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Agree with the cotton underwear suggestion, but also want to recommend an exfoliating glove and Am Lactin lotion. Regular physical and chemical exfoliation should help a lot with this issue. It did for me! Just make sure you’re washing the exfoliation gloves regularly.


what kind of glove? also do you have any advice for using that lotion?


Something like [this](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjDpc2yj42HAxUXNwgFHQK7Ar8YABAnGgJtZA&gclid=CjwKCAjwkJm0BhBxEiwAwT1AXEu9ir2r6QiSW7np1WS6vr6liHN1UIARODzWLWB2DfnVCf2mOalfIRoCRIIQAvD_BwE&sph=&sig=AOD64_3-VPIKPzhu0tDDblpGbIU4Raobzg&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjrs8iyj42HAxUsv4kEHSj8CJ8QzzkoAHoECAQQKQ&adurl=) would work. You can touch the gloves at the store and decide if they feel too rough or too smooth. I’ve used Am Lactin on and off for years, stopped because I’m trying to get pregnant. I would use an exfoliation glove and then the am Lactin when I got out of the shower a few times a week. Am lactin can make you more sensitive to the sun so keep that in mind also, if you use it on your legs or arms.


I have a few suggestions - Are you washing your butt last after any other products like shampoo and conditioner? Conditioner is designed to be film forming, great to stick to your hair but not so much for your skin. Soap up last right before you get out of the shower to make sure any other products are gone. Make sure your work chair seat is clean, also keep your bath towel clean. They both might secretly be harbouring bacteria that is flaring you up. A chemical exfoliant like “the ordinary glycolic acid toner” would also probably help and that brand is quite affordable. Just pop 10mls into your palm when you hop out of the shower, pat it on your butt and let it dry down. You could also add in a physical exfoliation like an exfoliating glove or scrub as long as you keep the glove or similar clean.


Yeah that’s true! I definitely wash my body while conditioner marinates in my hair… so the conditioner is technically the last thing on my butt!


this is likely the issue! do body wash last in combination with breathable 100% cotton underwear, and stop shaving if you do


Are you wearing natural fiber underwear? I know they aren't as attractive but the 100% organic Hanes cotton underwear are really nice since natural fibers BREATHE. also try a natural clean ingredients nourishing body scrub. I really like Brazen Bee Beauty's body scrubs.


my underwear are cotton and elastane. is that not the same thing?


2 types of fiber in a piece of clothing is not the same as 1 type of fiber. 100% means 100%. If it says "cotton and X" it's not pure cotton. So a label that says "cotton" is not the same as "cotton and elastane". Also check how much laundry detergent, fabric softener,scent beads, other junk, in your wash. Under garments and things you sleep in don't need fabric softener or scents, they can irritate skin. Same for your sheets, if you sleep in it, coat your underwear in it, chemicals can irritate skin. I'd try the laundry change before buying all new underwear. My sensitive, dry skin like All Free & Clear, but there's a few brands without colors, softeners, & perfumes. I also run an extra rinse cycle at the end of every load.


my laundry is completely free of everything, so i guess i'll try new underwear


Just to add to that, I stopped using fabric softener completely and only use vinegar for the rinse cycle. And I only use dryer balls, that cut out softener and dryer sheets. I try to get soap thats free and clear, not scented. I also do not use scented lotion, just good hydrating stuff like eucerin or cetaphil. I'm assuming you're hydrating the butt as well?


For my UBER sensitive skin if LOVE LOVE LOVE Nellie's laundry soda (you can get it from Costco online or Amazon). It actually CLEANS your clothes without all the crap in it, HE washer safe, and a lil teaspoon scoop is good for a whole load.


Cotton underwear often have around 5% of elasthane to make them elastic, don't worry, you'll be fine.


Have you tried a standing desk? if you’re able to use one in your workplace this might be a good solution to sitting too much! Apart from that, I recommend doing a pass with glycolic acid in any problem areas in the evening before you go to bed, letting it settle in and dry for fifteen minutes or so then applying a thin layer of moisturizer that you know doesn’t break you out


Azalic acid cream works so well


I have the exact same problem, and the one thing that really helped me has been 70% isopropyl alcohol. I soak disposable cotton pads and wipe the entire area, once in the morning and again after I shower in the evening, letting it dry completely before I get dressed. If you have some in your medicine cabinet, you can try it now. I think it took me a little less than a week to notice the difference. Also, if you haven't run across it yet, check out r/folliculitis. They have a lot of great tips for stuff like this.


You likely need to add a lotion after this though. Cause that’s going to dry all the hell out your skin


Wash with chlorhexadine soap


This. You can buy hibiclens at grocery or drug stores. Wash your butt cheeks daily in the shower with this. Do not get it on any mucus membranes though! And don't wear spandex/tight pants


When this happens to me, I use retinol lol


Came here to say this! I use it daily after the shower and it's kept the bum acne away.


Are you cleaning your toilet seat regularly?


Nizoral shampoo - could be fungal acne which wouldn’t be treated with all the antibacterial suggestions above. Just let it sit for like a minute or two on your bum then rinse at the end of your shower


Have you heard of the Head and Shoulders trick? Leave it on for a couple minutes then rinse off. I think this is for folliculitis which seems like acne but is actually inflammation of hair follicles. This worked wonders for me.


