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The deathworld of Dusk that's in the Dark Heresy RPG books is pretty damn horrifying. It has enchanted mists with warp creatures, old witches and lethal fauna. It's a place where people flock to join the guard or anything else that gets them off planet.


Dusk is dangerous, but not creepy. If you want creepy from the same line... Welcome to Mara-V, a small snow globe of hell. Mining colony turned arbites gulag for worst recidivists turned graveyard after something in the warp stirred and wiped out most of the population. The Inquisition sent in the kill-squadron to run cyclonic bombardment, but it got *disappeared*. They settled down for just enforcing the orbital quarantine. And then Istvaanian Inquisitors decided they need some guard veterans hardened against warp-incursions for their killteams. >The tragedy of the Mara landing massacre began when the troop transport Vervilix, bound for the war on Tranch, suffered a critical navigational error and dropped out of the warp close to the ice world of Mara and within the cursed world’s quarantine zone. Disaster might have been averted had the ship’s engines and communications not failed and left it drifting alone and lost above one of the most dangerous places in the Calixis Sector. > >Not knowing where they were but detecting structures on the surface, the officers commanding the 100,000 troops on board decided to mount a landing onto the surface in an attempt to gather information on their position and press aid from any that might live on the ice world. This decision was to cost the lives of over 50,000 men. > >Soon after the landing, all communication with the surface was lost. First-person reports from breathless dropship pilots told how the troops deployed to the surface had begun to slaughter each other, and discordant sounds began to rip through the communications networks—alongside cries imploring someone to “make the buzzing stop.” Not knowing how to respond, the officers poured more troops onto the surface of Mara until most of the soldiers had been deployed. When the Imperial Navy patrol ships reached the Vervilix five days later, only a few hundred survivors could be recovered from the thousands who had set foot on Mara. The whole goddamn planet is teeming with angry warp-wasps willing to plant their progeny in your brain (yeah, like those from Prospero). It also stores space-time bending anomaly under the surface. Said anomaly, if you're lucky, can yeet you across the sector to the aforementioned Dusk.


"Psychneuein have been known to evidence various distinct genera, of which three have been identified -- the Mara Strain, the Luctos Strain and the long-extinct Prospero Strain. Psychneuein are also found in the transdimensional labyrinth of the Webway, which may possibly be their place of origin. Their ability to traverse the Webway would also explain the creatures' existence on multiple worlds across the galaxy. Mara Strain Of the known genera of the Psychneuein identified by Imperial scholars, the Mara Strain is deemed the most dangerous. The Mara Strain was first identified by Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Ark-Ashtyn during a heavy infestation at the mining penitentiary on the Ice World of Mara in the Calixis Sector, in the 6th century of the 41st Millennium. Although the Mara facility was subsequently decommissioned, the tale of the "ice station massacre" remains a favourite dark fable among the sector's spacefarers. Since then, confirmed incidents of Mara Strain infection have occurred on the Calixis Sector worlds of Dusk, Lachrymae and Pellucida V as well as several vessels transiting near Mara, although these incidences remain thankfully very few."


>The Mara Strain was first identified by Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Ark-Ashtyn during a heavy infestation at the mining penitentiary on the Ice World of Mara in the ***Calixis Sector***, Ahh, that explains everything. When it's spooky/strange stuff it's either some random planet on the Ghoul Stars or the Calixis Sector.


Courtesy of Dark Heresy being majorly inspired by Call of Cthulhu. As it tried (and failed) to be a horror detective, it created a lot of really detailed environments boiling down to "fuck this place and everything about this place". And then FFG took over the line and realized that it's far better as 40k!X-Com simulator.


I didn't realise dark heresy was so different before ffg got a hold of it


If you compare Corebook with Radical's - it would become obvious that there has been a tonal shift from "you are random nobodies, Inquisition's press-ganged cannon fodder, paving the way for actually important dudes" to "you are the Ordos spec-ops killteam, grab yourselves some chameleonine carapace and let's go ice those heretics". And, in all honesty, it's been a good move. DH absolutely sucks as a detective game. For reference, it's a contemporary of "Esoterrorists" - which cover the same premise in a modern setting and which succeed in being a detective thriller. At the same time, DH has an amazing, painfully simulationist, combat, which - coupled with a meta-play of "hunt the fucking modifier throughout the whole rulebook" - makes you feel that you've fought tooth and claw for every victory. And it's so damn good that it carries the whole of Deathwatch and Only War through.


