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As a console player, I'm actually thrilled for the re-release. Every time I've typed in "7" in my search bar for thr past 5 years my phone auto fills with "7 days to die console update" because of the sheer number of times I've been checking up since the original console release.


Literally same here... I hated those days bro.


I've been so excited, it's felt like this day would never come


Omg yes I’ve been wanting for the console to catch up with PC for so long I’m so excited we’re finally getting more then just 1 vehicle I know it’s blasphemy more then likely but I’m more excited for the 4X4 and motorcycle then the gyrocopter just any real upgrade to the minibike either in speed or storage honestly can’t wait :) trying not to get over hyped though…


Agreed! I’m super excited to it. Especially cause some of my friends who did play it with me, now own computers and left me in the dust of the console version


Omg 😲 same wtf?


i dunno man, thry prob gonna reschedule it like 5 more time either way.


Watch them do something psycho and drop it 1 day early....maybe 7 days early! Apologies, I've had too much mega crush


nah imagine they drop the update 7 days late💀


7 days to update 🤣


yeah more like 7 years


Would that be game stage 365?


I've been holding off on playing for like 3 months just because I don't want to waste time in a new world seed before it becomes useless. And with my luck it will be just like this, waiting for no reason.


Me too..I play console and I haven't played since I got my PS5 in October. Just waiting.....and waiting...


Oh my god. I started on console and then played it on PC. It's Alot better. I am so excited for you to see all the differences!!!


Same, in fact this game was the reason I finally learned how and built my PC back in A14 and it's still paid for itself twice over the years.


It’s one of the big contributing factors to why me and my gf got PCs


One of the (many) reasons I switched from PlayStation to Xbox, is because the Internet browser on the Xbox is the normal IE browser. So I have my steam account connected to Nvidia GeForce Now and I can run GeForce Now on the browser. So with Xbox you can play console and PC games.


Bro me and my gf just got a pc a week ago and we have been vibing so hard with the new version It’s an AMAZING step up it’s like a whole new game you’ll be vibin for a while




Same here


Overhaul mods. They change the game enough for it to not feel like the base game anyhow. lol.


Is there an actual release date for this?


Experimental on June 24 for PC. I think full release on same day as console, I think July 27?


Yeah probably But apart from that I’m kinda exited for the new armor System


its a good update, but i was so dissapointed when they rescheduled it to july


the stable release is in july, so will the console version. public testing will be available in 5 days from now


Lol @ "stable"... You do know we've been playing this game for almost 12 years or so. Fun pimps + stable doesn't go into the same sentence.


Fun Pimps couldn't create a stable game if they had a decade and then some. How'd I do?


And so what? Let them reschedule it. I’ll be here waiting.


Such a boring and expected response. It's ironic how much shit the devs get for their apparent lack of effort, yet this is the kind of post that gets lots of upvotes.


I'm excited


Yeah me as well


It’s just a lovely game to play :) I don’t care if it’s version 1.0 or an A-version. I love this to play this with my friends ♥️


Honestly, for making one of my most played survival games... I hope it means they make a bunch of money and can support their careers as indie devs.


Haven’t they made enough? 18 Million copies of the game have been sold.


I said it in another comment reply, but that really doesn't equate for that much in the scheme of 47 employees, business expenses, free and discounted copies, etc etc etc... It costs A LOT of money to run a company if its not just you and your friend Bob in a garage. The scrutiny is unjustified given the number of hours played (\*read: enjoyed) by their most vocal player-base.


They only have 47 employees *today*. For much of their history they were nowhere near that number.


But profits close to or even more than 100 million should really be enough! And for the longest time they didn’t have 47 employees(it shows seeing how slow the game has gotten rather meaningless updates)


damn the game looks & plays like a 3 employees game XD


I've bought 2 4 packs of the game pretty sure I paid like 15 to 20 bucks for each 4 pack the game is commonly on steam sells for like 80% off


Lol they already have nine figures in sales.


idk man, i just want a performance patch, the mods do the rest.


Performance mod?


