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She's Sicilian,there are no women in Sardinia


![gif](giphy|Txun6ahh9auWs) what did you say?


Fucking sheep doesn’t count


Wait let‘s hear the Welsh opinion on this first


I treat all our women and sheep the same


Aye .. both belong in the kitchen One in the oven. the over over it 😉


Why do you put women in the oven?


Sounds more like a german thing to do


BDSM is getting wild these days. Oh... That's... That's not what you meant.


Jesus Christ. Only in this sub can you find such well educated thread


If your woman is in the oven and your sheep is the one over it than you are either backwards like the Irish or Austrian and like the other white meat.... Neither is a great thing to be tbh


Don't want a sheep shagger of all people calling us backwards.


Tough luck... It's just happened buddy 😉


Let's hear the New Zealander's opinion.


Agree, it's not really a challenge, I prefer my ~~animals~~ women to be more intelligent, quick and agile for a good time.


Yes, the chase is one of the best parts!


And bondage material included in a chase


How about mfs writing love songs about a volcano




Now now, we had a PhD student from Sardinia. She's is rather woolly, but that gives something good to hold onto when I whisper in her ear that she really Sicilian


My neighbor


She looks portuguese


Tomato tomato


Yes I can confirm she lives in the Vesuvio


Etna is the Sicilian volcano, Vesuvius is in Napoli.


It's the thought that counts, being factually correct comes second.


I dont know, coming second is a good goal to have


Sex is a competition akin to sprint, especially when the sheep tries to run away.


yes there are. There's plenty of women in Sardinia. [Meanwhile, the Rohirrim refugees are heading towards Helm�s Deep. Gimli is on a horse, chatting with �owyn who is leading it by the reins.] GIMLI It�s true you don�t see many Dwarf women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, haha that they�re often mistaken for Dwarf men. [�owyn smiles and looks back at Aragorn.] ARAGORN [Gestures and whispers] It�s the beards....


I was with a woman from Sardinia once. She was indeed ugly, but the most beautiful princess compared to this one. Remind me never to go to Sicily then


I can't believe they miscast this so terribly. How can a barbaric Anglo Saxon like Tom Holland play an Italian?


Well, he is rather small.


We had no doubt about it, but how tall is he?


169 cm




They already cast him as Nathan Drake when 13 years old Drake looked older in the games.


How many times do they have to redo R&J? Why not adapting one of the other thousands as interesting (and less explored) pieces of literature for once?


Well yes, but have you considered that the extra advertising would cut into the cocaine budget?


Plus casting a black actress for a traditionally white part let's the media advertise for you. Edit: not america it's a west end production


I think Shakespeare would have been significantly more confused on why a women is acting in his man only acting cast


Well, at the time, less formal plays by non-sanctioned actor troupes had women. I mean it was viewed by the law the same way porn is viewed today, but it did happen. Just not in licensed theaters.


While true, Shakespeare was litterly part of the royal entertainment payroll (lord chamberlains men to be precise) so would have been following the rules to the t.


"The Master of the Revels despises us all for vagrants and peddlers of bombast."


The real question is is the man playing Romeo the bottom or is the man playing Juliette? The answer likely is they both are


I read that in Peter Capaldi’s doctor who voice. ![gif](giphy|eBD5RhS0n5JgA)


in this case they were very thoughtful to cast an actress that looks more masculine than Tom Holland


Why produce new content when you can just repeat old stories with actors of different skin tones?


I actually don't hate the casting a black actress since I assume it's leaning into themes of race and class divides and romeo and juliet are star crossed lovers whose families hate eachother. Little mermaid, Aladdin, and cleopatra were some hot bs.


I see no issue with a black person playing in Romeo or Juliet; it's a theatre production that's run a million times with non-Italian actors anyway, it's supposed to be for everyone. It just seems like they keep repeating themselves, just milking the race thing. "Oh look, we're doing the exact same Snow White, but now she's *insert race*! Come watch it now!!" Historical figures should always stay true to their heritage as should culturally specific characters like Aladdin who's Middle Eastern. I don't care about the Little Mermaid. The Disney productions have nothing to do with H.C. Andersen's work anyway..


> as should culturally specific characters like Aladdin who's Middle Eastern. Aladdin might be Persian or Indian, depending on the source. And it's not an historical character but a character from the "one and a thousand nights" collection of stories.


Of course! I only mentioned him because the comment I responded to did. My point is that it doesn't make sense to cast a black, white, or East Asian person to play Aladdin.


as black and white slave were common it could make sense for a poor boy living in the slum to be one (also if you know some iraki they can be quite white) and it make perfect sense for the genie who's in some way a slave to be black. but im sure disney didnt event thought about it or realised that


that would acknowledge that, OMG, Arabs and not just Whites were colonisers and enslavers, something that would upset both Muhammad and the woke bobos


Problem is, genies are hard to find.


especially blue genies


In the oldest source we have (Fr\*nch), he's supposedly Chinese.


