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Talk therapy with a therapist


I agree. No shade. It sounds like getting older means something’s more to you than just accumulating wrinkles. Does getting older mean you are less worthy of attention or love? What does looking younger than you are really mean to you? Why is looking younger better? I’d also take some time to journal and see if you can answer some of these questions.


Also 34 is not old.


These are great questions to explore in therapy. I wish OP could do this


I agree with this. Ever since I turned 30 I’ve struggled with being very bothered by visible signs of aging on me and found a therapist to speak with about it. Turns out a lot of this insecurity about physically aging (and honestly insecurities about my looks in general since childhood) stems from my cultural background and also my dad who has basically ingrained in me all my life that beauty is the most important quality in a woman. Also, having always been complimented on my physical features growing up and my parents being very proud of me when I look good (and scolded me when I don’t) have really tied my self worth to my physical appearance. Anyways, I’m really f’ed up as you can see lol the point is, you’re not alone and I think therapy could really help you figure out where this insecurity stems from and how to move past it.


As others have said growing old is a privilege and many things come with being older. As a 47 year old woman I don’t get talked over nearly as much as I used to and I’ve been in my industry long enough that I have earned the respect of my colleagues. People listen to me, I get great service in stores, I get upgraded. I cut all the toxic people out of my life. I suffered from eating disorders in my teens and 20s. I look back on that beautiful, thin, smart and athletic girl and want to tell her to appreciate herself more. I’m 47 now and try to live in the moment. I know in 10 years I will look back and think about how young I look now. I know it is hard but stop obsessing. Take care of your skin, wear sunscreen but don’t waste time obsessing about something you want to happen (because getting old beats the alternative!)


Wonderful words. I’m 32 and I am trying to learn for mentalities like yours. I definitely look back and realize I was too hard on myself.


Oh don’t get me wrong. I still have bad body days but I’m at the age where I now have had a couple friends die of cancer and other health issues, so it puts it all in perspective. Take care of yourself but don’t deprive yourself of living.


In my life I’ve seen a lot of people die because of outright not loving themselves. My sister ended her own life violently. My Aunt let herself get huge and she was only 45 when she passed of a heart attack. She wanted to die and told her poor children that, my cousins were traumatized. It was like an evil energy of discontent. My daughter is 7 and I swore to love myself deeply even if just for her sake. To see someone even keeled, who works out for health, not obsessed with making oneself “perfect.” That’s the demon that affected my family. This stupid need for perfection that doesn’t even exist.


That is the other thing. I’m an old mom with a 6 year old. My mom was by no means an almond mom and had a pretty healthy body image but I still developed an eating disorder. There is no way I want my daughter hating her body like I did and the same goes for her skin.


We’re doing our best for them right? 🥹 She’ll notice that you were different later when the girls start to confer differences between parents. I also want my daughter to love herself. Sometimes I whisper affirmations to her as she sleeps. We’re super close to each other, but man since she hit 7 the sassy attitude is definitely starting to peak it’s head. But I’m not sensitive at all, since I’ve already lived through multiple of my worst nightmares 🫡 however I don’t tolerate disrespect on principle. Is she your only child? I only have one.


I also have a son who is 8. I am strong willed and independent and it has served me well in life. I always look at her need to question me and push back as a skill that will be valuable in the long run (I just wish she wouldn’t use it on me!).


I’m sorry you lost friends. It’s horrible to be the one left standing sometimes isn’t it? I think about that often. We get to be there for younger family and friends. It helps to know I have a place of service.


I’m very fortunate not have lost that many people but every so often I get news of an old high school or university friend. It is just weird. I had high school/university friends die earlier in things like car accidents but now it is health related issues like cancer.


Great post! I’ve always looked young for my age, and also didn’t get treated with much respect. Now at 44 with some eye wrinkles and grey hairs, my work listens to me and makes organizational changes based on my recommendations. This is all within the past year and I’m loving the power! Did I still buy the expensive Skinceuticals eye cream? YES. Does it work well? Nah. I still care about the aging but I’m learning to embrace it. Easier to embrace my wrinkles in my 40s than my 30s. Honestly once I lost a bunch of people close to me I stopped caring about my appearance so much. More grateful now.


