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I don't have advice, but just commenting to say that I am 32 and I have the same 'lines' forming. I think it's a precursor for jowls but I'm not sure.


30, and same. I know some people inject filler there but I am worried that could lead to a pillowy look.


Yay us šŸ„² I might start saving for a mini face lift now ready for when I hit my 50's haha


Honestly, my mum had a face lift at 45 because of them lol I am not sure if I want to get rid of them... My grandma had them and looked beautiful regardless.


I guess a lot of women in their 30ā€™s are starting to get mini facelifts.


That is wild to me! 30s is young!


A really well done facelift in the late 40s can be absolutely game changing. I feel like those age more naturally (for lack of a better word) than those done in 50s or 60s. I find those always look too tight? I know they take a year or more to truly settle. But just my opinion based on what Iā€™ve seen.


How does your mom look now how long has it been since?


She's almost 60. She looks fantastic for her age NGL. She basically had her face pinned behind her ears, I'm pretty sure she was 44-45 yo. She has minimal scarring and it wasn't extremely expensive. It has lasted well and though she does mess around with Botox & filler, overall I think she's very pleased with the lasting result.


Same for me - I do think itā€™s the jowls situation entering the chat lol


Lolll love this comment. Same here. But it makes me feel better that gigi hadid has it too!


I noticed it at 30, got a facelift at 40. Filler made it worse. Only a facelift resolves lower face sagging .


Yeah, I'm not surprised filler would make it worse with the extra weight. In so scared of fillers lol I've never touched them and probably won't for a verrrry long time! Going to try Botox for the first time this year with my mum instead, but not for my jowls!


You a smart to avoid filler. A little filler in the lips looks great and not even detectable. It gets resorbed so quickly that the price is really the issue. I like botox in my forehead and the neck muscles also look a lot better with it too.


Theyā€™re called perioral mounds. Iā€™ve had them since I was a kid. Itā€™s genetic and has to do with the way your face holds fat. Iā€™ve just tried to stop hating them. There is a surgery, but itā€™s risky and expensive.


Omg thank you! I have also always had these (definitely not aging-related), and never had much luck researching without knowing what it's called.


I have also always had these, oddly they maybe stick out a little more now because I lost some cheek fat now idk but I look at old pictures or videos and there they are


I remember realizing I had these 20 yrs ago when I was 18 and I thought if I lost weight (didn't have any to lose!) they'd improve. So glad to understand what they're called now! I've been doing some compression on my DAO muscles and I swear I'm seeing some improvement.


How does the compression work if you could please give me some details. Is it the taping at night? I am 50 and struggling with these heavy on the lower face- thank you


Lately I've been using a gua sha tool - I graze over the area at about a 45 degree angle after I coated it with some face oil (lately I've actually been using this whipped tallow cream my skin seems to love). I apply medium or more pressure to identify where the tension is. I can feel these hard knots in and once I figure out exactly where the are I just press the tip of my gua sha tool into the knot/adhesion with strong pressure and it hurts so good! I keep pressing on it for as long as I can handle (like 20-30 seconds) and I feel soo much relief during and after. Make sure your face, hands and gua sha/whatever tool you use are newly cleaned to avoid any breakouts in the area. I've only been doing this for maybe a week and a half. Too early to notice major aesthetic results but the tension relief alone is motivating me to keep it up.


Thank you! I


What is DOA?


Dead on Arrival?


The depressor anguli oris (DAO) muscle attaches to the corner of the mouth and the bottom of the mandible (lower jaw), just to the side of the chin. It is one of the muscles which helps make a frown.


Ah thatā€™s so interesting!


ohmygd thank you for this. I just looked this up and that is exactly what I have.


I felt the same when I first learned the word for what they are! But itā€™s not easy to fix, so better to learn to live with them. Iā€™m still very cute. ;)


Iā€™ve wondered this. I thought I was getting jowls, but then I looked at younger photos of me and saw them šŸ˜‚


I was born w those. Tried to have them removed via lipo w a tiny cannula, didnā€™t take. Then I tried to have an injector place filler underneath them but the filler dissolved (or migrated somewhere) so that was a waste. One thing that helped a tiny bit was having Botox injected into the outer corners of my lips, it gave me kind of a little smile lift and made it not look like I was scowling all the time. The bumps were still there but looked more pleasant somehow? Ana de armas has that going on. So does Penelope Cruz.


