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he's playing with overpriced plastic toy soldiers


I think you mean playing war games... using expensive plastic toy soliders


He’s a hardcore redditor


I'm *right here*.


An imposter. I am not a god.


This is the true Master of Mankind.


Right now? Probably nerding around with CRISPR-Cas9.


>CRISPR-Cas9 💯


Tfw you realise the Emperor was under the alias of George Church at the end of the 2nd millennia.


Huh, he was already St. George... He seems to like that name.


Makes a lot of sense, considering Big E's expertise in genetics and biomancy.


If we were to consider the lore its probably more likely he was fucking around with AI right now. Even in 30k he's only among the greatest geneticists.


That's a good point, don't many of the top Selenar Cultists and that one Dark Age gene scientist blow him out of the water in terms of knowledge/skill?


Well theres at least 2 dark age scientists (Fo and Astarte) but yeah. And the reason I say Emps was fucking around with AI is because a comment Fo makes about how Big E is using genetics this time around.


Would he even need CRISPR? His psycher specialty is biomancy, so he certainly wouldn't need it for his work. He might be learning from the genetic sciences of the day, but the tools would be beneath him.


It'd be funny if he was just working a regular 9-5 in an office somewhere. A mid-level manager with the golden aura.




More like Lumbergh from Office Space. ​ Soooo yeahhhh, I'm going to need you to come in and do an exterminatus on Saturday.


Golden Arches, more like


Him and his buddy Malcom are gonna smoke a bowl later


Pretty sure he's laying low around this time, so he's probably not up to much. This is getting into headcanon, but I imagine him living in some rural mansion somewhere. It would be easy for him to build up some wealth over decades or centuries; he probably wouldn't be a big billionaire that would attract attention, but he could live on a small fortune, enough to have a little isolated estate where he's probably doing some little projects, studying genetics or experimenting with his powers or something, ready to intervene if things get really bad but content for now to wait in the shadows.


I imagine he is laying low, but he is secretly the richest man on earth, with lots of front companies scattered across the world with holdings in most tech companies. He probably has board seats filled with unknowing representatives guiding them to his ends.


So he's basically the factual embodiment of crazy people's anti semitic conspiracies?


Life imitates art?


that would be so lame!!! he would find holdings in modern day tech companies trivial knowing what is just around the corner and remembering that aircraft, nuclear fission, lithium ion battery, internet etc. have all happened in a space of around 110 years. more likely that the emperor would be laying low and attempting to get their head around webway science, viewing it as a sort of be all and end all


You do get that the Emperor isn't Prescient ...


He’s the one guiding humanity. He’s the one who brings about the men of iron, AI, etc.


Where do you get the idea the emperor had anything to do with creating the men of iron? I've never seen that anywhere.


I think he's saying that's his head cannon/fan theory. That the Emperor is currently guiding humanity in secret and all that shit comes about as a result of his hubris. Which is on brand for Big E but also makes him seem overly dumb since he does the same shit with biological super soldiers later and fucks it up again.


I allways got the impression that big E thought men of iron happend because he was not explicit or hands on enough.


So his first plan almost wiped out humanity, and his do-over resulted in the Horus Heresy? He's not very good at 'guiding the human race' for someone with precognition...


Well, it’s not precognition per se. It’s described as seeing possible outcomes of a decision tree, not the guaranteed outcome. So he’s basically playing a game of long odds. Humanity is still the most powerful faction in the universe, even with those tragedies. And remember, the alternative is total extinction. Basically, when you put things in context, he’s actually done a damn good job.


i wouldn’t call it a damn good job. i’d call it just a job. half-assed even


As terrible as the Imperium became, the fact that he could get the rabble of Age of Strife Earth to stop blowing each other up and organize in any meaningful sense is a ludicrous feat.


If it is good enough for me to get a paycheck it is good enough for emps.


It’s not really “True” precog, if we are honest… it’s more like he can see what COULD happen, and he has no idea what will cause what outcome, so he just has to pull the strings lightly to try and guide himself and Humanity to the least damning outcome he can imagine without taking too large of a risk and potentially catapulting himself and Humanity down a far more dangerous path by trying to go for the “best” outcomes.


