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That interview had no business being as kino as it was. Alex Jones fumbling when Kanye straight up just says I like Hitler lmao. Beyond the shitposting I do think of it as a giant fuck you at the whole people calling everything a nazi for years. You just had a dude go live and straight up told you to your face he likes Hitler and thinks nazis are cool, despite deplatforming and debanking him, he still goes and says that shit to your face. Now what? Are you gonna cry, btch and moan about it? People angry at him just look like the seething wojaks. Whoever loses doesn't matter. I win because of how entertaining the whole circus is


Loving Hitler to own the libs


Right? Like uhhh congrats that loser blew his own brains out cuz of his own colossal failures and his philosophy has been adopted by the some of the lowest, most disgusting “lifeforms” on the planet. Edit. Loser, as in his “side,” the Axis Powers, lost World World II.




You sound ridiculous




That's the c word




Ridiculous, I say!


National Football?


>blew his own brains out Allegedly.


No the aliens took me


Did they make you into poo poo? Is that how you’re still alive!?


Yeah I came back. I’m also a girl now.


How do we know that it's not Hitler himself under the mask?


Have you ever seen Hitler and Kanye in the same place?


I've seen Hitler in Paris


Being a basic Reddit b**ch is against the rules of this subreddit


forgot what sub this was wow lotsa reddit today


I still think he escaped to Argentina




You have Messi and Maradona though


He's a fallen hero and people will never stop discussing him. You will be forgotten as soon as you're dead.


He was the capital achievement of anti-enlightenment thinking. If you think he’s a hero you are actively living in a self imposed dark age Read a real book for once, stop following con-men,* throw off the yoke of tutelage*. Anyone who follows Hitler is willingly giving up their own ability to reason in exchange for a more simplified world of false ideals. Good is the state and evil is what they tell you it is. If you want to grow up in ignorance keep worshipping Hitler, Stalin, etc. Everyone else will leave you behind


>He's ~~a fallen~~ an hero and people will never stop discussing him FTFY


Oh wow you like Hitler? Woahh you are soo edgy


>some of the lowest, most disgusting “lifeforms” on the planet but those were the ones he was trying to kill


Since when did trαnnies become nazis?


They are called Trazis


I’m starting to think he might not just be saying it for attention lol


owning the libs because you love hitler


How about loving Hitler to gas the libs?


Haven't really seen much commentary on people seething at what he's saying. It all mostly comes off as "hey look at this unhinged retard". Nobody seriously wants or can silence him, he's not exposing any hidden truth or knowledge. It's all hilarious though


The embassador for Israel sent a letter to the government like an hour after the interview. If that's not seething then I don't know what is. The whole thing read like a wojak meme.


Not like it takes much for Israel to seethe or cry or moan about something.


They were touting the 6 million since 1915.


Holy shit really??!!! What is Superman going to do?


If you’re judging people in general by the behavior of Israeli diplomats then you’re not very aware


"the whole thing read like a wojack meme" lmao actual cringe bro.




That's hilarious. An actual government Karen sent a letter saying "um, some rapper said mean things on TV". Fucking lol


Ah yes, the famous people deplatforming and debanking Kanye West such as: Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Israeli Ambassador.


[Nobody seriously wants or can silence him, he's not exposing any hidden truth or knowledge. It's all hilarious though](https://www.memeatlas.com/images/wojaks/wojak-mask-on-seething-reddit-snoo.jpg)


I became convinced I live in a simulation when kanye whipped out his prop plastic butterfly net and started ranting to it.


That was an allegory for Netanyahu. That's why he had the yoohoo drink next to the net. Net-and-yoohoo.


I’m well aware (although I wouldn’t call it an allegory) but that doesn’t make it any less laughably unhinged


So I take it Kanye is sticking with the black Hebrew Israelites angle then?


No, i dont think hes even thought about that for weeks. I really dont think he cares about jews at all really considering how he said he’d forgive Ben Shapiro and now hangs out with Milo. He doesnt have any views he’s just a contrarian


Exactly, he's just doubling down on whatever people push back the hardest on. It's like the classic karen/cop predicament; people with inflated egos can't stop doing the thing you told them not to, especially because you told them not to.


He was ripping on Shapiro in the interview


The they/them who cried Nazi Weve been on the Weimar trajectory for 7 years now and it's nearly too late to change course.


So... they were right?


>If you get mad at Nazis you’re a soyjak Name a bigger cope


I mean great he can go on Alex Jones and talk shit but he’s finished in terms of mainstream media, so what exactly has that achieved? There’s loads of people who can go on Alex Jones and say I like Hitler it doesn’t mean anything


He has enough wealth for a dozen lifetimes. Who fuckin cares what the mainstream plebes think.


