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As someone who had issues with drooping eyelids and other skin sagging issues, I tried lots of non-surgical techniques. After spending thousands without any real results, I consulted a cosmetic surgeon. He did the surgery, right in his clinic, under local anesthesia. I spent more before surgery. I wish I had not wasted time and money. If money is an issue, there are plans for payments.


Completely agree with this. Especially with necks, just do the lift


wait you can do a neck lift under local?


What surgeries did you have done?


Eyelids (blepahroplasty), underchin liposuction, and eyebrow lift for symmetry. $6K. I now have ozempic face, so when I reach my goal weight and my face has settled some, I will probably have some procedures again. Honestly, it is worth a consultation.


Only 6k for all surgeries combined?


Where did you go? This price seems good.


There’s no way this was in the US.


It was local anesthesia, so not surgical fee or anesthesia cost. Those add thousands. Also, if she bundled them that would save money as well.


I’d disagree. Just chin lipo is encroaching 5k now Edit: shocking news to us all, I was wrong


I had chin lipo like 2 months ago under local anesthesia for 2700


Damn! What state?


Yes, things an are certainly more expensive. I had chin lipo about 12 years ago for $1500 using local.


Or Canada. I wish!


You got all of that, for 6K total!? I guess if it’s all part of the same surgical process? I def agree, if that’s the case.


Where did you go to have all of that done for $6k?


Did you go to Mexico?


What surgery did you do?


What was the cause of your eyelid sagging? I am noticing this very slightly on certain days and I think ptosis is coming on


Age. Genetics. I just had mine removed


You removed your eyelids 😳


I also want to know which surgery??


Agreed. And all these comments about her skin looking dry and that being the issues are driving me mad. Dry skin doesn’t cause sagging like this.


Actually, I’m 41 and have some sagging and crepey-ness in that area and hydration absolutely dictates how severe it is. Days that I drink tons of water and slather on the heavy cerave cream, the wrinkles are barely noticeable.




Tripling this! 40 with freckles and being dry absolutely exacerbates everything!


I am in my late 40s and have very good skin but sometimes see some crepey-ness. I definitely see a difference by upping water and using something very hydrating. I started using Neostrata neck cream a week ago and am shocked at what a difference it made. Sometimes, there is an easy solution... With that said, if surgery is what will make you feel more confident, and you can find a way to make it work, why not??? That is what it it for.


Like everyone else said, what surgery? I have a wicked droopy eye, and at 39 I know it's going to get to the point where it stops me opening my eye all the way.


If this is the case and it blocks vision, I have heard others have gotten the lift paid for by insurance as it was medically necessary!


This is what I am hoping for but I know I don't qualify yet, it isn't *that* bad, just bad enough to make self self conscious and feel like I look old.


Ah same here. 37. Just the right eye.


Me too. Certain angles in photos I feel like an ogre! But nobody notices in person. (Except me)


Yes my Mommom got this done covered by insurance!


I think there was a post awhile ago about how if it comes on suddenly, you should have your thyroid checked. I didn’t stop thinking about it and did get my thyroid checked because of this issue. I was ok, I’m just old, but it might be worth checking out just in case.


Just so nobody freaks out, I have this too (slightly milder) and my thyroid is absolutely fine


Yup same! I have this too. 34. Thyroid checked recently, all good, simply aging in places I didn’t expect I guess lol.


Same thing I thought of


Do not also worry that you have some new health problem. This is not a goiter. Your thyroid is toward the base of your neck and would be swollen and tight. Also, you'd be v sick. A more telling cosmetic sign of hypothyroid would be thinning eyebrows, particularly the outer portion of your eyebrows.


I have a hypothyroid and I do have this loose neck skin. I attribute it to the weight I lost when I went onto levothyroxin. I used to have a double chin and I put on about 25 lbs before I figured out I had a thyroid problem. Lost the weight and gained some loose skin. But my mother and both my grandmothers and my aunt on my fathers side have this loose neck. I am feeling like it is a fact of life and I have stopped crying over it. If I straighten my back and keep my chin up, it goes away. I also use my RLT mask and NIRA device on it everyday along with extending all my facial serums and creams down to the base of my neck. Also- helps to have a resting soft smile face instead of a resting bitch face. Whenever I think about it...