Interesting, Ive just had some botox in my forehead, I'll have to ask my injector what she suggests when I next go back. I didn't realise there were celebrities with the same issue, luckily it doesn't bother me so much that I'm losing sleep but I'd definitely like to prevent them getting worse or prevent jowls for as long as possible. I wonder if micro-needling, laser or something along those lines could help


Maggie Gyllenhall has them too, as well as a few other celebs.


I am Spanish and I have them too since I am a little girl, it is less noticeable if you gain weight all around your face, and more noticeable when skinnier.Ā 


Same! They are more noticeable now because after about 28 i lost a ton of baby fat and fullness


Me too!


Those are perioral mounds, NOT jowls. A ton of people are giving you bad info saying those are jowls. Not the same thing at all.


Naomi Watts has this facial detail, and I find it charming!


Anna torv also appears to be aging naturally, and have that. Still beautiful. But have it and I just want it to come out haha


Love this response!




Iā€™ve been doing facial exercises as mine (48) started doing this after weight loss. I also take a collagen supplement (spoiled child shot daily) and in 4 months, I changed from ā˜¹ļø to šŸ˜


Hahaha love that. What facial exercises do you do? I also have powdered collagen daily, not noticed much in terms of my skin but my bones and joints don't ache as much so that's a win :)


Are you taking marine collagen? Thatā€™s the one that tends to be most studied with regard to skin. Thereā€™s an ingredient called DMAE that some skin tightening topicals have. I think 4% is the recommended strength. I believe that DMAE is the only topical proven to tighten skin, whereas most topicals either plump the skin to fill it, or constrict it temporarily (like caffeine).


What exercises do you do?


Not the one who commented but I do the lions pose all time, especially while mouisturizing my neck and idk if itā€™s genetics or what, but Iā€™m 50 pounds over weight but donā€™t have a double chin ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


How is the lion pose? Can you please explain? Is it like lifting my neck high or taking a circular motion- thank you


Just Google lion pose yoga, I only do the weird mouth thing not the whole pose lol


Facial exercise also strengthens muscles, which can results in more wrinkles and deeper lines


Like face yoga? I have been making fun of the people who do it because i only saw younger people doing it. So face yoga has worked for you?


Iā€™ll dm you the before and after. Itā€™s shocking with the face yoga and the collagen shots.


I am in shock!!!! I never thought it would ACTUALLY work!!!!!


Would you mind sending me the results as well? I have the same issue!


Can you send me the before and after too? I'm so curious!


Sent šŸ„“


I want to see them toooo. Which exercises do you do?


Your results are really awesome and it's inspiring to know it's from non-invasive measures!


Can I see the results too pls??


Which collagen supplement do you take?


Itā€™s called spoiled child. I donā€™t like shakes or pills - itā€™s just a shot glass of their mango juice once a day and Iā€™m on my way. [link](https://www.spoiledchild.com)


It's not due to phone use. It's 30+ years of gravity pulling down your skin and flesh converging with a loss of collagen and elastin. Some people swear by Nuface but I have not seen any before and afters that have convinced me.


I recently did ultherapy because of the same problems as OP at 30. I canā€™t tell a difference so far. How does NUFACE compare to ultherapy would you happen to know?


nuface is micro currents ultherapy is ultrasound. ultrasound goes way deeper into the skin layers and basically tightens the smas layer to achieve the lifting effect. how long ago did you get ultherapy? i was told results will be best after 3 months of procedure. i think my jawline was improved a lot as well as double chin but not so much around my nose/mouth


How long ago did you have ultherapy? Would you recommend it? This is the first I've heard of it but would definitely be interested if it tightens my mouth/jawline. I also want to look in to some sort of treatment for my hollow under eyes, is there anything you would recommend that's not filler?


Not who you were asking but for hollow undereyes maybe look into polynucleotides. They are injectables but are not fillers. Some brands do special eye area formulas. I found a few treatments helped soften my hollows in a natural way.