Looking forward to it and I hope The Fun Pimps put out a banger and earn fat stacks


watch, i bet atleast 10 people are going to downvote this because it's something positive towards the game.


And you for calling them out lol


Indeed it was an unexpectedly positive comment to originate from THIS subreddit. I've been here for many years and its always been super negative. Saw the thread pop up and admittedly I only opened it to chuckle at the hot takes and was surprised that a few positive comments made it. I basically expected every comment to be [like this one ](https://www.reddit.com/r/7daystodie/comments/1djrsz4/comment/l9cvwtk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)or worse. I especially like comments who insist its shameful for the devs to have significant mod support because it means they didn't complete their own game. As if mod support happens on accident. But if you asked them about Stardew Valley or Rimworld or dozens of other games with huge amounts of mod support you'll get some sort of "but that's different" argument. Or complain about optimization or jank when, again, many beloved games have issues on both. I don't mind arguments like those, regardless of my personal opinion. Everyone has different values ofc. BUT, I do mind the double standards. Props to those who are consistent across different popular games though. I do find it amusing though that I recognize many of these names from years of commenting here and despite complaining about the game the entire time...they're still here. Occam's Razor: that kinda thing combined with its increasingly good steam chart performance year after year tells me the devs have continuously done something right for years on end.


some people just try to get their rage out on some of my posts. i just got a comment talking about how shitty the magazine system was but it has nothing to do with my discussion i started


As long as the alpha crowd is not the only crowd actually interested in such a game.


Yep, I'm super excited for it. There's always more they can do, but I think people are being ridiculous by hating on it and clearly haven't played most survival games atm that launch as 1.0 with waaaaaaaaaaaay less features and polish than 7 days already has


It's just A22 with a pretty bow on so it can conform to console standards and start charging for DLC. It has taken over a decade to get this far and it is far from "complete". It will likely never be complete and will require mods to fix all the blatant holes and outdated designs.


The biggest problem they have is they don't know what they want the game to be. They keep rebuilding the same systems over and over again, just ping ponging ideas. I like the game once in a while, but calling this version 1.0 is a ridiculous joke. It'll forever be early access in practice.


Well considering Madmole is on record saying if he was solely in charge you wouldn’t be able to dig down below the surface, he is at odds with part of what makes the game so great: the ultimate sandbox-ness of it all.


...where did he figure you were going to get minerals?


Likely outdated node-based design.


For the amount I pay and the amount of time I played, I’ll buy any dlc they put out, they deserve it!


That's where I'm at. I bought it in like 2015 and have put like 800hrs on it. I've gotten my money's worth. I still find it fun as well.


me too - i'd buy it again I have got so much playtime out of it.


Still beats any other sandbox survival game so there’s that.


PZ would like a word.


In the PZ sub maybe yeah. Jk


If they can start making money on DLC, then maybe development will happen a bit quicker no? I mean after some point, primary sales will severely diminish and the returns on their time investment will reach 0? Despite your qualms with the game, I'm willing to bet its still one of your most played.


I mean they already should have loads of money… 18 million copies sold…


18 million sold but the game goes on sell often and for cheap I think I got a 4 pack for like 15 20 bucks 5 or 6 years ago


Even if we they sold half of that 18 million copies for 5 bucks and rest for full price of 20 dollars then it would come out to over 200 million dollars. Obviously this figure is very rudimentary it could be even higher, doubt is lower but obviously those 200mil aren’t profits, there’s all taxes/fees, etc. Steam takes 30% cut I think? And obviously development costs but still in the end they should have profited close to 100 million dollars.


Dunno, I paid something stupid like £6 for this. Flawed? Yup. Worth it? Definitely.


They added content and improved graphics, but the freedom of gameplay styles has been increasingly constrained since a16. Unfortunate direction imo


I mean, I've played enough EA titles to expect the 1.0 release to be the next alpha. I'll still play it and have fun, it's just no different to me than the other versions so far.


I mean, isn't it just that? Don't they only call it 1.0 to not get in trouble with the console release?


can anyone else not wait for the workshop to open? like imagine just downloading a mod from the steam workshop and it being like an M16 or a new POI or vehicle. It’ll be super fucking dope


Is that the plan? That will be the best.


