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Arguments I've seen include a removal of visual customization with armor/outfits. For me personally, I just think the Nerd "armor" is ugly as shit.


you say that like nerds have ever had much fashion sense. my only issue with the nerd armor is why the fuck is it heavy


This. No reason it should be so heavy, but I guess that rollcage weighs a lot.


Whatever the devs fuck up the modders will fix


Amen. And there are ovrhauls they can change all game


amen to that, personally not too big of a fan with the current progression system as i feel like they could have kept in the old learning by doing system aswell as the magazine system and there are atleast 2 overhaul mods, that being Darkness Falls and Undead Legacy, that readd it


I think it really depends on the armor sets themselves whether I find them bad or not. I really don't want the game to be like "better put on my farmer's outfit before I harvest these crops, then I gotta switch out to my blacksmith outfit so I can craft 1000 steel bars. Now I'll go wrenching things, so I better switch to my salvager's outfit" and so on. So far, how many things like that are in the game? You can point a magnum for better prices, I know that's a book perk. Besides that, there's not many burdens of optimization that I can think of.


being absolutely enraged over any change to the game is basically a 7days tradition.


changing every single system in their game instead of actually adding any content is just a 7daystodie and punpimps classic


>changing every single system in their game instead of actually adding any content is just a 7daystodie and punpimps classic Games has had a ton of free content added. For example just last update: **Alpha 21** \- Lots of improved art (we literally asked for this as a community) \- New Doors \- New trap hazards \- 75+ new questable POIs \- Infestation Quests \- Chunk Reset System (this is a big deal for long term games honestly) For a rework heavy update it still has a reasonable amount of new content. **Alpha 20** \- Pipe Weapons + Lever Action Rifle \- 200 new POIs \- Massively increased detail zombies \- Robotic Drone Companion \- New Night Power quest \- New Dismemberment system ETC. Is this now where we move the goal posts and then say "not enough new content" or "not the content I want?"


I'd like to make the argument the "content" they add is content that is to be in the "final product" since we are in "Alpha" so is it actually additional content or is it just content we were meant to have? haha


I mean in that case there is no such thing as them adding content until the game is at release in which case the entire original complaint would be kinda pointless as it'd be impossible to satisfy anytime before release. It also adds weird scenarios where the same exact work is content or not content based on an arbitrary announcement timing.


I don't think that makes the original comment pointless due to the fact that during "Alpha" the entire point of letting people play the unfinished game is for complaints on certain things they add or have already in the game. The dev is supposed to take these complaints and fix their game instead they are raging over them and blaming the fan base. What also seems to be happening is things are being changed and added that absolutely no one asked for and the devs from what I'm seeing in the comments (people.lisying what's theyve seen) are being sour about it.