I had Ultherapy around November last year and it basically got rid of my baby double chin and my jaw line is more defined. I feel like my brows are lifted a smidge too. But I didnā€™t notice a big change around my mouth, which are the little pockets you circled in your pics. Nasolabial folds didnā€™t change much either, or maybe it did I just didnā€™t noticeā€¦? Ultherapy is not safe for undereyes cause itā€™s too strong. For undereyes I think either Thermage or PRP. I havenā€™t tried either of those but I do know that fillers are bad lol especially for undereyes


yup so far I am only 1month and 9 days into my Ultherapy and I'm noticing the same results as you. The "jowl pockets" are not that improved :( I really dont' want to resort to mid-plane facelift. Are you doing anything for the little pockets of yours? I haven't heard too much of NUFACE.


Would love to know more about ultherapy! How long ago did you have it done? Have you noticed any difference so far? Did you get full face or just jawline/mouth? Sorry for all the questions this is the first I've heard of it


so it's been officially 1month and 9 days. They kept saying it'll take 2-3months to see full results and it just keeps getting better? I think I overpaid compared to US and ofc no one can beat Asia prices. I would say it helped with my jaw tightening so far. I still see the "jowl lumps" but it reduced maybe like 25%? it's still there and it looks exactly like the OP's state :( But then again i also did masseter, so idk if the jaw tightening is from ultherapy or the masseter botox. I was just so desperate, because my whole face was drooping and bulky looking after doing jaw surgery to fix my bite. I did only lower half, so it included like jaw + neck + cheeks. it was expensiveeee and painful. beginning is fine, but it's the fact they keep doing over and over and then your pain tolerance really wears off and it starts to hurt, like someone scrapping your bones with a coin over and over with a bit of a laser sensation. I had to stop multiple times to catch a breather. Don't worry about all the questions! i was equally like idk what to do, like I have heard of Ultherapy in South Korea, but idk if the settings are the same, because i noticed ppl in south korea do ultherapy a lot but then in US it's a hit or miss? it depends on machine too. like the place i did ultherapy, they even showed me that it was official grade, some people buy cheap ones, like for example one of her clients went to china and she said it didnt hurt as much and apparently it was a lower-grade machine or "fake"


NU FACE is incredible for this! Itā€™s difficult to to tell the difference from pictures though. The thing is, it only works if you are using it. And the effect is best right after procedure. It gradually goes down. But it is demanding. Hard to find time sometimes. And When you donā€™t use it the sagging comes back. However, Iā€™ve also tried it all when it comes to in office procedures, so I would suggest to not waste the money and either save for facelift or just use nu face forever šŸ˜€


Iā€™ve only just started using mine, shall I just do it every day forever?


I'm 40/F and started noticing that I was starting to form jowls. After humming and hawing, I finally caved and got a ZIIP Halo. I'm still easing my way into using it (I use it every other day - the 5min lift program focusing mostly on my jowl area) and I have to say, I do notice a subtle improvement. šŸ¤Æ


Following because Iā€™m dealing with the same exact thing and I hate them


This might be to do with your bite. If you have a deep bite or a recessed jaw, it can cause this. Have a look at the braces sub. This isn't about your skin. It is the bone structure.


don't think this has been mentioned yet. But to prevent "worsening", good oral health is very important. Teeth and bone health (teeth is not bone) helps maintain facial structure.


Sorry if this is a dumb question, how does good oral health help maintain facial structure?


Not a dumb question. I work in a dental office and I get asked this all the time. Poor oral health, especially referring to poor oral hygiene (as this is the cause of many problems that can be easily fixed by brushing, flossing, and routine dental cleanings) can lead to build up, gum inflammation which can lead perio issues, tooth loss, and bone loss and this will change your facial structure. For example, when you look at old people (and I mean old like 80 and 90 year olds) a lot of them have that "witch chin" which is like a nub and curls up is due to bone loss.


Thatā€™s a great explanation, thank you very much!


Avoiding Bone loss


Yes! I always mention this, I think so many people waste money on fillers etc when they should have gone to the dentist instead


It's not necessarily aging, I've had those since I was a kid. I've noticed them recently, I thought it was aging until I looked at a pic from when I was 8, same thing. Aging is getting me paranoid..


Iā€™ve just decided to embrace aging - everyone is starting to get these at my age so why should I stress about it?


Great mentality to have! I've had them as long as I can remember so I'm not necessarily losing sleep over it but was curious if there was something I could do to prevent them getting worse or even reduce them


Mine are a little heavier than yours. My mother has them bad, and Iā€™m trying to slow down the downfall. I have been doing Morpheus8 and coolpeels and it has helped!


