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Tour de fuck out the way


Choo choo kick mauzèrefoqueur


French people are something else. They don't even masturbate, they jaque off to Porneaux.


[tut tut fils de pute](https://youtu.be/C1uwwx2n3HU?si=n1yLwcjmCu_SlFnl)


I am crying with laughter


[Bouges chienne, sors de la voie](https://youtu.be/StdEPZaNPPI?si=UpXd-sgHOSvgpu5J)


Muh cow, get out the hay!


Bitch moooooooooove, get out of the hay.


Have my imaginary award: 🍟


Most tourist loving Pierre


Most polite Parisian


He did the right thing 


dude turned to swirve with the guy just to get in range for that kick, he must've wanted to do that for a while


To do a mean kick like that he must have stewed behind the two dudes, unable to pass for some time.


Definately not the city of love But either not the city of "i ride my bike like a fucking dumbass"


The city of 'I film and fuck around on a busy street'


In Amsterdam this would have happened within the first 2 seconds. They hate tourists on rental bikes.


Fucking tourists air


>They hate tourists on rental bikes. That's totally untrue. I love close passing idiot tourists on my racing bike and shouting and ringing at them in the last second. The only thing I miss is I'd love to have a rearview mirror to see the carnage.


They make those. Rear-view mirrors for bikes


I'd look like an idiot, or a tourist. I'll just satisfy my needs by savouring their cries & if I'm lucky the sounds of bones cracking.


You should mount a small camera, you would be able to both see it later as well as share and monetize. I would subscribe to that channel.


True Hollander entrepreneurship


This is the way.


[just get something that looks professional ](https://www.sportitude.com.au/p/take-a-look-cycling-rear-view-mirror-left?src=gglshp&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwydSzBhBOEiwAj0XN4JggUHXLOMfMapzbwToIjKAQgLrlAyewAovsHuvq4eVRSy2ANEs1oxoC6CEQAvD_BwE) Or weird enough it loops round to being professional


I can see the weird looks he’s gonna get if he wears one of these lmfao


Tbh you’ll look like a pensionado, not a tourist


Its our national sport.


At least the rental bikes make them easily recognizable..


Trying to get to work through thousands of people vacationing sucks


Kinda fitting, then, that we hate Dutch tourists in mobile homes! The circle closes! The Jin and the Jan! The harmony of hating each other! <3


Jin the Chinese and Jan the Dutch?


You clever mf lol


The funniest thing is, we have the same stereotype about Germans. There’s so many Germans, also those with campers and caravans, invading our coast every summer.


We hate people with slow campers and rental e-bikes in the higher mountains, too. But we won’t ride someone off the road because we can’t manage our emotions. The French guy’s un fils de Proust.


>They hate tourists on rental bikes. So they would prefer for you to steal a normal ass bike like the Dutch do? When I went there for a week on a school trip, people would drive their bikes to places, then take a bike that wasn't theirs when heading back home (as theirs was taken by someone else).


> So they would prefer for you to steal a normal ass bike like the Dutch do? Yes, that's why my grandpa did it while he was "visiting"


I think he just stole a normal ass


>They hate tourists on rental bikes. That and everybody else


I see you managed to pick up an important bit of our dutch bicycle culture. That's correct, altough sometimes you have to pay 10 euros as a service to steal a bike for you.


More like the city of "I ride someone else's bike like a fucking dumbass"


Who the fuck is Tshwane Jones?


Some dude who got bitchkicked off a bike


Damn, maybe it’s the Dutch special speaking but you guys really have a German sense of humour. Love it.


Apparently so


Sense of "humo**u**r" ... Yeah that's right


Hoe many German engineers do you need to change a light bulb? One, they are efficient and don’t have humour.


How many Belgian engineers do you need to change a light bulb? We have no idea, they don't exist and are used to walking in the shade of the Glorious Netherlands.


You stole my answer, Hans! That’s inexcusable example of lacking organisation. Please report to your nearest Minstry of Efficiency for your punishment.


Do we really need to go over this for the 500th time Hanspierre, humo**u**r.


He was just a skater boy Pierre said, "See you later, boy" He wasn't good enough for him He had a stupid shirt And got a kick that hurt He needed to come back down to earth ————- I definitely hope he is a better skater than a biker Not to defend Pierre, but to put this in perspective. Meanwhile in another country: Two cyclists were knocked of their bikes and one run over by a vehicle driving near Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. https://youtu.be/dzf7qLWb5zY?si=u1QPucwOyVdK34b5


Da fuq??? ![gif](giphy|lrVfmPJ96cSJJ39bTh|downsized)




> Tshwane Metropolitan area in which one of the capitals of South Africa (Pretoria) is part of. Now Tyshawn Jones is a professional skateboarder.