I found a picture of my 81 year old mom and dad at a 2000 new year celebration. They were 56 at the time and they commented “oh we were so young!” Kinds of puts it all in perspective. My mom is still active and I don’t think she looks 81 but I think it a large part in that she doesn’t act 81. It doesn’t have anything to do with skincare or fillers or Botox or plastic surgery. It has to do with being active and being involved in her community and with friends and her grandkids. She has my fair skin so she was not part of the tanning crazes that occurred in the 80s and 90s which likely helped.


That's the problem with most cultures today. What your dad ingrained in you ("beauty is the most important quality in a woman") is what we hear everywhere, all the time. Sometimes it's explicit but a lot of it is really subtle and in absolutely every part of our lives. Even the fact that anti-aging products exist. As a kid, seeing all these wrinkle products starts a "countdown" in the back of your mind. It's a raw deal.


Wow, this hits so close to home it is painful! Thank you for sharing. ❤️


Thank you for sharing. I can relate with you. My mom would praise me when I look pretty, and would criticize me when I did not prep up. I was her Barbie, she used to decide my clothes. But when I looked back, I remember being fond of makeup already when I was a little kid. I was reprimanded whenever I broke my mom's lipstick. So I realized, "prettying up" is favorite activity of mine, my physical look is mine, it's just that my mom tried to own it and control it. Now I'm taking it back as mine alone. If I look pretty, good. If I don't, still good. No more shame for the times when I don't look good.


First of all, **realize that aging is a privilege that not everyone is entitled to**. Helping my best friend through cancer in her 30's and burying my brother at 48 after a sudden heart attack showed me that fact in very cold, hard ways. Try to be of service to someone less fortunate. Volunteer. See people struggling with real life & death stuff. Spend less time looking in the mirror. Love yourself as you are. Be a good person for the sake of it alone. Try to aim higher and make goals for your life that have nothing to do with your appearance.


I love this


Really well said. So true❤️


I am very sorry for your loss, but suggesting struggling with self image is vain is really unkind and not empathetic


You need to reread OP's description. They are not struggling with self-image. They are obsessed with "looking old." Life is about more than how we look, aging, and fixating on TV & movie stars' aging process. I never used the word vain, and I was empathetic by suggesting OP focus on more important issues and firing meaningful relationships than their reflection.


Talk to someone about it. Get off social media.


It sounds like OCD but I'm no doctor.


Body dysmorphia and OCD are close cousins and that can be helpful to know when looking for help.


you might be right, OP might benefit from being evaluated by a therapist who specializes in OCD and ERP (exposure response prevention)


I had severe BDD and exposure therapy truly changed my life.


That’s amazing! I’m really happy to hear that for you. Good work friend 💓


This is literally me. I suffer from BDD and it sounds like you may too, especially when you mention the obsession part. Because BDD is an OCD subgroup. I don't know how to fix it, since I get extremely upset and even cry about it somedays, but therapy helps keeping me on my feet. Maybe you should seek therapy before it gets worse. Lots of love.


What is BDD?


Body dysmorphic disorder


Thanks !! 


Best advice I’ve heard is to find people older than you who inspire you! Weird, but the show Grace and Frankie really helped me with this. Also I remind myself that younger people do not have fully developed brains until they are like 27. Would not want to go back to that!


Think about all these signs being human. You are human. They are human. Wrinkles = experiences and memories. Smile lines mean happiness. Frowns mean perseverance.


Frowns mean perseverance. Love this perspective.


Also… just saying it’s okay to have younger friends and enjoy things you consider for younger people. I’m 35 about to be 36 and I still hit the club with my 27yo friends sometimes and I love it. Also I’m definitely a young at heart kind of person.


I'm looking down the barrel of 80, ok? And I can tell you that I have to constantly duck invites and queries from people who want to be around me. So, get this. beauty is a byproduct of an industry predicated on your panic about not adhering to an impossible standard. It's hollow. For the wrong guy, you'll never be pretty enough. For the right one, you'll always be a knock out. Go outside. Listen to the earth. Make certain that every day, you contribute one thing to our world. We need you to awaken. Notice when the fountain is empty. Birds need clean water. Listen to the trees. Are they stressed? Notice the cycle of seasons. See how the garden changes from day to day. Put your phone down when you're in the crosswalk... Change it up girl. You're gorgeous.


I wish I could give this 100 upvotes.


Taking a social media break helped me a lot. I went off Instagram for almost a year after it was a big part of my career and my fear of aging diminished & my self-esteem sky-rocketed. Once I went back, with what felt like fresh eyes, everyone I used to want to look like looked so fake to me. And I realized everyone getting work done sort of all look the same. It made me want to age gracefully instead of trying to hold onto my youth.


