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Most marines during the Heresy ran the MK 6 Corrax pattern or as I call it the bird helmet or impromptu CCW/Eye poker, this may be goofy but so is 40K go for it


Wait so the Raven Guard beak helms aren't unique to them? Bummer... (I'm fairly new to 40k lore, apologies if I am misunderstanding.)


You are correct, Raven guard did take a liking to it (that’s why it was named after their primarch Corvus Corax) but everyone used it although it was favored by traitors as the war master Horus redirected resources before the heresy and it was the latest mark, that didn’t stop the most sneaky of bird flavored legions from taking as their own.


Someone gave an in-universe answer, the real world context is that very first space marines, from the [~1985 limited edition model](http://www.solegends.com/citle1990/numbered/le02spacemarine/index.htm) through the [first 1986 pre-Rogue Trader rules metal marines](http://www.solegends.com/citrt2/c100sms/index.htm) and the [1987 RTB1 Imperial Space Marines plastic kit](http://www.solegends.com/citrt2/rtb01sm/index.htm) m, which came out the same year as the first edition of the rules, had the beaky face. In-universe, these are Mark 6 marine armor. There’s a current [30k Horus Heresy model kit](https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/legiones-astartes-mk6-tactical-squad-2022?queryID=8f836746436a6bdadd2f0fa85799c3c5) that’s only those. I think it’s based on a type of medieval helmet called a [hounskull bascinet](https://www.musee-armee.fr/en/collections/museum-treasures/hounskull-bascinet.html). I don’t have a pic, but I think there’s a late 80s White Dwarf pic of a marine model converted to have the beak cut off and a grill painted on the newly flat muzzle that might have been the inspiration for what then became the more dominant Mk VII style in the later 80s and on until the Primaris guys had more of a [Mk IV](https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/legiones-astartes-mk4-tactical-squad-2022?queryID=9b6b0dcf09ffb21b05e47dd6541dfec9) helmet. The official site has [an article](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2016/10/27/power-armour-through-the-ages/) about all the different armors, though it’s almost a decade old so there might be new/different lore.


Raven guard kind of did the beta testing for that mark, and they really liked the advanced sensors and stuff. Loyalists forces had quite a bit of it before seige of tera and chaos got tons when they conquered mars. The raven guard just like it as it's the best for recon, stealthiest and named after their primarch in honour of their fallen during the heresy. Phobos basically fills its niche primaris wise.


Only the raven guard had ready access to mark vi through the majority of the war. Alpha legion stole the plans and made a handful of suits for their use. Other than. That, it really was not existent prior to the battle of the sol system. If anything mk2-mk5 were the overwhelmingly predominant my models of armour during the majority of the war.


this has been retconned, in recent lore an easy-to-make mark 6 variant was the most widespread armour mark across both sides of the war by the last few years. Dislike the change myself but that’s what you get when they make a new unit and need to sell bootloads of it


If the Space Wolves have those dumbass wolf helmets then yeah. This is reasonable (and way better)


It looks SICK AS FUCK! (lore wise be damned)


Agreed! [heres the free STL](https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/primaticus-sharkitus-helmet) if youre interested in using it


I don't have a body nor the money to buy one, but still! Sick!


Make a hammerhead for the tech marine plz


Who’s gonna tell them no!?


Carcharodons aren’t into following the rules so much, so I can certainly see one wearing this and being very convinced he looks terrifying


Weren't the space sharks literally booted out of the Imperium?


Were they? I thought they were tolerated because they suitably kill xenos


Shark marine and lava sister


I see what you did there! +1


Check our r/carcharodons , slow little sub but lots of other people using custom helmets and whatnot like this


It’s reasonably badass. 


Not really, we know what the carcharodons look like and most people ignore it. They're suppossed to have a mixture of MKV suits passed down for thousands of years, with painted patterns of exile markings and some bone charm relics. But instead everyone goes "sharks!!!!!!!!!!!!" And makes them look like a goofy warcraft shark themed faction. They have official art, that's what they look like. If you want them to look a certain way it's totally up to the individual person but that doesn't make it accurate.


Considering their status, its entirely possible that theyve scavenged parts from other marks, including a Mk IV or Mk X helmet, both of which could totally be customized to look like that. I understand your standpoint, but the art is too homogeneous for how ill equipped most 40k factions actually seem to be. Even Ultramarines have slight differences in their Mk X from suit to suit, due to intense repairs and modifications made to keep as many suits running as possible.


Goofy is right


Goofy is left Regular is right




Yea… this is pretty much most art of them.


Yea man, most chapters have more specific armor/relics then whats available to us


I don't really like any of the overly themed helmets. (I'm looking at you, Space Wolves.)


Yeah the weird space marine theme needs to go and just call them wolves.


Looks kinda like a sleestak!


Any chapter can do whatever they want with their armour. It just looks cosmetic, so why not? Every Heresy legion comes with a set of custom helmets, don’t see why that would have died out.


Ooooh , jolie personnalisation du casque Astartes . 😲✍️


I think it would look better if the fin stretched farther forward along the top. It would look sleeker, maybe like the clone phase 1 helmets.


Who cares if it's reasonable, it looks cool. Put them shits on everything.


I imagine Trajann Valoris needs regular lion pelt and peacock feather shipments to keep his wardrobe in order during war so this should be fine


I’m a commission painter and I often give carcharodon requests this option as a head. I’ve never gotten a no. It looks particularly awesome on sterngaurd imo


I don't know about lore, but I think it's damn cool !


Check out forge worlds salamander helmets


I’d lose the top fin


Everything is canon


There’s nothing about the Space Sharks that’s reasonable in lore.


Absolutely. That looks like a take on the Mk IV Maximus helmet (mimicked by the Mk X Tacticus), extremely similar to those worn by the Palatine Guard of the pre-heresy Emperor's Children. Its entirely possible that the Carchadons either modified Mk IV or even Mk X helmets to achive such a look, and the jaw thing is already 100% confirmed canon. Also, someone else pointed out that theyre typically dressed in Mk V Heresy armor. While thats true for the extremely small amount of canon art we have of them, entire chapters are rarely ever dressed all in the same mark, nor is every space marine dressed in a suit composed of only a single mark of components. They do what they can to keep uniform, but the 41st mil just cant keep up with the demand for brand new power armor. This is even seen on almost all sculpts for marines, which have slight differences from mini to mini due to extensive repairs and modifications made between assignments.


Everything is cannon