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I recently bought a Kobra 2 Neo, using Anycubic pla+ nozzle temp is 205 bed temp is 60 I have tried slowing the prints down to 30mm/s, bumping outer wall acceleration down to 500mm/s from 2500mm/s


I am not an expert, but to my weary eyes it looks like you MAY have some very loose belts. In both, x and y. Check that first. And please do not change the settings of your slicer, in 99.999% it will get worse. Use defaults, just change the temp and speed. By the way, i printed anycubic pla+ on 190/60 last time, worked very good.


Agreed with the diagnosis but not the fear of your slicer. Adjusting acceleration and jerk is very normal. OP keep doing research and experimenting. But yeah this looks like belts and probably more hidden by just how bad the belts are.


so I've tried tightening the belts a bit for 4 different prints now, also for the last two prints I tried adjusting acceleration and jerk settings in cura. printing at the lower temp of 190 does seem to make the flat parts of the walls look nicer, however i'm still getting those ugly corners where it looks like it steps inward and also still getting really bad ghosting of the letters, like 5mm to the right of the letter.


I mean I'm not gonna lie there is a lot wrong with this print. Maybe look into other more specific tests then the cube and work out your problems one by one.


would you have any clue on what could be causing those artifacts that are like 5mm from the left vertical corners specifically (the sort of indent that is parallel to the vertical corners)? I appreciate your responses.


Honestly no. I have no idea how it has ghosting that bad. Like its not a layer shift, but it seems like so much more than any ghosting I've seen