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I think my nickname makes it pretty clear about it. But of course it is the Tanith First and Only I had known Warhammer for a long time, but it was Gaunt's ghosts saga that made me fall in love with this great universe. I like very much his guerrilla tactics, aesthetics, the type of command that Gaunt establishes of being firm but fair at the same time and all the lore that are back them.


Also, in a more romantic way, a couple of years ago I went through a very difficult situation in my life and I was extremely depressed. I had no desire to continue but it was thanks to forcing me to do something, and that something was re-reading all his books (And of course to seek professional help with a therapist), that I felt accompanied by this great saga and it helped me a lot to distract myself and do my process much more bearable.


Glad you’re doing better. I ran through his books during a rough patch in my life as well. It really took my mind off of things. FOR TANITH!


I went through the same but with the Salamanders and Crimson Fists. There’s something oddly healing about Warhammer books


I hope you feel better, my friend. What did you think of the salamanders? I still have them into my lists.


Thanks for your words, brother. I also hope that you you feel better. I agree with you that Dan Abnett has always done a good job of transporting us to other places. I just finished Eisenhorn at the moment and I'm already continuing with Ravenor, although ghosts will always have a very special place in my heart (and that is why I do not feel so objective) I am also really liking these books in the Inquisition saga.


I love to hear this. It is so lovely to hear that some silly little hobby/lore can actually help some people❤ I wish you my best!!!


Thank you for your words, I also wish you the best 🫂. Yes, the truth is that Warhammer books, miniatures and video games have played a very important role in my life, I have been able to meet very good people through this hobby (people with whom in another context I might never have spoken or we would have had a complicated relationship) but above all an escape from problems and a safe space to express and relax myself.


First and only!💪


Men of Tanith, do you want to live forever ?




For tantih, for the emperor! Fury of Belladon! Remember Verghast!


By the time we finish our war cry we'll already be dead! We'll just stick with First And Only.


Mine also, who's your favorite Ghost? Mine is Trooper Merrt.


Oan Mkoll. Death incarnate.


There isn't a thing born in our universe or Immaterium itself that could kill Mkoll


Caffran, mainly because he was the kindest ghost


Mad Larkin


Elim Rawne and Tona Crid. I really liked the evolution of both characters throughout the entire saga. At the beginning I hate Rawne But after his evolution into Gereon and the role he plays afterwards I really liked him. As for Criid, I really liked the idea of ​​a person who always had a hard life but in the end, thanks to his effort and a stroke of luck (If you can call a war like that), he was able to find his place in the world serving to the Emperor and becoming a great soldier thanks to her feats.


I also like that their planet was a pretty original concept that tied in to how they work as a regiment by having them come from a planet where the trees would move, making it so they had to adapt to become excellent trackers and hunters. Then when they pick up the Verghastites they add urban warfare and tunnel fighting to their list as well. Then with Belladon we get Baskevyl and Wes Maggs, but we don't talk about the band...


I really like how they are made up of different worlds, that is why I have miniatures of different regiments (Cadia, Valhalla, krieg, armageddon, Vostroya and Tanith of course) I like to think of it is my own Tanith regiment made up of different miniatures. I feel a little bad for the band, I really think that they want to prove that they are worthy of belonging to the regiment but they are not allowed to do so. I really like the short story that comes in the last omnibus, I think it tackle this problem in a correct way.


I got into 40k when a friend of a friend loaned me the Ultramarines omnibus. I appreciate a lot of different factions, but man, the one that pulled you in will always have a special place


You're right. That first time is always something wonderful. I also loved the Ultramarines saga, I haven't painted yet but I have my Uriel Ventris miniature waiting.


Currently painting some ultramarine primaris as 4th company and probably gonna order the ventris model as they ere the first 40k books I read.


Similar reasons I love valhallans because I loved the cain series


The Gaunt Ghost novels weren’t my first 40k books I read but it was my first 40k series and I loved it.