My issue isn't so much whether it's OK to race swap characters but how disingenuously studios are doing it with poorly done remakes to drum up controversy and attention rather than using it to add to the story. As I say I think r&j does add to the story. The rest are naked attention grabs. They aren't good representation they are rage bait for racists so liberals hate watch the movie the racists are boycotting. If it were a white actor it wouldnt be any better, but both sides would have ignored these soulless cash grabs.


Yes it’s rage bait to incite controversy from terminally online crowds who will do free advertising for the production. It’s also throwing the poor actors involved to the lions because some wild shit has been said online about the poor woman playing Juliet. Any concern for race issues is completely disingenuous and the actors race is being cynically used to produce box office revenue.


But adding race and class issues kind of ruins the point no? IIRC the two families hate each other for reasons no one can even remember. Not to mention if Juliets family apparently has noble status in Medieval Verona, then idk how there can really be class or race issues in the first place. Frankly a black actress isnt even an issue for a stage play, but rewriting the script to justify something that didnt really need to be justified makes no sense imo.


The script will have to be heavily rewritten to fit this but look at Leonard dicaprios version having gun fights. Did that make sense? I assume this version will have to be set in London and not to be that preachy guy but the racism there doesn't have much better reasons than two feuding families. Yeah, I know this from an ameritard, were working on it... slowly. It may not do class but I think it will at least wink at this issue. And I doubt they'll be nobles from Verona. More likely influential londoners. Possibly old v new money?


Didnt know there was a DiCaprio version, but knowing Americans they probably made it about gangbangers in LA. But either way at this point just make a different story, clearly the name is just there to sell tickets


Pretty much, though it's actually decent. Harold Perrineau was excellent, John Leguizamo as well in an over-the-top way. It's a movie largely carried by the performance of the supporting cast, and the leaning-into of the modern style. I liked it.


You've summed it up perfectly. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0117509/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk Remakes will always be a thing, especially with shakespeare. the only question is does the remake add to the work or just phone it in.


I agree, only mermaids should be casted as mermaids!


Even if they had cast a mermaid it wouldn't have made it a good movie. The point is the race of the actress was a red herring to distract from the fact the movie was a soulless cashgrab by Disney execs that were too chicken shit to make something new but also too chicken shit to race swap in a story where it might mean something. When they start race swapping in les miserables or great expectations I'll respect it.


>Even if they had cast a mermaid it wouldn't have made it a good movie. I don't agree. That movie would have been waaaaay better if it starred an actual mermaid! And now I'm off, looking for cast for my remake of Silence of the Lambs.


It’s also not set in Verona in the 1600s, so it makes perfect sense to cast any actress.


Damn. Here I am upvoting southern savages. What a day.


There are plenty of adaptations of new literature pieces, but if you see adaptation of some contemporary play with a black woman, you would never pay attention, and you would not find a post about it on 2we4u etc. Romeo and Juliet is famous classical piece, most people heard of, basically survivor’s bias


Well it's a play and generally you have to0 perform those in a theatre using actors


It's a play


Well, quick brainstorm, we can still do R&J with Juliet in a wheelchair, R&J in the middle east, R&J in space, R&J with a Downs Syndrom Romeo, post apocalyptic R&J, gay R&J twice, once with Romea & Juliet and once with Romeo & Julius, for us Austrians, incest basement R&J ... production studios, hit me up, I'm full of ideas.


Sorry, bud, R&J in space, post-apocalypse, and in the middle east are all done, and the queer ones are verging on overdone at this point. Incest basement is still on the cards, though.


Transgender and non-binary Romeo & Juliet, Queerplatonic Romeo & Juliet, Polyamorous Romeo & Juliet & Rosalind, Tourette’s Syndrome Romeo & Juliet, Dissociative Identity Disorder Romeo & Juliet with the characters just being alters of one person, Dyspraxia Romeo & Juliet, Anesthesiologist Romeo & Juliet, Quran burner and Islamist Romeo & Juliet, AI Romeo & Juliet, Climate change denier Romeo & Juliet, Living statues Romeo & Juliet, Dinosaur Romeo & Juliet, Spoons in a Cutlery Drawer Romeo & Juliet, Scammer and Scambaiter Romeo & Juliet, Bitcoin and Ethereum Romeo & Juliet.


>Dissociative Identity Disorder Romeo & Juliet with the characters just being alters of one person, Fight Club


I mean, why the fuck do you care what some private theater in UK is spending money on?


because money and recognizable name same reason hollywood made the "battle ship" movie


Battleship does not deserve to be put in the same category as these films. It's a masterpiece. Anchordrifting a battleship into a full broadside on some motherfucking aliens is a 10/10 movie.


lmao ok i do love me some trash movies but you know what i mean, IP exploitation by any means necessary. 80% of what they do are remakes


Tomaso Hollandia


When will you do Hammad and Amina version? Possibly with her married at 9 and ended up stoned by her family. Inshallah


For the family honour? ASAP


The original Juliet was thirteen. So not a great deal better.


