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It does have safeguards, there’s technologies to keep it tectonically stable. They had to be rebuilt after the Siege and fix an Apocalyptic situation. Terra’s bombardment during the Siege had destabilized the surface. Other worlds, like Forge Worlds, have them too.


Everything is buried under so many layers of underhive, and the golden throne is located in the flattened himalayas - not exactly a volcanic hot-spot. Does it have earthquakes? Probably. But the palace was designed to withstand sieges, including ordinatus weapons that literally create earthquakes and can otherwise level cities. No natural water anymore, so flooding is out the window. As for asteroids, it's got one of the most intense system defence systems, between orbital platforms loaded with weapons, ground systems that can shoot into space accurately, vigilant watch stations, one of the largest fleets patrolling and safeguarding, and the presence of the imperial fists phalanx in orbit (plus the millions of ships making the pilgrimage to holy terra). Any stray asteroid would be noticed and destroyed long before it became a threat. (doesn't count if orks teleport a moon into orbit though)


>doesn't count if orks teleport a moon into orbit though) Wasn't it only because Terras defences were not yet built in the beast era?


I think no. For natural disaster you need nature .


The imperium can obliterate entire planets, an asteroid isn't shit.