Kanye is desperate for attention, of course he cares


> deplatforming He has full access to twitter as of a few weeks ago >You just had a dude go live and straight up told you to your face he likes Hitler and thinks nazis are cool Wow he's really owned me by saying something I already assumed he believed, very cool I guess, very 4-D chess of him....... And straight up told that to who? Most of Jones' audience is already partially or fully onboard with this stuff. Are you imagining this was on TV? >Whoever loses doesn't matter. I win because of how entertaining the whole circus is >>>My ideology is being spotlighted by possibly the most discredited, insane celebrity in the world right now and mocked by everyone and this is a win for me actually CryingWojakWearingSmugMask.jpg


> He has full access to twitter as of a few weeks ago Better check that again. (Sure, only 12 hrs for now, but it won't take long for him to be banned forever.)


That's impossible. Elon Musk said free speech for all!


He has been banned again after this


This might be the stupidest fucking take I’ve ever seen.


Life crashing around him, what a hero. Also nobody wants Kanye gone, it’s like watching a car pileup.


And the fact that he's black is stopping people from attacking him out loud, perfect win scenario


What a shit take. Why do you think people are not attacking him out loud? Read literally any article about this situation


People are very openly attacking him. Low iq take, bud.


Everyone is leaving him, he's losing all his money and people close to him. What victimized fat white American do you have to be to think that being black protects you from criticism for being a Nazi?


Fantasy world


This is why I find these 4D chess fantasies so weird, they almost always involve insisting the complete opposite reaction is happening than in reality.


> despite deplatforming > Goes viral immediately anytime he so much as breathes. > You know about this because he was on an entertainment program distributed to millions of people around the world. Yes, the man is clearly deplatformed.


Deplatforming is when you can't profit from content, not when you can't be heard. This is America, speech is money. Demonetization is censorship.


Idc what the schizo white nationalists say, Kanye is /ourniqqa/. For someone like him to just openly name them is such a fucking power move.


I haven’t been hyped for a Kanye album in a long time. These bars are going to be fire


1. Who Crucified Christ? 2. Gods "Chosen" 3. Finish What He Started 4. Hadrians Fury 5. Kazar Milkers 6. Djet Fuel & Steal Beams


Can’t wait for Kanye to cuck Ben Shapiro with his sister


The intro track is just going to straightup be audio of Kanye making love to her while Hava Nagila softly plays in the background


Abby Shapiro is the modern Helen of Troy


> Kazar Milkers You just had to go there


Those milkers are enough to feed an entire Legion marching upon Jerusalem.


Of course he had, no-one can resist those milkers


He's also running for president on pure memes. Hope he does wears the mask during debates


Lose your wife, lose your kids, lose all your sponsorships, lose your money, lose your credibility, lose your fans. Yes, what a "power move".




He’s unhinged and screaming at clouds. The only difference between him and a crackhead on the street is he has money, and had past success. But okay, you can admire him if you want to I guess.


Imagine shitting your own bed and blaming someone else.


He lost his wife and kids before Anyways of course you don't understand principles or sacrifice in the slightest




Worshipping what? They lre calling him everything except a liar.




Why does the person on the right look like Marques Brownlee with an indian haircut?!


Wait you can post pictures in comments


https://preview.redd.it/vkq3ff3lli3a1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81fb0403ccf7b6b8167717c098ade8d52cef5eb2 Yes


Nice https://preview.redd.it/go1dzas6pi3a1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caa317a5aebf89fc54e994bbbfd0b37c30949095


My grandpa was raised in an orphanage in Germany in 1913. He refused to join the party so they assigned him the job of spotlight operator because those guys died a lot. He was able to get a different role as a nurse but it was on the Russian front. He told me about how he and his squad were starving so bad they had to eat the tongues of their learned shoes. When the war ended he came back to Germany and found that his wife had married a Russian soldier. He married my grandma, had my dad and his siblings and immigrated to Minnesota with help from a Lutheran church. My grandpa either had incredible foresight to put up with all of the disadvantages that came with not joining the Nazis, or they were a bunch of supreme dickheads. Don't get me wrong, my grandpa didn't really care for minorities, gay people, or the Jews, either, but he was willing to put up with a lot of bullshit to not be associated with the Nazis.


>When the war ended he came back to Germany and found that his wife had married a Russian soldier. Given what we know the Russians did to German women I’m not entirely sure your grandpas wife agreed to that marriage.