This is cultural appropriaton!!!


Tommaso Olando


L'Olando Furioso


Lollando Furioso


Tommaso Olandese


Whitest Sardinian


I can hear the veneti screaming bestemmie from here


Probabilmente solo gli ultras del Verona


The last thing Veronesi care is Romeo and Juliet. I walked thousand times Via Cappello and never went inside Juliet's courtyard once.


>and never went inside Juliet's courtyard once. ...if you know what i mean.


People are joking about making Juliet black but she's already been a seal, a garden gnome, a lioness, indian, american, a man, a feltpuppet pig, a cucumber and who knows what else. I truly could not care less about who they cast to portray either role, its all been done before at this point.


Hell, people should be upset that they cast a woman/s Historically speaking, when Shaespeare used to write and show his plays there were usually only men on the theatre stage, even in female roles


That's pretty funny, imagining a man in a wig being Juliet


Saw someone commenting on another post, that in those times Holland would be playing Juliet, and now I cant unsee it.


Honestly true, he has many feminine features


I'm more wondering if she has a moustache or if this is a very unfortunate shadow on her upper lip


You forgot the Romeo and Juliet adaptation with feral street cats. Weird how nobody complains there but when a black actress has a role...


I think people are making fun of the casting not because she's black but because she's kinda ugly especially in comparison to who is playing Romeo, considering Juliet is supposed to be incredibly beautiful. [Just look at this lol](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/tom-holland-and-francesca-amewudah-rivers-romeo-juliet-faceoff-photo)


I honestly thought it was a dude and they were doing an interracial gay version.


They aren’t complaining because she’s black, they’re complaining because she’s ugly.


Sure they are buddy


Nobody would be complaining if it was Liz from Spiderman Homecoming


Right. Garden gnomes, street cats and seals are fine, but casting a human that happens to be black? Now the wokesters have gone too far.


Some people are just plain, ordinary racists and need to show it.


Same. Can't wait for a white black panther recast.


U mean like white wolf? https://preview.redd.it/1wvc4gc1n72d1.png?width=392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91d30e90589e2d1915a1d7ff36e6077b4771c0f5


Also bit of a side tangent but crazy how people always ask "when do we get a white black panter" or "when do we get a white miles morales", when A. Marvel's essentially done both of those things. and B. It's kinda amusing that people always swarm to the characters who's nationality or skintone is essential to the core of their story, and never someone like Riri Williams who I don't think anyone would give a shit about if she were race swapped around a couple times because her nationality and skin has very little to do with her story.


For me it's about the double standard. What would happen if a traditionally black character was played by a white actor.


Anyone else literally not give a fuck?


Is this a theater thing or a movie? It's very normal in theater, it wouldn't be weird even if they were dressed like in the photos


Pretty sure its a play and not a movie


Who plays Romeo and who Juliet?


Came here to ask this very question.


Looks like a dude fr


Harsh. Did okay as Spider Man imo


The old Reddit doodleyoodleydoo!!


someone said she looks like KSI and Deji combined


And they were goddamn correct.


I thought it was mark henry romelu lukaku and Serena Williams combined


Wait that's actually a woman?


That's the guy from Bergamo that just scored three goals against Leverkusen


Was so hyped to see how Leverkusen were gonna beat their Italian ass just for him to ruin it


She does rather look like she's rocking the moustache of a 14-year-old in the photo.


And Tom Holland looks more like a girl that she does lol


But the one in the photo is a man right? He has a moustache!


I was going to ask who of them is going to act Romeo…


Tom Holland and KSI*


Laughed out loud, this was hilarious


You can tell how shitty of a comment it was that a German found humour in it.


Ok, whos playing juliet? Half-serious question...


John boyega by the looks of things..


Dwayne The Rock Johnson


not gonna lie, i wanna see that ^^


Romelu Lukaku


Couldn’t they have cast an actor in a wheelchair or with another disability to be inclusive?




Romeo vs Juliet


She's the most beautiful Portuguese they could muster.


Did we need a new Romeo and Juliet?


It's a play not a film


Yeah, let's shake things up, what about a Romea and Julio?


Or Hans and Herriot, only this time no one gave a shit about their romance and everyone celebrated in the end when they OD’d.


i guess we'll see. if people go and watch it then yes. that's how entertainment works


I head to do this https://preview.redd.it/18lmab7kf72d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f32461bf7a3c98be9ce7f61f1ad76204367b162


Neither is very attractive, what a letdown


Its a play which 99% of you will never see. Stop making a big thing out of it.