Dark Heresy also has the funniest goddamn crit effect tables in anything I've ever seen.


Which is why DH2-beta tried to double-down on them. No wounds/HP - just crit tables, 1-25, all the way down. No unified psy-phenomena - separate tables for every school! It did not exactly work out after the failure of beta and the subsequent dumpster fire of DH2. Fan-made "DH2: Radical Inquisitor Edition" tried to smooth over the edges and compile it into somewhat finished form.


> the officers commanding the 100,000 troops ... This decision was to cost the lives of over 50,000 men ... only a few hundred survivors could be recovered from the thousands who had set foot on Mara. I guess 90,000+ casualties is more than 50,000, but am I the only one who found this sequence of numbers weird?


To add up to this fine display of FFG consistency, the initial description from the Inquisitor Handbook sounded like "*Only a few hundred gaunt and haunted individuals survived out of the five thousand Guardsmen that set foot on Mara*"*.* Several rulebooks after that, they just decided "lmao, let's throw a zero or two in the mix".


I know. But keeping in the spirit of things, lets just go with the notion that all lore is in-universe and inconsistent because some Administratum scribe accidentally added a zero. "I'm telling you, I would have known if there were a hundred thousand of us. The book is wrong I tell you."


They didn’t send all 100,000 to the surface.


> Not knowing how to respond, the officers poured more troops onto the surface of Mara until most of the soldiers had been deployed. I also wouldn't say that half is "most". I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, but they just kept adding more detail that made me have to discard my previous notion of how the numbers made some sort of sense.


You'd think that a platoon of a dozen or so would be fine as a first scouting step...


The planet that the Luna wolves and the Emperor found during the crusade that was filled with honeycomb structures and had a single map of old earth. Creepy because one it's I explained and two it unnerved everyone including the emperor


ah yes, the map was found though secret entrance, deep underground in the mountain, thousands light years from the terra, untouched, what in the actual fuck was that, also according to the Horus rising where such planet was mentioned, it was abandoned long time ago which adds even more "what the fuck" juice into it


If thr Emperor is creeped out. Bad is...really bad


My personal theory is that it was created by the Old Ones. Everyone knows the Warhammer Fantasy planet looks pretty much like Earth, but its never really addressed (because the people in the Old World know nothing about Earth). Well, the 3E Warhammer Fantasy rulebook states that the Old Ones shaped the planet according to a template they have used on multiple other planets. The unwritten implication being that both Earth and the Warhammer Fantasy world were terraformed by the Old Ones and as such share a very similar shape to their continents. I do note that the 3E rulebook does explicitly state that the Warhammer Fantasy planet is in the same galaxy as Earth (even though that idea has been abandoned for a very long time and on the rare occasions they hint at a connection between Fantasy and 40k in the modern era it tends to be in the form of parallel universes). So the map of Old Earth could've just been an Old One schematic that they used as a reference when they were experimenting on the ancient Earth.


I never thought of that as creepy. The entire galaxy is filled with humans that went out from old Terra and carried their culture and history with them. The simplest explanation is human Settlers carved it and died/moved on. For me this scene played into the manifest destiny motive of the Great Crusade. It was humanity *reclaiming* the stars - finding worlds that had been lost to Old Night - reuniting humanity. Almost a tinge of sadness - imagine if they had just come a bit sooner! But if they delay, this is what they will find everywhere. Ruins and artifacts and no answers.


Even if it's older than the DAoT human settlers, it's still not *that* surprising that Earth would potentially be on the radar of alien civilizations. There's plenty of reasons to monitor it, even ignoring humanity. Chiefly: (1) It has a webway portal on it, and (2) it had a C'tan shard on it, at one point. Both of these things are significant on a galactic scale.


What book


Horus rising I believe.


It is hours rising it's in during one of the interviews between the main remembrancer (don't remember her name) and Loken


Thank you


https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Fornax_Aleph Empty hive world, regiment goes there to investigate, report strange activities, regiment goes missing too, marines sent to investigate, discover an empty hive world and something extremely bizzare, get attacked by demons but not demons, planet is newly settled once more but strange activities continue It's an interesting read that's pretty creepy imo.


