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Deported and banned from Spain. Simple as.


after spending some time in prison.


I spent one night in a prison in Cambridge. Food was horrible. I bet the Spanish prison food would be an upgrade for these Barrys.


I suspect they don't want that forrun muck rubbish food - only stella and pot noodles


Was it in summer 2011 and was it for drunk and disorderly?


No, that was me


Damn, I thought it was Juan. You were very entertaining, being too drunk to talk and trying to communicate through dancing and gestures. You were less good company after you passed out and shit yourself.


Free hotel!


I spent a night in a Spanish prison because of your out dated rules, and trust me, the poo on the walls, the concrete slab to sleep on and the salty peanuts they gave me were all too Spanish.


What was the rule in question?


Looking at the flair, could be either trafficking or tax evasion


Probably both


Cultural enrichment


Wow… off the beaten path in England (my brother in law is from there). What the heck did you do?!




Or... Hear me out... You just imprison them and keep them. We don't want them back.


I think some forced labor may do them some good. Like, cleaning rubbish off the beaches.


I made a similar proposal for punishing people who vandalize important historical/cultural landmarks. Step1: assign a monetary value to the damage. Step 2: ask them to pay that Plus a fine based on income. Step 3: if they can't pay (they won't) they can either serve a very long jail sentence or do social work to pay off the debt at minimum wage. Example case: Johnny is a tourist from Ohio, he decides to write some random shit on the Pisa Tower. Johnny goes to court and a group of experts is called to assess the value of the damage, the restoration process will be difficult and it won't be a total restoration (you have to remove some material to erase the writings) so the damage is quoted at 200000€ (I pulled it out of my ass, but it's like the cost of two trips to the ICU for Johnny so he shouldn't complain), to that we add a fine and sice Johnny's dad is rich the fine is 150000€ (I should stop pulling numbers out of my ass). Now johnny can choose between spending 35 years in prison, paying 350k, or working for 3.5years picking up trash in Pisa.


Wait, you can earn €100k a year picking up trash in Italy?


Send them to Rwanda while we figure out their immigration status


Excellent idea


Dont make spanish people pay for the food of these guys.


And a penalty fee, please, these shitty “people” is coming here because is more cheap that being on their own hole of shit; a penalty fee would been the most painful for them


Luv' deportin foreigners 'Ate gettin deported meself Simple as


As soon as they return to the UK they will be forcibly relocated to Stoke-on-Trent.




The 5th circle of hell


Not sufficient enough... Relocate them to Birmingham and Liverpool. Ankle monitors so they cannot leave the perimeter of either.


Didn't know it was possible for people there to not have ankle monitors


I mean, this is just a recreation of Hanley Wetherspoons at 10am on a Wednesday anyway.


They will most likely be deported AND banned from Schengen, what a good 'ol way to fuck your life.


> banned from Schengen  I thought you were lying about this, after looking into it, apparently not.   What an amazing system! What makes it even better is the Barry's in this clip all most likely voted for brexit.


You guys should be thanking us for now making you be able to ban them.


Thank you 


Thank you!


Send em to Rwanda, we dont want em.


Rwandans have it bad enough, they don't deserve that




We should also ban his ass from entering the EU entirely, THAT should be a deterrent that would keep the rest in line!


Even better, ban from EU countries haha


The right thing would be to send them to Uganda, I think.


We don't want them back 


Send them to Australia or something. Isn't that your MO?


It's Rwanda these days innit


Keep your garbage, or throw it into the sea 


There are good deportations and there are the bad ones


why not banned from EU? Else we neighbours get these hooligans as "guests"...


\*from Germany


Ah Barry. You're just a gift that keeps on giving.


Tbh these are really bottom of the barrel folks from the UK. Living in Normandy I met a lot of Brits and the vast majority were very kind and polite. And bonus point, they bring their doggo with them


Well, joking aside, who else do you think you’re going to attract with €50/night all-inclusive hotel reservation complete with flight? There’s a reason that they have containment areas in Spain for these folk. They stick them in a little town with tons of police & booze as well as plenty of taxis and English signs.