And therapy! I’ve been in therapy for 7 years now. Best gift I’ve ever given myself.


This is above Reddit's paygrade. Please get help ❤️


It is harmful for sure. I don’t think any of us is perfect in this regard either. We’re all here because we are doing our best to ward off the inevitable, but still the fact is unless you die you are going to age. I try to tell myself that aging is happening to me regardless. I can be sad as long as I’m alive, or simply get on with life. I think as women we worry a lot about how people will treat us as we age and you know what, anyone who’s an asshole about it is a blessing in disguise because it shows us who really cares.


Everybody lives but not everybody is lucky enough to get old. Take care of yourself but it's important to come to terms and accept your fate. It's not bad, it's good. I agree, this is an appropriate reason to seek therapy for. Therapy isn't bad and will help you resolve/understand your thoughts.


I agree with everyone here talk therapy, join a support group, take a new creative class at a local center, connect more irl with friends, try a new hobby, go experience nature more. Anxiety and depression can fixate on things like aging or looks but being on Reddit or social media won’t help. Isolation will make it worse. It sounds like you need to calibrate with your community and create networks of support for yourself.


This exactly. I think more about my looks when I’m doing nothing productive for my brain, the community or my family. Just get outside yourself and things do get better. I struggle with body dysmorphia so half the time I don’t even know if what I’m obsessing about exists like I think. It’s torture but it’s also very selfish and I hate it.


It’s not about being selfish it’s just a medical condition like anything else and the treatments are wholistic and complex. So we need community, emotional support, medical treatment and lifestyle support. So it’s just not one thing it’s every day maintenance, one day at a time.


As what a quote said, "an idle mind is a devil's workshop."


I do the same with movies and TV shows but more for curiosity than obsession. What I noticed is that many times guys look normal age- some wrinkles, pores and normal human skin while supposedly the same age or even older women from the same show perfect wrinkle-free skin. Very hard to feel good about yourself if this is so "normalised".


Tbh I relate to everything you’ve said here.


Yes, you're starting to obsess. Its okay to get older. Life is beautiful when you stop looking in the mirror more than once or twice a day :)


Me. Too. Thank you for posting


Tbh leave this sub. I used to read regularly, until I saw a post about “do you wear spf if you’re not leaving the house?” and a ton of replies insisted that sunlight through windows can still cause damage” That was the moment I realized that “skincare” at some point, becomes like an ED, a dysmorphia, a coping mechanism. You will age. This will not be prevented. Learning to let that go will make you happier with your face than all the skincare in the world.


Invest in your personality, brain, your humor, story telling abilities, and you character basically. It makes being old dope. Believe me. I’m 24 I know everything


Spend time with older women. There are times where I'm insecure about getting older but I've met some women that are older with a full head of grey hair that carry themselves with such power and grace that I aspire to be like them. It gives me something to look forward to and to work towards.


My husband died at 29. There are worse things than getting old.


Obsession is obsession. Some people are obsessed with looks. Some with men. Some with money. Pick your poison. The thing all obsession has in common is a compulsive preoccupation with X. The way you minimize this is by living a life where you no longer can entertain those kinds of thoughts. When I’m throwing myself passionately into my hobbies (for me that looks like creative projects and traveling) my obsession with looks & other things becomes secondary because I have more pressing and exciting things to focus on. If you can funnel your compulsive OCD brain into something that IS controllable you will feel better. Because at the end of the day, you and no one else can control your age. God; grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference


Hey instead of a therapist talk to your gp about a psychiatrist referral, hopefully your insurance covers that? This might be in the realm of OCD, where people often get stuck in rumination/cyclical thinking. It may help to alleviate the anxiety or these types of obsessive thoughts with medication.


Hey I do this too. I just live with it, I think it’s a natural part of aging. I figure 10 years ago I didn’t do this, maybe I won’t do it still in the next 10 years. Embrace the change!


I do the exact same thing haha. I wouldn't say I'm obsessed though. I do get botox twice a year but have been lucky enough to be blessed with decent aging genes and at 34 I have 0 wrinkles. I have my daily facial routine and that's about it. I did notice a neck wrinkle forming and I completely freaked and then I noticed everyone on TV has them even little kids i was like wtf. I didn't even realize how lucky I was to not have them until the past 6 months or so. I do check everyone's age when watching a new show and they might be around my age and I get curious so I get it. I have however stopped wasting time on social media. I never check Instagram and never get on tiktok. I also always remind myself that most people on TV or online don't show their bare face, without filters and in terrible lighting. Just keep reminding yourself of that.


