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The OG look for the Salamanders was... changed to the current one a long time ago, for reasons that should become readily apparent if you ever look it up. Personally, though, of the current looks actually in play, my least favorite is Space Wolves. Between the color scheme, the hairdon'ts, and the wolf obsession, they just don't do it for me.


You mean this? https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/e/e9/Salamanders_Original_Colours.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20210929183704 I kinda like the design


Oh dear. Ohhhh dear.


What colour were the original Salamanders? I thought they were always that green colour?


Oh no, my sweet summer child. They looked like [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fso-lately-ive-been-taking-a-deep-dive-in-salamander-lore-v0-lhyo86apo2dc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D9079f2cf447134f3fcdc3e092195af4ca45a5378).


Imagine trying to paint that


Oh I remember that look! It's not bad it's just *old* and needs a touch up with something that isn't 1990s Microsoft Paint I guess haha


That's cool asf.


It’s cool. Now try painting that across 100’s of miniatures.


ngl that scheme goes hard


Honestly, I dig it. Probably hard to paint, though.


So what was the reason for the the old salamander change?


They wanted something easier to paint, most likely. 


Space wolves. The Viking aesthetic is fine but my god they overblow the wolf obsession too much. A counterpoint to the space wolves, spears of the emperor are a way better chapter that gives this tribal and/or Viking aesthetic and feel. Space wolves could never..


You mean you don’t like your wolf lord, riding a thunder wolf, on a storm wolf, surrounded by his wolf guard?


You forgot 'wearing a wolf'


space wolves even putting aside my dislike for fantasy viking stuff... baby blue and yellow? cmon man


Space wolves have easily the worst glow down of any first founding legion. Who thought “you know what would be better than storm grey and blood red? Pastel blue and mustard yellow”.


This needs a bit of pissmans mustard


It also helps they paid for this show... oh wait, don't say that?


They always reminded me of Ulricans/Cult of Ulric from warhammer fantasy more than Vikings. And to be fair the yellow is only for the Blackmanes company, not sure why GW decided on it for the main poster art instead of the company of the great wolf


They try to look badass, SO HARD it has the opposite effect.


Obscure but the Brazen Claws. Red and blue swapped on the diagonal just clashes too much. Honestly most chapters whose colours are more than one bright, primary colours that don't pair well is just doomed to begin with. Emperor's Shields, Harbingers, Prime Obsolvers, lots of background chapters that look like someone was just trying to fill out all the color combinations. Same if a chapter is "top half black, bottom half colour" or vice-versa where it looks like he's using scavenged armour like the Necropolis Hawks, Mortifactors, Marines Malevolent, or Iron Lords. Also, not the "worst" aesthetic but I really dislike the Legion of the Damned when the flames are painted on instead of being *flames*. Looks too much like a bike decal from the 80s, which I get is the point but it doesn't feel like it works for the fluff.


I’ve always thought the Marines Malevolent look fucking awful with their mustard yellow and black


Fitting, piss yellow and liver-failure-shits black, as befits the worst Chapter in the setting.


What a description of color, oddly specific and powerful


Completely unlike the Scythes of the emperor, clad in sunlight gold and gleaming black armor!


It's weird how much I dislike 40k Space Wolves compared with how much I like 30k Vlka Fenryka. Also, I fuckin LOVE vikings and Norse stuff... But NOT the Space Wolves.


Any chapter that colours only their torso, like the Harbingers, Scythes of the Emperor, or the Angels of Retribution. Marines Malevolent especially, because not only do they have the colored torso but also come in piss yellow. Otherwise, I'd probably go with the Emperor's Shields, Excoriators or Victors. Just wretched combinations. For newer ones, uhh... Prime Absolvers or Bringers of Judgement. Bad combinations of colors, especially the gold on the BoJ. For First Founding only, Space Wolves. By far. The wolf thing was fun, the viking thing was fun, but then they went too far and never looked back.


Howling Griffons. They kind of rock a 'circus' aesthetic. Just looks goofy to me.