>What also seems to be happening is things are being changed and added that absolutely no one asked for The changes people complain about like that are ironically the changes this very subreddit did indeed ask for. Prolly about 75% of changes are in direct response to player feedback. Now did people ask for their exact ideas at solutions? No. But the changes they've made are in direct response to the problems people said they had with the current systems. ​ For example: \- They changed learn by doing because of continuous complaints on how grindy it was and how it felt like it "forced" people into unfun behaviors like spamming stone axes all night. Diminishing returns and 2-3 other things the community suggested were indeed tried before they axed that system. \- The visuals of the game were massively improved because players complained it looked like crap and that they were spending too much time on content when the visuals of the game were so bad it'd drive people away. Ironically as soon as they worked on visuals people started complaining they were not spending enough time on content. \- They made multiple revisions to the new more RPG like skill system to try and address people's concerns with it. Entire weapons or skill trees were reworked because people complained about them being bad and while not everything is perfect it is far better than what it was in that regard. \- Mods and weapon levels and etc were changed due to player complaints about weapon progression and mod slots. \- Pipe Weapons and slower early game progression along with limiting the max loot was done to extend the early game and make it feel like it matters after repeated complaints that nothing before proper guns mattered and you'd get proper guns within like a week or two. \- The magazine system was added because people were complaining about magic exp, not needing to loot, and how you could just magically go from unskilled to skilled in something with no real sense of pacing. ​ I've been here almost since the very beginning as an active subreddit member. I've seen all these complaints from HERE in real time. And this subreddit is actually one of my go to examples of an unpleasable community that is so far up its own arse it'll say stupid shit like "the developers never listen to use" while the devs implement continuous changes based on their feedback or the even better "the devs have no idea what they are doing and they are killing the game" something people have said for years and years despite the fact the game is only more and more popular every year until the point its now one of the most popular games on steam hitting top 20 playercounts post patch. I've eaten thousands of downvotes here saying these kind of things. But I've been correct year after year. Not because I'm particularly intelligent, but simply because I stay grounded in reality while this sub often loses its GD mind over whatever the current BS is. ​ Honestly, yall are almost as bad as the Foxhole Community. The only reason yall are better is that most times the things yall bitch about do have good actionable changes about the game. So while people's views on the devs and the quality of their support/development are stupid and fucked, the feedback actually is still valuable. The solutions are not what yall think they are, but the things yall bitch about usually are ways in which the game can be improved. Though sometimes even there yall are stupid. I still remember when intellect and the turrets first dropped and everyone called them OP and I got downvoted for calling them weak. I made a few videos illustrating the issues with them and TFP patched them in one of the next major patches improving their balance dramatically and solving the QoL issues pointed out. When the patch dropped people suddenly realized they had needed those changes all along lol. TBH full props to The Fun Pimps for being able to deal with yalls shit and sift through all the Vitriol and stupidity to find the actionable feedback.


funny thing is i loved alot of the original systems, the gun part system where you had to get each piece for the guns felt nice as it meant you have to earn your gun or it made finding a proper gun feel like an acomplishment, the learning by doing system was nice as it meant you were gaining skills in a more realistic manor (and imo they should have done the learning by doing system alongside the magazine system and maybe do something like making it require enough magazines to go up certain tiers), the gear levels tho i dont care for as either system works for me, the visuals are def an improvement for me though


Aye, every design decision you make is going to have people who like it and people who preferred the old stuff. Can't please everyone. This reddit has basically run off 99% of people who believe anything different so most of this reddit has the same views. But as we can see from playerbase numbers over time the choices TFP have been have clearly been correct overall. Because they've had consistent growth over 10 years when the natural inclination of a game is to shrink over time.


exactly, its why i love games that are basically open source when it comes to modding like Sims, Minecraft, and Fallout as if you dont like something or you want an old system you can mod it in but the problem with games like this or Cyberpunk is the coding is less open and it takes more knowledge and skill to code that kind of stuff back, for example i saw one mod that brought back the gun part system through the mod system where you need all of the part mods for the gun to work or else it wouldnt work or instantly break


I didn't ask for any of those things but I do appreciate being able to shoot through holes in doors.


State law. When they made the water change many boycott water completely in response.


because they are changing things for changing things reasons, never really to make the game better.


See removal of bottles and cans


Because now we can longer clap our hands!


Dang I don’t even have two turntables or a microphone.


This is the correct answer. If people are complaining they feel like they are doing it wrong.


yea but the thing is too people will always complain for blah blah reasons such as "this game isnt like so and so game" or "this game doesnt fit what I WANT for a game and idc what everyone else wants" hell, you could have a game where you can make it into whatever you want and people will complain -\_-


lol :D is there a name for this?


"Every update we stray further from gold" -Jaffar or some shit idk i didnt read the book.


“You have forgotten who you are, and so forgotten me. Look inside yourself, TFP. You are more than what you have become”. - Mufasa as a 7 Days personification.