Interesting. My mom had thyroid cancer (Hashimoto’s) and her neck never looked like this. The goiter didn’t appear like loose skin, it was thicker? Her tumors were inoperable but I had a teacher with a scar from thyroid surgery — it was lower. In a few weeks I’ll be 40 and my neck does this. I’ve lost ~80 lbs in the last 6 years and suddenly my neck started to look like this! The skin has become loose and I’ve noticed the elasticity is starting to go lol. Keep up your skincare routine but protect yourself from the sun as well! Dryness is the enemy. If you haven’t had your thyroid checked, I also would just in case, to rule anything out.


Mine came on suddenly why thyroid?


I guess this can be a symptom of a thyroid issue. I don’t know the ins and outs of it medically, but another poster about this issue was encouraged to check it out


Is it the crepey neck that’s the sign or the saggin under the chin? Mines the crepey neck


I have hashimotos thyroidosis and I just noticed this on myself too. No idea why it happened but it’s comforting to know it’s not aging


This comment makes me a little sad, that it’s preferable that changes in skin be a result of chronic illness rather than aging


Kind of crazy IMO. I have it due to being older and glad it's nothing health-related!


I can’t believe you got downvoted for this lol. The delusions!!


Yeah I really feel this! I’ve been having random issues recently, like extremely dry eyes, etc, and it’s the opposite for me.. I’m hoping I’m just getting old. I really don’t want to deal with another health condition.


I can totally see this by the way I worded it! For me, I feel like I've advocated a lot for myself and my health and I'm actively treating my hashimotos. The idea that I'm continuing to get healthy and it could resolve itself is comforting.


I have an underactive thryroid and hashimotos and definitely don't have this (I turn 35 this year). My mum has had an underactive thyroid since she turned 40 and is now in her 60s. She only developed the sagging neck over time with age. I think it may just be from aging and nothing to do with having thyroid issues.


yeah same


I’m 40 and have had it since i was a kid, and i dont have that on the neck either. If sagging neck is the only thing that makes you think you have a thyroid issue, it probably isn’t that.


This needs to be higher up.


Oh my god, this makes so much sense. I got turkey neck about the same time I got Graves and Hyperthyroidism. I think it's better now and I'm about to get some chin lipo, but man, that's crazy. I bet you're right.


My endocrinologist looked at my neck and said "oh, we have to add sleep apnea to your problem list". So getting that looked at too.


I have a bunch of big ass nodules on my thyroid (5cm is the biggest) and my neck doesn’t look like this! It’s kinda thicc but no dimples. Silver lining I guess 😕


Your skincare routine stops at your nipples. Your chest and neck (décolletage) get a ton of sun exposure throughout your life. Don't neglect it during your normal facial regime.


Why did I just yell, _To the nipples!_


Take it to the tits!


To the nipples, To the tits! Way down to my bits. ‘Til allll my skincare’s lit.


I want to print this and put it on my mirror.


Then I'll do it again, and not give a shit!


I just can’t stop laughing at this, good job 🤣👏


To the nipples To the wall Till the sweat drops down my balls Ah skeet skeet motherfucker Ah skeet skeet goddamn


It’s a little disturbing that every time I think of this song I’m like, “Awww, this is what my friends and I loved to dance to in 8th grade 😌” But fr great memories




Ya know, I try to do this, but my face products always make my neck and chest break out. It took me years to find what worked for my face. What on earth can I do if my face products make my body break out? I simply cannot invest the same amount of time, money, and effort into finding even more products.


Gold bond crepe corrector works amazingly well on mine.


I use the GB chest and neck, and agree it's great!


Same here! I just started using it about a week ago and I'm already seeing a difference on my neck.


