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I had that, I raised the z- hop by 0.1 until it stoped


What kind of infill is this? I had it with cubic, so switched to gyroid and it fixed the issue for me


Same, switched to gyroids because of this issue. I don't even need a z-hop with them.


I concur. Gyroid or lines is likely the answer


My nozzle keeps scraping on infill, I believe my z offset is good, I’m using an elegoo Neptune 3 pro my layer height is 0.2 and my nozzle temp is 205 C, and the bed is 60 C, I’m using a generic PLA from naga, the slicer is cura, my retraction distance is 1.0mm and retraction speed is 25mm/s and my print speed is 60mm/s. I've tryed using z Hop but that hasn't seemed to work I had it on the default setting with no luck


I had the same problem. The solution: z-hop with the double of the layer height and disable combing. Combing seems to disable z-hop over infill. Maybe you can reduce z-hop after solving your problem, but I prefer to stay away enough on travels to avoid the nozzle touching the print.


The question is about infil, but you do not see the need to mention what the infil is?


Could also be warping. I moved my printer to an enclosure and used to have this problem. Haven't encountered it since.