I second that


Vostroyann firstborns; I like the somewhat wholesome idea of making equipment incredibly high quality because it could be a family member you love using it and passing down armour and weapons through generations of soldier. Also cool facial hair


I’ve always liked the Solar Auxilia and the Siege of Terra had a bunch of regiments with cool names, the Kushtun Naganda, Inferalti Hussars, Golden Hegera, Qui-Helic Guard, Helian Rifles, Royal Zanzibar Hort, Europa Max, Heavy Jannissar, and the Upland Tercio to name a few


Solar auxilia are badass




Vostroyan Firstborn. Other than being visually incredible, the fact they're each carrying mastercrafted heirloom weapons and armour and is so far one of the only Regiments to reinforce units with new recruits rather than dissolve and merge depleted units make them pretty unique. I love the idea of someone being sent to rejoin a beloved community member or family from their hometown and being shown the ropes of how to be the best soldier they can be by people they know and respect. The fact they're pretty elite, disciplined, and have a sense of unshakable duty that doesn't come across as fataliatic gives them a somewhat optimistic flavour you don't get in other regiments. They don't seem expendible by Guard standard, they're extremely well equipped and the people they fight with are family that they already know and trust before putting on the uniform. They have an excellent relationship with both the Imperium and the Mechanicus and while they feel like they need to atone for not sending troops during the Horus Heresy to this day regardless of it being a punishment to have to send all of their firstborn children to join the guard, you really get the impression Guilliman understood why they felt they couldn't afford to send soldiers and supply weapons so they decided to serve in the way they felt best served the Imperium. They're proud to send their firstborn to fight; they felt like they made a mistake and they were shown mercy for it and they want to repay that mercy a hundredfold to show they deserved it. Ten thousand years later, and they never failed their duty again. That's honestly amazing.


Armageddon Steel Legion, mechanized infantry are cool


All homebrews ever. I don't care how whacky, insane, mary-sue lore breaking they are, I loves your own special boys (and girls).


The Guardswomen of Bigtitsia embrace you, enthusiastically...




For The Empress and Primarchessia Roberta Guilimania! And Lionelia El'Jondaughter! ... What do you meant they are all men? Its a heresy Karen!


I am more then happy to be the supply officer though I fear I may have my work cut out for me


I imagine maintaining sufficient stocks of Bolder Holder, shoulder mounted, Titsling pattern might be a monumental task!


But I'm more the willing to tackle that herculean task


Thank you. The Guardsmen & Women of Arcadia appreciate your support.


Ev'n da best regimant of 'em all, Da Emprahs Greenest?


Of course! Da greenah da bettah ah say!




I think a subterranean abhuman regiment would be neat, with rough riders on white eyeless insects.


Tallarn, not cause they’re great but that they got me thinkin how little representation the cultures of the Middle East get in the game. It’s why I made my homebrew SM chapter :)


They defeated one of the strongest legions the Iron Warriors at full muster, though at a high cost they survived when most other worlds were crushed.


Hells yes! The Tallarn do get some pretty crappy stereotypes thrown in, but I do love seeing them pop up every once in a while. I mean, desert specialists, armour specialists, scouts/infiltrators and tunnel fighters, all rolled into one? Damn!


*The sands speak Tallarn* 🗿


Indigan prefects. Yes it is because GW wrote their lore to make them perfect tyranid fighters but then never has a single story of them fighting tyranids. They’re scared to let the guard kill a norn queen without astartes help.


armageddon steel legion. I love the gas mask/mustard yellow greatcoat aesthetic they have + plus I think mechanized units are pretty cool. Also the lore of the wars for armageddon is interesting to read.


Pretorian guard. Was always a fan of the film Zulu and when I first saw them in the early 2000’s I did everything I could to get as many of them as I could. I still have a bunch somewhere still in their blister! Alongside my newer kitbashing project using newer plastics.


Was awesome when the Unification mod finally made them playable.


Same. Something really funny about guys in Victorian cosplay against the horrors of the 40K setting. I have a ton of them more than a full platoon almost two


I haven’t got a lot of basic infantry, but I’ve got a shit tonne of heavy weapons for some reason. Like 4 or 5 of each type…


Nice. I have a ton of weapons teams too and a couple command squads. I love them and wish they would do a made to order for them. All I’m missing is the casualties and sentinel


They made a sentinel? Never knew that!


