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"northern Ireland belongs to Ireland now" \*Looks at bill. Hold on a second there now.


What’s not to like? 💣 🚗  Two very modern, stable-minded and peaceful sets of lads, beloved by all in both our countries. 


Just scoot north Ireland over to us. We are already broke.


theyd fit in well, Northern Irish are essentially portable volcanoes the way they blow everything up


And how are you with sectarian violence?


Well we already have a church of Æsir. I'm sure they'll get along famously.


The English: https://preview.redd.it/czdntc4qrz7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d20bd9a7df678785f1f7f3ef361e9da6f8e473df


The explosions from the resulting car bombings is what detached Scotland in the first place


That's just a tumour, just like Denmark is.


But with whiskey 👌🏻


And hot men going commando in kilts.


Right? 👍🏻👍🏻


You have my vote!


And my bow!


And my vodka! No wait...


And my axe


And my circular saw


Agreed, we should put it where the Netherlands currently are instead


There’s a large cavity of 30,689 square kilometers just South of us, how about that?


Yeah, of course you can move south. Scots will be grateful.


Let's not act like your country isn't actively growing in size by literally lifting itself off the ground (not making this up btw)


Post glacial rebound is the best nederländerna will live up to their name and we will rise above the rising sea.


\*cough\* well ... if our "country" is growing in size it will magically lift itself off the ground. Do not underestimate the size of Denmark


Silly Finn, look at Denmark again. It's a nisse (Jylland) getting hit in the stomach by a football (Fyn) kicked by a leg (Sjælland and Lolland-Falster) and then a tiger is jumping on them as well (Norway and Sweden)


Bro had some of the good stuff in his foreskin before his evening smoke


Batman getting head from a fish


Not another one! Pls one Denmark is one too many already! Then again whisky… ok just one more.


Don’t worry, they don’t speak Danish in Scotland. It’ll probably be endurable


You hit the nail on the head there!


If Denmark is the trusty hat, what are you? The pipe?


How did you found out? Damn. I was just about to say that we, Danes, [would welcome the Scotts ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InTgD_9DB3I&list=RDGMEMQ1dJ7wXfLlqCjwV0xfSNbA&index=2)with open arms and open throats.


Denmark IS solified cum from the Nordick


Classic continentals forgetting that Wales exists again smh


and not knowing the border, theyve lumped us with Edinburgh


Ahra, sure we all know it get more English(pejorative) the closer you get to London. Ye nordies are practically Scots(complimentary)


I thought London was basically a foreign country now and you needed to leave it to encounter the English


It’s ours now sorry


It's full of English pensioners. And since possession is 9/10ths of the law I think it's technically England now.


Nei, that's just a moment we stop pretending there's such a thing.


Or Northern England is as culturally different to Southern England as Scotland or Wales are.


Same with us but it happens all the time, I think we either got lumped in with them or got washed away during the great migration of land.


Oh Man that sucks


I feel like even Barry’s forget that Wales exists, I mean what’s the last impressive thing Wales has done in the 20’th and 21’st century, other than the their impressively long city names that make Icelandic road names look legible.


Mate, you were celebrating a 1:1 draw with Barry as if it were a win so you're basically Scottish right now. You should treat Wales with more respect.


If anyone thinks simply giving Northern Ireland to Ireland overnight won't immediately result in civil violence, they are terrifyingly ignorant of Northern Irelands political landscape.


It’ll be fine ![gif](giphy|3o75203f8flqxkEyYg|downsized)


United Ireland celebrations ![gif](giphy|dAVLtOPb0JeIE)


Sounds good to me. It's unfortunate that Scotland already voted to stay with us but hopefully they'll vote correctly next time


If only they’d let us vote too, we’d have punted the cunts into the north sea


Build the wall! Build the wall!


What happens to Wales in all of this?


It's given back to the sheep!


Wales back to the Whales, sink them into the Irish Sea


They seem to have included Wales in the map. The old definition of ‘Kingdom of England’ I suppose. Plus, Wales also voted for Brexit. 


Sent over to the Falkland Islands so we can watch the Argies try and claim it too.


Scottish footy fans do a heckin wholesome and Hans becomes a shortbread-shagging kiltaboo Get a grip


Its just the completely unknown phenomenon of english speakers being ***nice*** for once.


What about the Kiwis and the Canadians?


My gaze does not extend past the border of this splendid continent. into the realm of the barbarians.


Could we at least get an honourable mention?




Believe me, all Brits will want to piss on her grave. Plus, you might wanna speak to the Northern Irish about that reunion - just a thought.