Never heard om him, but this video suggests that he’s an idiot influencer who got what he deserved.


Tyshawn Jones, two time winner of thrasher's skater of the year.


Ooooh, Tyshawn Jones. I was wondering who the hell was Tshwane Jones lmao


Supporting violence because you don't like someone is so common these days. Extremists do the same thing, thinking its justified because others deserve it.


Stop feeling guilty Hans, nazism is not your fault /s


Tbf there's a lot of shit lords, and they're often youtube/some influencers, that have never been punched or shamed for their behaviour. And it shows.


Tyshawn Jones is 2 times skater of the year, pretty respected in the skate scene, and yes he’s a new yorker


If he is from NY he should be used to people being angry in public if you are too slow.


So you're telling me he had it coming?


Some dude who should not be allowed to ride a bike.


some skateboarder, apparently he's won a couple competitions but that's all i can find on the guy


Ok they were hogging the line but a speedy takeover with an insult and/or an agressive plingpling would have been enough.


But thats normal French behavior. If you see an American then normal isn't sufficient anymore so he escalated.


Normal is already inefficient for filming people let alone filming American people the cant bike straight for shot


he was swirving so much that he couldn't be overtaken


Meh, sometimes you just have to teach people some manners


Sure, but no helmet (both are to blame on this) + falling from a bike is quite dangerous. Most of the time you'll just have scratches, but it takes one combination of angle, speed and place hit to be much more serious.


A brain injury on an American. Who’d notice.


No blaming people for lack of helmets in city riding, this is not a sports competition


He 100% could've gotten a concussion or worse


If that was me, i would have made it my mission to drive after him and beat him up. Can backfire. By the way I'm not staying I'm stronk fighter, but I'm an emotional asshole.


People in France are so welcoming 🥰


He didn't say Au Revoir when he left the boulangerie. Some things cannot be tolerated.


Worse : he said *bonjour* instead of Au revoir.


...I might be guilty.


I didn’t know it wasn’t supposed to be used like that I WILL be guilty


If he did say au revoir, the same would've happened because he said it with an accent




Tut Tut fils de pute


Toet toet hoerenzoon


I'm guessing he's an American who doesn't understand that cycling is traffic too and not some kind of toy? If you'd do this in America in a car I'd expect to have a gun pulled on you at some point.


This is why i love living in Poland and would never change it for any other country in the world. Nobody is mad here, all Polish mad guys went abroad and make westerners lives miserable instead


In The Netherlands we dont have any problems with Polish people. I mean they sit in a house meant for 4 people and cram in another 19 people, drink till they sleep, then work, and repeat the process. No time to be a dick


You forgot the trash the neighborhood and steal the local supermarket empty part tho.


Where I'm From (beautiful West-Friesland) they either way live in the most ghetto area in the area or they live in the middle of nowhere. And stealing that's just tradition I think brought over from the Romanians. And tbh they have polish supermarkets here so they mostly don't steal from us.


>In The Netherlands we dont have any problems with Polish people. We neither. The problems, like clogged toilets, started after they'd left.


Denmark learned that a little while ago when one of them assaulted the prime minister.


A while ago a drunk, presumably Polish, man ran out in front of me when I was cycling. I luckily managed to kind of shoulder charge him and miraculously stayed on my bike!


Can confirm. We have an endless parade of drunk Poles doing their homeless “tour de France”. Guaranteed accompanied by drunken brawls in the public square.


Bully with a victim complex indeed.


Never had a bad experience with a Polish guy in Norway. They’re hard working chill fellas.


Most major cities in the US have dedicated bike lanes and a lot of bicyclists, some of whom might do the same thing this Parisian did, especially to a tourist.


having two disjointed bike lanes does not count as infrastructure my dude


Baise autour et trouve dehors


Le plus multilingue Pierre


hihihihiihihihihiihihiihihihihihihi \*\* low-key cackling \*\*


If you block the path and go slow like an idiot while others commute or want to go places, be prepared for road rage. Extreme reaction form Piere, but I can relate.


WTF you can ring the bell for this, you don't have to go to extremes everytime Hans.


It's parisians you'r talking about. They only got 2 modes, "i'm chiling on a bar terrace" or "get the fuck out my way i got place to be".