I know how you feel also. I'm going through this too at 32. For me it stems from things in my past 10+ years ago that seem to have permanently latched onto my brain. I have a bigger issue I am working on in therapy right now so I can't address this aging issue at the moment. But I hope you can try to find some help. Or maybe try asking in r/askatherapist how you can find affordable therapy for your location.


That doesn't sound right. Maybe therapy will help. Aging is just another part of life and you will start to sag, get wrinkles, jowls etc. Your obsession is already bad, dont let it get worse and prevent you from enjoying life.


Get off the internet/social media. Go to a therapist. Aging is a privilege. My mom passed away at the ages of 55….i would give almost ANYTHING to see her grow old. My dad too. He passed away at 62. Cherish the gray hairs and the fine lines/wrinkles.


I meditate a lot and realized that we are all consciousness having individual experiences, creating our own metaphorical butterfly of meaning as we react to experiences. So you aren’t just a woman, you’re a butterfly of meaning. And my skin looks great (I’m 41).


I would also advise getting off Instagram and Tiktok if you are on them. Oh my god the absolute insanity around the skincare/aging debate is toxic as hell. I see young girls worrying about lines on their neck that are….a feature of being human, not a bug. I know it doesn’t often register but aging IS a privilege that 95% of humanity has been denied for most of our existence. And aging well, as we have the resources to? I am 47. I may have something that is going to kill me soon. And trust me when I say I don’t particularly give a shit about the couple hyperpigmentation spots on my face.


This was me until I got off social media and got over myself 😂


Do you have health insurance? If so, therapy is often covered under it. I only pay $15 per session with my health insurance.


I don't know if this counts as "advice" or just giving a different perspective. When I see people's smile lines around their eyes and mouth I get jealous, it shows how happy they've been and how much they've smiled throughout their lives.. Now in my 30's I have none, I was very depressed my whole life and just now staring to get better and trying to smile more and just be happy and I can't wait for my smile lines to appear... It's truly a privilege


I hear you completely with this post and don’t really appreciate so many comments telling you that you need help. It’s borderline shaming in my opinion when there is already way too much shame weighing very heavily. This is a product of our conditioning along with lots of other social factors, many of which are toxic. Therapy would probably be very helpful, yes, as it is for lots of our complex human issues, but unfortunately it’s not easily accessible for everyone. I am 35F and feel I have the same obsession and I also find myself googling the age of celebrities and constantly guessing people’s ages. I feel a huge amount of shame about it and would absolutely love to learn how to embrace the gift of life and ageing more positively.


>and I go into panic mode if they guess my age right. I envy younger people and wonder if I could hang out with them or not. This is where it became a mental illness...


Delete insta and start doing some counseling or talk therapy.


I’m 44 I will be 45 soon and my mother passed at the age of 39. What I would have given to have seen those wrinkles on my mother’s face. Aging is the ultimate flex. I got to live and I got to love. Change your perspective of aging. Look at it like it’s a wonderful thing because it is.


I think it is a toxic perspective, unfortunately. I admire people aging SO MUCH! I notice eye wrinkles and grey hairs, etc, but in a very positive way. I love that they got to experience what they did and age the way they have had the privilege to do. I may have the opposite problem as you, actually… I look at women who have fillers and lip injections, fake hair/nails/lashes, and feel dread that they felt they had to do that. Natural features are becoming more and more rare, and I think it’s sad as hell. So I guess I am also obsessed with aging, but I love it.


You've been aging since the day you were born---no point caring about it now. You know that it's not healthy to fixate like this and society is ageist. You've gotta work on seeing it for what it is. Aging isn't bad. Think of it this way: when you were 15 were you concerned about looking like you were 11? Did you envy the younger kids or worry about whether or not you could hang out with them? Probably not. That wasn't your stage in life anymore and you had 15 year old things to worry about/think about. You didn't expect to look like you did at a younger age. You expected to change. You were more concerned with your peer group. Bring that energy/those realizations to your current life. Do you look different than you did at 18? Yeah probably. But different doesn't mean bad. Different life stages and all that. I'm about to be 33. For my half-brother (who's barely into legal adulthood) I might as well be ancient. For my neighbour in her 70s? I'm just a dopey kid. I've lost my mom and both my grandmothers in the last 5 years and aging is a gift that they don't get to have anymore. I get to watch my face reflect them back at me more as time goes on.