Yeah, these are the types to own XL bullies, threaten old people and throw their lit cigarettes into dry woodland. I've got loads of them around where I live. Can't stand the pricks. They use being poor as an excuse to behave like animals. I am just as poor yet I manage to be polite so 🤷‍♂️


We live near the Alps, so we almost always get the poshos or relatively wealthy middle class people. The Americans, however....


…you can hear from a way too high distance.


As someone who occasionally pretended NOT to be German, because of embarrassing German tourist groups, the German tourist as a species apparently also hasn't heard of using an inside voice on vacation...


I know the type :/ although most of my travel destinations host less of the embarrassing type of German tourist but they definitely exist. However, it’s not only volume, it’s also about pitch/treble. You can easily identify a lot of Americans through a crowd just because this type tends to speak like they’ve got something *extremely* important to say. Since my city hosts UN institutions they’re usually not that unpleasant beyond that though


That's not even the most annoying. Lots of them act like a kid in Disney world and act visibly offended when you remind them you LIVE THERE and they're blocking your way.


Genuinely, thank you for noticing we aren’t all like this. The embarrassment I feel seeing this shit makes me wanna bury myself in a hole. I get judged on holidays because of them and all I wanna do is look at your pretty buildings and stuff.


Giving ***just one more kick to your head if you're down.***


Considering it's Barry, it could be much much worse.


You won't be saying that when a boat load of Barry's turn up on your shores for a bit of banter.


Mostly we will laugh, it's usually the other way around


For comparison, Hans usually just sits there in silence with an ever-filled jar of beer. At sunset all the Hanses and Gretels gather to have dinner in silence.


Exactly this, Hermano. And when we go wild, we're citing poetry and may even churn out a joke that only Germans understand.


When Hans are drunk, you start to speak English to everyone, even with other Hans. Then Hans 1 hears Hans 2 speaking to him in English and confuse him with one Barry despite the obviously Hans accent and then fight each other because Neverkusen, M'Sadbach etc.. But not against Juan, Juan receives the tips because he's poor and spoke 3 funny sentences in German learned in Oktoberfest.


>But not against Juan, Juan receives the tips because he's poor and spoke 3 funny sentences in German learned in Oktoberfest. We do love Juan


We do love Hans, but weg von Mallorca!!!! Nicht kastilisch- oder katalanischsprechende Hans raus!


No hablas Spanisch. Aki 5 Euros. Cervesas bitte




>And when we go wild, we're citing poetry and may even churn out a joke that only Germans understand. I've been to Oktoberfest, this is a fucking lie.


Oktkberfest is a bunch of ameritards dressing up as bavarians


These jokes still haunt me after years.


I am deeply saddened by all those empty pool chairs wasted by this fight.


Go hug your emotional support towel.


Englishmen are the balkaners of the Germanic people.


And that's why we get on so well with the Portuguese.


For all the claims of Russian interference in the Brexit campaign, I think it’s much more likely to have been Spanish interference - juan must be desperate for us to fuck off and leave him alone after decades of this.


if Spain ends up banning you guys, feel free to come to Malle orca. They don't have power here ![gif](giphy|L0coY9I1D2BnaKln9a|downsized)


Calm down, or we are next


have you not seen the protests on Malle? I doubt we are welcome there next year


You will be welcome but expect beers tasting different


Don't you tell me they are starting to sell Cruzcampo in Mallorca?!


Wouldn't be so sure, my Mallorcan friends told me that people there are quite pissed off.


Their first time being Anschlussed?