Is this the planet where the Marines and Guard sent to check it out heard weird screaming noises coming from the hive and upon checking it out found absolutely nothing


Tfw you wish it was just a mere chaos invasion


[This isn't the warp...](https://i.imgur.com/1v09o7U\_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand)


From outside the hive


That’s even worse somehow


Oh that is fucking creepy.


I love how the only trace of the Guard forces was a single tank, sitting on the roof of an eight storey building.


With a perfectly calcified hand in it too! Even more creepy!


Headcanon: Trazyn just nabbed everybody and their stuff. Got himself two new exhibits, but he's kicking himself over missing that driver's hand. The collection scarab which missed that bit has since been reprogrammed.


What the fuck?


Then who was phone?!


That was cool, thanks mate. An entire novel set there would be great.


The entire Sabbat Worlds campaign is some excellent lore. Functioning chaos collective, the woe machines, a fleshed out cadre of imperial commanders, gaunts ghosts. It touches on nerd stuff I appreciate, like the logistics and reality of reconsidering planets and people that had lived under chaos too, and using them to resupply and recruit. There's an anthology of short stories that cover a few minor characters and side narratives, so it's very thought provoking from a human perspective too.


I want more. I have to ask Inquisitor Grendyl if we couldnt be Deployed there!


Edit: replied to you by mistake instead of the guy above. Mb.


Hahaha No worries


I read it as the warp storms and/or warp anomalies in the plante pulling people into the warp and that they or their souls are bound to the planet and sometimes shimmer back into reality, hence the screams, there are examples of it happening in the lore. Here is the complete excerpt, enjoy; [Part 1](https://pasteboard.co/t56si9kTBzE8.jpg) [Part 2](https://pasteboard.co/RjaT4msbq6jG.jpg)


Drazak. Once a proud dynasty it is now a ghost town populated exclusivly by flayed ones who spend their time squabling over chunks of rotting meat  


Ruled by an overlord who isn't a flayed one!


Oh, he is turning don't worry about that


Phew, you had me in a panic then




That's up their for sure.


They honestly need surgery so that they can put food inside their bodies as they are clearly starving! First they need their mouth opened and a throat installed into their necks and a stomach, intestines and bowels in their abdomen all designed to give the sensation of eating and digestion and relieving themselves so that they may be satisfied.


Absolutely nobody is talking about the slannesh planet described in Draco by Ian Watson and that disappoints me. Where the buildings somehow are having sex and just the sheer depravity in the inhabitants. Also a giant cow woman....


The best about slaaneshi plannets is you always start loving them eventually (if you dont die that is).


https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Oliensis I'll add this. Slaanesh planets are pretty fucked up.


I don't know about planet but Ghoul Stars give me creeps. There is something eldritch horror going on there.


The Twice Dead King trilogy goes into them pretty in depth.


IIRC popular theories range from the Flayer being atomized there (hence the "wrongness") or it being the Galaxy's closest spot to the Outsider's Dyson Sphere (most powerful,un-sharded C'Tan whose mere presence can even make the Chaos Gods cry).


Do you got a source on that last sentence?


I wrote "popular theories", not actual lore.


But you over exaggerated a lot about the outsider shard, like there's no fan theory or anything about that?


If you seriously expect sources for fan theories, either you're low key trolling or there's something wrong with you.


??? A fan theory is what you named in the first few sentences. The last one about the outsider just scaring chaos gods is just pure exaggeration and not even a theory in any way whatsoever, also judging by how you get pissy immediately, you're just not worth talking to. Also, Fan theories can and should have sources as in threads or anything where you picked it up from, in case someone wants to know more about it. Don't get pissy immediately when someone wants to literally know more about the bs you yourself spout out.


Ahhh that. Peak unsharded Nightbringer during the War in Heaven (in Wild Rider novel) is specifically mentioned to inflict torture in such magnitude and scale, that it would make the Chaos Gods look like amateurs. The outsider is the only unsharded CTan, and his "theme" is making everyone insane. You do the math from there.