I always find it strange that so many people who know she was elected 3 times not *that* long ago still assume the whole country hates her. I know plenty of Brits who semi-worship her


Thatcher is such a strange figure, she was obviously elected 3 times for a reason, obviously a very intelligent woman I mean just listen to her speak. Equally very very unpopular and viewed very negatively by a large portion of the population and for very good reason. She simultaneously represents a better and far worse time in British politics.


Going to war with Argentina was pretty based as well


I think it was the other way around those cunts wanted your island and you told them to fuck off.


I'm not old enough to remember her being in charge, but I feel like she was a strong leader even if her politics were awful.


People seem to forget how awful the 70s were in Britain. The 3 day work week, the strikes and the trade unions having a total chokehold on British politics. Thatcher came in and stopped all that. Add on the Falklands war victory meant she was very popular at the time. I’m not defending thatcher, but it’s very easy to see why she was popular, especially with southern England.


The country did need a hard swing in the other direction, yeah. How she went about it is of course another matter but she did have some major positive effects as well. 


Because hating Thatcher has become a shallow asthetic in recent years. Most people who make jokes about pissing on her grave weren't born until after she was PM and can't list a single one of her policies from 15 years except for "she closed the mines and drank all my milk!!!!!!!" It's not that surprising that someone who was reelected twice with majority governments was actually pretty popular at the time.


Selling everything of value this country had to make people feel rich for 20 years is a pretty good reason for younger people to dislike her. We'll be the ones paying it all back and living far worse lives than generations before us.


What she sold off was losing value, which they actually gained after privatisation.


Yeah, we're totally living way worse lives than people in the 70s and 80s. Anyone can see it! Except for all the people who lived through the 70s and 80s, I mean.


I am one of those and saw the ‘money, money, money’ attitude all around me. The jingoism around the Falkland War. Even a general buzz of having our first female leader (despite the ‘that bloody woman’ aspect). The ineptitude of any opposition and the perception that they would stifle these glorious days of British recognition. It was fortunate timing for her that she caught the buzz from these things as elections came by. But her actions - that of bullying her beliefs into her cabinet and the nation - were thankfully thwarted from within and we had a level-headed PM take over. Looking back, she allowed the UK to become the rich man’s playground and to help with anyone who doesn’t have the opportunity, social standing or contacts to make money. The catalyst to end-stage Capitalism. Abhorrent policies such as Section 28. It’s not like every single action she made was to our detriment but by god, the majority were and owing to her bloody-mindedness. You only need to hear her say ‘we have become a grandmother’ in that brief interview to see just how megalomaniacal she’d become. Ding dong, the witch is dead!


Thatcher was perfectly level-headed, most of the time.


In that she knew what she was doing, yes.


Don't gey *me* wrong. There's plenty of reason not to like Thatcher and her policies, but most people online who make a big deal about hating Thatcher are just doing it because its fashionable and they don't really know what they're talking about.


I mean, I get you, and it’s an aesthetic, but I don’t think that people using her name online are utterly disconnected from her policies. At the very least anyone sharing a meme referencing thatcher understands her on some level, even if they misattribute the privatisation of the trains to her.


Her policies have been diluted almost beyond recognition now. She can't be blamed for the policies enforced by subsequent governments.


My point being that the least knowledgeable people posting about her online at least have some idea why they dislike her, even if they are wrong about the specifics. I’m not saying that you can blame the specific implementation of the privatisation of the trains on her, but it likely wouldn’t have happened at all if she had not spent the prior decade doing/talking about doing the same thing with many other industries.


Thatcher wasn't PM in the 70s you melt Fortunes started looking up once she found oil and flogged it all to pay for tax cuts and public services. That's oil we could have used for a sovereign wealth fund. Now we're a trillion in debt and no one young can afford to buy the ex-council houses they flogged off cheap to everyone with right to buy (and also spent that money). Now we're paying through the nose for the pensions for those same people, more than half of them millionaires.


So Margret Thatcher Bacame PM in a time of financial crisis and by the time she left office the economy was at an all time high and house prices stayed low and stable for the next decade. But that's not good enough because 30 years and 14 governments later, houses have gotten more expensive which is definitely because of her 1980s policies and has nothing to do with a global financial crisis that started 5 years ago.


House prices started exploding at the end of the 90s. She only left the economy at an all time high because she sold the family silver and all our oil to boost it short term, leaving us all poor once the finance bubble burst. We're poorer than the rest of the west once again, and we have even less to show for it because we don't even have our industry or council housing stock. But at least some old people will leave £400k houses to their almost retired kids, yay!