I'm visiting here right now and I'm getting to the end of the week Honestly? Once you get over how intense your driving and biking is, people are ridiculously chill here - no one's honked at us once, and barely anyone has knocked into me unless we're condensed on the metros I've received way more grief in London in the same time span Parisians are ridiculously polite in comparison


They have a very good space awarness, so they bump into you only if they want to. That's mean you'r a good Barry and welcomed to visit again!


THis is the pattern for Italians. Life is taken at a meandering pace - but behind the wheel on city streets it suddenly speed overrides everything. The most minor of disruptions will cause immediate lane changes and car horns. Then, once the car is parked one slowly walks into the store and chats for a few minutes about lunch. Strangely, outside the ciy on the autostrada, many people drive well under 130 to save money on fuel.


[So basically like this.](https://youtu.be/mwPSIb3kt_4?si=-ikJ1wihnvZtCU6b)


Pretty much, but the Italian version has Topolino (Mickey Mouse) driving a topolino (Fiat 500) :)


Here is where you made the mistake: you compared it to London. You shouldve compared it to a civilized city. Like Vienna




I bought a "ring" for my bike that sounds like a car horn, it works great


A rude word or two? Maybe some wild gesticulation?


Thing is, believe it or not, but SOME foreigners actually like that attitude, and I personally like to focus on that haha One summer, I had British friends visiting in south of France, we did the thing of course, market day in Aix en Provence, followed by a lunch on one of those plazzas that have 70 bar/restaurants/tables areas per square metre. Peak lunch hour, the waiter approaches our table and handles the interaction in a very stereotypical French waiter manner, the sketch was writing itself and the lines and mannerisms were rehearsed to perfection. I handled the interaction but I knew that the second he'd be out of hearing distance, feedback would roll, I was particularly anxious as to what the British girl had to say... the Irish guy had lived abroad and in France for a while soooo yeah... he had time to adjust. and thus, her mouth opens: "You know what, I actually love the way French waiters handle things, I know it can be seen as a bit abrupt but I LOVE the lack of BS" Me: O\_O.... ok ahem, didn't think it'd go that way, I had already prepared my slides on cultural differences etc... but ok sure, go on O\_O (I also spend a lot of time here so I'm a bit traumaed by you guys). Her: "yeah and like, he comes, he's efficient, he's to the point, he's got shit to do, many tables etc... he doesn't have time for our BS, so we tell him what we want and he processes that, ultimately that's what should happen. I'm so tired of the fakeness in the UK (and she proceeded to describe something akin to the infamous US style of customer service, the smile etc... but on a lighter scale), so yeah, it may be a bit rough but I prefer it, it leaves no room for shallow behaviour on the customer and employee's side. If anything, it makes me more embarrassed to not speak French, because I wish I could do my part in terms of efficiency instead of being another one of these slug-ass tourist that they probably want to set on fire, I mean, right now, you're here to translate but you know etc..." So yeah, needless to say, I like those friends.


I’ll take genuine antipathy over fake friendliness any day


Yeah, that was her point I guess like "I'm sure he can be, or at least, I prefer to assume he can be a lovely man...; but he's also human and FUCK THAT SHIT, I'll be as efficient as I can be as a customer because what do I truly want here? A nice fake interaction .... OR MY FUCKING STEAK-FRITE ASAP BECAUSE ME HUNGRY"


The fake American smile creeps me out.


Also, I'll add to this that I have been living in France for the past 3 years (long story short, first time doing that as an adult) ... and yet again, believe it or not, things are changing. I mostly have nice interactions, but the ratio remains true, out of 10, for 7 lovely customer/employee interactions, I do come across 3 that absolutely fit the cliché, like "oooooookaaay, I see someone woke up today and chose "VA TE FAIRE FOUTRE" as a mantra, well so be it." Because, I'm not a "good" French person, I am very conditioned by foreign perceptions of us, so I am genuinely always like surprised and amused (like a foreigner would) when I have nice interactions "oh wow, so not my people, but ok, I like that too, I can handle that too, in fact, I welcome the reduced hostility" Also, Paris is Paris, and will forever remain in its own league, one that I don't have much interest in anyway, but even there, I went last October and I avoided all form of interaction with the autochthones (besides the friends I visited at the same occasion), but the ONE I had with that old rich lady went very well. She said "Hello" to me, I was shook.


i like it. i want my interaction with waiters to be minimal and efficient as well. mostly that's what you get in swedistan as well i think, but in a more introverted tone.




