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Thanks for posting this OP! I have something similar on my face and recently it’s getting out of control …! It seems to be rosacea like your husbands. Time to see a derm 😩


Try washing your face with dandruff shampoo for a couple days. Moisturize afterwards. Keep out of eyes. Worked in 3 days for me




Isn't this exactly the kind of thing you'd see a derm for? Asking sincerely, since my instinct would be to get in with one if I suspected I had rosacea.




Because the dermatologist will, in fact, give them a prescription..


That's fair, dermatology is part of universal health care in Canada so there's no out of pocket expense, and I hadn't considered the cost associated with seeking one out just to get confirmation and medical advice. Appreciate the response!


I just learned I have rosacea not acne. Damn!


I was in the same boat. Thought I had acne for yearssss until I found out it's rosacea about 2 years ago! Every dermatologist I saw said "acne" without even looking at my skin, until I finally found one who actually gave me the time of day. Unfortunately, diagnosing rosacea is only the first step of many.. there is no "cure", just prescriptions and precautions to lessen the symptoms.


Me too. Just found out less than a week ago


lol me too


Damn same. Didn’t expect this.


Same same. It explains everything


Same. Literally just learnt I have rosacia


Same 🫠no wonder why it won’t go away! Learn something everyday from this sub




That's rosacea. Type two. Probably good to get some soolantra early so it doesn't get out of control.


Is rosacea itchy or just red? These spots don’t itch or hurt, just kind of flare up from time to time.


Rosacea can itch, but it doesn't have to. Most of my pustules do not itch.


I had them on my forehead, no itch. Then one on my chin, it was insanely itchy. And it took forever to go away. Really weird.


I get the same, it’s rosacea. I can’t feel mine at all. Prescription creams make it go away pretty fast for me


Which creams have worked for you?


Mine doesn’t itch. And it has looked like your husbands (pic) at times. I use Ivermectin cream and it does wonders (prescribed by my dermatologist)


I have this type of rosacea. Can I get a flare up? I normally have to go on doxycycline for a month or two and then use soolantra to keep it at bay.


As others said, looks like rosacea! There is a rosacea subreddit if you want to really dive into things that can help. I hear great things about using a sulfur mask when it’s like this, but he needs to also have a good/sensitive prone moisturizer to add on after as it can be very drying.


You can figure out what makes them flare up, I can’t use anything with oil in it on my face. Harsh cold wind will do it. Randomly chili crisp, that hot sauce… which is so good. :( 


I’m going to Iceland and have the same thing. Do you recommend anything to prevent the flair ups?


Probably the most boring unscented skin care, nothing fun like a sheet mask or anything fun. No fun! Mineral sunscreen. You may have fun in other ways but not through your skin care. 


Have a scarf handy so you can cover your face when necessary. That’s how I survived Iceland!


Thank you. Did the water damage your skin at all? I’m staying at a hotel so I assume they filter but heard the water harsh.


My skin wasn’t bothered at all, and it was the best tap water I think I’ve ever tasted.


The water is fantastic in Iceland and will probably feel great for your skin, however it’s incredibly dry so you want to bring all the occlusive you can. Make sure to bring some face covering (and something to sanitize your face between wears). You can purchase some skincare stuff, but it’s incredibly expensive, like 1.5x the price in the US.


Thank you. I’ll be coming from the US so I’ll make sure to pack plenty.


If he wears glases/sunglasses, they may need cleaned more often.


He doesn’t wear glasses but I’ll make sure he cleans his sunglasses! Not sure that’s it because he doesn’t wear them every day or anything but can’t hurt


If he wears metal rimmed sunglasses that touch his face it could also be a nickel allergy from the metal rims.  I think sunscreen + sunglass rim of any kind, especially if there is a molded seam that is scratchy or if they are metal could be a recipe for this.    Try silicone scar sheets (not the fabric kind) and cut a piece just to go over thst area. If he leaves it on while sleeping or longer if possible (the longer the better, even 48hrs +) it should go away in a day or so. 