Yep it’s the standard old metal one with the torso piece from one of the heavy weapon teams.


Ahhhh yeah, now you mention it I do remember seeing it in the old WD that they were first in


“My goodness. Heretics again? I can’t stand these dreadful people”


I finished my Praetorian Vet Guard Kill Team a few weeks ago and took them to a local event. Three Vet Guard in my corner with my Praetorians, opponent's Valhallans and the Krieg the next table over - it was like being in the niche corner.


Haha nice, I’m doing kill teams for as many regiments as I can think of how to kitbash 😋


The Death Korps of Krieg. They really highlight the grimdark aspect of the Imperium's war machine. Using the misguided guilt of a whole planet to bolster their ranks. The sad part is that they didn't deserve such a fate. The Imperium didn't in 500 years even attempt to relieve a world that they themselves saw as prosperous. Their ancestors were the ones who fought against the traitors. Their guilt and shame is undeserved.


100% Krieg is the absolute essence of grimdark and the imperium’s essential inhumanity.


Also: shovels.


Salvar Chem-Dogs!


I was hoping to find this. Same dude.


This man gets it


And by "gets it", you obviously mean some equipment pilfered from dead (and perhaps not so dead) soldiers.


love my dirty lil tweakers




Mordians are my favourite because they look great and their whole thing is the simple honest *"Hold your ground. Stay in line. Die standing"* and that's the very essence of the Imperial Guard for me. They're not the best, and they can't beat anyone, but they'll make you bleed for every step and they'll leave behind a fine looking corpse. Also... I just *really* like Military dress uniforms.


Harakoni Warhawks. I like drop troopers, I dont like the looks of Elysians.


Hard disagree. Slap that giant VR headset looking brain bucket on my noggin and countdown to jump! Kasrkin carapace inspired heavy infantry is straight dope though. :)


How are you disagreeing with my preference? I didn't make a statement on them other than the fact that I don't like the looks lol.


I disagree with your option on not liking how they look. Give them another chance. Appreciate the webbing, the armor, not padded and hard case. They're not meant to be pretty, they're meant to survive high altitude drops and frantic first engagements. You're as free to not like their look as I am to disagree with that statement. No hard feelings, I know you don't mean it. :)


I'd love to see art of a Harakoni riding a vapourwyrm.


Truly? One-off Guard Regiments, or those we don’t see mentioned too often. Entire *fething regiments* can be equipped in James Cameron’s Avatar-style Mech suits, according to the lore, or exoskeletal harnesses like In Elysium. Rough Rider equivalents riding packs of raptors from some saurian infested feudal world, or an eight-legged spider crab monstrosity firing it’s las cannons and depositing shock troops? These are all things completely lore-friendly and/or mentioned in the lore, we just don’t see them that often.


What mech suits, and crab walkers?


The exoskeletons have been mentioned, I know that for fact. Mech suits and crab walkers? Those were where I went in the direction of “lore friendly” lol. There are excerpts where they mention things like this, but I can’t find them for the life of me.


*Fire Caste* by Peter Fehervari. The exoskeleton suits had a heavy stubber and a circular saw or drill. Think a killakan but built in a proper if un-orky manner.


Weren't those pretty specialized and custom built for certain officers? I also remember them not having the best showing...


Unsubtle and difficult to maintain, but effective in battle is how [Lexicanium ](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Arkan_Confederates) describes them.


Death korps of krieg they became my favorite after reading "dead men walking", the way they fought against the necrons was very interesting and effective enough that they almost won Valhalans are also up there for me, there pretty chill, and introduced a cup of tanna to Cain 


Pretty chill… I see what you did there


Any Cadian regiment. I find it represents the idea of the common men the best. He has nothing special about him, no special fate, no unique attributes, no blessings. Yet when he is called to serve, he and billions like him march to certain death to do what even superhuman warriors could not accomplish - to hold the line for mankind.


The planet broke before they did Reading fall of Caida now and it has made me fall in love with these guys.