Actually no, she boosted it long term, hence the longest period of economic growth in the history of the British economy.


She was PM for most of 1979, you melt. Anyway, oil was already found before she took over. There was no precedent for a sovereign wealth fund in any country at the time.


Move her grave to Liverpool and they'll piss on her all day long.


Or any other Northern town/city, just move her every week or two so everyone gets a turn.


Even the ones where she won votes in the many thousand?


That's the effect of Militant's propaganda for you.


Glad I don’t hang round with you then. She is less popular than dog-shit pie where I’m from


Where are you from? Unless you're from Northern Ireland, she won votes in every single part of the country.




She won in Manchester Withington twice.


Almost 40 years ago lol. Withington is hardly representative of the whole of Manchester, but congratulations on reaching a loooooong way to make your point.


The party under her still came second or third pretty much everywhere else in Manchester.


I'm not a Thatcherite if that's what you mean. But I have met a lot of people in my life, not all of whom I agreed with (imagine!), and I've even left my birthplace of Bristol, gosh. Can help to meet people outside one's bubble rather than demonising people even if they've just met some differently thinking older people in their lives outside said bubble. > Glad I don't hang around with you then. Bit of a childish, narrow-minded and cunty comment there. But maybe you're a charmer in real life. Cheers.


Nope I’m a bit of a prick in person too. Especially to patronising wankers


They literally said *all* Brits want to piss on her grave. In the country that literally voted her in three times. I said I've met Brits who wouldn't. You then say 'Glad I don’t hang round with you then', which is an unfunny, stupid and cuntish attack. Yeah, I'm clearly the wanker here.


*pedantic wanker


Oh go and play with your action figures


Already am doing. GI Joe is pissing on Thatcher’s grave as we speak


It was Tories and the middle classes that voted for her then and still worship her now. The working class tend to despise her.


She's the reason so many in the working class graduated to the middle class.


She's especially hated by far more people in Northern England than in Scotland.


That's just because Scotland has fewer people.


"all Brits" *laughs in three general elections*


Hindsight is a wonderful thing.


Her popularity stands the test of time.


I mean, Blair won three general elections and wasn’t forced to resign by his own cabinet. But in my lifetime I have hardly heard anyone feel so strongly against his contribution to our country as I’ve heard against Thatcher’s. Anecdotal, sure, but the opinions/upvotes in this very post seem pretty clear for a start.


Blair actually *was* forced to resign by Gordon Brown's supporters, who were rapidly growing in number. The opinions/upvotes here are hardly representative of popular opinion.


I mean, he had plenty of time between announcing intention to resign and doing so once he’d weighed his options. Compared to having your own party realising that you are not the right leader for this country, suddenly quitting and making devastating speeches in the commons. I’d say the two decisions to step down were via rather different circumstances.


Yet she still had more time in office than Blair.


Nah Thatcher was the 🐐


Someone who lowered her eyes and butt her head into what she wanted regardless of outcome.


Yes, the country needed that.


howre your energy bills?


howre your taxes?


could be better, itd be nice to not have the highest tax burden in 70 years due to the tories


70 years ago, everything was nationalised.


then it was all sold off by thatcher to provide sort term funds for tax breaks for boomers, and now look how much it costs to use anything. There's no reason other than thatcher that our trains are not as cheap as Pierre's, id rather pay 50s taxes and have the state do something than pay it and get nothing in return


She didn't privatise trains.


her party following in her footsteps did


Agree with you on Northern Ireland, but thatcher was the greatest prime minister since Churchill.


By which you mean the first PM since Churchill to let sovereign British territory be invaded by a hostile foreign power, presumably?


So we're just forgetting Rhodesia?


And the first pm since Churchill to defeat a hostile invader, and the first one in history to do it with no air to air casualties


You she wasn't actually flying the Harriers off Invincible, right?


Nor was Churchill.


Oh nooo, please don't, everybody in England would hate this , you'd make us all so upset if you took Scotland AND N Ireland off our English hands . Please I'm begging.


Beautiful, just beuatiful🥲


Now Denmark has a friend to play with :)


Can we push England to like Cabo Verde? The weather is similar to summer in Spain so Barry would not try to emigrate.


that doesn't seem very fair to the welsh


You should place England further South. Now that you've put them even further North, they are more like to have fokki fokki time in Spain


Okay, Scottish people, now you have to prepare for a tourist invasion of Germans every summer.