They should copy Venice and sell day passes, to keep the numbers of tourists to an acceptable level. Also, raise a hotel room tax - that should keep away the bottom of the barrel.


better yet, do demand based room tax. Lets say 150k rooms have been booked for next month, every room after that costs double room tax, triple after 200k rooms etc. Also scrap the city hopper 50€ flights, doesn't help either


yeah I know, and I understand why. If that was my place of birth I would be pissed off too ngl


But if you and Hans leave them alone who's gonna keep their economy running


this man knows something


Gee, looks like alcohol was involved. Hard to imagine British tourists drinking excessively and being violent.


It's all gonna depend on where you're at - - Brits on holiday in Greece? Probably upper middle class background and very tame (even if they're still drunk 85% of the trip), more likely to be uni students or couples than a pack of feral lads (stag parties the exception) - Brits on holiday in Mallorca? 70% of them are the finest exports a council estate in a dodgy grey town can offer, do not engage unless absolutely necessary


Flights UK - Palma are fucking mental. Like Con Air mixed with trainspotting.




Poor Balear tourists. They should rather fly first to Barcelona that endure such flight


they are "do what you likey's"


Last time I was in flying into Alicante I was surrounded by tinkers on the plane, it's the closest I've been to hell


strangely enough the ones who settle after doing alright financially tend to chill out a bit and waste their money on nice clothes and makeup. still cant go to maccies on a sunday evening though


Brits on holiday here have the reputation of being annoying frat boys, not as violent as the ones going to Spain though


On my flight back to Barcelona from Edinburgh, I had an aisle seat next to two middle-aged Scottish dudes. As soon as the stewards got up, these fellers, along with all of the Scottish men on the plane, started ordering beer. It was the first time I saw someone actually ordering beer on a plane, but I didn't think much of it. Then they ordered a second beer, and a third one. By then, the plane started to get rowdy with Scots yelling at each other and getting up to the bathroom each 20 minutes. Just a few minutes later, they started ordered gin tonics, the whole plane sounded like a pub on a friday night. The floor was full of beer cans and wet patches of what I hope was just alcohol. The bathrooms were occupied most of the time after all... When the plane landed, it was still 9:30 **AM**


Unfortunately us irish aren't much better. Last time I went to ibiza it was the first flight of the day (515 am or something, the airport bar wasnt even open anyways when we arrived). 2 separate groups brought their drugs onto the plane after drinking all night. One set doing ket and one doing coke. Police were waiting on arrival (due to rowdy behaviour/vaping, they weren't caught for the drugs) and one of them texted my mate afterwards saying that Ryanair had banned him for life. Not ideal for future trips


ket on a plane fuckign hell. That is proper dreg behaviour


Tbf the Scottish have that effect on most environments.


No I don’t think we would ever do that


You think the whole Empire thing was planned? It was just an alcohol induced accident


It’s a known fact, never physically confront a Barry after they’ve been in contact with over 750ml of Stella. It’s when they transition into their mating season and males can become aggressive.


They’re throwing themself to the sea?


Apparently someone spilled some baked beans with fish and chips in the sea


Oh fuck we have to call for international support that is worst than the Chapapote


https://preview.redd.it/tablmz52cr3d1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bb97a0657144688feeb799907b34907d9690efc How spilling baked beans feels


Brought by "Cheap Holidays for 20+ people packs" We in Algarve suffer this scheiss every year... God dammit Barry, stop sending hooligans our way


This is why Spain is protesting. Because of those savages, we soon won't be able to go there. We're nothing like that


Don’t pretend your lot is going abroad anyway. Never seen a french outside france.


Never seen a Dutch outside his caravan


That's wouldn't be a problem if those caravans weren't outside ze swamp


It’s true, we bring a little piece of Holland with us in the caravan. Like an embassy, legal Dutch soil.


You can slander us for not speaking english outside of France but at least we don't shit on sleeping people 🧐


Why would we leave the best place in the world? You live in Holland, of course you’re fleeing from it every year, who would want to stay in that godforsaken hellhole?