Too many promised / removed features. That pretty much covers it... https://www.reddit.com/r/7daystodie/s/s53ZrE0jLI


Great list! I hate it


Really well done list - I look forward to heavily modding the game like I do with Minecraft. I do enjoy the base game, but there are a lot of changes I’d want in order to play it more than the 622 hours I’ve already put in since 2014.


I mean people were being banned on recent streams for asking about console updates, that sort of killed it


I had completely forgotten about the smell mechanics


Looking forward to it. Only thing I'm slightly worried about is "no clothing" just "armor sets." That seems like it will feel much more like an arcade game than a survival game.


Took long enough. (Console player)


pls be optimised


Been playing it since A16 and each update, loved each one. I am really excited for 1.0. Gonna be a blast


They are going to get a lot of publicity for 1.0 release and there will be a lot of negativity about the game that might shock people who play it currently. 7 Days was a massive game when it was in kickstarter back yonks ago and most those players have stopped playing and might come back for a 1.0. The vision of the game is completely different now. Then you'll have your streamers and youtubers who will review the game since it is finally "released" and who knows what they'll think.


I'm having fun with the game. Paid only $7 for it and have more than gotten my money's worth out of it. They (TFP) not only let us download and play previous versions of the game, but they have also made the game super-moddable. Regardless of what the next version holds, there really isn't room for complaint for anyone playing on PC since either (or both) the above could be done.


If it takes a large team 10-11 years in "alpha" to release a game, something is not right with that developer. This isn't Elder Scrolls they're making here. I always try to have good faith, but something really seems slimey with how they've operated over the years.


Well I think the issue as people have mentioned is that for every step forward they take, they also take one back so they never really make any 'Progress' to the finish line.


I paid a fairly small amount for the game years ago and have played it for thousands of hours. I often wondered how they could afford to keep improving the game over so many years without me giving them more money. I feel like the game was of a high enough standard to be a full 1.0 release many years ago. No slime on me. ![gif](giphy|xTk9ZWC982LBvT4Zk4|downsized)


well only these past like 1-3 years it's been a larger team. the first like 12 alphas where just 4 developers and a couple of artists. only more recently TFP has been hiring dozens of people to work on the game. not trying to defend TFP too much, ur point is still valid. its taking them way too long to develop. but it's not as crazy as u might think


I thought I would be 90 years old before I saw this happen.. I'm hype, props to the devs. I'm sure they'll continue on


I'm thrilled that console players finally get to experience our version of the game. I am looking forward to the armor and quest additions.


As a gamer who prefers to chill on console in my old age, I am happy that I will have a copy to do that with.


First stoked for console players getting the new version. Second I just want more variety and optimization. I wanna crank the zombie count stupid high and not see slideshow.


Let do this! Come on!


Its weird. Kinda like watching your kid grow up. But I’m excited I think to see if it’s going to really blow up. I think it really has potential to be pretty popular. But it could just be the way it is now.


i mean the game is big enough, TFP has been making the game for over a decade now at this point. especially if they have dozens of people on their team. they for sure have enough profit to keep going


am i a psychopath for being most excited about the new armor aesthetics (not even gameplay changes) and the fact your hands will reflect what you're wearing? also new character creator holy


i am hyped for that myself, i lost my mind when i found out they are remodeling the vehicles


We will see more things dumbed down to cater to the console crowd.


Ehh… not great tbh Honestly, I miss the way things were awhile ago When you could still loot stuff from the zombie’s corpses & before the Traders were the primary way of getting good loot. And also being able to loot tf outta all the cabinets in a building instead of the odd designated spots there are now. Reducing the power of Traders, IMO, wouldn’t fix the issue where they’re the ABSOLUTE BEST way of getting good loot because all the other avenues CURRENTLY take such a degree of time & effort to get anything of good value that it’s not really worth it On, and apparently Zombies beeline into the structural supports of your base now, which is…. A choice. Wasn’t aware every zombie in the area was an architect before they turned & can still use their fetid brains enough to just instantly look at a building’s exterior & find what wall is the lode-bearing wall. Also, now that you can’t get loot from zombies (besides the immersion-breaking neon bags that pop into reality randomly & rarely), there’s no incentive to engage with them except on Blood Moons, and even then Can’t get bones from the zombies now, nor their rotting flesh for fertilizer. No minor loot like the moldy sandwiches/spam sandwiches/meds from nurse zombies & neat lil’ zombie-type-specific loot The game feels like it’s not even sure of what direction it wants to go in, & it suffers greatly for that.