She almost definitely did. Many beautiful German women, and famous German actresses etc, would quickly try to marry the biggest meanest Russian ape they could when the Ruskies arrived .. so they'd only exclusively get raped by that one guy, rather than by _any Russian that fancied it, at any point, possibly groups at a time, possibly ending in the girl being stabbed or shot_. Young German women were even getting into fisticuffs with each other over who would marry the absolute biggest most mental Russians that no other Russians would dare fuck/stab/torture their ' wife'. Or sometimes the women agreed to 'both marry him'. Of course a few million of the German women just thought 'fuck it' and killed themselves and any children they had. Ladies and Gentlemen I present .. Russians during wartime.


>Russians ending Nazi lineages with their ape DNA Hope your version of history ends up in the history books


Now look at the Russians with their war in Ukraine. Is it time for reverse role-playing?


It was consumated before the agreement, knawmsayin?


I think you are misunderstanding something


"I come from a long line of cucks" Lmao great story


Lol cucked by a soviet


Your grandpa sounds like a total cuck lmao




oh yeah well my great grandpa posts on 8chan


And he lost lol what a noob


If your grandpa hates minorities, Jews and gays and still didn’t join the nazi party only to then be cucked by a nazi then your grampa is an actual bundle of sticks.


Imagine being so soy that you became a nurse in WW2.


Probably had more testosterone than you ever had to have been saving the lives of wounded men while freezing his ass off on the deadliest conflict in human history.


Surviving the Eastern Front at all was tough




Nice try fbi, I'll stick to my beliefs


Man, some of the glowposters are so bad at their jobs. I saw one that suggested maybe 'we' should just submit to the coming storm and submit all the tips on each other 'we' could, then go shoot up a synagogue. Shit, auspol has people asking where to buy guns and drugs every thread. They're not even trying.


Why’s he wearing a face mask? Everyone knows it was him.


>why’s he wearing a face mask? We are LITERALLY still in a PANDEMIC. It’s been 3 years and you *STILL* don’t get it!


Finally someone who understands how to end the pandemic


He had a 7/11 to rob after the interview


200k a month child support. Dude better rob a couple of them.


apparently he's mentally unwell


I've heard the same


it’s pretty genius, sure “everyone” knows it was him, but the drooling masses who get their news from square jpegs on instagram won’t. not as easily at least, without seeing his face they’ll actually have to look into something instead of scrolling.


No its just a fashion style. He performed Donda like this. He’s been wearing these complete masks and all black outfits for a while now


The old Marilyn Manson tactic. He used to draw a giant penis on his face so papparizzi wouldn't even be able to sell the pictures, since magazines won't print obsenity


The way people cook up these 4D chess theories is weird. Kanye has been wearing masks as a fashion statement for years now.


It's his style dude


Because he's a big guy


For you


Tell me about Kanye! Why does he wear the mask?!


The Masketta Man.


Nobody cared who I was until I put in the mask.


Its just a fashion style he’s performed like this.


It's a designer gimp mask from a company currently in a major scandal after publishing a photo shoot involving toddlers holding BDSM gear dressed teddy bears and court documents from a US Supreme court child porn case on a desk. Kanye was defending this company. I wish I was making this up.


Why do people choose to put on a mask when telling everyone how much they love hitler? The world may never know.


Had to put on a mask to go mask off


Kanye was on Infowars!? I gotta check this shit out.


I kbow I need to see that video! Priceless


The corporate press has been calling everyone NAZIs for years. The problem with being the boy who cried wolf is that eventually the wolf shows up.


This analogy doesn’t work because everybody is in pretty firm agreement that Kanye is a Nazi, including repubs


That is their point. All those years of misuse now seem hilarious, because calling Kanye a nazi doesn't have nearly as much impact as it should


What more impact do you want? All of his sponsors dropped him, he’s a social pariah and even Alex Jones is uncomfortable around him. As it turns out, most people still don’t want to associate with Nazis


they didn't hit him wih tthe cancer satellite or put him in the penis explosion chamber


The fucking what now?!


The penis explosion chamber. It's a chamber you put penises into and they explode. The name really sums it up for you


It's crazy watching people try to make this a partizan issue *and* try to make the democrats the bad guys.


>and try to make the democrats the bad guys. we dont have to try. They do it to themselves infinitely better


I agree Kanye wants to be a Nazi but let's be real here. Nazis would not like Kanye, he's black. I'm sure they're loving all the shit he's saying. But hypothetically they'd just use him and dispose of him when that use is gone.


The Nazis had plenty of black supporters, including an entire Waffen-SS division in Africa. Mostly because Hitler was opposing all of their colonial masters and Hitler delivered them freedom from Belgium and France.


Kanye is regurgitating all the crap he’s been fed by his alt right buds except he doesn’t understand subtext, so he’s saying all the quiet parts out loud.