Am I allowed to just say “primaris”? Seriously, the first wave of the primaris stuff was rough for me. I did not like the direction they were taking the space marine line. It was like they were trying to move away from the kickass “knights in space” and towards some kind of generic scifi tacticool nonsense. It’s gotten better recently, but that first wave was not my vibe. As far as chapters go though, I’ve never been a huge fan of the Dark Angels. I like some of what they’ve got going on, but it feels like the Templars got all the actually cool parts of monastic knighthood and Dark Angels got stuck with robes and incense. I wish they had a more “knightly” aesthetic and less of a sad monk thing going on. Even in 30k they don’t really do it for me. I’ve never been a big fan of the secret societies within secret clubs within secret subdivisions thing, and on top of that their cool vibes feel like they’ve gotten buried under some truly wild fan service and “bestest boy” syndrome stuff.


Space Wolves are probably the definitive answer purely due to how flanderised they are and how despite massively overcommitting to the Viking aesthetic it ends up being the most boring version of it imaginable. They’re a pretty stark contrast to Blood Angels & Night Lords who have equally campy themes but manage to layer them with aesthetic depth (Catholic symbolism for BAs and serial killer/organised crime iconography for NLs). Also honourable mention for all the chaos warbands that are just off-brand versions of the marked legions, especially all the Khornate ones that are dollar store world eaters.


Honestly, I’ve got 3 hot takes for this or I think they’re hot takes Imperial fists would look way better if it was gold and white or white and gold. Or black and gold. Yellow and white is like mustard on white bread, all substance no flavor. Ravenguard should be black and red not black and white, CMM Metallic paint would look amazing as a secondary color to so many. But I really think the iron hands would shine if they had black and CHROME as their official colors.


Black and red would be cool. Might be a little too similar to blood ravens, flesh tearers, and the Blood Angels death company.


Raven guard and its not even close. So boooooooring


Imperial Fists. The yellow and black make me think caution tape. ⚠️


Isn't it by design though? They're the builder bois


Gotta be OSHA compliant


Builders not construction workers. I feel with another added color would help like a blue or something to make em more unique


Imperial fists are pretty boring Imo. Partially because I'm a Dorn hater, partially because I think they look like crayons/construction workers. Edit: I also don't understand what they're trying to be so that might also make a difference. Ultramarines are supposed to be Greek, Salamanders have scales and dragon motifs, Space Wolves are Vikings, Thousand Sons have the awesome Egyptian theme, etc, etc. (Also if someone wants to explain the Dusk Raiders aesthetic that would be dope)


Ultramarines. Being all dull blue is so damn lame and does not suit old greek thing that they semi follow.


Counterpoint- Ultramarines look AWESOME when they’re allowed to spice themselves up beyond just being generic.


I gotta disagree. Yes, a generic, non-named Ultramarine is just basic Ultramarine blue, but named units are fucking BLINGED with decoration. Just look at all the gorgeous accents Titus has in Space Marine 2, or the Centurion vibe Cato Sicarius has.


Yeah, I think they look very basic, and uninspiring.


I would argue that the biggest thing against Ultras isn't the color scheme but lack of focus on cool unique shit as poster boys.Blue with white,gold and red is such a great color choice but everything is contained within generic SM look or just used for things like red helmet which I never liked.


The Dark Sons. Quartered color scheme, white and green with purple kneepads. Whoever came up with that color scheme was a one-in-a-million combination of colorblind and retarded.


None, as appeal of appearance is subjective.


Yeah man... this is why I asked people's opinion.


Emperor's Children. Vivid purple and pink primary colors are just too "neon rave twink" for an SC chapter.


I unironically love their Crusade era purple and gold aesthetic, one of my favourite Legion schemes.


I paint my loyalist SM with Phoenician Purple, White, Black and Retributor Gold. Sure they're essentially grape Ultramarines but I love the look.


In many ways, the Emperors Children went from one of the best legions to the absolute worst, color scheme included.




Bingo XD


Dark Angels. Like I get it, you're secretive knight dudes, but cloaks and cowls and hoods n shit over cutting edge imperial power armor is edgelord territory. Those hoods have to affect your peripheral vision no?