Literally everyone is aging every second of our life. You can’t avoid aging, it’s the most normal and natural thing that happens. Every young person you’re comparing yourself to will turn 30 at some point. Every beautiful celebrity has gotten older and dealt with wrinkles, etc. you are not losing anything by getting older. Im 31 but I don’t envy young girls bc I know their life is almost in a bubble of shallowness and insecurity, especially with social media. And what am I trying to look that young for? The men I want to attract arent some 20 year olds. I want a mature person who isn’t gonna care about wrinkles. The more energy you put into fighting aging, the more unhappy and exhausted you will be. Right now is the youngest you’ll ever be. When youre 40, you’re gonna wish you had appreciated how you looked at 34. Do your best to look good and healthy, but don’t aim to look a certain age. I would highly recommend getting of social media like instagram. I also would leave subs like this one or other beauty and skincare subs. I’ve noticed the longer I’m in this sub, the more obsessed I’m becoming too. bc ppl complain about things that are normal and you start thinking it’s a problem. Or ppl list all the different things they’re doing and I start thinking “omg, I need to do all of these things too, I’m so behind”. it’s never enough. Let it all go and you’ll be happier. Accept that your face and body is changing and be grateful you’ve lived this long and your body is healthy. Enjoy yourself, experiment with new makeup, hairstyles, whatever. I like getting inspired by beautiful women older than me. I’ve noticed they have a confidence that radiates from the inside, these young girls don’t have that. I saw a picture of Camila Alves today (Matthew mcconaughey’s wife) and I was blown away by how beautiful she looks, and she’s in her 40s. I wanna look like her, not a 20 year old.


The worst thing about this kind of obsession is that it is deeply boring. And it makes you very boring.


Why do people always act like looking really young is the best thing in the world? Of course there’s pros to it but it’s also difficult to be taken seriously or people just think you’re dumb. Those things alone have made my professional life more difficult and it messes with my confidence sometimes too. I constantly get called sweetie or honey out in public and I’m 33 years old lol. I got made fun of in high school for “looking 12.” I’ve literally had people physically squeeze my cheeks and say you’re sooo cute. I’m just saying I don’t understand the obsession. If you feel like your thoughts are negatively impacting your life, I would speak with a therapist.


Absolutely therapy. Delete social media apps—YouTube, Facebook, Instagram. A more extreme (but effective) way to combat this is to get rid of magnifying mirrors and to cover up the mirrors in your house unless you actively need to use them for a purpose. Also—work on reframing your approach to aging. Our skin is just a bag our bones live in. Human beings aren’t meant to look young forever, we are meant to change and adapt. You are worth so much more than what your external appearance reflects. Try to get back in touch with that.


I agree with others suggesting talk therapy but if that's not an option for you...taking a break from social media is definitely a good one. You could also practice reframing how you analyze signs of aging in others, such as looking at their wrinkles and thinking "wow, they look distinguished and wise" (even if you don't really believe it). Sometimes you have to fake it to make it. I also find that the less I look at myself in the mirror, the less I'm concerned with how I look. Obviously I make sure I look presentable and nice but I don't look too close beyond that.  Hope this helps a little and don't forget, your worth extends wayyyy beyond your looks. 


I've always found knowledge is a good treatment for fear and anxiety. I like reading about the biology of aging, and the treatments that are being developed to address all its complex root causes. I don't like thinking of people as "old" because it's a misnomer. From a purely chronological perspective, your skin is just as young as any other adults'. On average, the cells in your body are no more than 7-10 years old, and skin cells regenerate the fastest, replacing themselves every two to four weeks. As we age, our skin cells become less efficient, more dysfunctional, stick around longer, etc. which changes their appearance. But if those dysfunctions could be treated, your skin would become more "youthful" again as they turned over (if only the heart and brain were like that!). That's why I'm very optimistic about the future of skin care. But in any case, obsessing over it won't do you any good. Just take good care of your skin (moisturize, wear sunscreen, etc.), live, and let live. Personally, I don't even pay close attention to other people's wrinkles, and I bet you people aren't focusing much on your skin either.