I also get these exact marks from sunglasses, bra straps, anywhere where there’s a band or something narrow on my skin that rests there and creates friction- especially if there’s lotion or even just a mild sweat. It’s not hives they’re just bumps. I’m betting it’s the sunglasses!


i used to have what i was told by a dermatologist were chronic hives on my face. they looked like that.


I see tons of responses saying rosacea but it looks like hives to me. I get them too


My hives were flat, not at all raised like little zits.


I, too, was wondering if they were itchy because they look like something I get off and on. My doc wasn't much help when I asked her about it :( what did yours say or do about your hives?


Not the person you asked, but I had itchy bumps and tiny blisters like those pictured for about 4 years. Turns out I was allergic to a few very common skincare ingredients. If the dermatologist proves fruitless, try getting a North American 80 series allergy panel at an allergist.


Thank you! I live in Canada so they tend not to refer to the derm unless it's a serious issue. Stuck with my GP, who gave my some cortisoid cream and told me a lot of times these things are idiopathic. Thank you for the recommendation!!! I think I'll try that.


the doc prescribed a daily allergy pill which sort of helped but apparently didn’t get to the root cause. the “hives” (if thats indeed what they were) ended up going away on their own when i changed my diet. whenever i eat certain trigger foods, the hives come back.


Going to try to get some allergy testing done. I'll either have to pay a wackload or wait a few years for an apt. Wish me luck. So tired of being ITCHY


good luck!


Might be worth considering mcas. I had these for years, thought it was Rosacea and now I'm being diagnosed as having either mcas or mastocytosis.




Allergic to the smell of burning toast, here. 😭


Interesting! Yes others say rosacea but they aren’t itchy or anything. Are the hives you have itchy?


Hives don’t always itch. Try an antihistamine cream (over the counter) and see if it helps. It certainly could be rosacea but it does look like my MCAS flares too.


Hives don’t always itch, but I suffered with head to toe hives for 4 years and I’ve never seen hives look like zits.


My other hives are but the ones on my face were always like little pimples or blisters, exactly the same place.


yes they were itchy


Thank you for posting this OP! I get the same thing on the exact same spot randomly, and it's not there the next day. I thought it couldn't be a pimple because it didn't hurt, it didn't feel bumpy, and it's always in the same place.


Does he wear a mask or low sunglasses? I get this in these placements when I’m wearing either more frequently


It most likely is *not* this. However, does your husband have issues with anemia, fatigue, digestive issues, or joint pain? If so, might see if you can get him screened for celiac disease, as this looks a bit like dermatitis herpetiformis to me. (The only reason I mention this is because 80% of celiacs are undiagnosed.) Again, not a doctor, and it's probably not DH, but wanted to point it out.


He does have digestive issues and IBS so that’s an interesting suggestion!


I have these and I found once I started a high quality probiotic, they’ve calmed down. I also had h pylori and that messed up my digestion.


You have these as in dermatitis hepetiformis, or you have rosacea? Sorry, just trying to clarify because my husband not only has these dots but also just started taking probiotics for digestive issues and it worked so well for his stomach


I actually have psoriasis and facial CRPS but it was misdiagnosed as rosacea for about a year.


Rosacea. I get those two in exactly the same spot occasionally.


I think I also get them in the same—yours just show up suddenly? Do they typically go away suddenly too? I’ve been scratching my head at this little spots that pop up randomly and rosacea never even crossed my mind


Yes, show up suddenly and go away suddenly. Sometimes it lasts weeks other times it can be 24 hours. Edited to add I’ve had rosacea for 20 years so I know what it is. Putting acne products on top exacerbate the timeline. I have topicals from my derm that I have in case of a flare, also oral doxycycline for a bigger flare which hasn’t happened in years.


I was just diagnosed with rosacea and I have one spot (I think these are called papules?) in this same area that pops up from time to time. Mine seem to just appear one morning and lasts for about a week or so and then fades back again. And they don’t have a head with pus or anything.