Death Korps of Krieg. The Great War is one of my favorite periods of military history and the Kriegers are basically that period personified. I am a big fan of the "gasmask/trench coat" aesthetic. The stoic, ruthless soldiers swarming through the trenches over piles of their own dead with bayonets fixed against hordes of aliens or daemons while explosions and lasers and machine gun fire fill the air is peak grimdark sci-fi war to me.


Jopall Indentured are pretty cool, crafty sharpshooting indebted buggers.


I like the Vostroyan Firstborn, The Indrigan Prefects (Because honestly the idea of a regiment of monster-hunters are fun) Praetoria (Because they're neat and as GW is british it's really funny.) and honestly as my first introduction was with Ciaphas Cain, the Valhallan Ice Warriors.


Armageddon Steel Legion (for their doctrine and history). Elysian Drop Troops and Harakoni Warhawks (for their doctrine and jump-packs). Tallarn Desert Raiders (same reasons as Steel Legion but to a lesser degree). Armageddon Ork Hunters (they often use Ork weapons which is a very fun fact). Jouran Dragoons and Brimlock Dragoons (more average regiments but each has a good novel to tem). Indigan Preafects and Tempestus Scions (for their crazy lore). Semextian Bombardiers and Athonian Tunnel Rats (lesser known but rather interesting lore).


The death korps of krieg was my introduction into the wonders of 40K. Their book really sold me. And they’ll always have a place close to my heart.


Elysian drop troops, Tanith first, Armageddon steel legion and tallarn desert raiders in that order are my favorite


Catachan humans are my favorite though I am making a rogue trader out of a cadian castellan making them a close second!


Steel Legion and Harakoni. On one hand: Mech Inf, lots of armor and SPGs, and wicked looking Bullgryn. Armageddon is also a lovely, waste-choked desertscape (mostly) that would make for good pictures. On the other: Lots of flying things, lots of carapace, typical mythologizing light infantry allure, and potential for interesting equipment and exploits (that's mostly in my head because they have no lore). On both hands: They each look rad as all get out and have less potential for meme writing like "and then they forgot they had any weapons but their bayonets and promptly ran to their doom."


Elysian Drop Troopers. No enemy is out of their reach, no walls high enough to protect them.


Death Korp of Krieg. The genuine lore DKK, not the suicidal shovel-lover meme-y DKK.


Not technically a regiment, but any of the non-Ogryn/Ratling a human auxiliary groups are so cool and I wish they got more focus. 


Man its hard. Cadian and Catachan regiments go hard for me. Its just the indomitable human spirit in different flavours.


Personaly, i LOVE the Death Korps, WWI Era is my favorite history time, and it is very cool how well it fits , the grimdark future mixed with trench warfare. But, another regiment I love, are the Karskin, these are the toughest warrios of the imperium, hell, iirc, there's an excerpt from a book , i think it is fall of Cadia, fucking Chaos Space Marines were shocked about how well they were performing, they were expecting to lose 1 marine to 80 guards or something, but the match was 1:20, insanely cool, chaos space marines, shocked by regular men.


I was introduced to the guard through Tallarn, and as such I always tend to lean towards them


Savlar Chem dogs, as an addict I'm a sucker for criminal junkies.


The chem dogs, just love the fact that they "acquire" stuff from anywhere


Devoutly loyal in their own criminal way.


And the beat for kit bashing


Vostroya.... Red and brass, cool moustaches and even cooler hats.


The Steel Legion of Armageddon! Orks are my favourite in all 40k, and my favourite human is Old Yarrick Bale Eye, so my favourite legion is the Steel Legion


Catachan. Do they really need an explanation? These men and women are the peak of natural human evolution and fitness. They are truly elite and are considered as such. Sure, you have the Cadian Kaskrins, Tempestus Scions, Elysian Drop Troops and many others .... but Catachans don't rely on top of the line gear and weapons. They are old school cool. They are 40K Rambos. Moreover, they aren't just show, since they deliver every single time. When Catchans are deployed to a warzone, the General's and Officer's definitely do a round of celebratory high fives!


And the Commissar’s immediately find an excuse to be elsewhere.


The entire two-page spread from the first third edition guard codex.


Pls reprint this GW. It's really cool to see a few of those regiments have gotten fleshed out in the decades since.