If what works for your face doesn't work for the rest, just experiment and find what does. Moisturizing your skin is the easiest way to push back the creep of time. Even if you use 5.99 Udder Cream. If it works for your skin and moisturizes it, go for it. There is no rule to say you must use a toner, an emulsion, a moisturizer, etc.; you know your skin better than anyone. I cannot use toners more than twice a week, I can't use witch hazel anymore, and if I wash my face two days in a row with CeraVe foaming face wash my Roseaca turns my cheeks into hamburger. My routine is cold water in the morning, snail muscin, collegen emulsion, and CeraVe moisturizer with sunscreen. In the evenings when I get home I use different methods to wash the day off my face. Sometimes I will use ponds to remove my make up, or an oil based cleanser followed by foaming face wash. It just depends on my if my skin is acting out or not. I will be 47 later this year and thankfully I am successful at keeping time at bay :D


Perhaps even, the crepe of time


Top to tits!


Don't forget hands and arms.


Your skin looks dry. Make sure you are drinking enough water and moisturizing well. If you aren't already on tret/retinol, I would start there. Botox can also help with banding in the neck.


Can you use tret on the neck though??


Depends on your skin sensitivity. I personally can tolerate it a few times a week and also lots of moisturizer and sunscreen.


Oil won’t help with sagging, but it will help with fine lines, and fast. Just as others have said, SPF is preventative but not a cure. Water will help a little. You can get injectables or a lift, but either option is not a one time deal.


What kind of oil? My neck has worse bands than OP


I add avocado oil to my Eucerin body lotion after every shower. Plus I always use whatever is left on my hands from all my face skincare products on my neck and chest


Thanks! Username checks out haha Do you think it helps you with fine lines?


It will absolutely help with the overall look of everything! It really depends on your skin since everyone is so different, but it’ll moisturize the area and plump everything up. You can use tretinoin after sufficiently hydrating the area to help with/prevent lines or wrinkles from aging or sun damage (along with always using sunscreen)


I’m a huge fan of Aveda’s oils. They are pre diluted so they are safe to mix with other face and body products or to use alone on damp skin. The water will help absorb and spread the oil further


Oil right after showering/face wash. Jojoba oil is great, but a range of oils will help. I have switched to Guerlain Youth Watery Oil because it’s lighter than your basic oil, but with the same results. It costs more, but for me it’s worth it.


Oil helps with fine lines? I have fine lines across my forehead (curse having expressive eyebrows) that I've been trying to deal with/improve without injections. Got argiliene or however you spell it based on recommendations from this sub, but doesn't seem to be working for me.


Only temporarily by smoothing the skin's surface. Oils are emollients.


You’re skin looks hella dry. I personally would go ham on hydration, I’m talking like 7 skins method of hydration, maybe with some tretinoin. If that doesn’t work, then explore other more serious options. Edit: 7 skins method of hydrating is to add a super hydrating light lotion or toner 7 times, literally add a layer, let it dry, then repeat until done or until you feel your skin can’t absorb any more. Then add a layer of your favorite occlusive lotion. My routine is to do this with an Innisfree toner (I’ve used green tea, cherry blossom, 9 solutions and orchid, I loved them all) then a layer of thicker cream. I used to get innisfree lotion but they’re expensive so I just use Ponds. All 3 colors have worked well for me but the blue is my favorite right now.


I'm sorry, but adding tret to very dry skin is a no no. Hydrate and heal the skin before adding tret to it.


I’m sorry, but for *me*, it helps a lot. That’s why I said this is what *I* would do, *maybe* with tretinoin. I use it once a week on the crease of my neck and the crease looks much softer the next day. Of course YMMV.


Same! Tret' helped to regulate oily, dry and dehydrated patches of skin on my face, neck and chest. I use the gel and I don't apply it every day at this point as it appears to do the same amount of work on my skin using it 3 or 4 days a week. I also, *gasp*, apply it on damp skin. I get the best results (for me) with this application. God Bless tret'.


So many people are extremely jealous of that. Lol It dries me out like crazy.


The alterno version my skin loves and I have dry skin you might try it!!


If the retinoid I used didn't work so well, I'd go back to it. Lol


Me too!


I've gotten into the habit of sandwiching and ending with a double moisturize. My face is baby soft💜


I get it, I honestly fly too close to the sun with skincare because just because I can (my skin doesn’t seem to care) but I’m sure that will bite me in the butt one day lol


7 skins method????


