are Swedes scared of wolverines? In Canada people aren’t too scared of badgers but usually are scared of wolverines


[Bjärv](https://youtu.be/s8Y4hNzyzok) is the most feared animal (a cross-breed of Bear and Wolverine)




I'm terrified of wolverines, I live in an area where they can show up, it's my biggest concern whenever I walk out at night / during forest walks l0l


What's to be scared of? Unbreakable bones, healing factor, retractable claws, smokes cigars and cracks jokes. Sounds like a good time. 


Island can't in to nordick?


Badgers are fucking ferocious, they can attack and have claws teeth everything. Like a bigger cat thats stronger and more aggresive


Iceland... ![gif](giphy|Wck09E7lHDabjhHbzJ|downsized)


I love that the top fun fact about Denmark is how they are one of the happiest countries, you know behind the happiest people from **checks notes** … Finland.


What about the greatest control engineers of Sweeden, are they afraid of badgers too?


Whoever made those fun danish facts clearly has never heard of "be om"


Purely Ws for Finland




A viking became the first king if Norway? No, he never went raiding.


Of course. The inventor of texting is Finnish. Not a surprise


How do the swedish adults sleep when the students yell every night?


Regular adults usually don't live in [student housing areas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elvavr%C3%A5let)...