Hmm, this is interesting. I wonder how many different futures he sees, and whether some are more probable than others (evidently to him). Seems like that's the sort of thing that could drive you completely nuts - ie causing the very events you are striving to avoid, almost better not to rely on it at all, just stick to normal prediction of cause and effect...


Watch the movie Next with Nic Cage.




Most underrated comment in this thread lol


Criminally underrated movie. And he does exactly what anyone would do with that power, gambling and ripping off casinos.


Thank you! People never talk about Next! Such a great premise, the movie was a good Cage performance, and the probability that most humans would do what he did made it stick with me.


One of his better acting jobs as well, personally speaking. Right up there with Lord of War.


I mean I do think that could be what happened. He probably at some point saw the current 40k, basically the same future the Chaos Gods showed Horus. He knew in that worst future he was stuck in eternal pain his mind unravelling while he was worshipped as a god, and it all happened because some trusted general betrayed him. Soooo he decided fuck generals, I'll make my own and created the Primarchs using warp shit and then forbid anyone from having any gods to weaken the Chaos gods and prevent him from being worshipped as a god. Then Lorgar started his shit and he was like "fuck" and then Horus turned traitor and he was like "FUCK FUCK FUCK" and basically created his own worst future. (there's admitted holes in this theory and it's not necessarily my prefered one, as I prefer the one where he actively sought this future to become a god and it's actually going at least pretty close to plan, it makes him smarter and more sinister and I think that's the more interesting path, but this one also has some good irony to it)


> try and guide himself and Humanity to the least damning outcome Oopsie-daisy


The alternative was extinction, total chaos possession, etc. all in all, given the setting and the possible outcomes, this is a 4/5 star performance by big E, and he isn’t done yet.


>The alternative was extinction, total chaos possession, etc. We dont know that. He brutally killed off all the alternatives. He is a psyker and a geneticist, so he went with the things he knows. warp and transhumans. As we the readers know, going the necron pylon tech-route would probably be more beneficial - or at least a competitive strat (tech in general - see votann, it works). Big E had exposure to dragon of mars and necrons as early as middle ages. He could have worked the pylons, built a grid (or used his power to steal it from cadia and other planets), and took it from there. Cawl could do it. Anyways, ring Terra with pylons, sitting in the pylon bubble and doing research as long as it took to build more of them. If necrons could do it, he could do it. And i imagine, in record time, given that he could hook into askansic records and simply pull the pylon scematic out of ~~his ass~~ thin air.


I’m gonna need a source for that chief, never heard of it before


It would kind of be funny for the guy to be running a Resident Evil-style mansion, filled with incredibly early prototypes of what would become the Astartes


The emperor was oswell spencer and the wesker project was a prototype primarch program.. was also killed by his favourite son. The parallels are comedic lol


Currently regenerating after he was shot when a child entered his enclosure.


This is the answer.


I don't get it


Dicks out for the emperor


-typical Adeptus Custodes battle cry


Emperor TTS and it’s consequences


JIC that other "answer" didn't do it for you, Harambe.


ohh.yeah i did not get it.thanks


I have two theories: -He has a yak farm somewhere and he makes cheese -He has a goat farm somewhere and he makes cheese


Uh, any other theories you got? Or just those?


Hear me out, he has a donkey farm and he makes...cheese




Are eldar mammals? Could RG theoretically milk Yvraine and make some dope ass cheese?


I'm a mammal, can you milk me Greg?


So you’re saying he’s been sitting on this sisters of battle thing for a while huh?


So that is what Erda was doing.


Wait I think I’m starting to see it


He’s drinking beers and kicking back in his camper van by the river


The Adeptus Custodes' most revered artifact is a copy of a motivational speech given by the Empereror's most ancient known guise, from way back in M2. Mattius Foleyon was advising youths how to avoid LIVING IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!


Scholars have hotly debated what exactly a "van" is, and whether "the river" is an actual river or a metaphor.




Spit my beer out dude 🤣 🤣 🤣


If coach woulda put me in we woulda won state… not a doubt in my mind.


Call centre worker for British gas


Maybe I was the emperor around 2004!