​ I feel like we just entered some secret society lair with rice paper walldoors


Indeed, I thought I’d read everything, lurking all over this sub. Now I’m on tenterhooks.


It’s a South Korean skin care technique. Very well-known. It went viral a few years ago. Great for hydration.


Thanks! That sounds like something fun to try on a Saturday morning.


oh I googled it. apparently its using toner, 7 times in a row -- BUT LETTING IT DRY COMPLETELY AFTER EVERY LAYER for --hydration? toner hydrates? I thought it toned? not that I know what 'toning' is, but , WHAT?!


Wow. Well, there’s different kinds of toner, some of them specifically for hydration, so I guess you use that kind. Interesting.


Yeah this isn’t the American witch hazel toner, this is a Korean skincare technique (I think) and Korean toners tend to be super moisturizing. Shout out to my perennial fav, Klairs. They have two versions of their “supple preparation facial toner” one scented (very lightly tbh) and one unscented. I love and use it daily. I’m sure there are lots of others though.


Klair’s supple preparation facial toner is a grail product for me. Love it.


Ooh, thanks for that; I’ll look it up! I bought a Korean ceramide cream when I first got real about skincare but I didn’t think to look for a hydrating toner.


Can that be applied with a mister, or is patting it in important?


You could probably do a mister, it’s a slightly thick liquid but could be sprayed. I’m a savage so I dump it on my palm and smack it all over my face. Edit: in regards to the 7 skin technique, the idea is just to do 7 layers of toner, allowing it to dry between. Misting or using cotton pads would both work imo.


🤣 I just got a set of misting bottles because I felt like I was wasting the rose micellar water I’m using, so I thought I’d use the other for toner. That’s a lot of toner…but it sounds interesting to try. I’m trying to make up for all the years when my skincare consisted of rubbing a baby wipe over my face as I fell into bed. 😬


It’s what they call essence. I love the Missha Time Revolution one.


The Korean word for "toner" translates to "skin", hence the 7 "skin" method is a literal translation. A toner is used after washing your face, and at its most basic function, it gives you an extra deep clean to remove dead skin cells (if applying with cotton pad) and other "impurities". There are many types of toner to address different skin conditions. For me, I use a hydrating toner as my skin is pretty good as it is, so I don't need to address issues like surface smoothing, brightening skin tone (not to be confused with whitening skin tone), reducing redness, etc. I'm just a little bit on the dry side, so my skincare focuses on hydrating my face. I myself don't actually put on 7 layers. My regular routine involves applying only 3 layers before adding other hydrating serums or chemical exfoliators, and then sealing in with moisturizer and sunscreen. When I'm feeling extra dry, I go up to 5 layers. I can only imagine that the climate in South Korea is very dry and has a lot of cold weather, so applying toner 7 times is what they consider to be appropriate. For reference, I live in London.


>tenterhooks Wow I finally understand that Bauhaus song!


First, skin seven people


Thank you for making me laugh while I’m having an anxiety attack. I feel a little better now haha 


What's up Bay Area, I hella see you


This just happened to me overnight at 31. WTF.


This happened to me too and I’m 32! It wasn’t there and the next day it was and I cried.


It’s genetics queen. Same thing is happening to me


Yep. I know exactly what I'm going to look like in 30 years because of my mom, bless her heart and her sagging neck.


Mine looked like that a couple of weeks ago, I applied moisturiser for a dew days, and boom. Gone. I'm 40, btw.


Same. I know if my neck looks like that, I forgot to put cream on it.


What kind of cream do you use?


The best answer is to bring turtle necks back. Where are the fashion people at?!


I love tops that cover my neck bands 😂 I've had them my entire life, they're even visible in my kindergarten school pictures.


Omg I thought I was the only one!


Two things you can try: KrX Neck Lift Intensive Firming Neck Cream; this product is seriously amazing. Botox injections in the platysmal (muscle) bands.


Have you tried any of the other KrX products? Just had a peek at their insta and all looks amazing!