I meet tons of French tourists everytime I’m in greece (am half Greek). French tourists are class A tourists. Always interested in the culture, the history, the nature, and the food. Friendly and polite to everyone, no groups of feral lads like from the uk and from our country. 


You’re telling me you’ve never seen a French tourist in action? You lucky bum


🍅 🍅 🍅.....?


No spain, no africa, no south pacific Sacre bleu


Most civilised conversation Barry is capable of while on Vacation


Barry has two sides it’s either the violent chav going on a £50 holiday with no respect for anyone. Or the Barry you drink with in a pub and have one of the best nights of your life and leave lifelong friends, there’s no in between


maybe was brexit after all a good idea


Well it did not help in that case didn't it?


We need to do more to keep this invasive species out


Now we can ban their asses from Schengen, which we couldn't have before, muahahahahaha!


When the replies in the 2we4u comment section are better that the video


these fucking barrys


English pirates brutalize a spanish sailor AD 1630 colourized!


Employed spanish waiter...


It’s an oxymoron. Like jumbo shrimp or largest minority


He's a waiter. 95% chance he's either working without a contract or doing his fifth hour of unpaid overtime.


*Gigi d'agostino intensifies*


Spain urgently needs more balconies on the beach


Most friendly Barry


Barry in his natural habitat.


Damn there’s some nice gay wrestling action going in the middle of the frame as well. Props for that takedown ![gif](giphy|M9Z8AYoVumJc6U8OAf|downsized)


I would happily go toe-to-toe with that cunt in the pink to blue shorts any day of the week. Fucking scumbag


You ain’t really helping our image here brother…


If you can't beat them, join them. Then beat them.


Then join them.


Nah he's right these blokes need humbling in the only way they know




I think he smacked the waitress as well, loves a sucker punch.


Cowardly cunt, bloke on his arse and he's throwing punches.




They sure send their finest... Can't say much mind, our lads out there are not much better. Fair play to the Spanish authorities, I think most sensible folks would completely support them operating a zero tolerance policy on this kinda shite - strike one, you're out and you're blocked from entering the country ever again. They put up with waaaay too much of this bollocks.


Great bunch of lads


I will never understand where foreigners find the gall to act like this abroad. This is why we need punishments from the good old times. The Singaporeans got it right. Pillory + 50 whips in the public square should teach those cunts a lesson they'll not quickly forget.


If my two degrees in tourism thought me anything it’s to avoud tourists


For more info: https://www.diariodemallorca.es/sucesos/sucesos-mallorca/2024/05/30/grupo-turistas-britanicos-provocan-pelea-103107457.html


Machine translation >One of the waiters working on the beach caught their attention because they were throwing garbage and cans of beer into the sea\*\*,\*\* as well **as** annoying the rest of the customers. **The group's response was extremely violent, they threw themselves after the waiter and beat him hard.** **...** >Local police sources indicated that they had rarely faced such an aggressive reaction from tourists that they were beaten to death until they were reduced one by one.


Huh, who beat who to death until they were reduced by one? 😳


Poorly translated in the original article says that they confronted the agents with violence (kicking, punching them) until they were reduced one by one golpe=hit dunno why translates like death


Hopefully the gendarmes beat the fuck out of them.


I've seen these types of Brits here many times: +30, bald, with tribal tattoos and that Raoul Moat phenotype. They're either involved in crime or think they're some sort of tough guy (don't know which is worse being honest). Extremely aggressive and violent, both to the locals and other tourists. One of these cunts threatened to hit me when I was like 13, because apparently I was walking too slowly across the zebra crossing and making him wait in his car.


There's also the young, orange fake tan, in their 20s "how ya doin darlin you're a right sort you" fake teeth, turkey hairline, obsessed with the packet etc. They're the pre evolution to that kind of Brit and they're despised even here.


Raoul Moat phenotype hahaha. Going to use that. And yeah proper cro magnon missing links this type of lad, sorry for your bad experience. I'll treat you to tea and scones as a national apology.