And give all those third parties ideas? :p


I love a good Dieprian Mountain Men


Elysian drop troops. Airborne regiments dropping feet first into hell is super cool and they’re the perfect representation of 40k. Highly trained specialized troops which do one thing extremely well and then are used in the most incompetent way possible by standard imperial guard commanders that have no idea how to use an airborne regiment. Also I find it amusing that imperial guard are an army known for their artillery + heavy tanks and elysians are an army that uses neither.


Armageddon Steel Legion. Mechanized infantry is best infantry, and also they have Andrezj Valatok.


Praetorians. My red coated, mustache wearing, pith helmeted chaps fix steel and engage the enemies of His Imperial Guard with furor and honour. Aut Vincere Aut Mori!


Athonian Tunnel Rats.


My homebrew Regiment, the Ellesmere 13th, "Lucky 13." Because they're mine. Light infantry-loving, sneaky, sharpshooting *bastards* who leave the tanks and artillery business largely to other people- their idea of artillery was infiltrating meltaguns close to valuable enemy targets. Haven't played them since the 5th Ed Guard codex dropped and basically made them unplayable XD If you mean canon GW regiments... eh. Steel Legion or Valhallans. 'Cause.


I actually got really bored one day and made a document with every regiment and what they’re known for. I ranked them in how interesting I found them and how cool they looked. Here are my top 3 Death korps of krieg 8.5 praetorian guard 8.5 Scintillan Fusiliers 8.25


That document would probably be a hit if you shared it.


Perhaps xD


Valhallan 597th. I'd read some 40k before and looked into the lore, but the Cain series was the first I really got sucked into and I've been hooked ever since.


Tie between Steel Legion and Krieg. I love the gas mask aesthetic, mechanized infantry, and trench warfare. But especially the gas mask aesthetic.  Off-topic but I also love HL:A Combine Soldiers.


Lucifer Blacks, baybee!


Easily Catachans, because someone’s gotta be the best


Maccabian Janissaries or the death korps. I just like the masks i guess.


Kreig because they are depressingly effective also because commisars are entirely redundant for ensuring loyalty


The Commissar’s are attached to the Krieg regiments to “rein them in” and ensure they don’t do anything *too* suicidal.


That is why I specified loyalty


The valhalla ice warriors, I love the arrillery design that remembers me the ww1 but also because I play space wolves and I like the way that the two are similar to each other.


Steel Legion! I love their uniform but overall, I love their use of heavy armor vehicles and autoguns! In a universe full of energy weapons, heavy weapons that fire rockets, and high explosives it takes a certain type of badass to grab a M16 and charge a Ork Warboss


If I ever start collecting am army it would be Ventrillian nobles. Bribing their way to be in easiest war zones, bringing super-heavy regiments to crush minor rebellions and minor orc infestations, while their lessers die in piss ans mud on far away fronts. True heroes.


Might be because I play the game, but Mobian 21st...or really any of the loyalist Mobian regiments period. Something about the uniform scheme I really just like, not to mention them geared for hive combat is cool.


Hmm. Janissaries have really cool helms/faceplates. Idk. Not super huge into the guard but they're pretty cool


How did I have to scroll all the way to the bottom of this to find the Valhallan 597th. The galaxy's unchallenged superior armoured infantry. They've fought, and defeated, some of the worst the galaxy has to offer. "Frakking Right!"


Lucifer Blacks, Solar Auxilia. Vostroyan Firstborns and Mordian Iron Guard. Vallhalla Ice Warriors. Elysian Droptroops. Praetorian Guard. Penal Legion.


412th Cadian. My entrance into this universe was DOW:WA and now it’s why I play Guard. Have since 6th edition.


Foe me it's a tossup between the Tanith First-and-Only and the Valhallan 597th.


