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Big map all red, why red no win


land no vote, people do


but red bigger than blue. means more red people than blue people.


NO! Russia big land but no many people. US smaller land but PP bigger. Vote with PP. man or woman.




ocean, fish, jump, China.


Thanking you, now I understand US politics. Now I go run for office


Given the Presidents that we’ve already have had, you probably wouldn’t do that terribly


map are lie. gerrymandering, more blue people, the whole system is a lie, need rank choice vote. Make more parties viable. Blue and Red tell you there are no other colours, blue and red lie.


More colors exist But if you pick slightly red pink It makes blue win harder


Rank choice voting. You pick pink Pink no win Second choice was red Red get vote since pink dead.


Interesting never heard of that kind of voting system.


it is the way. a year or two ago, "ranked choice voting" was a question put on a Massachusetts ballot. ...and it was voted no. no one understood how it worked/why it's better.


There needs to be a big information campaign before a vote, people really really do not care about this kind of thing so it takes a little while with hearing the phrase before they even bother to look into it.


To be fair, there are not a lot of very smart people in my state. In certain areas, yes. Just not everywhere. They’re easily swayed with “deyre comin fer yer jerrrrbs!”


Need darker blue. Need purple.


And brilliantly blinding blue. And dark red. And green. Maybe white. Maybe black. Whatever ideologies are out there deserve a chance at representation.


Land make many food, food make many people, yet land no have many vote?


Nobody is forcing you to bring your cows to slaughter or harvest your subsidized corn, Rick.


not *yet*


Georgism hell yeah.


I can own land, why no own people?


13th Amendment


Own prison first, then can own people


But the republican number big why they lose?


Because they were expected to win by a lot but are probably only going to win by very little or tie.


Most of that red is fucking EMPTY.


That land isn’t empty. It’s where your soybeans are grown bugman


I buy imported food from New Zealand because their farmers unlike America farmers aren’t lazy welfare queens


Subsidizing crops to keep the cost of food down for the masses living in the cities who produce nothing and subsequently get paid shit = welfare now


Yeah yeah there’s always an excuse with welfare queens


I mean, if you drop the subsidies then milk and corn and beef and sugar get more expensive but fruit and vegetables stay the same price... guys I think I just solved the obesity epidemic.


[Can you please tell me which one has more water?](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/83/f6/42/83f642590cdd2a33e52d51ac5202b146.jpg)




Longnose chief says rock machine broke, must collect leaf again


because of mercator projection


>empty land full of dying boomers Wonder why.


TIL I'm a dying boomer because I don't live in an urban shithole


Alexa, what is Gerrymandering?


"Gerrymandering is when large swathes of land vote but still don't somehow win over population centers. It only happens when your politics aren't being validated, anon"


Democrats tend to live denser. And republicans tend to be more roral and live more spread out.


Pennsylvania literally elected a dead guy just because he had a (D) next to his name. Low information voters, ballot harvesting, and the long arm of the propaganda media network do all the work for the democrats. What's that? Gas is $6 and groceries went up $100 dollars? The news just told you there is no inflation in ba sing se, you must be imagining it.


Tbh if dr. Phil ran for senator i would actually go vote for the other person. Tv reality characters need to gtfo politics..they are the pornstars of streaming non porn related content, only degenerates watch the content


Oz was a poor choice.


Oz was Trump’s choice.


And thus clearly the retarded choice.


How could he lose then???????


Because relitigating the 2020 election isn’t something that most voters actually gave a fuck about right now?


Lol tell that to the cucks crying voter fraud


Remember…it’s only voter fraud when republicans lose. Funny how they never contested an election when they win.


Amen to that. Biggest fucking mistake was when we started electing celebrities in our democracies, instead of actual politicians.


Does this include Ronald Reagan?




The consequences of hsi actions have destroyed millions of lives.


If anyone votes for DSP for any elected office, they need to be lined up against the wall and injected with high velocity lead pills.


Darksyde Phill would actually be a kino president. I want to hear “I’m pressing buttons” before the nuclear Armageddon.




Or they didn't want to elect an out of state daytime celebrity who couldn't relate to them and thought it was a good idea to do expose on inflation by going to Wegmans ( a store that's notorious for high prices that most poor or blue collar workers don't visit ).


Fetteerman isn’t dead he just can’t speak. The Dems in penn literally elected someone who died this year.


tbf the republicans in Nevada did the same thing in 2018


and in North Dakota in 2020.


Oz ran against Fetterman not Deluca


Dude he’s talking about the crudités comment Oz made


Yeah I know but the guy he replied to is talking about an election Oz wasn't in


Damn, almost like people would rather deal with inflation than christofascist seditionists trying to tell women what they can and can’t do with their bodies. Who knew?


I can tolerate back alley abortions, unconstitutional power grabs, reintegration of church and state but I draw the line at paying slightly for groceries.