Either way it’s not really a big thing to me. I’m more excited for overhauls for 1.0. Darkness falls 1.0 makes me happy to thinking about


I've said it before I'll say it again, lag will still be an issue in cities and T5s. They may have made optimizations but they also increased dismemberment and particles on all zombies. This makes me sad but I'm expecting it :(


Yea like, i don't understand why they tweak particles and add dismemberment when the game is barely optimised. On their very own streams, you'll see framerate dip and stutters... it reeks of incompetency


100% agree brother


I will most likely just wait for Darkness Falls to be updated and play that.


Overall… so much fun. Countless hours of fun. But somehow, disappointing? I think the fact we can have this game be THIS unpolished but remain so loved and relevant is a huge credit to the developers and mostly the community. Maybe in a few updates the game becomes perfected, maybe it doesnt. But personally, im going to love every time i play it


I hope they never bring jars back so that people always have something to bitch about.


I have very mixed feelings on the armor system. Great that the visual quality is going up, and that they seem to provide some room for horizontal gearing, but making the set bonuses so powerful is going to pigeonhole a lot of builds into one specific armor set and set of perks. It feels like we're about to lose a lot of flexibility, and that's assuming the armor isn't going to progress like weapons do with the steel / military fabric sets being clearly better than the iron / leather and scrap / cloth sets. If 1.0 hits and it turns out not going with the Raider / Military / Enforcer sets is a handicap once the game stage climbs, I'll be a little disappointed. That and the loss of clothing axes a lot of the customization and will probably make weather effects virtually negligible. Edit: Hell, making a personal note here, if the armor balance is fucked up I'll do a mod to fix it.


Bro what they’re getting rid of clothing? Wtf are the devs smoking? I’ve never seen a dev team make so many bad decisions before.


Bad... So we've made crafting and progressing annoying and stupid, and now armor, yes it needed changes for interesting build making and having more variety but why do they have to give you quirky abilities and stuff like mining and looting?? It's a SURVIVAL game not an RPG fantasy game If they wanted ways to give you bonus effects... Just add learn by doing from A16 but patch the cheese that's it 😭 They reinvent the wheel and fix what isn't broken then actually giving good content and fixing and giving QOL to horde nights, progression, making more weapons unique over one another, perks, crafting and more qols to multiplayer, more performance? (I know they made a few changes for 1.0 but still)


My final and actually current thought right now is FOR YALL TO HURRY THE FUCK UP AND RELEASE IT!!!! I can’t wait to be screaming while running through buildings and getting trapped while trying to fight n survive. I miss play it so much lmao (I’m an Xbox X console peasant so be easy on me)


The devs just want more money. They kicked dirt doing fuck all for 10 years and probably just can’t afford to not charge for dlcs/updates/console release


Look, I'm here, I have reasonably big hours in the game, it is fun at its core, so I'm not a "hater". I like a lot about 7d2d, I just don't believe we need to only ever blow positivity up any company's butt if we like their end product and can never raise issues ever like little sycophants. And THIS, here, your post, is my real qualm with TFPs. I cannot help but make the comparison to the Forest each time here... which had a smaller team (they've only just reached 19, and it was much less at the start) and kicked off at roughly the same time, and that smaller team have produced not 1, but 2, decently optimized, fully storied, and stable final release games in less than the time TFPs have been playing with b00bie jiggle physics, whining about the 'difficulty' of zombie color reskins (when modders seem to be able to insert completely new meshes and zombie types with reasonable ease) and NOT addressing core issues like frame drops and lack of story. If TFP AREN'T just in it for the money (which is the impression I get too), then they are seriously incompetent at managing their image.