Same. At some point maybe Iā€™ll get a mini lift, but these are beyond the realm of skincare. Iā€™m in my mid thirties, itā€™s normal, so what. Eta OP you have bomb ass skin within the realm of skincare


Lower face lift with cheek suspension is the only ā€œrealā€ way. I have spoken to 3 surgeons about mine. They can place filler to smooth it out, but Iā€™m not interested in adding volume because thatā€™s not the issue. Nuface does nothing for me.


Just googled lower face lift with cheek suspension and the results are amazing, exactly what I would want! I may need to wait til I'm a little older so I get the best results but good to know that's an option down the line. I also don't need to add volume atm, luckily I have high cheek bones and I've always had chubby cheeks but was curious if something preventative could be done to stop jowls or the lumps getting worse. Do you think you'll go ahead with the face lift? How is the recovery period?


Yes I am 37 and I have been advised to wait until 42, or even better 45 my every surgeon I have spoken to (and my pre-jowling is much worse than yours). They said this both because they think the results will be better when it is correcting more cumulative downward migration of the fat pad *and* because older skin responds better to face lifts with less scarring (because it pulls less). I have heard of at least one person on here having an endoscopic repositioning of their cheek fat pad through hairline incisions (and one inside the mouth), but have yet to talk to an IRL surgeon who has even heard of it, so it remains my white whale. Every surgeon I have spoken to says there is really no way around ear-area incisions to specifically fix this concern, and that you would need to be very clear about it being your primary concern even with a lower facelift because lower facelifts typically are focused on jawline tightening and you will want your surgeon to spend extra time on the cheek fat pad while they are in there. Can you tell I have an obsession with mine?!


My injectable doctor puts a teeny bit of filler to soften the shape - works brilliantly. I have also had incredible success with a fractal laser which resurfaced my face and built collagen, setting the clock back quite a few years. Good luck in your research!


Reducing body fat or building more muscle might help. Also your face might get a bit leaner (assuming you maintain the same weight) as you get older, for example I see more cheekbone definition than I did a couple of years ago. But overall I donā€™t think they look bad, youā€™re probably the only person who notices them.


Yeah my face is definitely getting leaner, I've always had chubby cheeks and they're slowly disappearing due to ageing, hopefully the lumps will disappear or minimise without turning into jowls. I don't think they're as noticable when I'm talking/smiling or in more flattering light but was curious if there was anything I could do to prevent them getting worse.


These are perioral mounds and are not jowls or the precursor to themā€¦they are their own thing. I have them & detest them but because so many muscles converge right there it seems treatment is limited on these & a facelift will only have a minor correction on this area. Iā€™m researching if RF Microneedling might be an option as it can melt some fat but in my case being 39ā€¦Iā€™d rather keep them if the end result would leave me with more pronounced nasolabial folds or droopy mouth. Currently Iā€™m doing facial exercises & being more conscious of ā€œresting happy faceā€ to lessen them as much as I can/ stop the progression


It could also potentially be stagnant lymph fluid adding weight to that area so try facial massage/lymph drainage to see if it helps. Face massage will help lift too. I have a link to a great everyday routine in my profile if you want to try that. My Instagram also has a bunch of tutorials @jade.coyne


Thank you I'll check it out!


Jade rolling and gua sha consistently might help a bit


When I do my RLT regularly for months mine diminish a lot. When I fell off it for a year-ish, they came back to being fairly visible in most lighting. I returned to RLT and after about 4-6 months theyā€™re reduced again to where you can only see them in certain lighting. I have a Biomax 900 panel (red light only and NIR turned off bc I get melasma). I donā€™t know if a mask is powerful enough to have that effect but could be wrong, Dennis Gross and Qure are p powerful for masks (60mw/cm2) but you canā€™t turn off NIR and my skin hates it


I really want a RLT mask, I was torn between a dyson airwrap and a mask for my birthday but ultimately went with the dyson since I can cover my uneven skintone with make up and I've been trying to grow my hair for years. It's definitely next on my wishlist though, just need to save for it šŸ’°šŸ’°


The good thing about birthdays is they come again every year! Omnilux Menā€™s mask has the best wavelength array it seems, and Dennis Gross/Qure has the best power (3-5min treatment time vs 10 for Omnilux). If you get hyperpigmentation (or want more power/shorter treatment time) I recommend a Mito Pro face panel and you can just switch the NIR off. Itā€™s done wonders for my skin, youā€™ll love it!