This is actually the most likely I've seen so far given we know what GW is about. Especially in RT lore.


It's been said that early on in his pursuit of guiding humanity, it was usually from the shadows with minimal direct interaction (such as dealing with the Void Dragon shard). It was until after the Dark Age of Technology that he felt it was time for a more direct approach (Unification).


Not the whole ore DAOT time was in the shadows though, he was fucking shit up with Ollanius, his Warmaster, and their fellow Perpetuals before that


Clearly not a whole lot. Bro was chilling fr. Probably on this subreddit


"Huh this Primarch thing that everyone keeps talking about sounds like it might be a good idea..."


Wait a minute I'm supposed to already have this idea not take it from some random online


Based entirely off of the location of the imperial palace I can only assume the emperor is actually what kills everest hikers instead of the weather.


He looks down the mountain board bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored 'oh she looks kind of cute' zap.


Always figured he was the Highlander.


There can be only one afterall


Perpetuals would be x10 better if they were highlanders


The primarchs certainly behave like highlander immortals when they die.


I can see the Emperor already having a underground complex inside of the Himalayas. He'd probably spend all of his time there monitoring Humanity and meditating on/researching topics of interest (AI, aliens that he's aware of, the Webway, genetics).


ever seen a little movie called The Man From Earth? I imagine that is basically where he would be at right now.


He's a mod at r/atheism


That was good bro


Building, painting and playing with miniatures. And he's also a well loved actor. Oh, and He will soon direct the Games Workshop - Amazon partnership to bring Warhammer to the screen. More seriously, yeah, working in the domains of Science (math, physics, biology, information, sociology, politics). He really has matter to study in our fast growing knowledge era.


I feel bad for the guy. He's going to lose everything again and he's going to create the the worst tyrannical regime imaginable and get stuck on the toilet for a very long time.


Y'know how when you're redditing on the toilet for about 10-20 minutes too long, you go to stand up, your legs are numb, and then oh-shit the pins and needles? ​ Imagine that after millennia instead of minutes.


Probably driving his family around in a bus, doing DMT and killing vampires.


Fingers crossed that Horse will participate in a hunt at some point. I'm semi-convinced he's a Fallen, who are the coolest (though not funniest) splat.


Don't forget fvcking left and right, getting married AND divorced


Sexy intern at a genetics lab


him? heh heh nothin. …just hangin around.


Having a pint at the Winchester, waiting for this all to blow over.


Keanu Reeves




I want to believe he is Rick Astley. He is never gonna give mankind up,


**+ You wouldn't get this from any other guy +**


Probably waging secret war against Unnamed Perpetual #2173 or something like that.


I just assume he has a little band and is loving life doing gigs, doing blow, chasing whatever dude catches his eye.


Doing psychedelics, smoking weed and furiously masturbating.


Wait, am...am I the emperor?


Are we both the emperor...?


> shoe yes


My headcanon is he ran around as George W Bush in the early 2000s for funsies.


Can’t be. The Emperor’s been fooled more than once.


Can't fool me agajn


It's a little known fact that the reason Horus lost to the Emperor was because he tried to throw a shoe at him, underestimating his dodging capabilities.


It's a little known fact that the reason Horus lost to the Emperor was because he tried to throw a shoe at him, underestimating his dodging capabilities.


He's Dr. Bright??


Actually he's currently being charged for at least 71 different felonies.


A friend claims he's a Kardashian.


Probably developing the shitty AI that would eventually rebel and put in him in a position to be humanity's saviour


After being crucified a little under 2 millennia ago he is probably still in his brooding stage. Lying around saying, "I tried to help these asshats and they nailed me to a piece of wood, they can eat shit for at least another few millennia.


I think Ollanius Pius wouldn't still be Catholic 32,000 years later if Jesus had actually been the Emperor.


It was just a prank bro


Also unlike the Emperor Jesus was actually a nice person who cared about the little guy and was generally against genocide. I could see him as Jupiter in the Roman Empire doing an act to manipulate humanity and then getting pissed when everyone starts converting to monotheism and ignoring him.