You know I went though a phase of exactly this about looking at people and judging their faces the way I do my own, and it made me realise how rude I was to myself! That's human nature though, the mind perpetuates what you feed it with. When I get obsessed with seasonal colour analysis I look at how what colours people wearing first! It's quite fascinating how we do that. Personally I tend to get obsessed easily but I'm able to decide to switch obsessions too. Maybe time to get a different interest?


So there’s a book about IFS therapy that’s pretty practical to do on your own without a therapist. It’s called “No Bad Parts” and takes a compassionate look into what makes you tick on the inside. It might be helpful for deep diving into the root of this issue and help you to view yourself with more empathy.


social media and celebrities aren’t real obtainable goals. it’s mostly filters and photoshop..NOBODY looks like that in real life. we’re humans and we age, and honestly i’m proud of getting older..i think i look better in my 30s than i did in my teens. my skin is nicer and skincare is a lot better than 20 years ago. so on that note 40 can’t come soon enough 🍾 don’t fixate on fantasy honey, it’s all make believe, and i wouldn’t drink that juice.


I like to think of youth as a necessity to help boring, unskilled, new-to-the-world people survive. When we go bowling, we let the terrible bowlers use bumpers. It makes them look better. They need it. They suck at bowling. They'd suck way too much if they didn't have the bumpers and we would not invite them to go bowling. As we age, we become better at being people. We don't need our youthfulness as much. Youthfulness is to protect the young, dumb, and deficient from being kicked out of society. Your youthfulness isn't the most important way to be attractive. Most people are attractive for their wisdom, intelligence, and charm. These are all things we can build up as we age. We have limited and false views of attraction. Youthful attraction and appearance are the least useful types of attraction. They're only really useful in finding a romantic or sexual partner in a very limited way. Barbara Cochran is old and wrinkled (though she looks great for her age), but she is *more* attractive than any smooth-skinned 21-year-old. This is not subjective, nor am I being polite! More people would be interested in having dinner with Barbara than the young person. Barbara attracts more people and is more attractive. Her attraction is not based on looks at all. And neither is most attraction in the world. The 21-year-old is lucky to look physically good. It helps her not be cast out of society for being barely useful. She will build her usefulness over time and shed her no longer needed smooth skin.


Please consider looking into body dysmorphia disorder symptoms and seeing a therapist with training in this.


I’m not sure where in the world you are right now, but if you’re in the US, it’s worth just confirming that your health insurance doesn’t cover therapy— a lot of people assume that it’s always out of pocket. I’m not saying that’s what you’re doing, of course I don’t know anything about your situation (a copay or deductible you can’t afford is totally a possibility), but I just wanted to throw that out there in case you happened to be in that group of folks. Regardless, I you find some things that can help you enjoy life a little more!


It could be that thing they screen you for before plastic surgery, body dysmorphic disorder bdd. Look into the symptoms


I'm not sure if about obsessing over actors' age is normal, but the part where once you start noticing a type of wrinkle on your own face, you start noticing it on other people too, and that's normal. Once you see it you can't unsee it kind of thing.


Don't watch Hollywood, seriously. I started watching more British and French movies and TV shows (also some other countries, turkish soaps and norwegian christmas movies etc). It is SO refreshing to see all those wrinkles and imperfect faces (still pretty tho!). After a while you get used to it and normalize it, as strange as it sounds. It honestly helped me to let go of that perfect face look that hollywood has going, and come back down to earth so to speak. I also definitely relate to what you're saying with feeling more locked in (career change being harder, or even just not being able to go to a club anymore without feeling awkward/sticking out etc). It's anxiety, yes, but I don't think it's completely unfounded. When you look younger you ARE afforded more opportunities in some ways, you can fit it with various groups easier etc. It's very much how our society works. So for me it's also about trying to figure out how to navigate these societal boxes of what to do at what age (/when looking a certain age), how to let go of these expectations and/or ignore what other people may say/think


I feel wrinkles depend on your facial expression. My sister had these forhead wrinkles even before she entered 20s because she used to raise her eyebrows while talking. I used to smile a lot so I could get that dimples (my mom told me that as a joke and I believed it 🙂) until I got a good defined smile lines 🤣🤣🤣


That’s too bad but certainly your right to do so. 34 isn’t old, wrinkles aren’t the worst thing in the world, aging (and signs of it) are sexy. These overly pulled, ridiculously filled, super unnatural looking “I am fighting the clock” people are wild. And thanks social media for brainwashing people into unrealistic beauty standards and reeling havoc on how people have relationships with themselves as they age. I’m not saying that all work is bad, but trying to look 20 at 60 is wild, and you thinking 34 is old is also crazy


Not sure where you work or what you do, but some companies have access to employee assistance programs or EAPs that provide a certain number of counseling sessions for free. It might be worth looking into. Best of luck!


