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That was very impressive. I feel like I can print this but the painting is where I have no experience. Fantastic job!


thank you, i try to make my toturials as simple as i can to and use simple and cheap painting so anyone can do it


Very nice!! And I really like that you used the "real X-Men suit" ;)


love the yellow suit, and i do it mostly because i want to show how to paint the yellow and look good its very hard even for me no nail the yellow


thank you


It could be very nice to have some details about the printing and the sanding ! Would love to pursue some of this !


i know, but i m very new at this and its hard for me to film everything because i do it with my phone, but i will try to make better videos and try to show more along the time, but feel free to ask anything, i will do my best to respond to everyone


Fantastic paint work! I love printing but am absolutely horrible at paint.


thank you, i try to make it simple as i can


This looks amazing! I want to get into painting too, but still doubtful I'll get something so pretty. Is this all hand painted?


thank you, yes i m only use brushes, dont like to paint with airbrush, i make this really simple in my toturial so anyone can make


Cr10 with 0.15 layer height? Isn't it a machine with preferred 0.04 steps? Unless your machine is different, wouldn't 0.12 or 0.16 layers give you better results? It sure works better that way for the cr10s4.


i know about the 0.04 steps everyone use it but for me i try this and i have better results, even with my ender 3 i print with this number and have better results, but maybe its my machine i know this kind of thing dont work for everyone.


It happens. I have seen it before. 0.15 miserable. 0.16 didn't fix it. That machine (ender 5) wanted 0.14 layer height in cura 4. W/e works. Expected to find a comment like this, but was surprised to not find one, so figured I'd put one in a polite way. Because well, your machine is proof magic numbers don't pan out 100% of the time. Either way, good print! Particularly love the logo on the base, looks great!


This is fantastic! I'd love to print this! Where can we find the stl?


i found this on a facebook, but i think they dont have the page anymore, 3dprintfigures i think this is the name