To me it seems like there are just going to be less options. Less slots, less items in those remaining slots, less visual variety, it feels boring.


exactly, i want my armor to be specialized for lightweight armor and yet for my character to look like a badass or like a cowboy and not like a fucking ninja or bum


Yea, that comment was old, I appreciate how they made the missing mods be able to go into the remaining four armor spots, and how we can double up on the pocket mods to offset the missing as well. My concern about the mods is gone, my sole complaint now is purely visual, I want the variety the clothes under the armor offers.


exactly, my main complaint is the visuals as the clothes were so customizable with the 6 extra slots


It's a pointless change. All they had to do was just update the current armor and clothes and give bonuses to clothes themselves, as now we have only few that actually do more than appearance change (The college jacket and running shoes are thebonly I remember atm) Some of the new sets also look ridiculous, especially that nerdy one with the spring shoes.


i agree, i wanna be strapped like a cowboy while having military armor and not having my gear specialize me in pistols and sneaky shit when my build is assault rifles and grenades


I fully expect a mod to pop up immediately that let's you hot swap armor sets with one button click.


With 7 days adding the feature officially in a cool 6 years.


3 years before early access ends. Nice


You think it's that close? Oh how I wish I had your optimism


TFP hates this one armor trick. Click here.


Because with every game-changing feature the game becomes objectively worse? Let's take hypothetical lumberjack gloves as an example. An increase to wood harvest, say 10%. A small but notable bonus, but it would be entirely forgivable if you weren't to min-max by carrying them around with you. Now imagine if the bonus was 50%. Now apply this to other pieces of gear that apply similar bonuses to other activities - crop/seed harvest, mining, salvaging, looting. The implication here is we will all be playing dress-up Barbie. Substantial bonuses to various common activities, if that ends up what we'll be getting, steps away from min-max territory and into "play smart, not hard" territory.


Why not just make the bonuses mods you can add to already existing armor….?


cuz the goal for the fun pimps isn't good idea for the people that brought there game. but NEW ideas for the people that might still buy there game.


A bigger problem is the devotees could care less what we want put in and keep taking out things we like to add shit we don’t want. I couldn’t care less about the new armors but I’m sure nothing I do want is going in A22. Sometimes they add shit I didn’t know I wanted like shooting through door holes.


I get the feeling that it's more about the devs not delivering significant and requested changes. Which is a valid complaint for sure.


It's not only that. TFP have actively fought the community for years by removing content they deemed too "cheesy". They put in pointless changes such as the removal of glass jars. They haven't listened to any feedback from the fans for years now. Bandits are delayed once again. Their attitude on the forums is nothing short of patronizing. It's no wonder people are sick and tired of the merry go round they've created.


Adding new Armor is easy, while adding NPCs is very difficult. TFP could have just reached their technical nadir and are just moving around deck chairs and globbing on paint.


Armor sets, while giving unique bonuses for individual pieces, gives an additional bonus for the entire set when worn (according to the descriptions listed with the armor sets shown so far). If this remains, then players will be forced into specific armor sets for what they are wanting to accomplish, even going so far as to have to carry more than one set to accomplish their goals. This type of armor set design leads to a lot of unnecessary item swapping to get the bonuses one desires. It also shoehorns characters into a specific look based on the armor set that gives them the best bonuses. Part of a sandbox game is the ability to do anything you want and be as individualized as possible. Armor sets remove individuality and force players into developer chosen directions. We already see too many developer mandated playstyles, this would be yet another. I believe this is the root of many issues, while others are simply appaled at the aesthetics of some of the sets. Ideally they should release mods for armor to grant these bonuses, thus allowing the player to mix and match almost infinite combinations.


I just don't see the "players will be forced" part. Full optimization will be there for those that want whatever % increase the sets offer. And for those players and for immersion players, it makes sense. You don't mine on the same clothes you hunt in. Or go to the trading post in.