I have these and Iā€™m 23 yay šŸ˜…šŸ˜… they seem to be worse at the end of the day when my skin is dry and dehydrated.


I had DAO Botox and helps


Iā€™ve also had these since I was a kid. Just how our face stores fat courtesy of genetics.


I think you have a recessed lower jaw tbh which is exacerbating it. But in general sadly this happens to most of us as we get older, myself included! And nothing is effective except surgery and most things are generally just a big waste of money and effort. Nefertiti lift Botox can help slightly, massester Botox often makes it worse


I have a very round face and big cheeks. They can vary a lot depending on how tired I am and how active/expressive I've been in the day. I notice plenty sunscreen, face massages, a jade roller and being more active reduces it at least a bit


Even if you could fix this issue, there would likely be something else you ā€œneed to changeā€ ā€¦ honestly youā€™re beautiful and youā€™re time is best spent working on how you FEEL about yourself


I have these too. I had an injector use kybella on them (in conjunction with cheek filler to provide a tad lift) and they did get a lot better but not completely gone. I did look like a chipmunk for a day or two with the swelling though haha. Also it was a very experienced, very talented injector that I went to. I wouldnt trust just anyone.


I've seen interesting results on this sub with face massage. Sounds silly but the posters before and after pics were convincing. I've been doing it for a few weeks now and at the very least feel like it's giving me a nice glow and less puffiness


As you age you need fat in your face! Otherwise youā€™ll age badly without it


https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/s/5Ar4vuxpVU Here is a link to a post about facial massages that can help with the formation of jowls.


If you haven't always had it(hereditary fat deposits) then it generally is one or some of the following: you DAO muscle pulling (Botox will improve), skin laxity, of skin laxity from mid-face fat loss, or skin laxity from rapid weight loss. There are many in office options. I got a little Botox and conservative filler in cheeks which improved it 75% for me. That's enough for me. Something like Morpheus 8 or Virtue RF can help as well for some minor skin tightening and fat reduction. Down the line a mid-facelift can also improve this. If Botox and filler improve it enough you can branch out into more long lasting mid face support like Sculptra. At the end of the day it doesn't look bad and it's totally normal. You don't have to do anything about it but there are options.


Chin filler maybe? A chin implant would probably better but you said you didnā€™t want surgery.


Try facial massaging to ā€œliftā€ up the skin, thereā€™s rlly good tutorials on instagram and YouTube!!


I always thought those were pretty šŸ˜Š


Massage gently upward along the nasolabial fold, then swoop across your cheeks up and outward towards your ears. This increases blood flow and stimulates collagen. Donā€™t do it so hard that you stretch the skin too much. Gentle is key. Repeat 10 times. So this twice a week while watching TV. Use your favourite moisturizer to get some glide. Fillers will stretch the layers of tissue. Donā€™t do that. That makes it worse, later. Edit to add: the increased circulation pulls the lymphatic congestion out from those pocket areas āœ…


When in my 30ies mostly in the left side did this begin to happen . It didnā€™t become truly noticeable until my 40ies . At that time I went to my lic moved dermatologist and licensed beautician who did several treatments ā€œMistā€ , PRP injections (which comes from your own blood which they take from you and separate the red blood cells and then inject it into your skin) and I did threading. I can attest that all of this helped every issue and was having with my skin being that I was and still am a tomboy by nature who also likes to girlie it up too . It tremendously helped and now as Iā€™m closing in on fifty (next year) Iā€™m glad to be aging gracefully and naturally. Now just caring for my skin with light routines alone ā˜ŗļø however for women who want to keep up with the high maintenance skin care , the continuous results are truly amazing satisfying to see ā˜ŗļøless invasive than a face lift and less scary than having fillers stay in your subdermal layer forever after it wears down and then the need to refill it ā€¦ but to each their own ! Celebrate and support yourself and other women and their self love and self care journey šŸ’šŸ’


I am a male and feel like I have no place in this. Yet I canā€™t stop myself from telling how saddening it is when I see women, especially the ones in their 30s wanting to change their natural facial features. You are beautiful the way you are and I swear to god, most of the things you see on social media are not idealistic and practical. The amount of pain and surgeries these people go through just to look ā€œcleanā€ is ridiculous. You are a human being, and imperfections is what makes us perfect.