Literally they've just been jacking off with remaking the mechanics of the game while ignoring the big issues like having a narrative, or optimising the game so I get more than 6fps during a high rise t6 mission. 


I'm as excited as anyone would be with a mistery box, it will probably die out pretty fast


I haven’t played for a couple years. My single biggest complaints in the past were performance / optimization. Am I going to be disappointed with 1.0?


We will all find out Monday when Experimental 1.0 releases. Or watch one of the hundreds of streamers this weekend.


Looking forward to most of it and the game's future, but disappointed the game is going to 1.0 with such a boring crafting progression system (magazines). Thankfully mods help us change the game the way we want


im hyped man, i think that most-for not saying all- of the changes updates make a lot of sense and aim for a much more enjoyable journey


Optimalization will suck ass in ver. 1.0.


I am looking forward to it some of the changes looks good and the large amount of Pois will be nice to explore.


First ordet of besnus, get the New 4x4, as a truck guy Myself I NEED THAT THING IN MY LIFE


Its gonna run like total crap


Same as all versions before...I'll happily play


Umm hurry up. I’ve been waiting on this’ “it’s coming soon bs for years now”


Final thoughts? To quote Leonard Washington. "Roll the dice u ashy motha' fuka' , get the game started "


Im excited, despite many broken promises and a dev team who doesn’t listen too well to feedback. I adore this game but too many wasted resources during development, I anticipate mods will be fixing most of the community complaints.


Solidly "meh". They're "releasing" it. It's not done. It's a stunt. I bet good money it still runs like actual shit and has no optimization at all done.


Well thing is that since its Voxel game then I somewhat understand why the game isn’t going to run the smoothest all the time but also I don’t get why the devs burden the game even more with the new dismemberment effect, etc.


Fully under the impression it's to ditch this game and start advertising the 7 days Blood Moon crap.


Fucked up. Really. I don't know how people are excited for that. Maybe they don't know how good the game was before. At this point they are actively trying to milk the people any way possible. Thank God the modders else this game would suck 1000% more. No one i repeat NO ONE can say this js actually improvement considering its history.


Vanilla will always be boring as hell. That is why we've been playing overhaul mods for the last 10+ years or so.


I think it's gonna flop hard, they don't listen to the community. Could have been 10x better if they did. And the fact that cross platform isn't part of it kinda shows how.little they care about it.


I still dont understand the removal of jars, that entire update just felt like it was taking away from the game. why force players grinding POI's for water? saving every single jar for crafting, dont you dare drink muh craftin water. it singlehandedly makes that one helmet mod wipe all the drinking water problem out of the game. and it still feels annoying to find for crafting. And now they show off the new character models they worked so hard for, just to cover the character up completely with armor. Idk, it seems like a bunch of effort being put in all the wrong places. I've said for years to my friends, why dont they give us more variety of vehicles? focus on core gameplay mechanics? instead we get new skins for zombies, cars, and armor. I was pleasantly surprised my the two seater gyro copter, but why stop there? and why do the gyrocopter controls HAVE TO SUCK?! have they played ANY other game with flying implemented?


I would've really appreciated an overhaul to vehicles, particularly the 4x4. Imagine if it had any torque at all, and proper ground clearance, it would be really fun to just drive it through the mountains and make trails for it.  As it is, I just default to the copter so I don't have to get out and repair my gigantic armoured monster truck every time I hit a dog


I'll be kind of bummed that it's not going to have anymore features to look forward to every year. Weird they'd skip betas and go straight to 1.0. The game in it's current state isn't very well optimized or stable.


development is not over! there are plenty more updates to come after 1.0


sometimes it is time to move on.


wait WHAT? isnt this game like 10 years old at this point? doesn seem to me like those version numbers are relevant at all in this industry any more. just some kind of sales gimmick really


I hate the changes to the leveling system so much. Genuinely the worst thing ever added to a video game.


I want jars back..


When is it supposed to release? I assumed it was gonna be delayed


they claimed it's going public on june 24th (5 days) but we will see if it is delayed


I want it now


Is the story they hinted at finally coming to the game?