I'm simply parroting what I've seen others saying are their main issues with it. Everyone plays differently. Some choose to chase down every last incremental bonus they can get, others are more free-form. It simply comes down to the style of play each player is expecting and how this change will affect them. In other games I am not a fan of forcing players into a singular aesthetic based on stat bonuses, limited to unique individual pieces, for those chasing bonuses. I believe the better solution would be to allow mods to fill this role, but that's just my opinion that's as worthless as the paper it's written on. *edit for clarification


That's fair. I think it makes sense you would mine faster wearing mining gear. Or sneak better wearing a hood and quiet/light materials. But maybe making mods visually impact your gear would better allow for player expression and visually show specializations


>making mods visually impact your gear would better allow for player expression and visually show specializations I'm 100% on board with this! I believe mods added to weapons, vehicles, armor, or clothing should be visible. The customizations would then be as unique as the people playing. Pocket mods could remain unrendered, though seeing cargo pockets sewn onto a skirt would be whimsical. Thankfully the first two are either in game or coming with A22 (mods on vehicles to be visible), now time to work on the latter two.


It's called "burden of optimal play" if you wanted to look into the game design philosophies related to this (where players feel 'forced' to engage in an unfun mechanic).


Thanks for sharing the name of the concept. I guess I fundamentally disagree with modern gamers. I hate following other people's "optimal builds". I feel too many people now look up the best base design, best build, best DPS, etc and never just play the game


Burden of optimal play isn't related to community reliance. Eg. I've never once looked up a build, or base design, or techniques, but I still feel compelled, or 'forced' to play optimally. I feel bad if I don't put an early point into lock picking or advanced engineering because I know it greatly delays getting necessary workbenches and it feels like I'm intentionally handicapping myself. Burden of optimal play is does not mean feeling compelled to play as efficiently as possible, rather it means that there is an unfun mechanic which you feel forced to engage with because without it is too great of a weakness. It's when an unfun optimal mechanic is seen as baseline due to its power or efficiency over other options. A perfect example of burden of optimal play in real life: makeup. A few examples of burden of optimal play in 7dtd: - magazine system demanding points in specific skills early - trade reward power making questing absolutely essential and high demand repeat - pipe machine gun's power over other pipe weapons making it feel necessary - hatches for locking down doorways in higher difficulties, or in base designs


Traders are so busted that outside of a few instances (such as horde every night in a challenging biome) I outright refuse to use them a lot of the time. Maybe it's a combination of me not liking handouts and because I prefer longer games. Everything else though I can agree with.


Good explanation, thanks for sharing. I agree that magazine system encourages early point allotment more than it should and every base I've ever made uses a hatch, great examples. I've never used the pipe machine gun and am running a quest less run right now. I guess maybe each player has a threshold of patience when looking at what mechanics they don't want to engage in. At a glance, this change doesn't look to be as big a change as magazines or as mechanically optimal as hatches. But we'll see!


Once you try the pipe machine gun early, you'll understand, haha. It has higher capacity, faster rate of fire, and faster reload than all other weapons, the pipe rifle beats it for damage per bullet, but that's it. And yes, burden of optimal play doesn't prevent self imposed challenges. However, when you play without trader, you recognize that you're playing a challenge, you're making the game harder than it should be... Or are you? Rather, is the trader just so strong it defined the norm through burden? Haha, that's the magic.


A couple of my friends were looking up the best classes/builds for Diablo 4... before the game was even released. I don't understand how it's fun that way. I would rather stumble upon a good/fun build, or (heaven forbid) LEARN what doesn't work that well by myself.


Agree with this


By that logic, you don't change your clothes 6-7 times a day either lol


I don't typically hunt, mine, hit the market, and farm all in the same day, no. But that would be very common in the game so I get your point. Edit because I guess I did just go out and tend my garden in "street clothes" but just for 20 minutes or so. If I was going to spend significant time out there I definitely would take the time to "gear up" so to speak. I personally wouldn't really change outfits alot for the small bonuses the devs have mentioned. I'd just use it for big digging projects or major farming endeavors or whatever the bonus allows. And the change would need to come with some easy U.I. changes to save outfits or something. Unfortunately, I'd expect a mod to beat the developers to that


My biggest fear would be that with how limited the vanilla inventory is, it's going to be a pain to have more then 1 outfit with you. But I'm not going to be bothered by it to much until A22 actually drops and i can see it for myself.