I have. I retail many of them and use their professional products within my treatment room. A few personal favorites are the aqua cream, bioherb-50, & their sheet masks. You likely will have to find a professional in your area who can hook you up.


Where do you buy krx


What’s intimidating is every reply has a different solution. There is almost no consensus. 😩


Upvote if you put lotion on your neck after seeing this pic! :) (I did!)


I’m about to oil my whole body up.


OP, have you gone through any weight fluctuations at all? I have something similar I'm dealing with underneath my chin, but it was even worse about a year ago when I first went from 180ish to 115lbs...for a 5'1 woman, the weight loss was pretty drastic and it's taken over a year for my skin to start to bounce back. Heavy moisturizing, constant hydration (not just downing cups of water once or twice a day to make the recommended quota, but spread out through out the entire day), some gentle exfoliating, and neck exercises helped a LOT.


I am seeing a similar spot on my neck right now and recently lost just about 30-35lbs. Still losing. I think it will take time but good to see these recs


I thought of sudden weight loss!


Any recommendations for neck exercises?


I personally use neck exercises I was given for strengthening and stretching my neck after brain surgery; most of them just consist of stretching your neck in each major direction and 'holding' it in a stretch. Then you can do them with gentle pressure (ex: turn your right side of your chin toward your right shoulder and use your fingers to gently push the left side of your face into that angle and hold in a stretch). Another common one I was given that I believe is also used for the neck is lifting your chin toward the ceiling while moving your jaw forward until you feel a stretch (and hold it for 5 seconds). I typically do a few repetitions of each exercise and I do them 2-3 times a day (though again, I do them more than most people due to needing to stay on top of neck pain). There's a bunch of easy neck exercises online you can look into but yeah, at least in my experience the simplest ones have helped me the most. EDIT: Also just remembered that this can happen during TMJ flare ups if any of you have issues with stress and teeth grinding. If any of you are dealing with TMJ, that swelling OP has under their neck is extremely common in people with it. Regardless, it's always worth seeing a doctor to rule anything out.


i also came here to say neck exercises!!! i try to do them everyday - didnt know your neck could get sore from working out :D




Can you please explain


[https://youtube.com/shorts/n6wM_xwGMuU?si=9nwCRV29UtO-kdHp](https://youtube.com/shorts/n6wM_xwGMuU?si=9nwCRV29UtO-kdHp) When you do compound resistance training exercises using relatively heavy weight (training 1-3 reps in reserve till failure) you usually get some neck muscle activation. More muscle in the neck and less fat helps to firm the neck up.


This is the only non-surgical solution and brings additional health and cosmetic benefits. Also, the pic looks like the result of sun exposure more than anything else.


noooooo edit: whyyyyyyyyyy


this cracked me up fr


My neck just started this at 33. I keep thinking of the line from Austin powers where fat bastard lost weight and says his neck looks like a vagina. I hate it.


Do you use Tret? Micro needling plus tret helped a bit with this.


Lawd, everyone’s got a different opinion.


I tried a bunch of treatments before giving in and getting Botox.


Do you mind sharing details on that? I have the same thing going on with my neck… the turkey neck beginnings, not the dryness. I had chin lipo about 13 months ago. Really don’t want to do a neck lift, especially if Botox will yield the same results.


Happy to share. I've had peels, zaps (I can't remember what they were supposed to do) and otc skin tighteners. Nothing worked for my turkey neck. They were good for my face, but not my neck. I'm not getting a lift. I'll be getting Botox for it on Thursday.


Definitely make a B&A post (if you’re comfortable doing so, of course)!! I’d love to see the results and hear how your experience goes! Good luck!!


It was worth it ??


Moisturizer and gua sha!!!!!


Could try red light therapy?


No topical cream or lotion will have any effect. Neck lift or botox


I don’t know if this is true for everyone. I am almost 49 and noticed over a year ago that I was developing turkey neck. It scared the shit out of me and I started RELIGIOUSLY taking care of it, morning and night. I exfoliated regularly and tried every neck cream known to man. I found the two that helped me immensely were the Tatcha neck cream and the Perricone Cold Plasma Plus Sub D Neck. I think people want instant results and the truth is reversing and repairing damage/wrinkles is sometimes possible with time and patience . At least this was the case for me.