Sculptra is the answer. Have someone inject some Sculptra on the back of your jawline near your ears and close to your upper cheeks. This will provide enough collagen to lift your skin back to where it used to be. I imagine doing this twice (6 weeks apart) will completely erase it.


Also stay away from filler in that area. The reason you have this is because you have full cheeks that are sinking with age due to gravity. You need to lift and plump those babies back up to their original position and this will disappear. Ask me how I know šŸ˜‰


Iā€™m a 26 year old female and these ā€¦ marionette? lines I have make me look tired and arenā€™t good looking on me imo. Iā€™ve looked at people who are younger than me (like probably 16) and have them too who are of all different sizes (Iā€™m from a city and use public transit so I see a lot of faces every day) and that has been making me feel better about them - they are natural. We just judge our face more harshly


Listen bestie, you can fix that pretty easily. It will be Botox to relax the muscle and a tiny bit of filler (half syringe) in the little fold right next to your mouth corners. Find a really good injector for this. If you are in Canada Iā€™ll recommend mine. I literally went from looking like this to all better for 400 bucks. Needs to be redone every 6 to 12 months tho.


Oh wow, could you DM before and after pics please? I'm not in Canada unfortunately but good to know there is something I can do to get rid of them! Have you ever tried any lasers to get rid or did you go straight to filler and botox?


Could you please DM me too with pics, I have had this but it didn't work for mine.


Iā€™m in Canada! Who is your injector???


Could you please DM me your injector details.


Please let me know as well. Hoping you're in GTA!


Who is your injector? Thanks!


I've heard of people getting botox and fillers for Marionette lines.


Same, although I don't think the issue is my marionette lines as they're not very noticable, it's more so my chubby cheeks haha


I have the same thing and as annoying as they are they do help smiles look younger as we age with the extra fat. Since we lose a lot as we age.


I hate to keep saying people that "that's a part of your anatomy it's not something you can fix"


It actually comes from your malar fat pads in your cheeks breaking down. It goes in this order: Volume loss in cheeks - nasolabial folds - corner mouth droop - jowls. Cheek filler, skin tightening treatments, facelift are the general remedies to look at.


I had the same issue and noticed if I had a small smile it worked those muscles out and made things smoother??


Agreed w/ others that a tiny bit of botox in the side muscles could help. There's a muscle there that starts pulling down for some people. I'd also try Gua Sha as it's free and a lot of people see benefits.


Belkyra/Kybella apparently is helpful for this, at least thatā€™s what I was told by a nurse injector.


Iā€™m 29 and experiencing the same thing - I think itā€™s partially my genetic face shape bc Iā€™ve always kind of had them and Iā€™ve always had a ā€œfatterā€ face even when Iā€™ve been very thin. Iā€™ve been using the Medicube Booster Pro and I feel like itā€™s definitely helped. Iā€™m also working on losing some weight (Iā€™m at the tail end of the ā€˜healthyā€™ weight bracket so I feel like losing 10 lbs will thin out my face a bit).


Sofwave tightening


This is not cheek fat. It is a muscle. Depressor anguli oris or DAO. Can be minimized with a tiny amount of Botox into it, but too much or asymmetric application will give you a crooked smile/difficulty closing your mouth properly.


If you've always had them since you were a child, it is possible perioral mound liposuction is an option. I am getting a consultation for this in July. If these only recently formed, it may be due to a different issue.


I have this too. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s from facial expressions I make when Iā€™m frustrated or disappointed. A lot of emotions are stored in the face. Be mindful of the expressions youā€™re making and face yoga.


I have the same issues and it's easy fixed with some filler on upper cheeks and chin, if you're willing to do that.


Certain applications of Botox can fix this. I have it badly but my mother does my Botox injections and always lifts this for me. Iā€™ve never had any other injectionist do this so Iā€™m not sure itā€™s standard but my mom is a wizard with the needle. Iā€™d be happy to ask her what others should ask their injectionist for if they want this effect! Before I realized my mom knew how to correct this I was strongly considering fillers or plastic surgery because mine were pretty extreme.