Would be awesome if we could bundle an outfit up. 1 slot. Then open bundle when needed.


Realism is a terrible argument for forced stylization. Because the armor set bonuses really do take away choice. That leaves you swapping armor constantly to get the real bonus. I also can't just pull a whole engine out of a car and shove it into a little minibike with a wrench in real life.


Fair point. Still, the set bonuses seem like a small addition to the game, removing literally nothing (you can still mix and match gear and wear whatever you want to. Just at the risk of a little bonus optimization.


That's fair, assuming TFP doesn't mess with the skill tree bonuses. They split sexual tyrannosaurus into the individual weapon skills (a good thing). But who's to say they won't remove the miner 69'er perk and slap it on the armor instead? They're known to make controversial changes like that


I also don't shove 4x4 Jeeps into my backpack along with tons of stone, ore, etc. like it's no big deal.


The latter here being a prime reason for implementing the changes. I dont wear a business suit except when doing finances. I dont wear basketball shoes unless I'm playing on a court I dont wear a helmet unless I'm riding a bike. I dont carry my bow and arrows unless I'm target practicing or actually hunting. I dont hold my dick in my hands unless I'm about to masturbate. I dont eat ass unless Im gonna put it in, AND that pretty is clean. My claw hammer shouldn't disassemble a car. And my guitar wont make you swoon. I'm a lonely lonely man. Who smiles at the sun? Not the zombies. But me? I do, I smile at the sun. For the fortune of fashion and relevantly applicable circumstances. Welcome to my quite expressions of chaos. Make inflation illegal.


Exactly. Can’t even make this argument for the armours at present beyond light or heavy.


Grinding the hospital for the 1000th time to get the legendary lumberjack gloves .5% rare drop. We're not there yet, but we're getttting theeeere.


Ya I think it should just be new mods and maybe a few new sets of armour to freshen things up a bit, either way I’ll still play and love this game.


So, to make sure I understand, people are upset because they have to choose between going full meta and playing Barbie on a first person only game?


From what I've read, yes. Many are upset they *may* be required to carry multiple full armor sets to do the things they want. This would lead to tying up their inventory space and possibly dying if surprised while wearing the wrong set of gear that doesn't give combat bonuses, or continual swapping gear to get the best crafting bonuses, etc.


The appearance of the nerd set for crafters makes me want to punch babies. You’ll notice they hide it in the background in the pics now. It’s just more crafting hate, the reason being that MadMole doesn’t like crafting. That’s also why you get rewards better than the stuff you can craft and earlier than you can craft it. For those of you have been playing for a while, that’s also why Fortitude used to be OP compared to the other attributes a few Alphas ago— MadMole liked playing a big tough tank with a machine gun.


It enforces a gimmicky system of constantly swapping, the weird mechanic doesnt fit 7 days either really


lets be real everyone complaining is still gonna play and support the game so who cares lol


Not necessarily. My group finally checked out A21 over Xmas and we stopped after only a few sessions. We normally play until day 100+ when we start a new server but with none of us really liking the changes to A21, we quit somewhere around day 21.


Do you now play an older version?


We've been playing other stuff entirely. I've been playing Avorion with my brother. A couple others of the group are playing Ark. I might fire up Enshrouded or Nightingale in the near future as well.


Move over to project zomboid. So much better.


From what I've heard and seen of Nightingale, despite being in Early Access, it needed at least a couple more years in the oven. Plenty of people are comparing it to the day 1 release of No Man's Sky all over again. Not discouraging you from playing it, just thought I'd deliver the warning. :)


After watching a couple of videos on nightingale, I'm definitely going to let that one bake for a year or two. If they can keep up development, it looks like it could be magical, but at the moment the combat looks horribly monotonous and the AI really insufficient.