Things that don't hit home much much versus holy fuck "card declined" for supper. ​ Gives you the big think


If only people who ran out of money didn't have to starve to death Or is it only a problem when you're the one going broke? Too bad! Praise supply-side Jesus amirite


Don't you know that if the big R gets elected, all money problems go away automatically? Dems causing inflation is a meme


"Food on my table is when tax cuts for multi-millionaires"


Yeah, and fuck transexuals


The irony of this comment


Honestly if the conservatives just took away the church and state b.s they’d probably win every election. Nobody believes in god anymore except schizos and people who are too old to understand the internet. Most people could reasonably agree that increasing wages isn’t the answer to inflation, and that freedom of speech and private property rights are integral to the function of North American society. But fact of the matter is that people getting abortions, gay marriage and transgenderism has little to do with the crisis at hand which is an economic one. If republicans would just stop being turd burglars and pulled their heads out of their arses they’d realize this and make a few changes to their platform to secure more voters.


Who didn’t actually have a single demonstrable plan to fight inflation either.


Do they have a single demonstrable plan for anything anymore?


They have a demonstrable plan to cut taxes for the rich, regulations for the wealthy, and to force a middle school rape victim to be a mother. Beyond that, not really.


Their plan was to be in office when inflation started calming down from fed intervention and then claim they did something.


Oooh, like how every time they're in power, they crash the economy, then blame the democrat in charge for their policies that caused the crash in the first place!


It isn't a "tell women what to do with their bodies" debate and you fucking know it.


Or were smart enough to know the other option is dealing with inflation *and* women losing rights.


That too. It’s like inflation is a global phenomenon driven by disease, war and corporate greed or something and there’s little to nothing a single country can do about it. Crazy to think about.


Biden should clearly nationalize the refineries, food manufacturers, and grocery stores. It’s the clear small government solution!


Republican "small government" spying on your period tracker app just in case you might be pregnant:


republicans blocked a bill against price gouging. all of them voted no. Company profits at a 40 year high and prices are raised just because theres 4 companies left and we dont have a choice.


On the flip side idiots in Georgia voted for Herschel walker who is basically retarded and Republicans still can believe trump lost fairly. People are sick of republicans taking away rights and acting like assholes more then they care your BMW is too expensive.


the (D) stands for dead. maybe research zombie politics before talking about it


Being ruled by a dead guy worked really well in Overlord though




Yeah I’m sure the other guy being fucking Dr. Oz had nothing to do with the republicans losing lmaooo.


Wrong election. The one they're talking about, the guy was actually, literally dead, but the alternative was a Green.


Nevada literally elected a dead guy just because he had an (R) next to his name in 2018


If you think democrats alone caused inflation you should turn off fox news and go outside for a bit. Trump was encouraging inflationary monetary policy before and during the pandemic. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-fed-trump/trump-repeats-call-for-fed-to-lower-interest-rates-boost-quantitative-easing-idUSKBN1YL1TI https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/billybambrough/2020/03/28/donald-trump-and-the-fed-are-destroying-the-us-dollar/amp/


\>low information voters ah yes, because famously the college educated are a core republican voting block


John Fetterman died?


Anthony deluca https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/09/pennsylvania-dead-democrat-tony-deluca-victory


There was the same situation for republican candidate in Nevada https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/nov/07/dennis-hof-nevada-senate-what-happens-now


Yeah but this dead guy is a democrat so the people voting for him are low information voters who hate America and love inflation and want to force every man woman and child to have weekly abortions. That dead guy was a Republican so the people voting for him were hardworking, honest Americans who wanted to use their vote to take a brave stand against a corrupt system.


"Ballot harvesting" lmao Tell me you were dropped as a child without telling me you were dropped as a child Inanimate objects are unironically better choices than most republicans Many such cases!


A dead guy in a district that voted him in by 85%, and who's only opponent was a fucking GREEN PARTY candidate. The republicans haven't even ran there since 2012.


You think they didn’t know he was dead? It was too late to change the ballot and they didn’t want the Republican to win so they voted for the dead guy. There’s gonna be a special revote now.


They knew he was dead lol they just wanted to trigger a special election with a living Democrat candidate.


>Where does a white guy flee to these days Very obviously to places where only white people thrive, i.e the cold areas of the country. Take the farmpill and enjoy your white utopia because joggers sure as hell wont be returning to the farms


He could immigrate back to Europe


Western Europe is filled with immigrants.


Which is funny because he'd just be another one that Europe doesn't want.


He'd probably commit less crime, except maybe public masturbation


we don't care about good immigrants


He can come to Easter Europe. We’re so poor even the Arabs don’t want to stay. He’d actually eat real food for once too.