I want to believe that gods send some kind of Abaddon team (eheheheee A-Team) to take care of that shard.


The Outsider doesn't have shard though.




Loved Phaedra. Still not sure if it’s haunted by Warp bullshit or just a very nasty jungle.


Entire dark coil is haunted by warp bullshit


Definitely some warp stuff. Characters get influenced by, if not fall to, each chaos god during the book. Khorne for the zealot, slaanesh for the addict, nurgle everywhere but esp the admiral guy, and tzeentch with all the schemers. Imo it’s a chaos undivided planet


Oh wow, never noticed that until you pointed it out!




The Ciaphas Cain novels discuss an Imperial Guard hospital for shellshocked guardsmen and it shares a system with a forge world that produces servitors 


I mean, it's inhumane to us, but considering the level of PTSD you could have in 40k, like watching your comrade turn into a monster from another reality and start eating your CO, or going off on deployment, finally retiring back home, and discovering your home world was a Necron Tombworld and everyone is dead, becoming a servitor might honestly be a kindness for some. I mean, we have footage of what happened to men after a few days or weeks of shelling in WW1; the Imperium has battles that never end. Imagine being under constant bombardment from some alien horror for years.


Read *Flesh and Steel* by Guy Haley for a description of what servitorization actually looks like. It's pretty much "that scene from Quake 4" except worse


Wasn't that a punishment though? We don't know for a fact that the guardsmen are treated the same way as the guy in the except I'm thinking of.


Except being a servitor is literally never shown to be a kindness.


Pretty much any daemon world would qualify imo. A planet made up of live screaming faces, mountains made out of human teeth, seas of tears shed for murdered loved ones etc...


That's horrific rather than creepy. Horror comes from the obscene, creepy comes from the uncanny.


I like that, that’s a good way to put it.


That fine art degree wasn't for nothin' mum!


You should print out my comment and show her. My Reddit username carry’s  a lot of weight with the middle aged.


Sangcour. Oh, sure, there may be a fairly modern culture with a thriving arts scene, but absolutely everyone has something sinister on the brew. The Ecclesiarchy, the scholam, that guy just over there, don't look now -- too late, he knows you're looking...


And about to be wiped out by 5 craftworlds including Ulthwe and Alaitoc. Place has to be damn creepy for that to happen.


Where is this mentioned?


It's in Penitent, the 2nd Bequin novel.




It's an old reference, but it checks out...


Nothing could be more Grimdark than Thatchers Britain.


Fornax Aleph, a Hive World where the entire population just disappeared. No signs of any struggle or bodies. Since then, the planet has been repopulated with no issues. Though there've been reports of strange screaming heard in the middle of the night


There's a planet named Murder with giant ass spiders, not really creepy but "Big Ass Alien Spiders" is creepy enough for me.


Tbh that does kind of sound like it could be the imperium's version of Iceland/Greenland's naming conventions. Are we sure Murder isn't actually a tropical paradise that they just SAY is a murder planet filled with spiders to keep people away? 🤔


Actually it was a Nature reservation of Human/Xenos empire. Instead of wiping the spiders out, they gave them an empty planet to live on. Imperium mistook the warning "keep-out" signal for a call for help, deployed on the surface and ended up bogged down in a brutal war with 3 legions commiting their forces. After the Imperium realized their mistake, they withdrew their forces without finishing the fight. So the planet is still out there, killing anyone who stumbles on it.


I thought they cyclon bombed it from orbit


Planet Orn in the Koronus Expanse. Apparently it was a peaceful, lush planet. With a single, massive unknown Xenos ship crashed on its surface. The Mechanicum sent an expedition trying to explore the ship They found inside the Xeno ship examples of highly advance technology and the unknown Xenos (designated species X10198.RK) were now primitive irradiated savages forever trapped inside the ship their ancestors made but with no intelligence to understand. Also those Xenos were rat like bipedal humanoids in huge numbers, surging from the shadows like a tide of claws and teeth, using the advanced archeotech as crude weapons against the humans. Something in the ship (or the planet) made them de-evolve into this primitive state. The Mechanicum declared the planet as unsuitable for human colonization and left


Skaven Pandorum.


Space Skaven? Very cool


...oh dear.