It's glowing!!!1!!


If anyone orchestrated that they’re even more insane than Kanye looks rn.


AJ's role I'm pretty sure was to collect all the disaffected noticing types and keep them from making the final connections. I call him the 65% truth man, always pointing out some interesting side effect or detail, or some vague master agenda, but then just stops short of putting it altogether and veers away from the truths that would cinch it. Having Kanye and others blurt it out plainly, without the labrynthine arguments, goes against what Infowars does.


“It’s just the Jews” is the gayest answer to a global domination conspiracy ever.


They aren't the only ones, they are just predisposed to all the behaviours that normal people don't like. It's not an accident they keep getting kicked out of places throughout history. We could say Gypsies are in a similar category, except they don't seek power or work outside their families to collectively achieve anything.




Yiannopollis and Fuentes


Probably referring to Milo Yianopolous and Nick Fuentes.




It confuses you that hypocritical grifters will sell out for money.


Milo is Jewish and Nick supported Laura Loomer and Jacob Wohl. Nick watches Euphoria and got caught beating off to T-girl porn. Anybody celebrating 'muh bazdnredpild' America First is cheering for a movement composed entirely of undesirables.


It's their job and it makes them millions, that's the answer


psyop thread, also psyop for reddit


Everything is a psyop


Dude you’re not supposed to expose us


It’s working


He doesnt even give a shit about the JQ anymore. He said like one thing about jews in reference to the black hebrew israelites and he cant accept being wrong about anything or mentally ill so he’s escalated this to “I like Hitler”. And this is coming from one of the biggest Ye dickriders. He doesnt give a shit about anything except contrarianism. Hes defending Balenciaga and hanging out with Milo (gay pedo and Jewish), Nick Fuentes (closeted gay) and fucking SNEAKO. Hes just finding everything people don’t like and saying “actually its good”. He used to go clubbing with Jay Z and Pharrell Williams and now he’s letting Nick Fuentes tweet on his account. He’s just a schizo contrarian who doesn’t give a shit about anything except controversy.


> Nick (closeted gay) Most open closet door in existence


Wrong, he’s being christlike by loving everyone including nazis and jews but don’t worry I forgive you whether you’re a fake ye fan or a psyop.


Every board on 4chan is where you go to get the worst opinion on a topic.


Don't forget the same 4 jokes in different formats


Am I wrong in that I could not give a shit less about dumbass shit like this? Like the entire “entertainment” industry or rage culture are completely out of my wheelhouse. I have never cared about that black dude or the fatty. My life would change exactly zero if they didn’t exist. Like seriously who the fuck cares about this?


Yes, you are wrong because for someone who doesn’t care you sure as shit took time out of your day to tell everyone how little you care. Bundle of sticks.


Mucho texto for someone who doesn't care


There's a reason most people have heard of Kanye West and not David Irving. The sane ones aren't paraded around on television.


So, when's your 15 minutes of fame


Witty and incredibly funny. No idea why you're still a virgin.


Stating to think you’re on the losing side??? 🌎👩🏼‍🚀🔫👨🏿‍🚀 Always have been






Just found the thread. What the hell has he been up to recently after being labeled antisemitic?


Watch his interview on infowars, it's gold


holy crap it's good. absolute topkek.


The man has balls of steel, I'll give him that


The atheistic jews made Kanye this way in order to discredit their opponents.


The fact that every representative of nazism _appears_ to be mentally disabled is actually a devious psyop by the Jews. or maybe Nazis are just like that.


Finally, someone admits it


He went full wignat. Never go full wignat.


i cant believe you missed opportunity to coin a new term: nignat like cmon! it was right there!


why the fuck is kanye wearing a balclava


It seems that the losing side is often the right side for the past x or so decades... There's a reason we stopped trial by combat to solve debates...


Gee it’s almost like peoples opinions and views change over the generations and no one wants to live by the rules of their great great great grandpa


B-slur ill fucking crush you with a rock if you step another sun damned toe in my rape cave


Why would I want to live by the rules of my great great great grandpa when I could live by the rules of today's utopia?


Kanye didn't kill himself


People thought Trump would be the second coming of Hitler. Would be pretty epic if Ye became black Hitler of America. Biden did prophesy that if you didn't vote for him you weren't black, so the canon is building up to it. Trump was a pretty entertaining phase canonically, so it's going to be difficult to build up the next phase. Reality TV keeps getting better. I don't think Roger Stone is coming back, but Alex Jones could be brought back.


business-type people and woke moralists (up yours bitches! 🦞) don't like what Kanye's been saying lately and literally shaking rn 🥺


Yeezus is the second coming