You would think so. I always thought about the fall of babel and Ol pulling a first gen war master stabby session being a few thousand years before JC. JC was only around for a short time (in perpetual terms) 33yrs. Maybe Ol didn't know it was him. JC only hung around a very small geographic area. Ol' could have been elsewhere realistically. Big E can make himself appear as almost anyone by changing others perceptions of himself, that could also be going on. Ol' is not a pycher so he may be susceptible especially in his 'younger' years to the mind trickery.


I get the impression that psyker or not, perpetuals can just recognize one another as such. Otherwise its hard to explain how so many of them knew each other. It feels like given that Ol is the hero of pretty much every Greek myth that he would have been in the general vicinity of the Mediterranean during biblical times, and for some reason it feels like he wouldn't have adopted Christianity without having had some personal interaction with JC. I can't really qualify that, it just feels weird he would have picked a religion and stuck with it for that long unless he had some personal connection to it. Heck, maybe he was one of the apostles. Maybe he was a Roman soldier at the crucifixion. Endless possibilities really.


Wherever he is, he's probably being an utter asshole to whoever he's around


Hate to tell you but he is an NFT bro drinking craft beers and he has a broccoli top haircut


>he has a broccoli top haircut If the Emperor is Jackson Mahomes I'm quitting his hobby forever.


Henry Cavill


He's Kevin Feige. He's been practicing planning a decades long mutli-phase campaign that's attracted the public eye to gauge and study public response, but it's also low stakes enough that it doesn't alter the course of history too much.


unsurprisingly, pushing the idea of superpowered beings leading humanity, while the witch goes crazy and they kill her.


I think he’s already discovered the Golden Throne underneath the Himalayans. He’s probably chilling there experimenting.


We should go together to see him


He leads Wagner PMC


He does have a habit of getting outplayed right before his ultimate victory




No that was just one of the early prototypes for Mortarion.


Are there parallels of 40K to last weekend's events? The Prighozin Heresy?


Crushing some dew and za while ruling them COD lobbies


In our time? Simple, he’s in your walls.


Who is the closest thing to an immortal being we know. The emperor is clearly Chuck Norris.


Hea probably somewhere in Turkey, easier to blend in.


I remember Robert Evans from Cracked & Behind the Bastards, who says he played 40k most weekends for maybe 15 years, was explaining the Emperor to somebody & referenced old lore saying he’d been Jesus, Hitler, and MLK at different points to further his agenda. I don’t know what the source for this was but it seems like it’s in the spirit of the Rogue Trader & 2nd edition era stuff I’ve read.


Dam so he could actually be put in now


*And* Zelenskyy. And both of Will Smith’s kids.


Nah that's horus


True, but they’re also all Alpharius. Except Alpharius, who is Omegon. And maybe Alpharius.


Was he already 13ft tall too or just a regular-sized fella?


I think he can change how he appears at will - hence, when he is 'The Emperor' he appears as a 13ft tall super-being, but today, he could be a mild-mannered janitor for all we know


Digging around the Himalayas, freezing his emperor balls off


Hunting vampires and 99p blender's


He'll be seen unknown billionaire scientist somewhere engaging in secret politics with the other perpetuals. He's the guy someone goes to to get elected in whatever part of the world he is in. I'd likely suspect he is somewhere in a position of influence in the western world over elsewhere as Ol' Personne fought with with the Iraqi tanks at the battle of 73 Eastling and it's likely Ol' would want to stay as far away from the emperor as possible.


Browsing reddit to get ideas


I imagine he's stoned out of his mind on top of a mountain somewhere.


Probably taking a well deserved break after the medieval age.


The emeperor is a raven haired statuesque man of dark hair and chisled muscles. He's obviously starred as Superman to implant his super human nature in the minds of the masses. For similar reason, he starred in Season 1 to 3 of The Witcher to get us more comfortable with geneticly manipulated super soldiers and the extermination of monsters/xenos. The Emperor is clearly amassing wealth and connections as a Hollywood celebrity, and practicing his strategic prowess on the side. And as the omnisia, he builds his own PC's to demonstrate his mastery of technology. Clearly he's hiding in plain sight as Henry Cavill.