HEY! NOT FAIR! We want to piss on thatchers grave as well!


Not liking the "England moved further away" bit. That rock is a good barrier for storms coming our way. We can move the English further away though...


Tried that already. Ended up with the United States. Not sure we should have another teenager like that again.


But my flight to Benidorm will take longer!


How will Ireland pay all those DLAs?


They’ll sell Northern Ireland


But North-Western Northern Ireland also wanted to leave: https://preview.redd.it/yoii34sa008d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5dfbe15be739ddd6aeedb530ccef3ce81551f9a


I'm OK with Scotland being out new neighbours, but I do have a minor point of constructive criticism. The place where it attaches is Eemshaven. That place we can in principle do without, except for the LNG terminal there that imports 8 billion m3 of natural gas per year. That installation is essential for Europe.


But Germany and us get on very well :(


TF you doing with our islands?!


We aren't fit to rule the north yet. Needs a few more generations for the trauma to disappear.


the old germany with its old habits is dead forever, no worries.


Hey what about us. Don't leave us out.


imagine Ragnar's dissapointment




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Free real estate


I'm in


We don't want the brits this close to our waters. We already fought them in the Cod-wars, we don't want a repeat of that. Edit: Put it further into the middle of the Atlantic and we have a deal


Wow. You just achieved world peace.


Push England next to Svalbard pls. Let them get the polar bears and lights they deserve.


Why Germany tho, why not the coast of Norway? We friends, we not gonna invade them.


Attaching to us? Did we give Scotland Stockholm syndrome during that game recently?


This sounds like an absolute win


Problem solved


Can you move us next to Portugal instead please?


Why border germany/scotland ? Stuck them right to us in the north or stuck them to the dutchies.


We dont want more weird speaking people up north our country


I'm not happy, now I live near the Dutch.


Continentals always make Irish reunification sound so simple. It’s not as easy as just “take the English away” unfortunately


Like losing the anchor from a leaking ship.


Sounds reasonable, you have my vote.


I vote aye


If we try to annex, it’s not out of hate, it is out of love to you Scottish people and your culture🇩🇪🤝🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Too late. Instructions unclear. Lancasters are heading to Hamburg, Dresden and Berlin.


Barry don’t be jealous we like your northern neighbors way more than your kind, they are actually civilized


The Scots are cool, I'm in favour of this.




João, how could you? :’(


I miss the fucking Scots so much, man. They were our boys, like


A mate once told me we colonised the Irish so hard that it caused integer overflow. I think about that a lot.


I'm going to Google that and come back to you in an hour or so


How's the head


You've been an independent nation for over 100 years paddy, there's no whinin' about it now! Start singing God save the King and we'll think about letting you back in the Union. We'll start singing Ode to joy and maybe they'll let us into the European one :I


What after yous colonised the Picts and then tried to do the same thing to Wales and Eastern England?


Paddy doesnt know his own history 😭 how do he Scot’s always get away with their crimes by just blaming them on us 😭


Ahahah the downvotes. English raging about our Celtic brotherhood.


I'd be disgusted if they didn't, tbh


Right, I'm moving to Scotland. I don't want to sound American, but I'm 1/4 Scottish, so I should be considered Scottish, right?


You can move to Scotland now, there is nothing stopping you.


Oh I know I can go, but I just don't know whether I'd fit in.


The verses of the Anthem. **Verse 1:** God save our gracious King, long live our noble King, God save the King! Send him victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us, God save the King. **Verse 2:** O Lord our God arise, scatter our\* enemies, and make them fall! Confound their politics, frustrate their knavish tricks, on Thee our hopes we fix, God save us all. **Verse 3:** Not in this land alone, but be God's mercies known, from shore to shore. Lord make the nations see, that men should brothers be, and form one family, the wide world over. **Verse 4:** From every latent foe, from the assassins blow, God save the King. O'er his thine arm extend, For Britain's sake defend, our Father, prince, and friend, God save the King. **Verse 5:** Thy choicest gifts in store, on him be pleased to pour, long may he reign. May he defend our laws, and ever give us cause, to sing with heart and voice, God save the King. **Verse 6:** Lord grant that Marshal Wade, may by thy mighty aid, victory bring. May he sedition hush, and like a torrent rush, rebellious Scots to crush. God save the King! Verse 6 is often omitted. It was added as a prayer for the success of Field Marshal George Wade's army, which was assembling at Newcastle in 1745 to defend against the Scottish Uprising, led by Bonnie Prince Charlie.


Hmm who owns them oil fields the Scots had out at sea?