>Enshrouded or Nightingale I played both of those, I would suggest something else like Grounded, Corekeeper, Valheim, even Palworld. Enshrouded would feel like baby goo ga survival if you like 7DTD, and Nightingale is a mess.


My group has played a lot of Valheim already. We're just waiting on the Ashlands expansion before we fire that back up again. I've been hearing the same about Nightengale too - One friend's been having a blast with it but others say it wasn't ready for EA. I forgot to mention I just started playing Core Keeper again with another friend a few days ago. That's been a fun change of pace. Palworld I've considered, but I was never into Pokemon, so much of that appeal is lost on me. I've also heard Enshrouded is a little \*too\* easy right now (especially in multiplayer) which is one reason I've been holding off on that one.


I really enjoyed Enshrouded but yeah it is a very easy game. It was kind of chill to explore and build my base but I kept wanting enemies to raid it.


Try Darkness Falls. Now that he has a stable A21 it is great. I have water jars and get to keep my seeds.


I tried playing that through the modlauncher but after several hours it never let me play it. It just kept loading.


Make sure you are using v5 of the mod launcher


We've talked about doing that eventually, we just haven't gotten around to it yet.


War of the Walkers is good too. They both put Vanilla to shame


its a shame, i enjoy every bit of A21 and cant wait for the new one, i put hundreds of hours into the game every month and cant get enough of exploring new mods and new pois and testing myself to its highest's difficulties


It's cause it's more crap people didnt really ask for that adds minimal fun, GIVE ME WEAPONS , BLOCKS ,VEHICLES, MORE ELECTRIC AND INTERACTIVE ITEMS, FIX ZOMBIE AI AND STOP RUINING FUN BUILDS  AND RANDOMOZING SKILL LEVEL UP AND ADD HORDE NIGHT MODIFIERS, Devs lost their way long ago it's why they had to disable and hide comments on all their post now. It took  a 2 year update to add double doors throw skills in a blender. I know they redid a lot of pois in that time but that also broke a lot of triggers , now exploring a quest POI is hoping you get to the end and it actually clears instead some random trigger you can't find to finish the quest.


Stop making zombie triggers pop in Zombies in my face or behind me. Not fun. Stealth worked in A20 and didn't need to be nerfed in a single player game.


ah yes that was the name of the system the "triggers" is what made me single handedly quit playing 7days. i liked or didnt mind 95% of the changes. but that is flat out GAME BREAKING. normally i'll just cheat to fix/work around broken/bugged things. i dont mind. some players refuse. they can waste there time i guess? but there is no cheat/commands to finish a poi quest. so i can spend (in game) 2-5hours clearing a poi & than another (in game)12-20 hours looking for the final(last few) nonsense trigger points(AND THAT IS WITH FOLLOWING THE CLEAR ONE WAY PATH THREW A POI WHICH IS FUCKING STUPID) the whole time wondering. Well did i miss a door? or is just broken? which in 7days is very very possible. so i what? waste a fuck load of more food/water/ammo to get no extra reward cuz i already looted the entire poi on my 1st path. & now have to not get the quest reward, not get the quest progress? & on t4/5 poi it is fucking impossible to know if you missed a trigger or if its just broken, no matter how well you know the game. so the entire quest system might as well not exist, which i can't speak for how many of the player base use/like vs dont use/dislike quests/quest system. but if you did/do now the game is fundamentally broken for you forever which no way to fix/cheat your way around it. & yes sure go play X a1-20 than. ummmm no? i came back to play the new one & as i said i liked/didnt mind 95% of it. i WANT to play the new one. it just is flat out broken. & its also a thing they have 0 plan to change. so i know it will never be playable for me. so i stopped playing. & will till a22(which i prob skip also tbh)


Every time the players find an enjoyable way to play the game TFP change the game so you cant/shouldn't do it anymore, because it's not *the way they think you should play*. They want everyone to play the game the exact way they think it should be played, and no option to play the way you want. They treat their customers as if they are enemies.