Needs at least a other 7 years to implement


Man, me and gf miss playing this on Xbox one.


I think that it's going to be a more of a glow up than anything else. I am certain that the game won't feel like it's 1.0 for years to come. For me, a true 1.0 would be a massive update, basically the entire roadmap they had planned. I am still excited about it but in order to have the best experience, I have really low expectations and so should you!


I know a lot of people aren’t too happy with the upcoming update, since it’s pretty much the same with just a few changes, but this game has been under development for over 10 years, and every little update is welcomed (at least for me). I know there should be more progress by now but, hey, it is what it is.


My aunt won’t let me have my computer in her house because it is very large so I haven’t been able to play yet, trying to get a gaming laptop so I can actually do shit cuz I don’t have a computer rn


well i bet you wouldn't have the laptop for long. it will probably overheat during a bloodmoon


I have owned it for so long, I will buy another copy to pitch in. I am probably way under one penny per hour of enjoyment.


My thought is that it Will fxck my investment of building extremely large monument that took couple month of all Day build. I very hope you will be able to fix an update of private server that wont make us loose our investment other way we probably find something else to play on 🤍


Dropped the Vanilla game since the dumb update that fored you to do dungeons honestly. If that update will make modding easier then i am happy.


Just to confirm are there any major changes coming with it? Like between alphas the whole point was to introduce, take out or modify systems and mechanics till they found the balance they liked. Then the point of 1.0 is they're now happy enough with it to say this is the game we wanted to make. So it will in large part be very much what we already have right? There´s new questing coming in 1.0 I heard which is great but anything else big?


you mean 2025 road ahead? thats 1.0 for me tbh,


An old code base that's been hit by a truck and roll over by rush hour traffic on I80, basically like a old dog you have you still love him but there's only so much you can do to help.


Man I had hopes for this game years and years back now honestly it’s so off the radar it’s not even funny so my thoughts would be holy shit there’s still people playing this game eh?


We can't play and this makes us a dull boy


i want my bandits and bandit's camps


I hope it runs good on xbox. ![gif](giphy|xT9IgEx8SbQ0teblUQ|downsized)


Same replacing things that work with dumbed-down implementations as the last few alphas. Will wait for mods to salvage something from it.


Its about time been way to long


I still miss you, my jar


Good stuff, would have wanted more zombie models, more/different trader quests (like rush X on timer, racing quests and so on), more tiers and levels on weapons and workstations and so on... but it's fine, I am waiting for Undead Legacy to fix all this and saving my first 1.0 play through until then! :)


Why are we getting magical armor?


I would much rather it come out as beta not a full release right now. As I'm aware of the fact that it was in development for almost 11 years now, it is still a buggy, laggy, piece of game. The UI looks like it's from excel, and models are just weird mix of triple A and junk. I don't see any sense in improving graphics since most of the people will set everything to lowest because of the frame rate. I think it's more logical to not focus on details of the game but on the overall aesthetic. I thing the assets don't really fit as a whole but are just there cus dev's think they look cool. The art direction has very 2014 look which I find cringe. Well sorry for this rant, here's TL;DR: 7dtd is buggy and laggy with an outdated UI and inconsistent models, needing a focus on overall aesthetics and performance.


When does it release?


about bloody time!


I’m happy for console players to finally be able to see how much worse the games skill systems have gotten. Worse for them is that they can’t even cover up that garbage with an overhaul mod that doesn’t treat skill acquisition like a book scavenger hunt.


Sure there's a million and one things that could be changed tbh, but I'm just happy for a large update regardless. It's nice to have a reason for me and the gang to revisit the game again. We're all excited lol.


I'm mostly excited about having a stable base that modders can create new experiences with. I'll play the vanilla experience but I see this more as a sandbox game. One thing I'm concerned about is that certain issues will not be fixable by modding (such as triggered zombie spawns that appear behind you in a zone you cleared)


It looks good but there are wey to meny things that can go wrong smaler amount of custmization of characters. Fever armors for example.