True. I suffered with this for a long time and finally just pulled the trigger and got a neck lift. It's annoying that there's not a cheaper fix




I don’t know the cost for this particular procedure but you can look almost anything up on RealSelf and see reviews, approx costs (and the region since that can hugely affect costs), recovery times and details, etc. It’s an immensely helpful site for these kinds of questions.


I paid $10k for my neck lift & it was worth every penny. There are no creams or products that will give you the results you’re looking for. Not even chin lipo. I tried all of it & wish I would have just done the neck lift first.


Was yours a deep plane neck lift or a mini lift? $10k for a neck lift sounds like a steal to me!!


Deep Plane! DM if you want more details or have any questions!


Deep plane face lift with neck lift (platysmaplasty) 18k, Austin Texas (Feb 2024)


People have already recommended moisturizer but also ensure your head/neck posture and tongue position are correct. Those muscles sag like crazy and while genetics play a part, those can really affect how your chin looks.


What worked for me was moisturizing nightly right after my bath with a thick moisturizer like Vichy and then every other night putting on Aquaphor after moisturizing.


Profound laser to tighten, fraxel or co2 for texture


Plastic surgery will give you best result.


I have the same deal. What causes it?


Are you using retinoid and SPF?


Regular use of sunscreen, vitamin C, acid treatments, trentinoin are all things you can do at home for maintaining the health of your skin. You don’t need anything else other than those. I saw a lot of people recommend hydration. Hydrating the skin doesn’t not fix sagging skin, that is the result of declining collagen production which comes with age. For something like sagging skin, professional treatments are your best course of action. I would speak with an expert about what your options are. I would be weary about anyone who prematurely suggests surgery or extremely costly procedures/treatments. I follow a Derm on who talks about this extensively and is opposed to surgery as a first resort. If I can find her I’ll post her channel.


@shereeneidriss is the Derm I follow on YT. I highly recommend watching her videos on this. I think you’ll feel a lot of relief with her explanations and expertise.


Can you share your daily food routine with us ??


Gold Bond Ultimate Cream Body Treatment Firming Neck & Chest


Mine was like that after weight loss. But after a while it went back to normal.


Unfortunately non surgical procedures would not offer satisfactory results for you or they don’t last long. Aging doesn’t stop. Sunscreen protection and healthy living style are the best preventions. To improve the sagging neck, cosmetic surgery is the only effective solution.




Me too




On the Platysmal bands


Yes to moisturizer. But at your age, jawline facial yoga or exercises will make a big difference in a matter of weeks. You'll see alot of that go away.


There’s so many on YouTube- do you have any recommendations?


Alastin makes a neck specific cream that’s really nice.


I would suggest an appointment with an experienced esthetician. A monthly maintenance facial can help repair and prevent damage. Enzyme or chemical peels can help with hydration absorption. I would find a good sourced collagen to add to your diet as well! Yay 30s!!! Haha Ultherapy would be the most effective treatment to lift and tighten under the jaw and chin, neck area. It can be more costly, but there is no down time and with the right tech you can get great results. Hope this helps! P.S. If you are having other underlying health issues that are aligned with thyroid issues like everyone is mentioning, see a functional medicine doctor to have it and your antibodies tested. I had many doctors through my 20s not test it properly for my current doc to catch it on day one.


It looks very swollen underneath your neck? I would go get checked out by a doctor.


Skip all the expensive creams and techniques. Just moisturize & save your money that you would spend on Botox, kybella, lasers, cool sculpting whatever else people suggestion on a neck or face lift down the road. It’s saggy skin and none of that will remove it despite what people tell you. Moisturizing can help it look better but you don’t need expensive shit for that either


Mine started looking like this at 35 only if I stretched my chin forward. And I have accepted it like I have done with other aging signs. No way I am getting general anesthesia and going under the knife for cosmetic stuff!