Itā€™s part of aging, unfortunately. Youā€™re doing everything right!


Do you vape or use straws often? Totally anecdotal and my own opinion but Iā€™ve noticed that smokers and straw users tend to have more pronouncement in this area.


I actually think these look nice on most people who have them. For example, Rebecca Ferguson has them and it really gives her face amazing character imo. To remove them, surgery is probably the best bet, though.


I'm doing a stint of Emface, I could see it helping with this concern! It's spendy, but I've already seen it help with my asymmetry around my mouth. The provider said it was a bit too early for RF microneedling, but said we could do the normal microneedling to get a bit more collagen stimulation.


I have the same exact thing going on and I talked to my dermatologist about it. He said fillers can help smooth out the creases. Of course, itā€™s not a permanent fix though. He doesnā€™t offer the service but he told me to go to a physician to get them done if I choose to, since theyā€™re credentialed and know what theyā€™re doing.


I donā€™t recommend fillers at all for this. Itā€™d just add bulk


Like another commenter said Iā€™d look into jaw surgery. Your jaw looks a little recessed and might fix that before going down the plastic surgery route.


Gua sha / face massage / lymphatic drainage techniques help mine. They donā€™t totally go away but they donā€™t seem so noticeable to me anymore


I have that too. Trying a microcurrent device hope it works, but if it doesn't I am learning to love them šŸ„²


You could try this [fascial maneuver](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7j4DEAp9Ya/?igsh=MXBwN2JuZXVubG81MA==)


Small amounts of kybella


Iā€™ve seen people have good results with gua sha. Not that itā€™s scientific but just Iā€™ve seen good results on this sug.


I find it cute


Hi! Here to say your skin looks great and Iā€™ve had these since I was a kid! Totally normal and genetic like other commenters have said. Iā€™d also point out, the stuff we notice from staring at ourselves in the mirror are things no one else ever does.


Yes you can get kybella micro drops. It basically melts fat but you need to be super careful and slow because you donā€™t want to melt too much. Thatā€™s why you do it over 2-3 appointments a month apart in small doses. Find someone whoā€™s done this a lot šŸ˜Š


I just noticed these too šŸ„²


You could try botox in the DAO muscles. It might help give a little 'lift' to the overall area. If they have always been there it wont get rid of them but will help your face be less pulled down so they may look less severe.


My mom called them her ā€œjowlsā€ and got a facelift to remove them.


Face fitness! That will help tremendously especially since youā€™re still young! Iā€™m reading comments mentioning facelift, well that will lift your face.


Look up face fitness on YouTube


I do a small bit of filler and Botox in the lower corners of my mouth as well as my platysmal bands - it helps a bit to lift the corners of the mouth and reduce the appearance of these bumps


Facial exercises! @trinhgeorgg on instagram is great


this is more due to bone structure, normally from having a small face.


Chin and pre-jowl sulcus filler will make a huge difference! Find an experienced injector who knows the appropriate filler type and injection technique for this. Unfortunately as we age, gravity pulls the fat in our faces down as the structural elements that once held it up weaken. So at a certain point, adding filler wonā€™t help and will just make your mid-lower face look heavy. Especially if you are prone for jowling. But for now, a little filler will make an immediate improvement and collagen induction treatments focused on tightening up the lower face will pay off in the future.


Those are marionette lines. You can use tretinoin or get filler for them


I noticed these too on one side of my mouth and despise them šŸ„²


l have the same issue. lā€™m getting fillers, but not in the crease but in the jaw/lower cheek area between the chin and the earlobes. if your cheeks are fuller it pulls the skin back and makes it less visible. (l also have an appointment for a HIFU laser treatment to tighten my lower face region, but since l havenā€˜t done it yet, l canā€˜t give a recommendation for that yet.)


This is an odd one, but if you have the time and the want, pick up clarinet (not kidding) - I had these, and after a few years of clarinet my face is solid muscle and I have a ton of dimples!


I believe this is from sagging cheeks due to aging. Botox or filler to plump the cheek should fix this. Sleeping on ur back (and not on ur face) can probably slow the progression.


Filler or sculptra underneath this area. Itā€™s a loss of volume (facial fat) of the lower face, and that volume deficit is what needs to be restored.