Just upgraded my ram to mid level 32 gigs and a 4060 oc wind force from 16 gigs of shit, underspeed ram and my Google old 1060 6 gb today in preparation. Have my second system (absorbing my castoffs) ready to go for dedicated server. Let’s go!


A whole lot of meh... Removing clothes and taking away an armor piece leaving 4 pieces of gear for your character is a garbage simplification of an already terribly simple equipment system Just screams dumbing it down for console gamers like dragon age 2 equipment system compared to dragon age 1 Slowing progression is great playing afterlife atm and that feels like a survival game, unlike 7 days in its current state where survival is an afterthought in a zombie looter shooter New pois are fantastic New character models are great 1.0 as a whole feels like one giant "we wanna monetise the game more so we are releasing it to then charge for bandits as a DLC" (wasteland mod already does bandits pretty damn well)


It’s not hard to have an accurate prediction on what’s going to happen. We know that the game isn’t optimized and lagged like crazy during recent dev streams. We also know that a decade into development they’re probably slim on cash, especially after (finally) hiring more employees. We also know that they can’t decide what the game is supposed to be and keep changing things for funsies .. (Side point we also know that the devs don’t even understand the games core systems) We that being said it’s going to be a huge short term success, generate them tons of money, and then their reputation is going to take again.. But this time, worse because this is an unoptimized glitchy game that is a “1.0”. They’ll have a hard time selling DLC in the future. I wish the game would be improved but year in year out they focus on the wrong things


I wanna be able to pick how I level up in any given game session. My favorite was make things -> get better at making those things. It made sense! Read a book/magazine to level skills is cool but also frustratingly time consuming if you’re not finding the literature you need.


I’m really gonna miss it ! I feel like this is gonna be nostalgic for me but I’m so excited for the update to come either way


I dont really like the quest system or how every POI has a gimmick. Big immersion breakers for me. Was hoping they were just experimenting and would strike a better balance before 1.0.


I miss the old systems where it was a world infested with zombies, not just an empty world with zombie themed house puzzles.


I'm still pissed off, but I understand games aren't cheap and cost money to make. I just wish they handled it better for the console users. Making me rebuy the game on PC. Now I gotta buy it a 3rd time for my Series X so me and my kid and I can play together.


I just hope the game will be optimized


Isn't 1.0 just a22 rebranded and they're not feature locked and optimized?


So has there been a set date for the release? I haven't seen anything yet.


streamer weekend starts tommorrow, and ends at sunday i believe. the update goes public in experimental this monday. stable release in late july


The dev streams have left me feeling disinterested in watching the streamer weekend. I feel like I got enough from the dev streams and would rather experience 1.0 in detail for myself than watching the streams. If I hadn't watch the dev streams I would've been interested in watching the streamer weekend footage.


I'm looking forward to playing it. A lot of the changes seem great.


I used to play nothing but console 7 Days before I upgraded to a PC, I’m happy that the console community finally gets the love it deserves and that I don’t need to build or buy another PC for my spouse to play with me now too.


Easy: Yawn….🥱


probably another change, yet not so drastical, i'd say it means just less of broken, glich saved bloodmoon bases, like current V2 railing




Holy shit this game still hasn’t released?


Get rid of the f***ing magazine bullsh*t. Worst system they have had. Almost unplayable for me.


My final thoughts are for TFP to cancel the 1.0 release temporarily, go back in and actually fix the parts of the game the community as a whole is complaining about instead of focusing on pretty assets. Don't do another Alpha, just fix the game. I mean damn, modders like Subquake, KhaineGB, and JaxTeller are doing a better job at addressing what the community wants to see than the actual devs of the game. Call those guys in. Pick their brains. Compensate the appropriately, or even better, employ them. Then make the game reach the potential it could have been at for a while. Otherwise, I, and a significant portion of the community are going to play the vanilla release for a week and then fire up the ModLoader.


Sure, we've waited 10 years, what's a bit more time for the actual release?


It’s about time…


Zonmbie :D


All I care about is if the stuttering gets fixed.


Anyone trying to play 7 days I love the game just have no one to play with