A lot of ex-commie block countries drastically improved since the 90s and are actually pretty nice like Poland, Slovenia, Estonia and Czechia. > We’re so poor even the Arabs don’t want to stay. They are brown so they'll probably get killed by some of the hundreds of neo-Nazi groups in eastern Europe.


Unironically theres quite a few germans who moved to hungary because Germany became to culturally enriched for them. I personally don't understand it, because its only the big cities. Smaller cities generally and especially in east Germany are still german. Not every city is like berlin or frankfurt


Even Berlin is still 82% white The whitest big city in America is Portland and it is less white than that


Switzerland is literally the best country in the world to live in


Anon said white guy, not "business" guy.


Yes, if you're 89.


> Switzerland is literally the best country in the world to live in am swiss, can unironically confirm. getting worse every year though, women's rights was a mistake.


Where? Its full with Muslims and more and more black people arrive every single day.


When white people do it, they're called expats.


Yeah, because they're our countries.


New Hampshire, no income taxes and only white people.


Need hella money for that


that's what keeps the non whites out




Seriously, move to vermont or maine. We live in the best country in the world. These people are so pathetic.


The downsides are very obvious but if you're a shut-in, then those downsides shouldn't bother you


Yes they will. Black pop locally has tripled in the last few months, and the cold temps are repelling them like normal. Got jumped by som and ran into a large park with a foot of snow as the didn't follow me in, so at least some protection remains.


Lmao Minnesota is basically new Somalia 🇸🇴 at this point the Fuck you talking about


It's not about the farms, we whiggas just do better in the cold


Colonize Alaska, make it the most based state in the country.


Alot of those People are white and most of them aren't self hating they just don't like republican policies. If you mofos got of 4chan you would realize that people can vote for something you disagree without being self hating or whatever other bullshit you come up with.


You're pissing in the wind, buddy.


the fact that you responded seem to suggest otherwise


Based and discourse-pilled.


There’s also the fact that both sides repeatedly select genuine idiots. Even if you prefer their policies you just know they’re going to do something utterly stupid and end up just not bothering to vote at all.


Pretty much this. I'm very left leaning, but fuck both parties at this point. Need ranked choice voting for my vote to ever matter again. Otherwise it's just a vote between a courageous idiot making things worse, or a stupid coward doing nothing their entire term. Also funny that Democrats are considered "left" when they're also pretty right on the political spectrum. They're really just Republicans Lite.


It does make me chuckle that the US views Bernie Sanders as far left. He’s left of centre, certainly, but is a social democrat in all his views, which is half of governments elsewhere in the democratic world


He is pretty far left on some topics. Outlawing private health insurance is pretty extreme even in Europe.


Thank you. Our democrats have been dogshit for so damn long. Republicans are psychotic, but modern dems are fucking pathetic and genuinely just don’t want to do anything but collect money.


They also ran on some pretty nonsense shit instead of toning down the insanity a little to not weird out moderates. With the amount of effort they seem to be putting into being anti-trans it only makes sense that the average american thinks 20% of all people in the US are trans (saw an actual poll on this lmao), and most moderates don’t support bullying kids by policy. Also running people like Oz or Walker is ridiculous. They were close losses, imagine what would’ve happened if they had actual normal candidates in there


Walker is borderline retarded and he still almost won. Kind of incredible really.


welp. 2 million people are probably as stupid or even more stupid than him. cause that's about how many votes he got.


Right? Dem policies like not cutting social security tend to be more popular. Go figure. Also, the candidates sucked, Oz is a clear fraud and was going against a guy whose actually been around, Walker, who still might lose is mentally defective even without having a stroke, and Blake Masters is a smug know-it-all with the face if a power rangers villain. Why would people not wanna vote for these people?


Anon doesn’t realize that inflation and a hurting economy doesn’t just affect the United States Second Anon is having a persecution fantasy Edit: Don’t want to make this partisan since I’m not heavily partisan and idgaf about political opinions, but wth is wrong with U.S conservatives? It’s like every American Republican in the last 4 years was lobotomized and doom scrolling Facebook during that time. They have zero grasp on how shit works


And the GOP voted in unison against every plan to actually fight inflation.


Yeah like the Inflation reduction act that did everything *but* reduce inflation


Inflation is happening around the world. Btw, what’s the Republican plan to stop global inflation? Can you explain it to me? In detail?




This guy Fox Newses!


You act like this is a partisan issue and not a bipartisan effort. Bush overspent, then Obama overspent, then Trump overspent, and now Biden is overspending. Trump and Biden together added over 3 trillion dollars to the economy in 30 months. Too much money in the economy is textbook inflation and the solution so far has been there isn’t *enough* money in the economy which is leading to more inflation. So first step is clearly to stop the spending. Which BOTH parties cannot seem to do.