I used to have Catachan and Steel Legion armies, so I obviously love both. And I do like the way that Guard regiments can mirror all different kinds of real-world, historical armed forces and cultures. A favourite in this regard is the Praetorian Guard. Makes the imperialism of the Imperium very obvious, and it just looks funny seeing guys in pith helmets up against the scifi adversaries of 40k. I also loved the Masscare at Big Toof River diorama and the Last Stand at Glazer's Creek WD battle report - a riff on Zulu, and one of the best battle reports ever. But I also wish we got more focus on regiments which really lean into the classic 40k aesthetics. Like in this classic Jes Goodwin drawing: [https://twitter.com/OldHammers/status/773461782757244928](https://twitter.com/OldHammers/status/773461782757244928) Cadians have a kind of generic scifi soldier vibe, as did the old, old Guard models (which were usually painted as Necromunda Spiders).


I always loved steel legion and the models. I think lots of tanks are cool, inner child will always think Armageddon is a fun name for a planet, yarrick is fun. Wish they'd update the models so bad


Geno Five-Two Chiliad, I know they only appear in legion but man they seem cool




My homebrew, for obvious reasons. Officially, the Armageddon Steel Legion, specifically the one in Helsreach. Those Stormtroopers were elite.


The Tanith Third


The Lucifer Blacks blew my mind when I first encountered them in Legion. But my heart will forever belong to the Tallarn. Let's see: paradise planet gets virus bombed by the Iron Warriors, and the survivors fight off and eventually defeat the traitors in a brutal war of attrition? Yes. Ten thousand years later, their culture has evolved to operate in deserts, and they make new lives for themselves? Yes. They don't have any natural resources, so the only tithe they can pay the Imperium is warriors? Yes! They are baseline humans who want to fuck up Chaos for what it did to their planet, and they do it thanks to their unwavering faith in the God-Emperor? Oh hell yes!


Geno Five-Two Chiliad because of Hetmans bronzi and soneka mostly


Kreig because WW1 and shovels


Vostroyan Firstborn. Guess I'm a sucker for suitably outlandish looks.


Lucifer Blacks. I Donut know if the Arena still around in 40K. But in the Horus Heresy the were totally badass. Also their artworks are great.




Armageddon Steel Legion. Mechanized Warfare with a Soviet-American style.


122nd Cadian. I just ate up codex cityfight when it came out. The little flavor text tidbits from sergeant Hessel. Going up against the night lords to boot.


Alright, I gotta simp for my (sort-of OC) regiment of choice here: The Taronian 8th. So in the Taros Campaign Imperial Armor campaign book, it is mentioned in the fluff section that Taros had raised 8 Imperial Guard Guard regiments in its history. The first 7 were all long dead, but the 8th? They were still around, said to be on garrison duty on Hellion IV at the time of the campaign. So I took that one little mention, and I fucking ran with it. They're now my OC regiment with a shit-ton of named characters and background lore, and they've been through the absolute ringer several times. They've fought Chaos, Necrons, Orks, and right now are currently engaged in the r/war_for_Gryllus , fighting the T'au and taking sweet revenge for their planet's rebellion. You know what what else I recently learned about? The second [War For Taros](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/War_for_Taros), which was an Imperial victory, so the Imperium now controls Taros once more, and guess whose going home to reform from the remaining loyalist population?


I like anyone heavily mechanized.


Mordian Iron GUARD. I just love their flashy look, rigid discipline, and their half/death world lore. I feel as though, they did the whole stern faced, iron disciplined troopers better than the Krieg lore...


Salvar Chem Dogs: drugs, loot, masks, loot, LOOT, ***LOOOOOOOOT***


The Maccabian janissaries, they look sick


The ones with 3 arms


Death korp of Krige ,Armageddon steel legion, titans both imperial and chaos same goes for the knights , iron hand, iron warrior, Tyranids, necrons, adeptus mechanicus. Dark mechanicus when gw 


The All Guardsman party. No, I don’t care that it’s not canon, because it should be.


The mixed sex arty regiment from Caine's novels. Blowing up the enemy from afar and ahem... blowing off steam in communal showers and barracks. Also, they're awesome in winter terrains and will have snowball fights


The Valhallan 597th? Can’t say they have mass orgies in the showers though, a mixed sex regiment doesn’t mean it’s suddenly the fantasy that exists in your head.


Amogus Troopers. Idea of specialized naval boarding regiment, flying in in shuttles and torpedoes, crawling across vents, cutting through bulkheads, so good!