FFS it's all in forin and me Google translate won't work Have they been arrested or what Juan?


Yes, eight of them have been arrested. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13475523/Eight-British-stag-tourists-arrested-huge-brawl-Majorca-restaurant-left-waiter-two-police-officers-injured.html


Good. What an absolute bunch of scumbags. I hope they do jail time but I somehow have my doubts




This is rough Barry, even I think you should get your ass kicked.


I’m sorry but Barries can’t behave themselves and should not enjoy visa free travel. Check their backgrounds, regulate the tourism. Let’s use some of the Brexit benefits ourselves.


You should ban us Barry's that can't behave. They ruin it for the rest of us and I'd like to less FULL ENGLISH SERVED HERE plastered everywhere.


If Spain would just ban all tourist groups with 4 or more men, those scenes would cease to exist. Change my mind.


There's not many things that infuriates me as much as people going to another country and being trash


Pieces of shit. Hope you will never come again to my land, you yellowteeths




Hear, hear!


The barries in this sub are good barries. Love you, barries in this sub (they dont come to Spain, redditors dont leave the basement)


Greatest warriors in the world. Such bravery


Crab people, crab people...


In the end we can see all the garbage ended up in the sea anyway.


We tried to save you.


Ah! Like this is ever a surprise… Barry goes everywhere and needs to prove he’s the boss. Rules don’t apply to him. He’s already living a very oppressed life back in the island, might as well go on holidays and shit on the locals like he rules the place. Doesn’t matter whether Barry is just an anonymous douche or a famous douche like those footballers going on holidays to the Greek islands punching people. Barry needs to prove he still rules anything because at home everything is going to shit. No one likes you, Barry. And no one likes this behavior, it’s disrespectful. We know this is hard, but have some manners, have some consideration, also take a shower (and wash your legs while you’re at it) and brush your teeth. Civilized and clean Europe says thank you.


There is no doubt - Brits abroad like this are disgusting scumbags who embarrass and bring shame on the rest of us. It is a certain type of Brit of which there are unfortunately too many. They tend to be from smaller cities and towns.


Pack of wankers, deserve to be deported and banned from entering the country ever again.


Barry at it again, leave Pedro alone


I live in Mallorca Pls help we are outnumbered, the Barrys and Hans are too many. I beg you Maybe making so that 80% of our economy is based off tourism wasn't such a good idea


Scum - put them in gaol pedro.


God i hate british


British being british. I’d be happy to see these idiots banned for life from Spain.


I swear, I seriously don't get how grown adults go to a foreign country and act like massive cunts. Like how hard is it to have some decency?


> I seriously don't get how grown [british] adults go to a foreign country and act like massive cunts are you really irish?


I thank Jesus I left England after 8 years of living there.


From the time Barry knew his strength and was able to hide his weaknesses: https://youtu.be/mdpIWZd9JmA?si=xSVrI-l7DfREZjTr Unfortunately Barry has gone from Beetles to Beat like hells.


Well that's not fair. It's a beach. Clearly they can go have a swim.


Barry and Manuel throwing fists while Sven (probably) is behind the camera. Sounds like a good time to me. Also, love how that guy in the water is protecting his beer as if his life depends on it. 100 % Barry.


Fighting chiringuito workers, even women, what a bunch of f.ing losers lol


That's not Barry, Barry is usually a friendly old man. This is a "Deano"


Time to revoke their visa's and send them back across the border of civilisation


I hope you all realise that we also hate these people. Disgrace to our nation, shit like this is why none of you will be my friend 😭


Least obnoxious, loud and inconsiderate british tourists.


Now I see why the Spanish don’t like the British. Our Brits in Portugal aren’t like this


Oh, I saw plenty of these type of cunts in Albufueira.


Something i’ve learned from my youghtful trips to spain is to exactly NOT do this. Spanish police or bouncers will mess you up hard


Getting called a brit on holidays must be like how it feels to be called a yank as a canadian