My friend who is also my Nurse practitioner told me that it will probably help with filler up higher on your face. Filler up higher on the face lifts the skin. Or at least that is what she told me about mine. But I am also much older than you. But it is so expensive to be temporary. Not sure that this is something that would help you. But make sure you go to a reputable person if you decide to try filler.


I have these on a smaller scale. Has anyone on here tried face yoga to help stuff like this? Lol


Yes botox


I get Botox in my chin and on either side of my chin. Thereā€™s enough of a reduction to make me happy, and it helps with frowning less fully. Donā€™t ever get filler for it, it wonā€™t work. Even a facelift will not fully get rid of these.


DOA Botox can possibly help. Pretty minimal amount needed so worth trying and seeing if it helps you.


I think this is usually a result of your jaw being too small. If thatā€™s the case then surgery can fix that. Itā€™s not a purely cosmetic procedure, thereā€™s pretty much always issues related to having a recessed jaw that you might have thought are just normal.


I have always LOVED these on people. I never knew the name of them, but I see others do, and I am so glad I know now. I never thought of them as related to aging, though, as I've seen many people (in all ages of life) with these cute cheeks.


It's cute


Try facial massage and intra oral buccal massage to release fascia, smooth and lift.


I believe face yoga /gushua. It has to do with tight muscle and fascia. Research it it's all over the net.


Perioral mound liposuction but it may just look prominent if youā€™ve had a loss of volume in the midface.


You should look into Kybella. I think that area might be fda approved for Kybella, but look into it to make sure. Supposedly it eliminates fat cells permanently by like 20-50% or something like that. Edit to add - The fda approval was for under the chin, not that area. Not sure if this area is fda approved, Iā€™d check with a provider near you.


I had these and the solution I was told was cheek filler and targeted botox - not necessarily in that area but around it to add volume and lift it. A great nurse injector would be able to provide ideas for a nonsurgical fix


I'm 43 and started to see these lines and fat folding sort of over. I did a thread lift on my lower face and it has really helped lift that back where it should be.


Sorry, I'm far too focused on you perfect, gorgeous lips that I spent a fortune on filler in the hopes of achieving... but never did. I would never have noticed these on your face if you hadn't pointed them out, nor are they visible in the third shot (head on). Having said that, I completely understand not liking something that you see every single time you see yourself in a mirror, and wanting to change it.


Iā€™ve noticed these forming as Iā€™ve aged into my 30s. Gua sha helps them a lot, but of course you have to do it consistently. other firming things like led lights and face massage and micro needling all would help too, I presume.


Have you ever had filler? Even a long time ago? The had filler 10 and 5 years ago and my lady said she saw some in there and dissolved it. Looks better now.


Gua sha and facial yoga/exercise takes care of this for me if Iā€™m consistent (which Iā€™m not) but I always see results when I get back to it (Iā€™m 39). I cheat up with makeup too. A little contour and highlight and itā€™s good as new.


I use a home HiFu device to help with this same problem. It works a bit. It's said that with Hifu there is a risk of fat loss, so I only use it on my jawline and lower face fat area. And I use it full blast, hoping to burn some fat lol. It does make a subtle difference.


A facelift. Sometime filler higher in the cheeks will pull the bottom of the face up. Botox in the DAO may help soften the pull down and lines.


Botox may help


This is probably not helpful but I got the same thing after I got my braces taken out. My stupid dentist thought setting my teeth the way he did would make my lips look bigger since I have small lips but HES NOT A SURGEON hes a dentist! And his only business is what my teeth looks like not my face. But whatever I feel ya I got the same thing except worse bc of braces. I donā€™t think yours looks bad though. Itā€™s barely noticeable in my opinion :)


Thereā€™s many doctors that Iā€™ve seen treating that area with very small amounts of kybella


PDO threads, temple filler, face yoga, neck Botox. Do NOT put filler in the sagging area to even it out


I'm using volufinile to add shape to my face. Seems to be working pretty good. That's my only recommendation


Morpheus or Profound may help if you do not want to go surgery route


If you donā€™t want those jaw fillers to lift the jowls. Try kybella?


Could be an underbite , I have a serve one and my face does this too !




I have this too. I havenā€™t tried it but Iā€™ve seen ppl do gua sha routines for it. Also lymphatic drainage maybe? Idk