Killing yourself to own the libs


Your should pitch that one on the republican subs


You can still go to Russia and become canon fodder for the Wagner group


I’m old enough to remember election cycles where everyone said ‘democrats will never achieve another presidential victory.’ This shit cycles, always has. Policies shift a little, new alliances are made, and the majority party always (always) overplays it’s hand at some point.


Controlled opposition


The Dems lose when they do these days because they try to pander to regressives instead of their own base because their corporate leash holders like it more. Well that and they get paid big bucks to just roll over for pro corporate Republican legislation even when they don't actually support it.


The current meta is metro vs. rural. If you still think it's just red vs blue, perhaps you should ky‎‎‎s.




Miami-Dade county turned red this election. Not a small city by any stretch


Frankly, this feels exactly like all the screeching libshits crying that the world is falling after Trump won, talking about moving to Canada or whatever cuz "they're not safe in Trump's America." GOP needs to get their shit together and stop fielding 80 IQ candidates. What these results suggest is that even the moderates and some republicans have become so weary of Trump that it's no longer politically sound to push him or his sycophants as candidates. It's pretty hilarious that Fetterman won against Oz though - surely the GOP could've pushed a candidate better than either?


Get much higher than 80 IQ and the constituents start getting resentful.


The US is fucking huge. Can't be that hard to find something in bumblefuck Alaska or Wyoming or something?


seriously, all the states are so different. just move to one you like, florida is 100% run by republicans and normal people don't get harased by feds


Yup, and that makes it awesome for road tripping. It's on my bucket list to go the south and have greasy bbq and fried chicken.


Find bumblefuck plot and go off grid


>american > >white


It's almost like if your party turns into a moronic shit show not even the failing economy can save you


When the face of the party is Marge, you know you’re fucked


Imagine committing suicide over politics 🤣✌️


>where does a white guy even flee these days? Out of the country, literally Bosnia is better than US.


You are now a honorary member of balkans_irl.


you'd have to be brain dead to believe this, please by all means move there


Feel free to leave anytime


fortunately ive been granted the luxury of not being born there


Giggling at the mental image of an islamophobic American emigrating to Bosnia because he's worried about Syrian refugees, only to realize that Bosnia is majority Muslim


halal white sharia


Oh god you guys, congress is split down the middle. White people are dead. Republicans dominate state legislatures. Hwite people are dead. The Supreme Court is going to issue a ruling that says that republican legislatures can pick any presidential electors they want, regardless of vote. I guess white people are done for. There was a massive worldwide attempt to overturn the national 2020 election for the benefit of republicans and there’s going to be another one in 2 years. But white people are already dead, so what does it matter? Shit tons of news networks on tv, internet, radio, and even social groups specifically cater to republicans. I mean why even talk about white people when they’re already dead? White people dominate political offices, dominate political fundraising, and they vote way more often than racial minorities. But how is that possible when white people died years ago?


shh anon is scared of not being a victim.


Considering suicide because their corporate red didn't beat the lobbied blue. Anon is a whiney cunt.


Get a grip mgoodlad and realize that this voting thing is for chads and stacys to fill the empty void in their brains. Focus instead on the sword, league, and tendies. Waste not your mind on foolish matters such as popularity contests


This reads like /tttt/ hysteria


> if I have children TOPKEK


Who could have guessed overturning Roe v. Wade would have bad consequences for you political faction.


Uh oh, even copium is too expensive now


There's always Hungary or Russia...


We don't fucking want them, and Russia probably won't let anyone in.


Like anyone from the developed world would willingly move to Hungary.


I love when people say that they will move to Hungary cuz it's a conservative utopia, then they don't, because the average wages are on the level that an average janitor makes in the US, and you can't get into higher positions, because those are reserved for the friends or the family members of Orbán and other Fidesz members, and every kind of institution and infrastructure is crumbling out of pure greed, incompetence and decadence


Budapest is awesome wym


the republican seethe never ceases to amaze me


White birth rates have plummeted quickly and it's only trending down. America will be a country of Spanish speaking mutts in 1000 years. There won't be any difference between North and South America at that point. If you're white you should be planning to leave.


1000 years? 500 years ago there was nothing but Indians. Who knows who'll be living here in 1000 years? Cyborgs? Barbarians? No one?


Tbf america isn’t exactly a racially “pure” country and never was


Imagine being imported from Europe and thinking you're the original and then complaining other people are coming into your country.


The United States was 90% White European in 1940


Your mom


>America will be a country of Spanish speaking mutts in 1000 years My guy, this is barely 50 years away, maybe less. Look at what percentage of the under 40 demographic is white at this point,.


Truth is: a large number of Hispanic’s consider themselves white. This number will almost definitely increase in the future. If Italians and Greeks can be considered “white”, then it’s not a stretch for many hispanics to adopt white culture also, especially those who have some European ancestry. Even the Irish were not considered white 100 years ago. Today they are. Future America will be just as white, except there will be a new crop of “whites”.