I have this after I started a new retinol eye cream! I chalked it up to it irritating my skin. Got it on both eyes same spot


Looks like my rosacea. I get them in a similar place.


Do these bumps itch at all?


I get some of these in that same spot when I’m experiencing hormonal imbalances.


I have rosacea and this looks like the "pimples" I get when I flare. Mine flares from alcohol, heat, exercise, and sometimes particular skincare. Really identifying triggers helps for me. Mine do not itch. Azelaic acid from the ordinary can help or another brand. I also would suggest a gentle cleanser like cerave or cetaphil, and a gentle moisturizer like vanicream, cetaphil or cerave. Obviously, seeing a dermatologist is best but azelaic acid is pretty mild and the other brands I suggested. If seeing a derm isn't an option you can try to see if those products help him.


How do you use azelaic acid?


If it's your first time I would start out a few times a week at night after cleansing. The packaging should tell you the amount to use, but it's generally pea sized. Cleanse > azelaic acid > moisturizer. Once tolerance is built up after a few weeks, you can use it morning and night. I generally only use it during rosacea flares, but I have an extensive skincare routine that's the only reason why.


I’m very new to skincare!! So I’d use this instead of a serum? Currently my nighttime routine is cleanser - PHA toner - niacinamide serum - moisturizer. So what would I switch out? Thank you!


Are you currently having skin issues? How is your skin tolerating your current products? If your skin is tolerating the products you're currently using well then I'd alternate using the azelaic acid in the morning and the pha toner at night or vice versa. You don't want to irritate your skin barrier. You generally apply lightest to thickest. So it would be cleanser>toner>serum>azelaic acid>moisturizer. At least the ordinary azelaic acid is a cream so it would be applied in this order.


I’m getting flare ups of rosacea every so often. I think my current products are working OK but I am getting the occasional lump/“spot” for want of a better word. I’ll pick up some azelaic soon and can try alternating!


I think you might have also just help me figure out what’s up with my skin! Hoping to ask my derm about type 2 rosacea at my upcoming appointment!


Lots of folks saying rosacea but I wanted to ask if he wears glasses. I get spots there sometimes where my frames touch my skin.


I get little red dots around my eyes that look like this when I get saline on the skin around my eyes. Does he wear contacts or use eye drops? 


Rosacea type 2! But his looks pretty mild. I have type 2 and my flare ups are all over both cheekbones and my nose. Whenever I drink, go out in the sun, or am sick. For everything else, I just get very red. I take doxycycline and it’s cut down on the pustule flare ups incredibly! I highly recommend.


My husband gets it when he eats ultra processed food. Within 3 days


I recommend epsolay cream


I get these with my MCAS but it’s the least of my symptoms so it’s probably not that or you’d have way bigger concerns haha


What other symptoms do you have if I may ask?


Daily symptoms: Gastrointestinal issues including loose stools & lack of appetite / extremely sensitive, frequently itchy skin / headaches / fatigue / muscle and joint pain / brain fog Major flare up symptoms: hives head to toe that last for WEEKS and nothing soothes them / a weird painful, burning sensation in the stomach unlike anything I’ve ever felt accompanied by extreme diarrhea and vomiting / swelling of the face, tongue, throat / pain everywhere…. I take 7 antihistamines a day, two nasal spray antihistamines, a beta blocker (because I have the comorbidity of POTS) and two supplements because malabsorption…… anxiety/stress is my major trigger, with just a hint of my only, very mild allergy to dairy (my favorite food 😭) also playing some sort of role maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️ but it can actually be triggered by different things from day to day, since it’s not a true allergic reaction, but rather a mast cell issue…. God that was a lot to type out. So sorry for all the words 😅 TLDR; my body reacts to non allergens with major allergy symptoms up to and sometimes including anaphylaxis.


Possibly from wearing sun glasses that need cleaning?


I get those if I’ve eaten something I’m allergic to or put a skincare product in my face that I’m allergic to/or is too harsh Allergist said it was a mild form of uticaria (hives) Is it itchy?