Have you considered the toilets you are sitting on? Make sure they are clean


Oh my !!! How often do you disinfect yours ? Never thought of that


Wash with hibiclens.


tried this unfortunately


are you letting it sit for a few minutes?? b/ this is the usually the most effective n studied tx for butt pimples


Yeah I let it sit for 15-20 minutes


oh wow this is pretty unusual! there is a suggestion here heavily downvoted but they are absolutely right that dairy n acne have a big link. that would be my next step in eliminating if I were you since topical treatments like benzoyl peroxide and hibiclens which have been studied the most for butt pimples isn't working.


Do you sleep in clothing? Also just use AHA BHA lotion in am or pm to prevent


just a t-shirt, and i have tried AHA and BHA :(


Retinol maybe then, one of those has to help! So I read that if we don’t wear panties (EVERYONE) then our natural body processes make the sheets dirty, so if we are changing sheets often it could also cause that or try wearing panties too! I follow my own advice as well lol


I just saw a video that says sometimes buttne is more than acne. It might be folliculitis? I don’t know much about either but just in case you wanted alternatives good or bad?


Try FAB KP bump eraser. It has been the only thing that has worked for me.


If traditional acne treatments aren’t working, you might actually be experiencing boils (caused by staph, not oil, but can be exacerbated by sweat). You’d need to see a doctor for advice and treatment.


I had this problem too and cured it! 1) be sure to wash your body in the shower last, after you’ve rinsed your conditioner 2) chlorhexidine soap- you can buy this at any drugstore. Suds it up and let it sit on the affected area for 1 minute before rinsing 3) glycolic acid- I like The Ordinary brand. Apply it to the area and allow it to dry. It takes some time and consistency, but this worked for me. Hope this helps!


Paula’s choice purple bottle lotion or glycolic toner/lotion. I use Sharon Marie on Etsy- super powerful!


i have tried this unfortunately


Make sure your underwear AND pants are 100% cotton. Try wearing fabric that is light and doesn’t cling to your skin. I use antibacterial hand soap in the shower on my butt and I use a really good lotion to make sure the skin doesn’t dry out. Don’t exfoliate it too hard or use anything too harsh. Get rid of the bacteria on the skin and let it breathe and stay moisturized. Could be folliculitis too.


Scrubby towel and hibiclens, esp after working out. This has been life-changing for me. I generally wear cotton underwear too, but I’m very attached to my no-show workout undies. This routine has helped A LOT.


could you get a cotton sheet cover for the actual chair youre sitting on? it would reduce the sweat on the chair and then you can wash it every few days too so its fresh


Benzol peroxide, cotton underwear, no underwear at sleep time


https://www.amazon.ca/gp/aw/d/B09PLW9BL7?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title This worked for me! I was sitting a lot more after having a baby and this cleared it right up. Hope it helps you too 🤞🏻


can i ask how you used it? your routine?


Benzoyl peroxide will bleach your clothes/towels/any fabric so I would suggest using it at night and rinse REALLY WELL


I just used it in the shower as my final step. Morning and night for a few days and now just once a day when I rinse.


Laser hair removal.


If you naturally run a little warm around your genitals and butt area, your pimples are a result of excess moisture, yes, cotton underwear might help, I would even opt for thongs (if you are a woman) and if you tend to sit for a long time and get sticky, I’d find a good quality of baby powder and use a very thin layer on the parts of your butt that get sweaty (it can be very messy with your clothes, you have to be super careful).


Tea Tree Oil Exfoliating Scrub... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017L8ZUJE?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


another thing that is directly linked to breakouts is if you’re shaving that area! if you are - the exfoliating glove should help with that! sometimes a sweaty chair booty in the summertime is just inevitable for humans everywhere so don’t beat yourself up too much! anyone who is seeing your behind is LUCKY TO BE LOOKING AT SUCH A GORGEOUS PEACH! Spotty or not!! 🍑✨🔥


Have you tried a simple Dial gold bar soap? The anti-bacterial? That’s what worked for me.


i used glycolic acid pads from amazon and they helped me a ton. since you breakout during work and likely from moisture which could cause fungal acne, i’d recommend getting a cleanser with sulfur for fungal acne. i use kate somerville sulfur wash and it helped my acne a lot. best bet is to buy some time of acne wipe/baby wipes and go to the bathroom every couple hours and wipe your skin to avoid bacteria/fungal overgrowth.


Had a dermatologist recommend PanOxyl Acne Foaming Wash 10% from drugstores. I use it in the morning and at night, and it completely got rid of my moderate buttne. Make sure to wash it thoroughly off, it does bleach fiber.


Body retinol cream


A couple things helped me… Dye-free and fragrance-free detergent Cotton underwear Salicylic acid after showering


Almond clear helped overnight. Have to be consistent with it even when you aren’t breaking out though.


The only thing that has ever worked for me is using the tretinoin that I use on my face on my bum. Cleared up amazingly fast and without any of the irritation I experienced when starting it on my face.


Dry brushing helped me a lot with butt and back of thigh acne/ ingrowns!


Mix in a tiny bit of hibiclens with your lotion on your hand before you apply it. Remarkably effective!


Are they possibly like boils? I hate to say, but your doc might be open to giving them a note… there’s lots of medical reasons to stand (hemorrhoids or back issues for starters) and some standing is correlated with lower mortality


Perhaps you may benefit from cutting milk, sugar or wheat one by one and see if there is any difference. Hope this helps you, also just thinking about it, you may benefit of some type of cooling gel pad that you can put on your seat.




Not sure but it's best to get to the root of the problem. For me milk worsens my psoriasis and I can tell a difference on my face as well-less puffy.


Working out every other day + sauna + physical exfoliation!! Sweat helps clean out the pores. Changed my life