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The only truthful answer is (like so much of the fluff) it depends on the author. The Warp is always described at the highest level in the rules book in a very nebulous manner. This is deliberate. The last thing they want is for this stuff to be nailed down too hard, because it limits what they can write. So, I'd look at it this way: The Warp is comprised of multiple levels of unreality. Some of these are more tangible than others. In a universe where emotions can solidify into gods and monsters, then it stands to reason that so can material planes that can be walked upon.


Do not confuse the eye of terror with the warp. The eye is a warp/realspace overlap, Demon Worlds are located there or in other overlap areas. This is not the warp. Warpspace can interact with material stuff, a ship in the warp could be attacked and destroyed by demons if not Gellar protected. We also know that in the warp, warp energy can be trasmuted into matter. For around a few days to weeks, its complicated, but possible. Then its reverts to warp energy and dissolves. The warp can also be constructed by a mind. So basically, with a strong will, i can create landscapes in the warp to walk upon. The problem is that usually, a material being in the warp would be attacked quickly, so we do know little about the long term effects of the warp on matter. It is possible the warp has a degrading effect, similiar to the degradation of warp energy in realspace. All we know is that powerful psykers and Primarchs can live in the warp for very long time, We do not know if this is possible for normal humans.




The warp ain’t just a sea of technicolour goop, being as it is all made of mind-stuff it does take on “tangible” appearance to a mortal observer, sure that appearance will make absolutely no sense and break the mind, but it does have physicality. The madness of the warp is much worse than just a lack of cohesive anything. Think surrealist artworks, Zdzslaw Bekinski, MC Escher, Hieronymus Bosch or Salvador Dali “THE FORMLESS WASTES The Realm of Chaos is without limits or true geography. The areas of influence controlled by the Chaos Gods form their domains, and the rest of this roiling landscape is often referred to as the Formless Wastes. Much of the Formless Wastes is random, constantly churning and reforming: rivers of tar flow through petrified woodlands under crimson skies; great stairways lead into the heavens and join themselves from below in an ever-lasting loop; castles made of bones and fortresses of ichor stand amidst copses of limbs, and the departed spirits of titanic god-machines slump in graveyard heaps. Every dream and nightmare, every lunatic vision and deranged fancy, finds its home in this damned place, as do the creatures known as the Furies – Daemons created by indecision and random chance. They are heralded by disembodied voices, lacking anything but the most rudimentary awareness and instinct. Greater Daemons and Daemon Princes grown powerful enough to instil a small measure of control over their surroundings also create their abodes in the Formless Wastes – each of these small islands of structure is a petty domain in comparison to the vast realms of the Chaos Gods, but each embodies the whimsy of its creator, a small shrine or temple to a niche of belief.” -codex chaos daemons, 8th edition


All the Physical Descriptions in the Realm of Chaos are basically fantasmagorical images in the minds of mad prophets trying to explain cannot be explained.


The lore is deliberately inconsistent regarding how the warp works because by its very nature it can't be understood. Different authors/characters give different interpretations of how the warp works, and that's further complicated by particular interpretation being driven by the specific context of the characters' experience with the warp. During the Heresy Malcador visits the Emperor in the warp and sees him as an old man sat next to a fire, whilst Malcador is a healthy young man. This seems to be a product of Malcador and the Emperors preferred manifestion in the warp. The warp is technically a neutral medium that is shaped by the overspill of emotions from the materium, and minds/emotions of those actually in the warp itself. The degree to which an individual can control the warp is linked to willpower and psykic potential. None of it is 'real'


The Warp itself doesn't follow our reality's concept of "reality." Most of the descriptions, that aren't raving madness, are what human minds can best interpret a realm that isn't able to be interpreted.


It could be that Kaldor is manifesting a solid world in his mind to travel.


Kaldor Draigo is kind of an anomaly; and there's a reason he doesn't get written about very often. He's sort of a walking narrative problem, as he is more powerful than Primarchs, more pure than all Grey Knights, and has greater incorruptibility and willpower than a Custodes. Kaldor Draigo is, in reality, a pet character belonging to Matt Ward during his 'Grey Knights are better than everyone, shut up about things that aren't Grey Knights' phase of 40k development. As for if the Warp is 'physical' and has 'physics'? That's just to give us a lens with which to view the story. Anything in the Warp can be attuned by the willpower of the individual who travels the Warp. Kaldor Draigo could, willpower provided, shape an entire planet to fit his reality if he so chose. The Warp is protean, and with constant change. Physical beings *can* enter the Warp, it's just not healthy for them, as it's mostly just 'warp stuff' that doesn't play nicely with physical matter from the Materium. Kaldor Draigo is, from what we have seen, the only being who can just go into the Warp and live there without any major problems (*Godblight* nonwithstanding, that book is a travesty, as that book shows us anyone can just pop into the most Chaos-saturated places of the Warp and it's fine).


He's more powerful than Primarchs? How?


>The Realms of Chaos are also described in very familiar mortal terms, with land and laws of physics and space etc. When did this happen? As far as I am aware nothing in the warp is remotely close to realspace. All the descriptions about the warp you see are purely allegorical because simply in universe no mortal can purely comprehend what the warp is actually like. I don't think we really have any source of what the warp is like by someone who has entered and came out sane. Draido is an exception because he is a plot protected grey knight and guilliman had emperors power backing him up. Closest thing i can think of is the girl and her dog who somehow managed to enter Tzeentchs impossible fortress and somehow escape/go somewhere that boggles even Tzeentchs mind but even then it's only a fluff mentioned in a codex.


A bunch of Ynnari went for a wander in Nurgle's Garden in one of their books, to find a Cronesword. It manifested as just that - a vast and overgrown garden


There are Daemon worlds within the Warp or inside the rifts that have people living in them. The Warp is underneath and behind everything, so who's to say. Honestly the writers probably have no clue what exactly they mean, it just sounded like some bad ass shit to say for him.