C'mon GW give us Skaven already :D


There is something unnerving about the existence of Catachan, a planet so visceral it consumers demonic invasions, a jungle world the tyranids would probably try to avoid because it would probably eat them instead, not creepy persay, but something does feel unatural about the brutality of catachan nature


Isn't that because Catachan is unnatural? I thought its biosphere was engineered in the past or something.


It's been suggested that some of the wildlife there (specifically the [Catachan Devil](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Catachan_Devil)) might be descended from a Hive Fleet splinter that landed there in the distant past.


Wasn't it supposed to be a zoo or wildlife refuge or something from the golden age?


You might be thinking of Fenris, which is strongly implied to have been essentially a DAoT Viking theme park.


Yeah you're totally right, I got a little flipped around with those two. Thanks for pointing that out!


Pythos, several big daemons bound there, the warp seep over the planet turning the fauna into lethal monsters wich love the taste of space marines . The planet has the honour to be the very first time a imperial force was wiped out by demons, The fun is the iron hands could have survived if they did not play to be nice , A salamander was so blind he lead everyone to his doom ( be nice isnt always good in 40k)


Terra. A planet so overly populated, full of weird cults, sects and criminals, full of the scum of scum in humanity


Actually, the description is so good I'll just quote the whole section. >Terra. >Holy Terra, marvel of the galaxy, heart of wonder. No jewel shone more brightly, no canker was more foul. At its nexus met the fears and glories of a species, rammed tight within the spires and the vaults, the pits and the hab-warrens. Spoil-grey, scored and crusted with the contamination and majesty of ten long millennia, a shrine world that glowed with a billion fires, a tomb that clutched its buried souls close. All the planet’s natural beauty had long since been scrubbed from its face, replaced by the layers upon layers of a single, creeping hyper-city. The sprawl blotted out the once-great oceans and the long-hewn forests under suffocating mountains of rockcrete and plasteel, tangled and decaying and renewed and rebuilt until the accretions stretched unbroken from the deepest chasms to the exalted heights. >No part of that world was free of the hand of man. Viewed from space, the planet’s night-shrouded hemisphere glittered with constellations of neon and sulphur, while its sunlit hemisphere gasped in a hot haze of pale grey. Its skies were clogged with voidcraft and lifters, packed with the manufactures and commodities that kept the teeming world from starving itself. With those commodities came living bodies – pilgrims by the million, products of a migration that never ended, bringing souls from across the vastness of space whose only wish was to live long enough to reach the sacred precincts of the Palace itself; to somehow endure the crowds and the hardship and the myriad predators that circled them for just one glimpse, even the smallest, of the golden towers portrayed in the Ecclesiarchy vid-picts, before they died in rapture. >So few made it. Most died on the warp journey, either of old age or through the loss of their ships in the void. Those who reached the solar system waited for years in the processing pens on Luna, then the vast orbital stations within sight of the planet below. It was said that a man could be born, live and die within those cavernous holding centres, all while his documentation worked its way tortuously through the offices of scribes and under-scribes. Often it would be lost, sometimes stolen, a mere speck amid the avalanche of parchment folios that fuelled the administrative machinery of the Imperium’s sclerotic heart. *The Carrion Throne*


Oh, the irony. The heart of the Imperium, humanity's homeworld. A wretched world buried under layers upon layers of rusting metal, cracked stone, and human filth - be they living or dead. And it's considered the Crown jewel of the Imperium.


And thats only in 24. M2


M3* we're technically in the 3rd millennium.


Gereon and Barbarus


Krieg. Scorched by nuclear warfare – and only produces an abundance of vereran soldiers in 'in vitro chambers'. Possibly all kriegsmen are [redacted].


Terra. Those terrifying humans come from there. All they do is destroy and take worlds from people who might have been able to live and let live. And then, and then! Those humans create these unkillable soldiers and half of them go and join the unkillable deamons to make a fucking unkillable super rape murder army! Terra, worst planet in the universe. 0/7


The planet where people evolved into furries.


Ah yes Fenris


Birmingham because Birmingham.


Sicarus is pretty effing creepy.


Phaedra from fire caste


Hands down? Terra.


If i'm jot wrong, there is one demon planet that is literally one planet-sized fat guy