It looks dry, maybe its just that, dryness. However, I also see some redness, did you start any new product? Also, if you are not already doing it - small reminder to always use all skincare from face to neck/decolletage :) and rub the excess on the back of your hand/arms.


Common genetic trait. If either of your parents have turkey neck, youre likely to get it as well. I (36F) have the same thing, as does my sister (38F) and my father. Sister and I are planning to get neck lifts when I hit 40. Until then, moisturize and try Hanacure masks. They truly do tighten it up and visibly make a huge difference. Just doesn’t last forever, you have to keep using them and they are a bit pricey.


There are Korean neck creams that do extra moisturizing to help prevent wrinkles. I use the exuviance neck cream as a preventative measure but def hydrating the area is key


I've had eczema on my neck before and had a similar sagging/wrinkle look going on. Are you experiencing any itching or irritation? My neck has since healed and looks normal again. I'm hoping that with good hydration yours bounces back.


Have ur thyroid checked. Wear sunscreen daily. Body oil nightly.


Get an Ultherapy treatment in a spa, and buy an RF machine for home maintenance.


I had this and 1 treatment of PRP minimized it by almost 100%


I showed my husband who’s a doctor, he said it could be thyroid hyperplasia.


When I lost some weight after my 20s I developed same


Fear not, dear one! Yes, there are plenty of things we can do instead of surgery. How is your water intake? Do you microneedle? Have you had any machinery aesthetic treatments or had filler dissolved recently? As others mentioned about the thyroid, worth to get it checked out, along with your hormone levels. Treatment - Miracle L, Regenovue PN, PDO Threads and hyaluronic acid based boosters can all help. Many say the Regenovue PN is the best. It needs to be done regularly (once every month) for a few goes. I DIY and I'm going to use this after I saw the results from many people on the page. They are amazing!


I’m not sure if you’ve read “I’m feel bad about my neck” by Nora Ephron, but it helped me laugh and feel better about my aging neck.


1. Skincare alone is not enough to make the kind of improvement I think you’re wanting to see bc this is a “structural” issue that is completely normal for aging skin. Just like a fresh coat of paint can’t fix a crack in the wall if you’ve got a foundation problems. But yes, there are non-invasive medical aesthetic treatments other than surgery listed below (#3) 2. I know I sound redundant, if anyone has ever read my responses they usually sound the same but thats bc aging is a process and the main culprit is the same across the board for anyone in their 30s which is losing collagen/elastin. The second is shrinking or shifting fatpads which become more prominent under thinner & looser skin that can’t hold things in place like it used to. Your body stopped producing collagen on its own around 6 years ago so first things first, you need to focus on neocollagenesis. The process where a controlled injury is caused to “trick” the body into a response via its own physiological wound healing process that results in the production of new collagen/elastin. It entire process takes about a month or so. As you build up your collagen your skin will start to tighten up and a good skincare regimen will help maintain your results. 3. Treatment options will be threads, energy-based devices & injectables or a combo of both AND depends on your budget & body. -For example, if the submental area just beneath your chin just loose skin then RF microneedling or Sofwave ultrasound could improve the skin laxity in that area & stimulate collagen production. -If it’s more fatty tissue then you might consider kybella injections to dissolve the fat -ulthera ultrasound will shrink the fat plus tighten the skin bc it targets multiple depths at the same time including the deeper layer where fat is stored. (I’d never consider ulthera to be used on my face but this area under chin & jawline is ok especially if there is unwanted fat). Snatched skin beauty on YouTube has a video about the difference between sofwave & ulthera bc skin tightening treatments. -Botox is an aging neck’s best friend! It’s an excellent treatment for the appearance of neck bands, horizontal lines & unwanted texture. There are also advanced injection techniques to “lift” the chin and neck area. But tox is expensive, super temporary, and doesn’t treat the underlying issue. 4. I think you have fabulous texture on your neck for your age! So don’t let them try to sell you on lasers. All lasers are for resurfacing the skin not treating laxity. There may be some residual tightening effect with lasers but not enough to justify the cost. 5. Protect your investment & maintain your results Never leave the house without SPF!


Bloody hell whats wrong with growing old ffks


Try red light therapy