I think it is very healthy of you to recognize you are obsessing over it. That is a big thing right in itself. And media and Instagram are pushing the younger generations to be obsessed with youth and beauty. If you feel like this is unhealthy for you, which is sounds like you do think it is... I would delete instagram for a while. I did and it has helped me so much.


The older you feel the older you are. There are things to do to like how you look in the mirror and feel better about yourself. Start paying attention to working on yourself.


34 is not old. I wish you could see that


Delete social media all together, it’s so unhealthy and you won’t miss it! Catch yourself when you are having a judgemental or comparative thought - stop - and decide to let it go and replace that thought with a kind accepting one (both in relation to you - and in relation to others)


I feel like those post should be removed. They are starting to bother me to be honest


Just curious but can I ask why?


If you read the description of this community, it describes what to expect here. Skincare, how one improves a skin issue and want to share for others, products discovery etc. Those post are more psychologically oriented and I feel like op would have a better chance to post in a community that is able to help them with their situation, a community with this type of knowledge and interest. I personally think that those post are closer to therapy need than skincare over 30. Of course a healthy minds and body is important to achieve healthy skin, but those are all separate and intricate subjects!


You shouldn't obsess over something you can't control. It's unhealthy.


Easier said than done for people with mental illness. I hope OP can get help :(


I'm almost a decade older than you and I'm a guy - to me, you're young. I assume this obsession results from a need for validation and a bid for control (for something that is out of your control). The best thing about getting older is that you learn to see life for what it is and see things more in proportion. After lots of self work, I stopped almost completely caring about the validation of others, and I constantly practice giving up the need for constant control. I wish I would've known these things when I was younger (thanks, parents) but it is what it is, and I with the amount of self confidence I have today, I wouldn't give it up in order to be younger. Life is a journey that stops when you stop learning.


Tbh you need to uninstall IG, tiktok, reddit, fb etc


You WILL age and look older no matter what you do. Focus on how you feel, not how you look. Focus on what your body allows you to do, not how it looks. Focus on what you want out of life, do more than strive to be a young looking corpse because soon we’re all gonna be dead. Focus on what matters. Your wrinkles and grey hair or whatever don’t matter in the end. Accept that you are temporary and you cannot stop time.


You need real problems .


The quickest way to feel old is to start hanging around people who are much younger than your age. They will immediately know you are older and start treating, maybe even refer to you as “mom”. Stay in your lane. And where did you get the idea that 34 is old?🤔


Yeah, that's not healthy. Maybe explore characteristics other than skin. Your muscle tone. Your 401K contributions. Your progress on learning another language. Your ability to take super cute photos of a hedgehog in tiny hats. Anyways, as someone who is not obsessed with anything at all, do not DM me for super cute photos of a hedgehog in tiny hats. I cannot emphasize that enough.


We need to focus on the difference between self image and body image. We can struggle with how we look while still realizing that we are a worthwhile human being despite society reinforcing otherwise, particularly for women. I agree with the other poster who states that it is important to focus on intrinsic qualities while doing our best to be healthy and confident on the outside.


I’m 32, and I’m definitely not old.




This is me, too. I'm turning 27 next month and for the last 2 years or so I have become completely obsessed. Checking celebrity paparazzi photos & instagram vs reality pages... staring at actors/celebs faces on tv hoping to find wrinkles and imperfections, then googling their ages like you say, hoping to find that they are way younger than they look and that I'll maybe look better than them when I'm their age ☹️ I have struggled with BDD since my teens, and this has added another layer. It's hard. Sending you loads of love, and hopefully the comments on this have helped. I may need to take their advice too ♥️


I kinda do this. When I notice it I stop. Or try lol . When you notice that you're checking other people out, just try to stop. Don't Google their age etc. Just try to stop. Visualize that big red stop sign. There is no green light. Try investing in other areas of yourself. Maybe fitness stuff. Being fit can help with youthfullness. Definitely maybe talk to a therapist or be open to people around you. Ik insurance and money is a thing with therapy. But maybe you can do a monthly thing. Idk about online app therapy. Never got to online therapy. There is nothing wrong with a few wrinkles and or aging. We grow up. I think sometimes we have a fear of growing up.