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ha! would be a nice horde base build.


I'm sure it would be dope while having gyrocopter :D


Amen. I built a vehicle jump ramp in our current world to test how far we could float before landing. (BDubs dirt bike holds the current record) But I found it has a terrific secondary use as a Gyrocopter launching platform which turns out to be very helpful to players new to flying the gyro.


Looks like that's your end game zone then ;)


until they finally dig through to the other side.


That would be where the Borg live.


Resistance is futile, every 7 days.




Lol, doesn't look like it at all but I immediately thought about this too when I saw the image.


The road in picture 3 just reminds me of that one spongebob episode where they go into Rock Bottom and the road is straight vertical lmao


Yes😂😂😂💀 thats fucking awesome


Plot twist: It's part of the story.


It is an issue with your computer during world generation OR it’s just bad world generation but if I were you I would random gen a smaller map. 10k is HUGE especially for an unoptimized game. Even the best computer rigs can generate those “cubes”.


I've only ever done 10k maps and never seen this. Only world gen glitch I've seen if when you accidentally gen a map under the same name.


I have a pretty beefy rig and can confirm, my 10 does that as well. Most of the time I aim for 8


Is that true? Do your computer specs really affect world gen results?? That is so weird


So basically when you travel to the location the computer can’t quite render the world as it should be and thus you end up with large chunks that are raised, large empty chunks, or just plain empty void. The issue with empty and large chunks are that once the area has been rendered through computer saves that area and thinks it’s done . It then pats itself on the back and takes a breather lol


Looks like you’re at rock bottom from that one SpongeBob episode


That brings back memories


Seriously! I haven't seen one of these in years! My first map also had floating stuff that I hadn't seen floating gens in just as long!


Possibly you made the wrong size map. It has to be made in multiples of 1024, I believe.


Brings back memories, do you happen to have an AMD GPU? I know a lot of world gen issues only affected AMD GPUs for some reason back in the day.


Interesting. This happened several times to me a lot of Alphas ago. Never thought AMD CPU was linked. I indeed have an AMD CPU.


It's amazing how they keep bringing back bugs from YEARS ago for 1.0 lol It's like the Legion of Doom, a rogues gallery of the most popular bugs all crammed into one version


Unless they've changed randogen again, this is a relatively common issue with them. I couldn't tell you why, if the chunk wasn't loading properly or what, but I've seen this happen more than I'd like to admit. Often times the terrain seems super duper flat around it, so I expect it's an issue with y-axis generation, usually regarding hills, dictating chunks instead. There are some other cases where this is a visual bug, or a bug where the world is not properly loaded in. But no, this is not exclusive to you, nor is it exclusive to this version.


That giant dirt plateau is just screaming “make an epic base upon me!”


Looks natural


Try running the generation again. These weird formations can happen when the data in the [Worlds] folder doesn't correlate to the data in the [GeneratedWorlds] folder. It's possible there was a hiccup when generating the world. Otherwise, break out the SMG in the CM menu and blow that shit up. lol


The only time it's happened to me is I was showing the partner how I genned my world AND didn't know it would save over my world. SMDH. World wiped lol after my town ended in cliffs. 🤣 At least I was only a few days in.


This used to happen to me a lot around my bases and would freak me out. Have you tried walking through it? When I experienced this is nothing more than a graphical issue, the dirt wasn’t actually there, just looks like it is there.


I had this happen back in A17 after an update I did not regenerate the map and the new POIs would spawn on top of these raised cube


We have had this happen before. Say ground is the 0 position. That block ended up being above the 0. We have had the lab in darkness falls spawn below 0, making it impossible to beat. The only fix is to regenerate.


When did TFP add earthquakes and fault fracture lines to the game? 😉 Always thought earthquakes would be a great addition to spice up an online world.....imagine trying to build up your bases to survive them.


That's cool af, build yourself some lore around that ;)


The local HOA told someone they needed to make their yard a little more uplifting, and they took it all too seriously.


interresting to have bicycle by start of day 3 already. that means basically 5 quests per day. thats very fast for early game. but maybe its a different difficulty aswell. make good use of the sky raised POi ! you aint getting that again anytime soon.


Yeah, I've done many quests, I have more than 1k hours on the game, so I am trying to be quick with it :D and it is a warrior difficulty.


That's crazy that's like a war of the walkers spawn


I had a similar glitch in Alpha 19. 1/4 of the map was down to bedrock and had towered POIs. The rest was just fine.


Minecraft farlands


I say climb it and build off of it, it might be an awesome horde base or a jump off for a super cool normal base


fuck it. make a big ramp for you're vehicle's


The only time it's happened to me is I was showing the partner how I genned my world AND didn't know it would save over my world. SMDH. World wiped lol after my town ended in cliffs. 🤣 At least I was only a few days in.


The only time it's happened to me is I was showing the partner how I genned my world AND didn't know it would save over my world. SMDH. World wiped lol after my town ended in cliffs. 🤣 At least I was only a few days in.