At this rate I hope the company goes under or something like that, it's what they deserve at this point.


The people who mod would probably love to not have to fix their mods all the time.


Just like with Bethesda games. They're still updating Skyrim and breaking people's mods and load orders. Undead Legacy isn't out yet largely (though not solely) due to changes in code.


Hear me out... what if they had mannequins like in skyrim where you can fast equip? And the cool part is... the asset ALREADY EXISTS!


Or lockers like in rust


because long term fans know. its not a update/change. its a half baked system to half replace a old system that will never be fleshed out & will add more vestigial game mechanics, that will in no doubt cause more bugs/issue(that prob wont be fixed for months/years/ever) but "its just a beta/aplha/EA game" "if you dont like it dont play it" etc etc etc did the water changes really kill the game like everyone thought? nah. were they better & or worse. about = sideways change. that subjectively you'll like or dislike. but did the devs do a awful job of explaining what it would really be? yes do the devs have the trust of a single player? no is that rightfully earned by the players over 10 years of the game yes. some will like the new changes some wont. but what it will do is fuck with mods for awhile(which is only reason/way most all players play now) & as stated before make more vestigial systems that will (i'll say 100% with confidence) cause a unknown amount of bugs for a unknown amount of time :D personally the magic spawns in poi missions is what broke the game for me & made it not worth playing. which is sad cuz i liked 95% of the update to (i believe it was a21) TLDR: Its less do they like X change & more they dont trust (rightfully so) the funpimps(dev team) to make them good or finished


Because people that have 4000 hours in the game and optimize the fun out of it will have to deal with tediously changing gear for tiny bonuses that don't really matter in the long run.


Honestly, I think if they would add a cosmetic slot for armor like some games do, more people would like it. I know that I would like to change how my character looks. If they did add a cosmetic slot for armor, they could add cloths that give no perks or ability increases, but they just look good and change how you look. The clothes could be found & unlocked from the Needle and Threads magazines.


Still waiting for them to do something about the reading 100 books to unlock stuff. There has got to be a better way.


Because most of them are ugly


My main issue is what you've said, I'll feel like I have to constantly switch armor sets or I'll be missing out on bonuses. Normally I just put on what I like and forget about it but having to regularly change sets adds a level of messing around I'll feel forced into. That and I like to mix and match for cosmetic purposes. I like the idea of what someone else said though where the bonuses come from mods. Also I think people are generally unhappy because the devs seem to be leaning slightly towards "play how WE want you to" (magazine change/ water change)


Honestly if the sets are replacing the entire system of looting individual pieces of armor then that might be why people are upset , youve never mixed and matched armor with clothes you liked? I wont be bothering to update if thats the case


They aren't doing this. You can mix and match as your please, the armor/outfits come in 4 or 5 pieces (head, arms, chest, and legs, possibly shoes but I can't remember); you only get the full set bonus when you have a full set, but as far as the devs have spoken about, at length, in the alpha 21 thread, you will still get the individual bonuses on the pieces themselves, just not the extra effect(s) of having a matching set, like every other game in existence that has a slightly simplified armor system.


The problem with any bonus: If it's small, the game becomes more complicated without noticeable effect. If it's big, you almost have to use it, otherwise you're handicapping yourself. The obvious "solution" is to do activities in long "sessions", so that you can dress optimally without constantly changing. But some of the activities are not very exciting and fun, especially if you do them for too long. Quickly cutting a few trees isn't too bad, but collecting entire stacks of wood just because you're in the lumberjack dress now and want to get all you'll need within the next in game weeks? Boring... So effectively the game increases the impact of the activities the player doesn't enjoy -- either you have to do them in long, unfun grind sessions or you have to do them for longer than designed because you do it without bonus. I think a good idea are sets for certain play styles. We have light and heavy armour at the moment for mobile+sneaky or tanky. Maybe that could be expanded to 3 by making the light armour less stealthy and adding a slower stealth set. But then they'd have to rethink the trigger POIs because stealth alone is not really viable atm.