It's so cringe, and so tasteless, and I hate it so much, but the fact that the Cabal killed Martin Luther King Jr. implies that the Emperor may have backed the civil rights movement in the 60s--so odds are he's still tinkering with mortal politics right now, trying to get us onto the Golden Path.


Keith Richards


Brings a whole new meaning to the song what if god was one of us. 😂 Kidding aside I can imagine him as a shadowy figure trying to influence humanity in the right direction but limited in his ability to force change.


He’s actually a mod on this subreddit.


He’s working at a banking firm, he used to be Alexander the Great, so he’s chilling today as an accountant.


He spent all his money on NFTs, and is working the midnight shift at Waffle House.


Probably keeping it super vague, because it would have political implications and thus create a rift in the community. Also our time and age is just a blip in the whole timeline of humanity up to the Unification Wars. So it would be very immersion breaking, if too much stuff from exactly this moment in time would somehow survive.


Demon Hookers and psychic blow


I can say for sure he is not doing sub trips to the titanic.


These are all great answers. I too would like to think the Emperor was in a van down by the river. But I’m pretty sure the lore states that he lived many lives as famous leaders from biblical times onwards. He fought at the Tower of Babel and is implied to be Alexander the Great. So it stands to reason he would be impersonating some historical leader today. Maybe he was a famous dictator like Lenin? And now he’s Obama or George Bush or something lol.


If it turns out Boris Johnson is the Emperor I'm turning to Chaos.


Another implication was that he founded the sumerian and assyrian empires and his early adventures were the basis for the legend of Gilgamesh


He seems more Putin-y tbf


He's Elon Musk! *runs away giggling*


Now I have to envision a Mechanicum based on Musk's ideals. Thanks


explains why it all goes to shit despite some very big promises


Sitting in a room masturbating furiously? Who knows


He’s just like me FR




Making John Wick movies.


Hiding in Argentina because of some stuff he did from 1933 to 1945.


Our time? Hitler. You dont build the most evil, brutal regime imaginable, and launch a galactic meatgrinder, without a few (dozen) practice runs! ISIS leader - keeps respawning under a different name after each airstrike. For the whole religious (xeno)(geno)(cidal) crusades thing. Have to keep leveling the hate-jihad skill-tree. Warren Buffet. Golden Bois are expensive, and he's gotta ~~take~~ build that generational wealth for himself. The Popes. Soul harvest and worship start early.


He was called Donaldian Trumpus. Would explain his „miscalculations“.


U.S. President :-D


Clearly he’s Elon Musk.


He's the CEO of Tesla.


He is currently Putin and every qanon conspiracy is true. He is at war in Ukraine to actually de-nazi, de-pedophile, and go after the secret COVID labs. How is that for grimdark satire?


I do believe he created SpaceX and was due to fight on TV with another perpetual.


There is no way the Emporer was ever that pale, he was born modern day Turkey.


What I'm taking from that is that he's taking a century off, running a doner kebab shop somewhere in Germany.


As many mistakes as the Emperor made, he's not stupid enough to be Musk.


Is musk considered stupid? Not being a twat I am genuinely curious.


He's very good at throwing money at capable people and then taking the credit


He is the kind of person who keeps saying that very complicated things are very easy, actually, and then failing to deliver them because they are, in fact, very complicated. That's one thing that's fairly stupid. Take a look at the value of Twitter since he bought it, for another, and also how well he's managed the platform.


Not stupid, but arrogant to the point of looking stupid because of him never delivering on what he was promising. And childish to the degree of looking like a badly written villain. (You don't want to use my submarine to save some kids from a cave? You must be a pedo. Some guy in your company used to work for a government organization I do not like? Fire him or I'll never work with you again. Don't even get me started on his mega factory in germany)


Which... honestly makes a reasonable case for him being the Emperor lol


Actually, it's stated that prior to Moloch big E had A sense of humour


We don't even know if he was alive during this time or not


I think we have a pretty strong indication that he is - there's a lot of lore that places his origins in prehistoric Turkey - but I guess much of it is unreliable!


Malcador went on a whole reminiscence about Big E being alive way back,Horus also mentions him being Alexander the great. The whole idea for his concept of the long play stems from cave paintings(I'd also think magic mushrooms helped a little with it)