That, plus you know the whole "French people are amongst the people doing the least work hours per week but somehow they're like as efficient as the average" YEAH ... coz we WANT TO CHILL, we want to get to that point of the day with the wine and cigarette, yeah that's a cliché but you can replace the wine and cigarette with something else and it all still stands. That's also why they go in the street if the retirement age takes an extra 2 years, they fought in the past for it to be a thing and right now, the government is ruining chill time. Ok then, let's burn some shit. I feel like I'm barely caricaturing if I'm honest. It's just how it feels, as an observant.


Ameritard reaction "I gOt It On CaMerA" no one cares Corey - it's France not "**U S**ue-everyone **A**"


He most likely went directly to the police station and showed the officers his video only for them to laugh in his face : "have you pre-filed your complaint online?" "You're at the wrong commissariat de Police, go to this police station at the other side of Paris, they are specialists for handling road incidents" "We don't take complaints unless you have a doctor's certificate"


have to love frenchies for that!




Well done


Wtf I love Paris now


I went on a trip with school in the netherlands when i was 12, the teacher told us "if you get in an accident with a bike, no matter what, it's YOUR fault. You can cry all you want that he didnt stop, it's your fault for being in the way" and that stuck with me ever since


How else do you think natural selection works here. It actually is a three staged process. Under eighteen awareness and intelligence gets tested on the bike paths, like you were tested. Congrats on surviving. Then past that, drunk biking is the next great filter. Nothing brings out the dutch in you as biking home drunk after a night out on town. Some might hit ditches or canals but the fit survive The third stage is the heigth filter, but it has fallen into disuse because we have gotten too strong in our war against water. Used to be the small people would drown when there was an flood... But seriously, respect for your teacher, he said the best thing he could to get it through that most people on bikes will fuck you up if you get in their path




I thought the above average height of Hollanders was an evolutionary necessity for them to reach for the trees because of the bad quality of their food and the smell of their cheese


I mean, he was slow as fuck and zigzaging blocking the way. Pierre is way out of line, but I can understand the feeling underneath it. Also, skater who?


Even google doesn't know who Skater Tshwane Jones is, kick 100% deserved.


I'm not sure how they screwed up the captions that badly but his name is Tyshawn Jones.


Why can't he ride straight?


He is American?


American Car brains can't comprehend that bicycles are modes of transport in Europe and not toys like they are across the pond.


Motherfucker was about to crash into the native. He just defended himself. It's what this influencer piece of shit gets for not driving straight. I'm from Copenhagen, and I've kicked a tourist who was about to pull into me when they didn't look where they were going. Better they get hurt than me. They're the one who did the traffic infraction. Fucking hate tourists who can't bike. They need to use their legs instead.


Only thing worse is if they get on an electric scooter... Those should just be kicked off for thinking that is a vehicle you can bring into any form of traffic. Those morons overtake without looking back to see if anyone is overtaking them.


Then you woke up, right Chad?


It is funny, because as another dane, I saw the situation exactly like you. Influencer starts turning left and give sign. Pierre overtakes first idiot, is about to overtake influencer, when he decide to swerve back into the lane and Pierre. So Pierre gac him a good old, “stay away” kick.


This special Pierre is probably of the opinion that America has never really thanked him enough for the statue of liberty, isn’t he, or did he get lost while getting a croissant to go in Spain.


Batman is doing some extra hour to make sure cycling path are safe from muricans


Id love to get the context for that act, im pretty sure this guy is not as innocent as he tries to appear


Exactly, ppl in Paris aren’t the most welcoming but they don’t really assault ppl for no reason


I mean, with a name like Tshwane he is asking to be kicked off


A Czech making fun of a name? I’ve seen it all.


quick drawed that punk bitch lmao


Line of people trying to get to work behind those 2 clowns filming and worried about making content of their vacations. We can clearly see that they're 2 stupid Americans that ignore the concept of cycling lanes. Specially him being from New York and being a skater used to fuck around with no repercution whatsoever. Glad Pierre taught him a lesson. He will probably go back to the New World and tell his bros that Europeans actually use cycling lanes as a real traffic lane and they will not believe him for a second.


Based frog


Dude is fucking around in traffic instead of hugging the right, so others can pass. No, he should not be kicked like that. Police should be called, and they should summary execute him for such uncivilised behavior. At least Pierre is doing something about this cunt. Learn basic bike culture!


Dumb Americans acting dumb. I get you, anonymous Parisian hero guy.