I guess it just comes down to if you want to optimize or look cool. Surely you'll still be able to mix and match


Because it's stupid. I don't want to have to collect every set for niche needs. This also feels like **yet another** instance of the dev team removing player agency and forcing us to play in way that we don't want to.


Weirdly I think I can see this being part of a push towards rp servers like no pixel? Always thought 7 days would be a good conduit for it, even if you had to turn the hordes off.


I've been looking forward to them since they' where announced but I was kind of hoping they had done more with them. I just wanted 4 piece oufits that had bonuses on them and if you wore matching stuff you got extra. Like a firefighter outfit, cowboy outfit, a suit, sports outfit (college jacket helmet running shoes) etc. Like some options get aren't the best "armor" but are good for other reasons, making you choose been more armor or better function. Instead we get a couple set suits of armor that uggo. Would also like to see a cosmetic system (that's server optional so PvP servers can turn it off). Hopefully they expand on it more (better) in the future.


No one wants to have several sets of armor clogging their inventory to get stat bonuses for different tasks and no one wants to run home to get their mining armor to get 10% ore from nodes... no one wants to run home and or put on a set of heavy armor to get 10% protection and have to take it off because it makes too much noise or makes running/moving speed slower.


personally i hate it for both reasons people hate it, those being 1. it removes the apolcalyptic aspect of having missmatched clothes as we had 10 slots, 4 for armor that being the head, vest, gloves, and boots (the same slots we have in the new version) but we had 6 slots dedicated to clothes and cosmetics like glasses, trench coats which meant we could have a more refined control on how our characters looked as we could have made characters that had looks varying from a badass with sunglasses, a cigar, and a leather jacket to someone looking like an office worker or a school student, and 2. the set bonus is more annoying and makes the game too RPGy imo as that means you have to remember to swap between armor sets to do utility purposes like trading and farming and remember to swap to your combat set which is very annoying and some people dont remember and if they wanted specialized armor they could have allowed armor to have perks but not set bonuses (basically the 1.0 armor without the set bonuses)


The changes suck. Doesn't matter I play Undead Legacy only. Vanilla 7 days be damned.




Who are you telling to calm down wtf


People bitch just to bitch.


People say that to sound clever, but it doesn't work.


Honestly looking forward to this addition and seeing how it plays out. I like the designs we've seen so far. Can't wait to see what else they've got.


Looking forward to collecting all the sets. When i play i go out in the world with purpose so ill wear what set works for that at the time. Not sure what people are fussing about. People just complaining to complain


Because people hate change. Just like in A21 with the water changes and learn by looting. They would rather complain than learn and adjust.


I don't complain about changes I like or ones that makes sense. Making bottles go away and learn by looting are steps backwards for no logical reason.




Who knows? It's almost as if people have played A22 already and know exactly how it impacts the game. Could it be bad? I don't know, and neither do they. But when one likes to do a certain thing, they'll let their imagination take over so they can do that thing. A lot of people just like complaining. There're studies about it. It gives them a sense of superiority and a sense of bonding, amongst other things. I've never experienced a gaming community, like this one, that complains so heavily about such light things.


Personally I think the changes are wonderful. People are being extremely picky and need to appreciate the devs actually adding little things and refining the game rather than overloading with new content because you know what happens when you overload with new content? World of Warcraft’s crazy incoherent leveling and questing happens. I don’t want 7 days to go down the overloaded path. The new armor fits are actually really cool and fit the style of the game very well.


Just use no armor, then there's no reason to be mad


Why did you post this as a question? You already seem to have an answer judging from your comments and just want to argue? If you are that bored from playing A21 that you came on here to argue on the internet, maybe go outside instead? Might be a better use of your time.


My bad man, I'll be sure not to share my own opinions next time. Ignore the discussion tag, I definitely didn't want discourse.