I get these in the same spot from time to time, if I use a 1% hydrocortisone cream on it twice a day then they go down pretty fast :)


I would go to a dermatologist. I had a similar flair up spot for a couple months & they prescribed a compound cream to use at night. Helped it all go away :)


Kind of looks like rosacea to me….


I have this!!! Mine only started about a year ago, never in my life dealt with it before! I get what you’re saying how it’s not pimples, it really isn’t. They don’t hurt at all but are raised and take me about 3/4 days to get rid of. I’ve noticed if I sleep on my side they act up a lot, I also live in the high desert and have very dry skin which doesn’t help at all! I’ve had rosacea for a very long time but never with this as a symptom. I’m not sure if mine have triggers or not! I’ll go months without any, then wake up with 1 on each side of my face


Following! I get the same on my arms but they are super itchy!


Maybe it can have something to do with digestion and allergies – but otherwise it’s rosacea. Take care ~


I just got those the other day. It’s rosacea and was caused by using an irritating eye cream for me.


I have exactly that. Sometimes it flares up, sometimes it’s almost normal. Derm said it’s rosacea & put me on Soolantra. For me being sick, tired or stress makes it flare up. Figure out the triggers first.




Demodex mites probably. Try sulphur soap


My partner has this it's rosecea. He gets it most when he doesn't remember to wear sunscreen. Something about dermadex mites dying under uv and the skins immune system spazing at the dead mite/bacteria in the pore, or so I've been told.


Hi! This looks like Rosacea. Nothing concerning and plenty of treatments to help minimize these flares. Definitely see a dermatologist for help.


Have you lifted your mattress and looked underneath it and see bugs or black spots if not it could be bugs. The problem is also I get them but it can happen from things like silk or satin


I’m an esthetician and I get those same pustules in similar spots, and it’s usually just one or two. It’s rosacea :-( I’ve had good luck with Avene skincare but I’m going to ask a dermatologist about some of the suggestions on this thread. Mine flare up the worst when it’s cold and the heat is on inside.


Sometimes my eczema looks like this and if it reoccurring it could be atopic dermatitis


I get those when I drink


Hey, I get this too and in the same spot every other month or so!


I have something right now that looks just like this and it's from my eye mask that I wear to sleep. I put a silicone sheet over it and it's usually gone in a day or so. I have to wash my eye mask like every week or two, or this happens. I have no idea why this happens other than probably my nighttime face products getting on it if they aren't dried all the way. It always happens on one side too just like that, probably just because that cheek projects forward more. Does he wear any kind of safety glasses? Could be from that too. 


This is how I found out to had rosacea 😭


Rosacea. I had these for years before they became permanent and spread across my face. My manager who is a GP told me it was rosacea and that it can get worse with time. It can be worse for men.  I use plain Cera Ve products, just face wash and moisturiser and 50+ sunscreen everyday. When it gets bad (winter) I use a topical antibiotic which works wonders. 


I get that same thing when I’m having seasonal allergies.


I kept having something that was same spot and looked like these and asked at my next dermatologist appt. She wasn’t sure but decided to freeze them as she thought they might be precancerous. They went away but came back about 1.5 years later. She took a biopsy and yes, precancerous. She removed it. I had 3 stitches but you can’t even tell.


I’ve been doing a skin gym light therapy mask for my rosacea and it’s amazing . Ulta !!


I have those on my face right now… I’m thinking I have rosacea as well and my esthetician definitely told me to get it checked out


Rosacea. I have it in the same spot and annoying one on my forehead. It’s itchy sometimes too and gets worse when I’m stressed. Does he experience it on his eyes? I get the ocular kind flair up sometimes and it hurts so bad


It looks like it could be a herpetic outbreak. Does he have herpes?


He does not


Do you have any pets? I get random flare ups like this (the bumps) when I wake up in the morning because I'm allergic to my cats 😅 Goes away during the day.