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Judy hopps isn't a girlboss. During the montage of her time at the training academy they make a point to very explicitly show her failing over and over. She failed in baisically every way possible before actually getting good. Then after she got her badge she fell into a depression and thought of herself as a failiure after a rough day on the job. And even after getting her entusiasm back while working on the missing person case she had to get bailed out by Nick after yet again failing to meet her agreement with the police chief. And even after that she just totally gave up after seeing all the division and fighting she caused by her speech. Yeah, she is good at what she does and she succeeded in the end, but her skills were earned through hard work and she depended rather heavily on Nick throughout the entire film. I will not take this slander against my wife.


How much of your life, expressed as a percentage, has been spent on jacking off to Judy Hopps?


Not enough%


The only acceptable answer


Still trying to find out how deep that rabbit hole goes?


I mean, she does commit A LOT of illegal activities in the movie, from breaching private property, to blackmail, to even working with the fucking mafia. And i bet that her stringing Nick with her for the whole ordeal is also some kind of public endangerment crime. Hell, the reason she ends up with Nick the whole movie is because she was racial profiling him since he was a Fox.


ready for that BFC


BFC meets bunussy


She also didn't get good by suddenly being strong enough to beat up bigger animals. She had learn to use the fact she was small and fast to beat them instead of fighting them the traditional way which played to their strengths and her weaknesses That movie is so fucking good I have no idea how it even happened


Disney, for all its flaws, *can* still make based movies that actually work for both adults and children alike (as they used to). They just choose power-fantasy, self-insert money-grabs because it's easier.


*Zootopia* has some severe (and hilarious considering what its message is supposed to be) writing problems but yeah I'd agree that Judy Hopps isn't really one of them.


Your wife? Didn't she fuck the fox?


Does it surprise you that Anon is a cuck?


I am the fox


It was me Barry


It was really funny when the boomercons were swearing that none of these tumblr freaks would ever amount to anything and to ignore them. Well, that "snowflake" that was posting about being a furry-fictive-otherkin-multiple system in 2013 is now an FBI director and ordering a drone strike on your home because you gendered a newborn baby on facebook back in 2009.


Remember when the new all inclusive gay flag was introduced and everyone assured you it would never become mainstream? Funny, where are all those guys now?


I'm convinced any of these people that say "just ignore it and it'll go away" are federal agents trying to soften down their opposition. No other explanation as to how one could say such a thing when we're living in a time where Tumblr-type tr()()n shit is the central talking point and future decision making of American politics.


Tangled was fire, outta here with that garbage


>fire Brotha you so white you put Emimen to shame Brotha yo mama so white her eyes blend in with her skin Brotha you so white you got the same skin tone as the humans from Homestuck My baby brotha in Christ you so white you can soak up so much water and create a rain storm from yo body just like the cloud does Yo mama so white she thought Malcom X was Malcom the Tenth


So was encanto. Op can suck a fat one.


Encanto was so over hyped its unreal. Every song is utter hot garbage, except for bruno. And lets not forget the reggaeton they threw in their for some fuckin reason.


I honestly thought the soundtrack was it's one redeeming quality. The story was bloated and forgettable and it had way too many characters that it didn't know what to do with.


Waaaaat I liked surface pressure too


Surface pressure hit me right in the gut. The movie came out right right when I had my kid and starting a new job. Shit just gets piled up on top of you and weighs you down.


I liked all of the songs honestly, the guy just has shit taste


encanto is shitty wannabe coco


>mfw everything south of the US is Mexico


>shithole country A >shithole country B >shithole country C might as well call them all Mexico


Any region of the world that isn't the racially pure arctic parts of Scandinavia is a shithole, making the entire world Mexico by default


Says the muhrican eating tacos with mayo and pringles


Or how about the Mexican culture on display in Coco was vibrant and well known north of the border, and in Encanto, the most "Columbian" thing in the movie is everyone just de facto believes in magic?


I couldn't get over the fact that this perfect family allowed one of them to live like a rat inside their walls because of superstition. Them singing and dancing and generally not giving a single fuck about Bruno to the point of censoring his memory is fucked up and ruined all empathy for the characters for me. You have godly powers and nobody even tought to at least build him a proper house? Or just check on him from time to time?


The plot was meh but the soundtrack slapped


>slapped My man you so white you can easily camouflage with the colors on yo wall Dawg you so pasty I don't think the sun is less blinding than you My guy yo mama so bright that tanning her skin doesn't work Playa yo mama so pale she's a sheet of paper where you'd easily write "Kick me" on the back


Who’s ready for female silver surfer? Mmm chrome boobs, not gay at all.


My favourite self insert author was Norah Vincent


you people watch disney movies?


I don't willingly watch the newer ones. Wreck-It Ralph 2 was a real shark-jump


>Can't come up with unique characters to save their lives so they just turn the movie into self-insert fantasy Impressive. Nice, very nice, *Now let's seen how 4chins writes media*


\>releases Katawa Shoujo and Snoot Game


Both of which are very good. But let's be real a lot of appeal, especially in Snoot Game is still the self-insert framing of it all. Something which I was fundamentally referencing. Just found it funny how anons dislike self-insert media, but then most of the stuff they like and make carries the framing of "the main character is literally me".


There's only one way it can be fixed, that is to put a chick in it and make it ghey.....and lame.


It's like... creating good characters requires life experience, research and good character analysis and not a writing degree. Oh well, time to read the next I got reincarnated as my mum's underpants manga.


OP comparing Rapunzel to the others in the same breath shows an unsurprisingly low media literacy.




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