Why did it take so long for him to get kicked? In my city he would have gotten that reaction for even thinking about riding a bike…


Riding like a fucking moron.. And crossing while the light is red. And the camera person is most likely also driving fucked up.. Get off the bike if you want to see the sites. Bike lanes are not for tourist.. Don't film and drive, just like in a car. Just be glad the French don't carry guns. If he drove like that back in America he would be shot.


I hate Paris but I love this, almost killing US* tourists is important


A Yank riding bike in Paris, isn't it? Totally understandable why he was kicked like that


Most tourist friendly french


Who tf is called tshwane


The Tshwane Metro (Pretoria in South Africa) is a dogshit place. Why do you want to name your child after it?


That skater is getting taught how to bike the fast and hard way.


Not that i approve of the violence, but he fucked around and found out.


Baisa autour et trouva dehors. Simple comme.


Not completely unjustified. Hogging the lane, swerving in and out of the lane, cycling dangerously slow for someone who is swerving in and out of the lane, the person with him behind is doing the exact same.


Yeah fully warranted reaction. This ameritard thinks he is the main character and has no regards for other traffic. Is creating a dangerous situation. He got what he deserved and after the act still doesn't understand he was in the wrong. Please Ameritards don't come to our beloved continent. Thank you in advance.


Well done Pierre, well done.


Sorry was late to work


Avg ebike user in the netherlands.


Pierre casually every time he hears an Americano.


play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Choo choo mf, I gotta go buy my baguette!


Not liking someone doesn't mean anyone allowed to kick someone. People cry about criminals in big cities or how rude people are in big cities but they also ok with violence they approve.


"smiling? Having fun?? Around me??? A PARISIEN?!??? NO! NOT ALLOWED!" Typical parisien, can't use his words like a big boy so resorts to a sly sucker kick from behind before a very hasty retreat to go home and cower in his €7000pcm broom closet in the 11th to try and wrestle the last of his stale baguette from the many rats that have taken over his place. Honestly. Paris would be so lovely if not for the locals.


In Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love, they'd have also stolen the bike.


Paris, the city that smell like shit.


It's no wonder Paris Syndrome is real https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_syndrome >Paris syndrome is a cluster of psychiatric symptoms exhibited by some individuals when visiting Paris, that can be viewed as a severe form of culture shock. >The syndrome is characterized by symptoms such as acute delusional states, hallucinations, feelings of persecution derealization, depersonalization, anxiety, as well as psychosomatic manifestations such as dizziness, tachycardia, sweating most notably, but also others, such as vomiting. >the disorder is caused by positive representations of the city in popular culture, which leads to immense disappointment as the reality of experiencing the city is very different from expectations: tourists are confronted with an overcrowded and littered city and a less than welcoming attitude by French hospitality workers like shopkeepers, restaurant and hotel personnel


Which affects a tiny number of people i can count on my fingers every year, out of a number of tourists i Can most definitely not count on my fingers.


I hope the commenters who support the incident get kicked in the face for something mildly annoying.


Most polite person in France


Oh no... https://preview.redd.it/xigra3qvhw7d1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=c88020a5f25edac477623548dced6b8059250293


The answer: Oui


Skater who ? That being said that was a very extreme answer, I wonder what he did before the video. But regardless, that was dangerous, especially to someone without a helmet, so I'm really not a fan of that kick. Even if he behaved like a complete douche, a few insults while passing by should have been enough.


Whether he’s right or wrong, people justifying kicking someone off a bike on a busy street is wild.


[*Every day I ride the Tour de FUCK YOU!*](https://youtu.be/hgCqz3l33kU?si=A3gJ-mOfNh9TcqC1)


They like it a little rough I see 


Looks like it was a doctor or scientist with the kick.


Amazing technique, respect Pierre




Can’t wait for all the shits and giggles we’ll get with the olympics 😂😂


When I was a tourist in Paris, I hated other tourists with a passion. I completely understand the mindset.


*Mortal Kombat announcer* WELL DONE!




Bike like a normal human


"I got it on camera motherfucker" And yet there is very little to identify that person and you did absolutely fuck all to chase him down and avenge your friend.


I'm glad he got in on camera. That's a good example.


Man rides like an absolute turd tho. Kudos for the fr*nchman


i support the hatred towards yanks


The new Road Rash trailer looks very cool.


Most polite Parisian 🤣


calmest parisian when spotting a tourist


I would also kick someone named Tshwane, wtf is that name? American i suppose