It's not the skin colour, it's the fact that she looks like Deji that I'm making fun of.


I actually cant get that image out of my head now. Ffs Abdul.


I still find a sign of cultural decadence that no new story is being written, instead we get the 99th Romeo and Juliet adaptation, no new movies ever come out, it's remakes, remakes and remakes (and predictable box offices for the share holders)! The only novelty left is indie animated series and other low budget studios trying to make the big boom on the sheer power of original ideas... but they're low budget, so the quality is always a mixed bag. The last original movie i watched was Possum back in 2018, and even then it wasn't fully original as it was based on a novel.


This is a play, not a film.


Do you not understand what a play is or something?


There are plenty of new stories and plays based on them along with classical ones, you just need to visit closest contemporary theatre


Braindead take. If you're complaining that no original ideas are being made, but the last original movie you watched was in 2018: 1. You're just not genuinely looking for original stories, if you think there haven't been any original movies made that are worth watching in the last six years. 2. If people don't support original ideas, there's never going to be a shift towards more original media. If you want that, then you actually have to go out and watch it.


Today, the Turks are making stories Shakespeare couldn't even dream about: telenovelas (soap operas) Also, Shakespeare is public domain, no one is going to sue your ass.


not diverse enough, he is white


I hope Disney can provide some chinese old lady to play Romeo!👍🏻


Romelu and Lukaku


Romeo and Juliet, a gay man's interracial love story. I can dig it.


More like Julio


Chica looks like that parisian boy setting city streets on fireeeee.


Oh is Tennant teaming up with the new Doctor again?


Hehe pretty good


Who cares. Its just sensationalism. Stop paying attention to it and they’ll stop doing it


"Let's put a black person in it so the internet can circlejerk and provide free advertisement." I would've missed the fact a new Assassin's Creed game is out otherwise.


I knew this neckbeard sub was going to have a field day with this, because y’all are such snowflakes that get offended by a character being black. Every country has made an adoptation of Romeo and Juliet, but as soon as one adoptation has a black character it’s a big problem.


This sub promises it’s not unironically racist, only ironically, and those that are unironically racist are a minority that gets laughed at. But then posts like this swing around.


Exactly. I just wish these pussies were honest and said “i prefer not having black people in my movies”.


It’s just pathetic, like at least be proud of being racist if you’re going to be racist so often.


This the netflix version?


Real question I haven't been able to truly get an answer to: is she trans? She looks a lot like a MtF person. Or maybe they simply went with a more masculine woman for some reason. A weird cast choice nonetheless, skin color be damned really. She just looks so masculine next to Tom Holland.


Wouldn’t say that’s weird given the role is traditionally male


This whole uproar has exposed how most people don't go to the theatre and don't know anything about how Shakespeare is performed. Most productions aren't 'historically accurate', they keep the script and change the setting to some place and time that's completely different. Almost all theatrical casting now is race blind. This causing such a backlash is totally ridiculous because it's been this way for years. She's not 'Black Juliet', she's just Juliet.


On point.


Fr though, the only people upset about this are closeted racists


Tom Holland and didier drogba


And Madame Butterfly is 90% of the time played by a white singer... and?


No, it is always a well disguised Chinese man.


Keep talking! *Netflix taking notes*


because Opera is primarily studied and performed by white people and a cultural product of Europe (although you might say that Chinese Opera could be similar). Prose theatre is more widespread around the world and cultures.


My comment was just a response to OP, the punchline of this post is just Juliet=>Black. Not exactly revolutionary for one of the most performed plays in the world to have actors of different ethnicities than in 1600. You're right of course, e.g. in Opera you have white ladies playing Cio-Cio in Butterfly, black ladies playing Floria Tosca and japanese ladies playing Aida. All 3 operas were made by 2 italians, despite 2 of them being set outside Italy. It doesn't detract from anything, which is my point.


From Sardinia? Don't put us in your messy genetics. Sardinia has its own stable DNA basically from the second Sapiens migration. Unlike you all who mixed and matched across the board.


is that a dude?


The mustache is a bit confusing


She have mustache? But I have better Idea. Why not to make Juliet black mustaches male over 50 and beat sexism racism and ageism at once?


It's an Italian love story, not a Bulgarian one.




The most beautiful Juliet (JK) she not. Btw they can't find a beautiful black lady in Hollywood ??? This one looks like a man 😂 !!! .


Wait... That's a female?? Sure that ain't a dude or one of these non binary types I keep hearing about? That cannot be a lass


who is romeo and who is juliet?


She looks too Swedish to play Juliet


Wait thats a woman?


Now they need to replace Tom Holland with a black actor and they are closer to the original story than with him.


I agree Juliet looks a bit masculine but it's pretty cool they convinced Didier Drogba to play Romeo.


Juliet is played by Tom Holland, right?